Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Using Siebel Wireless > Examples of Common Uses of Siebel Wireless >

Example of Using Siebel Self-Service Wireless

This example is based on a customer who has an open service request with a supplier. When a customer service representative begins to work on a customer's service request (SR), the customer service representative changes the status of a customer's SR which triggers Workflow Manager to send an automated alert to the customer's wireless device notifying the customer of the change.

The customer does the following:

  • Reviews the details of the SR by accessing the supplier's wireless Web site and searching on the SR number or the name of the SR.
  • Upon locating the SR, the customer may open the SR detail view to see the Abstract and the Product associated with the SR. For additional information, the customer can view Updates to the SR to better understand the progress of the SR. See To view SR details and product warranty details.
  • Realizing that the Product associated with the SR may no longer be under warranty, the customer navigates to the Assets screen from the Wireless Self-Service Main Menu and uses the Search functionality to locate the Product and drill into the My Products detail view. See To see product warranty details.
  • Selects the Warranty hyperlink to view the Warranty details and sees that the Product is under warranty for another 90 days. See To review order status.

To view SR details and product warranty details

  1. From the Main Menu, select SRs.

    The SRs Menu view appears.

  2. Select the My SRs link.

    The My SR display view appears.

  3. Select the Search link.

    The Search view appears with no data.

  4. Select the Title link.

    The SR Title Search view appears with no data.

  5. Enter the SR Title.

    The My SR display view appears with search results matching your input.

  6. Select the OK soft key.
  7. Select the first SR # link.

    The Service Request detail view appears with details for the selected SR.

  8. Write down the name of the product.

    You will use the product name in the next set of example steps.

  9. Select the Main menu link.

    The Main Menu view appears.

To see product warranty details

  1. Go to the Asset detail view by selecting the Assets link on the Main Menu.

    The Asset display view appears with the list of products.

  2. Select the Search link.

    The Assets Search view appears.

  3. Enter the first three characters of the product name you wrote down in Step 8 in the previous set of example steps and click the OK soft key.

    The Assets Search view appears with the search string shown below the Product link.

  4. Select the Submit link.

    The Asset display view appears with the search results matching your input.

  5. Select the Product Name link that matches the product name that you wrote down in Step 8.

    The Asset Warranty display view appears.

  6. Select the first Warranty Name link and press the OK soft key.

    The Asset Warranty detail view appears with details for the selected warranty.

  7. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.

To review order status

  1. From the Main Menu, select Orders.

    The Order Entry Menu view appears.

  2. Select the My Orders link.

    The Order Entry Contact view appears.

  3. Select the Search link.

    The Orders Search view appears with no data.

  4. Select the Order # link.

    The Order # Search view appears.

  5. Enter the first three characters of the Order number and click the OK soft key.

    The Order Entry Contact view appears with the search results matching user input.

  6. Select the first Order Number link.

    The Order Entry detail view appears.

  7. Go to the Order Entry-Line Item display view by selecting the Order Items link.

    The Order Entry-Line Item display view appears with a list of the items in the order.

  8. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.
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