Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Deploying a Siebel ADM Package > Administering the Siebel ADM Deployment Execution >

Reviewing an ADM Deployment's Status

This topic is part of Administering the Siebel ADM Deployment Execution.

This topic describes the various ways you can review the status of an Application Deployment Manager (ADM) deployment.

After executing the copy and restore commands, the progress of the deployment, at the unit level, automatically displays in the command-line window. You have the option to configure the status intervals by setting the block size for record level notification. For example, you can set the status to display for every 10 records that are deployed.

To set the block size for record level notification

  1. Launch the Siebel Web Client. If it is already running, restart it.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises, and then the Component Definitions view.
  3. In the Component field, query for Application Deployment Manager Processor.
  4. In the Component Parameters applet, query for NoOfRecords in the Param field.
  5. Update the Value field for the NoOfRecords parameter:
    • If the value is less than or equal to zero, then the notification is considered as unit level.
    • If the value is greater than zero, then the notification is considered as block level.

      NOTE:  If the value is greater than the actual total number of records in the package, then only the actual total number of records in the package are deployed.

In addition, ADM offers a set of command-line interface commands that provide a status of the ADM deployment at either the server, group, or unit level or provides feedback on the history of the deployment.

The following subtopics describe the various status reporting commands of the ADM command-line interface:

Reviewing the Status of an ADM Deployment Session

These commands or combination of commands provide feedback on the progress of the ADM deployment session at various levels. Several optional command-line flags that further define the status review task are described in Table 11.

Table 11. Optional Command-Line Flags While Reviewing the Status of an ADM Session


Lists the details of the latest sessions of a given package for all Siebel Enterprise Servers, rather than the details of a single session corresponding to the given package in the given Siebel Enterprise Server. Use with the review status detail (status_detail and status_detail_srt_column_name) commands.


Lists the details of only those ADM deployment sessions with pending actions (actions that are not started or not complete). Used with the review status detail (status_detail and status_detail_srt_column_name) commands.


Sorts the output by column name (GroupID, GroupName, UnitID, UnitName, Start Time, Last Modified, Status, Execution Status, ServerName). Use with the review status detail (status_detail and status_detail_srt_column_name) commands.


Reverses the default sort order (descending) of the output. Use with the review status detail (status_detail and status_detail_srt_column_name) commands.

To review the status summary of an ADM deployment session

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name status username password package_name

    For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

    The status command displays a summary of the deployment status of a package.

To review the status detail of an ADM deployment session

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name status_detail username password package_name

    The status_detail command displays the following deployment status details of a package:

    • Package name
    • Siebel Enterprise Server name
    • Session number
    • Session status
    • Session execution status
    • Total number of units
    • Total units completed
    • Total units not started
    • Total units failed
    • Total units running

      For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

      The status_detail command can also use the optional flags described in Table 11. The status display is updated automatically as the deployment progresses.

      NOTE:  For ADM deployment sessions run in asynchronous mode, the status detail displays only once. To view updates to the status details as the deployment progresses, use the track command. For more information on the track command, see To review the status details of an ADM deployment session deployed in asynchronous mode.

To review the status detail (sorted by specified column) of an ADM deployment session

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name status_detail_srt_column_name username password package_name

    This command displays the following deployment status details of a package, sorted by the column name specified at the command-line:

    • Package name
    • Siebel Enterprise Server name
    • Session number
    • Session status
    • Session execution status
    • Total number of units
    • Total units completed
    • Total units not started
    • Total units failed
    • Total units running

      Column names that can be used with this command include:

    • grp. Displays the deployment status details of a package sorted by Group Name.
    • start. Displays the deployment status details of a package sorted by Start Time.
    • mod. Displays the deployment status details of a package sorted by Last Modified.
    • stat. Displays the deployment status details of a package sorted by Unit Status.
    • srvr. Displays the deployment status details of a package sorted by Server Name.

      For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

      The status_detail_srt_column_name command can also use the optional flags described in Table 11.

To review the status details of an ADM deployment session deployed in asynchronous mode

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name track username password package_name

    The track command displays the following deployment status details of a package:

    • Package name
    • Siebel Enterprise Server name
    • Session number
    • Session status
    • Session execution status
    • Total number of units
    • Total units completed
    • Total units not started
    • Total units failed
    • Total units running

      The status display updates automatically as the deployment progresses.

      For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

To review the errors encountered during an ADM deployment session

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name status_error username password package_name

    For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

    The status_error command displays the error status of the package.

To review the history of deployment sessions based on an ADM package

  • At the ADM command-line prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name history username password package_name

    For more information about the syntax elements of this command, see About the Siebel ADM Command-Line Interface Syntax.

    The history command displays the history of all the commands run on that particular package during that particular session.

Creating an ADM Deployment Report

The report command creates a report, in the form of an HTML file, detailing the performance of the ADM deployment session, including success or failure information for each database unit. The command also returns the name of the report, along with its location (full file path), at the command line. Finally, the report displays automatically in a browser.

To create an ADM deployment session report

The ADM framework has several logging features that document the ADM deployment process in case of incorrect deployment or other issues. For more information on troubleshooting or logging, see Siebel ADM Logging Capabilities and Troubleshooting.

Creating a Destination Map for File Directories

The genmap and genmap_all commands create a report that lists the files that are deployed to the target environment. These commands also list the server to which each files was deployed.

The default filename for this report is mapfile.xml, which is located in the MgmtSrvrInstallDir\log directory. The filename and location can be changed by modifying the value of the ADM_MAP_FILE parameter in the deployment batch file.

These commands use several switches, as described in Table 12. To modify the switches, edit the deploy_enterprise_name.bat file.

Table 12. Switches Used While Creating a Destination Map
Mandatory or Optional


Function, uses genmap as its value.



All, lists all files that are deployed (including those that failed). For example:
-a all



Filename, specifies XML output filename. Default filename is mapfile.xml.



Package, specifies the package name.



Enterprise name, specifies the Siebel Enterprise Server name.


To create a destination map of only those files that are successfully deployed

To create a destination map of all files that are deployed (including those that failed)

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