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Oracle® VM Server User's Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number E15444-04
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3 Oracle VM Agent

Oracle VM Manager communicates with Oracle VM Agent to create and manage guests on an Oracle VM Server. Oracle VM Agent is installed and configured during the installation of Oracle VM Server. You do not need to install Oracle VM Agent separately. Oracle VM Agent is installed into:


Oracle VM Agent logs are located in:


This Chapter discusses the configuration and control of Oracle VM Agent. It contains:

See Appendix D, "Oracle VM Agent Architecture" for more detailed information.

3.1 Oracle VM Agent Command-Line Tool

The ovs-agent command-line tool enables you to configure and control Oracle VM Agent. The following sections discuss using the ovs-agent command-line tool. See "ovs-agent" in Appendix A, "Command-Line Tools" for more details on the ovs-agent command-line tool options.

3.2 Configuring Oracle VM Agent

Oracle VM Agent is configured during installation. A default user is created with the username admin, and the password you set during installation.

You can change the default configuration with the Oracle VM Agent configuration script, ovs-agent. To configure Oracle VM Agent:

  1. As the root user, run the Oracle VM Agent configuration script:

    # service ovs-agent configure
  2. You are prompted to enter the IP addresses that are allowed to access to the computer.

    ;network access control by ip --
    ;rules := if addr.match(allow) and not addr.match(deny): return True
    ;pattern items delimited by comma and could be
    ;    #single ip
    ;10.1.1.*    #range
    ; #range in CIDR format
    ;default to allow all, deny none

    Enter * (asterisk) to allow all IP addresses access to the computer. Alternatively, enter a list of IP addresses for computers for which you want to allow access, while restricting all others. The default is to allow all computers to access the computer (*). For example, to allow access to all IP addresses in the domain 192.168.2.x, enter


    Press Enter.

  3. You are prompted to enter the IP addresses that are denied access to the computer.

    now allow=192.168.2.*

    Leave this field empty (does not deny any IP addresses), or enter * to deny all IP addresses access to the computer. Alternatively, enter a list of IP addresses for which you want to deny access to the computer, while allowing all others. The default is to deny no computers access to the computer.

    Press Enter.

  4. You are prompted to enter the shared disk search path.

    now deny=
    ;share_disk_pat --
    ;set the directories for searching sharable block devices
    ;directories should be seperated by ':'
    ;if not set, /dev/mpath/* will be used

    Enter the shared disk search path. You should not use the path /dev/mapper/x for multipath devices, only use the path /dev/mpath/x.

    Press Enter.

  5. You are prompted whether you want to change the Oracle VM Agent password.

    would you like to modify password to communicate with agent?[y/N]

    Enter y to change the Oracle VM Agent password, or N to continue without changing the password. Press Enter.

  6. Restart Oracle VM Agent for the configuration changes to take effect.

    # service ovs-agent restart

3.3 Starting Oracle VM Agent

Oracle VM Agent is started automatically when the computer starts. To manually start Oracle VM Agent, enter

# service ovs-agent start

Oracle VM Agent is started.

Alternatively, if Oracle VM Agent is already running, you can stop and restart it with the command

# service ovs-agent restart

Oracle VM Agent is stopped, and restarted.

3.4 Stopping Oracle VM Agent

To stop Oracle VM Agent, enter

# service ovs-agent stop

Oracle VM Agent is stopped.


When Oracle VM Agent is stopped, Oracle VM Manager cannot manage the Oracle VM Server or the guests running on it.

If you shut down or restart the Oracle VM Agent on an HA-enabled Oracle VM Server on which guests are running you are prompted to:

3.5 Monitoring Oracle VM Agent

To get information on the Oracle VM Agent daemon, enter

# service ovs-agent status

Information on the Oracle VM Agent daemon is displayed.