Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension >

About Configuring Siebel Business Applications

The Siebel Enterprise Server components you can install include Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, Database Configuration Utilities, and EAI Connector (support files). After installing these components, or the Siebel Web Server Extension, you configure these modules by using the Siebel Configuration Wizard, as described in this chapter. The installation for these modules is described in Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.

The Siebel Configuration Wizard framework supports configuration tasks for the Siebel Enterprise Server components, the Siebel database, the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), Siebel Management Agent, and Siebel Management Server. Multiple configuration wizards are provided for these modules, supporting different configuration tasks. Within each task, most of the screens provide explanatory information about the settings you are prompted to make. Some configuration wizard tasks can be run multiple times, while others must be run only once.

NOTE:  Keep track of which configuration tasks you have performed and which you have not yet performed. Some tasks to configure Siebel Business Applications modules or to remove configuration data have dependencies on other tasks having been performed. Removing existing configuration data is required before uninstalling particular modules. For tasks to remove configuration data, see Process of Removing Configuration Data.

For detailed information about the configuration wizards and their options and settings, see Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference.

NOTE:  In general, after you perform a migration installation for Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE, you do not have to run the Siebel Configuration Wizards again. However, if you do have to run these wizards for any reason, then you must run the wizards that were installed for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version See also Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013.

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