Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories > Managing Modifications That Multiple Developers Make >

Administering Object Tags

This topic describes how to administer object tags.

To administer object tags

  1. Consult with your team members to identify the tags that your deployment requires.

    For example, ABC team - developer 1, ABC team - developer 2, and so forth.

  2. Log in to the Siebel client with administrator privileges.
  3. Enable object tagging:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen.
    2. Click System Preferences.
    3. Query the Name field for Enable Object Tagging.
    4. Set the value in the System Preference Value field to TRUE.
  4. Navigate to the Administration - Tag screen.

    The Tags list displays all the tags that the repository contains.

  5. Click New to create one of the tags that you identified in Step 1:
    1. Add information in the Name and Description field that describes that tag.
    2. Click Users, and then add developers to the tag.
  6. Repeat Step 5 for each tag that your deployment requires.
  7. Administer an existing tag:
    1. Choose the tag you must administer in the Tags list.
    2. Click All Objects to identify the objects that are associated with a tag.

      The All Objects list displays information about all the objects that developers have created, modified, or deleted. For example, if you choose the Siebel Sales tag in the Tags list, then it displays objects only for developers who use the Siebel Sales tag when they log in to Siebel Tools. For a description of the format that this list uses in the Object Path field, see Example of an Object List File.

    3. Click Conflicts Only to view conflicts.

      The Conflicts Only list displays all objects that are in conflict and details for each of these objects. The grandchild list displays the details of other tags that are associated with the conflict.

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