Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories > Managing Modifications That Multiple Developers Make >

Tagging Objects

This topic describes how to tag objects.

To tag objects

  1. Make sure you enable and administer object tagging.

    If you enable object tagging, then you must choose a tag when you log in to Siebel Tools or when you use the command line interface. For more information, see Administering Object Tags and Enabling Object Tagging in Siebel Tools.

  2. Log in to Siebel Tools.

    If you associate:

    • More than one tag with a developer, then Siebel Tools displays the Select a Development Tag Name dialog box during log in, and allows you to pick a tag.
    • Only one tag with a developer, then Siebel Tools automatically chooses this tag during log in.

      You associate developers to tags in Step 5.

      After you finish the log in, Siebel Tools automatically tags objects if you do any of the following work:

    • Create or modify an object
    • Import a SIF file
    • Check in or check out an object
    • Do a manual update

      To use a different tag after log in, you must log out of Siebel Tools and then choose another tag when you log back in to Siebel Tools.

  3. To identify the tag that you are currently using, view the tag name that Siebel Tools displays in the Title bar.

    You can also choose the View menu, click Options, click the General tag, and then view the value that Siebel Tools displays in the Development Tag Name window.

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