Using Siebel Tools > Localizing Strings and Locale Data > Configuring Symbolic Strings >

Creating a New Symbolic String

You create a new symbolic string.

To create a new symbolic string

  1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter allows you to create a new symbolic string.

    For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

  2. Log in to Siebel Tools and display the Symbolic String object type.

    For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

  3. In the Object Explorer, click Symbolic String.
  4. In the Symbolic Strings list, create a new record using values from the following table.


    Enter a unique name for this symbolic string. For more information about the prefix that Siebel Tools adds to the name of any custom symbolic string you create, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

    String Value

    Enter the text that this symbolic string displays. In some situations, this value might be a value that Siebel Tools determines according to the current language mode and the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale object. For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

    Siebel Tools truncates any trailing spaces you enter, including full width spaces in Japanese.


    Enter text that describes the purpose of this symbolic string.


    Set this property to the project you create in Creating a Project for Your Symbolic Strings.

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