Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Configuring and Administering the Siebel ADM Framework > Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents >

Deploying a Sample ADM Package

This topic is a step in Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents.

This topic describes how you deploy a sample package to verify that ADM and the Siebel Management Server function correctly. For more information on the overall deployment process, see Overview of the Siebel ADM Deployment Process.

To deploy a sample package using ADM

  1. Verify that the deploy_enterprise_name.bat file, which is located in the MgmtSrvrInstallDir directory, correctly references the packages directory for ADM.

    For example, the file must contain an entry similar to the following:

    set ADM_PACK_LOC=C:\MgmtSrvrInstallDir\ADM\packages

  2. Open a command window, and navigate to the Siebel Management Server installation directory.
  3. Execute the following command to load the package named sample:

    deploy_enterprise_name load username password sample

    In this case, the package specified is the sample package, which is provided in the Siebel Management Server installation location noted in Step 1.

    For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

  4. Execute the following command to create an ADM deployment session for the package named sample:

    deploy_enterprise_name create username password sample

  5. Execute the following command to complete the deployment of the package named sample:

    deploy_enterprise_name copy username password sample

  6. Execute the following command to activate the application customizations contained in the package named sample:

    deploy_enterprise_name activate username password sample

  7. Execute the following command to display the deployment status summary of the package named sample:

    deploy_enterprise_name status username password sample

NOTE:  If you need to redeploy the sample package in case of errors, redo the copy command. You must acknowledge the session, and create a new session, regardless of whether the first attempt was successful. To redeploy to another Siebel Enterprise Server, use the appropriate batch file, and start from the create command, because the package has already been loaded.

Sample output of successful sample package deployment using ADM

The following is an example of the output you would receive for a successful deployment of the sample package using ADM:

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel load SADMIN SADMIN sample

Success Package 'sample' has been successfully loaded into database.

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel create SADMIN SADMIN sample

Success Session was created successfully for package 'sample'.

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel validate SADMIN SADMIN sample

Package Name sample

All validation succeeded.

Validation rules of deployment types that are deployed to same server have been

merged. Please check log for details.

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel valent SADMIN SADMIN sample

Failure option 'sample' not found.

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel copy SADMIN SADMIN sample -async

Success Deployment for package 'sample' started.

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel status_detail SADMIN SADMIN sample
Package Name               sample
Enterprise Name            siebel
Session Number             466
Session Status             Deployment Started
Session Execution Status    Not Running

Group ID  Group Name              Unit ID  Unit Name
Start Time          Last Modified          Status              Execution Status
Server Name

942       File Group - Webmaster  51439    webmaster/enu/images/ebus.gif
1/19/07 2:28:40 PM  1/19/07 2:28:59 PM      Migration Complete  Not Running


944        Database Group         51435    database/42-5FNZY_Responsibility.xml
1/19/07 2:28:21 PM  1/19/07 2:29:14 PM       Deployment Complete  Not Running

Total Number of Units     10
Total Units Completed     4
Total Units Not Started   0
Total Units Failed        0
Total Units Running        0

C:\adm\mgmtsrvr>deploy_siebel activate SADMIN SADMIN sample

Success Command completed successfully.

If a sample package session fails to deploy, run deploy_siebel status_detail to get detailed information and review it. For example:

deploy_siebel status_detail SADMIN SADMIN sample

After that, run deploy_siebel stop to cancel the current session and deploy_siebel delete to undo the copy, and then start again. For example:

deploy_siebel load SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel create SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel copy SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel stop SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel acknowledge SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel delete SADMIN SADMIN sample

deploy_siebel load SADMIN SADMIN sample

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