Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Using Siebel Wireless > Examples of Common Uses of Siebel Wireless >

Example of Using Siebel Sales Wireless

This example is based on a sales representative who needs to:

To manage the Siebel Calendar and update activities

  1. View your calendar by selecting the Calendar link from the Main Menu.

    The Calendar display view appears.

  2. Navigate to a particular date by selecting the Go to Date link.

    The Calendar Search view appears.

  3. Enter the desired date and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity detail view appears for the date you entered.

  4. See if any Contacts exist for the activity by selecting the Contacts link.

    The Contact display view appears.

  5. Select the New link to add a new Contact to the activity.

    The New Contact Association view appears.

  6. Select a Contact to add to the activity and click the OK soft key.

    The selected Contact has been added to the Activity and the Activity Contacts view appears.

  7. Return to the Activity detail view for the activity.

To add a comment to the activity

  1. In the Activity detail view, select the Comments link.

    The Activity Comments Edit view appears.

  2. Enter the desired text of the comment and click the OK soft key.

    The Comment is entered and the Activity detail view appears.

  3. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.

To review account details and update order and opportunity information

  1. View the account list by selecting the Accounts link from the Main Menu.

    The Accounts display view appears.

  2. View the details for the particular account by selecting the Account Name.

    The Account detail view appears with the details for the particular account.

  3. From the Account detail view, view orders by selecting the Orders link.

    The Order display view appears.

  4. View the details for an order by selecting the Order number.

    The Order detail view appears.

  5. Change the requested ship date by selecting the Requested Ship Date link.

    The Requested Ship Date Edit view appears.

  6. Update the Requested Ship Date and click the OK soft key.

    The Order detail view appears with the updated Requested Ship Date information.

  7. From the Order detail view, select the Account Name link to return to the detail view for the account.

    The Account detail view appears along with the details for the particular account.

To create a new opportunity

  1. From the Account detail view, select the Opportunities link to see opportunities for the account.

    The Opportunities display view along with the opportunities for the particular account are displayed.

  2. Create a new opportunity for the account by selecting the New link.

    The New Opportunity Entry view appears.

  3. Enter the opportunity name and click the OK soft key.

    The Opportunities display view appears along with the updated name of the new opportunity.

  4. View the detail for the new opportunity by selecting the Opportunity Name link.

    The Opportunity detail view appears.

  5. Enter a revenue amount for the opportunity by selecting the Revenue link.

    The revenue Edit view appears.

  6. Enter a revenue number and click the OK soft key.

    The Opportunity detail view appears along with the updated new revenue information.

  7. Select the Sales Stage link to pick a sales stage for the opportunity.

    The Sales Stage Selection view appears.

  8. Pick the desired sales stage and click the OK soft key.

    The Opportunity detail view appears and now shows the updated sales stage.

  9. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.

To create a new correspondence request

  1. View Correspondence Requests by selecting the Correspondence link from the Main Menu.

    The Correspondence display view appears.

  2. Create a new correspondence request by selecting the New link.

    The Correspondence New Entry view appears.

  3. Select the Template label, and select the Search link to search for a template.

    The New Entry Template Search view appears.

  4. Enter the search string for the template name you want and click the OK soft key.

    The New Correspondence view appears along with templates meeting the search criteria.

  5. Select the template and click the OK soft key.

    The Correspondence detail view appears along with the details of the new correspondence request based on the template you selected.

To set the fulfillment center and recipient for the correspondence

  1. In the Correspondence detail view, select the Fulfillment Center link.

    The Fulfillment Center Selection view appears.

  2. Select the desired fulfillment center and click the OK soft key.

    The Correspondence detail view appears along with the correspondence request details. The fulfillment center is updated to reflect the choice.

  3. View recipients for this correspondence by selecting the Recipients link.

    The Recipients display view appears.

  4. Add a new recipient by selecting the New link.

    The New Recipient view appears.

  5. Select the desired recipient for the correspondence and click the OK soft key.

    The Recipient display view appears along with the selected recipient.

  6. Return to the Correspondence detail view by clicking Back once.

    The Correspondence detail view appears.

  7. Submit the correspondence request for fulfillment by selecting the Submit link.

    The Correspondence display view appears along with the correspondence request just created.

  8. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.

To query the employee database and call an employee

  1. View the employee list by selecting the Employees link from the Main Menu.

    The Employee display view appears.

  2. Search for an employee by selecting the Search link.

    The Employee Search view appears.

  3. Enter a last name.
  4. Perform the search by selecting the Submit link.

    The Employee display view appears along with the employee's name.

  5. View the employee's cell phone number by selecting the employee's name link.

    The Employee detail view appears.

  6. Select Menu, and link on the cell phone number to call the employee.

    A phone call is placed to the employee.

    NOTE:  Only certain wireless browsers and mobile devices support the ability to make a call as described in this example, such as Openwave browsers running on wireless phones.

  7. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.
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