Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Using Siebel Wireless > Examples of Common Uses of Siebel Wireless >

Example of Using Siebel Service Wireless

This example is based on a field service worker who needs to:

To view an order associated with a service request (SR)

  1. View Service Requests by selecting the SRs link from the Main Menu.

    The SR display view appears with a list of Service Requests including Service Request numbers.

  2. Select the Service Request Number you are interested in by selecting its SR ID number.

    The SR detail view appears along with details for the Service Request you selected.

  3. Review the orders associated with the Service Request by selecting the Orders link.

    The SR Order display view appears along with a list of Orders.

  4. View the details of the Order number you are interested in by linking on the Order #.

    The Order detail view appears along with the details for the Order in which you are interested.

To update an order

  1. In the Order detail view, select the Line Items link.

    The Line Item display view appears. along with the line items for the order including the line item name.

  2. View the details of a line item by selecting the Line Item Name.

    The Line Item detail view appears.

  3. Update the quantity requested for the line item by linking on the Qty: label.

    The Line Item Quantity Requested edit view appears.

  4. Increase the quantity requested and click the OK soft key.

    The Line Item detail view appears along with the line item details and the updated quantity.

  5. Change the ship method by selecting the Ship Via link.

    The Line Item Ship Method Selection view appears.

  6. Pick the desired ship method, for example Air, and click the OK soft key.

    The Line Item detail view appears along with the line item details and the ship method changed to Air.

  7. Select the Main menu link to return to the Main Menu.

    The Main Menu appears.

To view an activity

  1. View all of your activities by selecting the Activities link from the Main Menu.

    The Activity display view appears.

  2. Search for an activity by selecting the Search link.

    The Activity Search view appears.

  3. Select the Type link to select the type of activity to search for.

    The Activity Type Pick view appears.

  4. Pick the desired activity type to search for and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Search view appears along with the desired activity type.

  5. Enter the planned start date to search and click the OK soft key.
  6. Perform the search by selecting the Submit link.

    The Activity display view appears along with a list of activities meeting the search criteria.

  7. Select the desired activity to view activity details.

    The Activity detail view appears along with details for the activity.

To order items for the activity

  1. In the Activity detail view, select the Items link to view the items recommended for the activity.

    The Items display view appears.

  2. Add a new part to the Items list by selecting the New link.

    The Activity Items New Entry view appears.

  3. Select the Product link to search the desired new part.

    The Activity Items search view appears.

  4. Enter the first couple of characters of the part name and link on Submit.

    The Activity Items Pick view appears and displays the desired new part.

  5. Pick the desired part.

    The Activity Items New Entry view appears along with the updated picked part name.

  6. Add a quantity for the part.

    The Activity Item New Entry view appears along with the updated part name and quantity recommended you picked.

  7. Add the new Item to the list by selecting the Submit link.

    The Activity Items display view appears along with the list of Items recommended for the activity, including the new item.

  8. Place an order for the items not yet on order by selecting the Service Order All link.

    Items not previously on order now have an Order status.

  9. View the line items for the new order by drilling down on the Order Status and selecting the Line Items link.

    The Line Item display view displays the line items included in the order just created, including the new line item just added.

To create and track field part movements using Part Tracker

  1. Continuing from the activity in the previous example steps, track field parts movements by selecting the Part Tracker link from the Activity detail view.

    The Activity Part Tracker display view appears.

  2. Create a new parts movement by selecting the New link.

    The Activity Part Tracker New Entry view appears.

  3. Select the Product link to search the desired product that has moved.

    The Activity Part Tracker search view appears.

  4. Enter the first couple of characters of the product name and link on Submit.

    The Activity Part Tracker selection view appears and displays the desired product.

  5. Select the desired product and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Part Tracker New Entry view appears along with the updated product name.

  6. Select the Status link to pick the status of the moved part.

    The Activity Part Tracker Status Selection view appears.

  7. Pick the desired status and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Part Tracker New Entry view appears along with the updated product name and status.

  8. Enter the new part movement by selecting the Submit link.

    The Activity Part Tracker detail view appears along with details for the new part movement, including the product name and status.

To update quantity, source, and destination for the part movement

  1. From the Part Tracker detail view, enter the quantity used by selecting the Used Qty link.

    The Activity Part Tracker Used Quantity edit view appears.

  2. Enter the desired quantity and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Part Tracker detail view appears along with the updated used quantity.

  3. Enter the source of the field part movement by selecting the Source link.

    The Activity Part Tracker Source selection view appears.

  4. Pick the source and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Part Tracker detail view appears along with the updated source.

  5. Enter the destination of the field part movement by selecting the Destination link.

    The Activity Part Tracker Destination selection view appears.

  6. Pick the destination and click the OK soft key.

    The Activity Part Tracker detail view appears along with the updated destination.

  7. Commit the part movement by selecting the Commit link.

    The Activity Part Tracker display view appears along with the part movement details.

  8. Select the Main menu link to return to the main menu.
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