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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)




ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used for Stubs and Calls to specify the value of http 'ACCEPT_ENCODING' header for SOAP messages send over HTTP.
ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_SUBCODE - Static variable in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
addAttachment(DataHandler) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFault
Adds an attachment to be associated with this fault using a DataHandler.
addAttachment(Object, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFault
Adds an attachment to be associated with this fault.
addAttachment(AttachmentPart) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFault
Adds an attachment to be associated with this fault.
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.attachments.OutgoingAttachments
Add an attachment to the outgoing message.
addAttachment(DataHandler, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.OracleCall
Add an attachment to the SOAPMessage in a DII call.
addCode() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.soap.Fault12
Adds a FaultCode12 element to the internal structure of the Fault12 element and returns it to the caller
addComponent(Component) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Component
Adds a new child component to this parent component.
addConfigListener(InterceptorConfigListener) - Method in interface
Register a listener for configuration-related events.
addElement(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
addExtension(QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Component
Adds a new extension of the given type as a child of this component.
addExtensionAttribute(QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Component
Adds a new extension attribute of the given type to this component.
addFaultMessage(Message) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Operation
Adds a fault message component for this operation.
addFaultText() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.soap.FaultReason12
Adds FaultText12 element to the internal structure of the FaultReason12 element and returns it to the caller
addFaultValue() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.soap.FaultCode12
Adds FaultValue12 element to the internal structure of the FaultCode12 element and returns it to the caller
addHeader(Element) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.OracleCall
Add a header which should be inserted into each outgoing message we generate.
addNamespace(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
addNamespaceDecl(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
addOperation(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Port
Creates and adds a new child operation component with the given operationName, inputName and outputName.
addOperation(BindingOperation) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Port
Creates and adds a new child operation component.
addOperation(QName) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.WebServiceEndpointInfo
Add a web service operation.
addPort(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Service
Creates and adds a child port having the given name.
addPort(Port) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Service
Creates and adds a child port using the information provided via the WSDL port.
addPort(QName, String, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
addReason() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.soap.Fault12
Adds FaultReason12 element to the internal structure of the Fault12 element and returns it to the caller
addRelatesTo(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
addRelatesTo(String, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
addRelatesTo(URI) - Method in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
addRelatesTo(URI, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
addReliableMessageListener(ReliableMessageListener) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSession
Register a ReliableMessageListener for ReliableEvent notifications from the session instance.
AddressingHelper - Class in oracle.webservices.addressing
A helper class for dealing with ws addressing headers.
AddressingHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingHelper
AddressingInfo - Interface in oracle.webservices.addressing
This class stores the addressing information of the request.
AddressingMessage - Class in oracle.webservices.addressing
AddressingMessage() - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
Deprecated. Construct a new message with the default "" namespace.
AddressingMessage(SOAPMessage) - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingMessage
AddressingPolicy - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations
addService(QName) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Model
Adds and returns a new service component that has the provided QName.
addService(Service) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Model
Adds and returns a new service component which is modeled from the information in a WSDL service.
addService(String, URL, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, URL, QName, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, Definition, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, Definition, QName, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, Definition, QName, QName, QName, Object, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, InputStream, String, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addService(String, InputStream, String, QName, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Add a service from inside the provider implementation.
addServiceToCluster(ProviderProcessorInfo, String, String, URL, QName, QName, Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ProviderPlatformAdapter
Make a dynamic endpoint accessible from all instances of an application across a configuration group or cluster.
addServlet(Servlet) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.WarModuleRuntime
addServletMapping(ServletMapping) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.WarModuleRuntime
addSessionListener(ServletContext, HttpSessionListener, Logger) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.DeploymentAdapter
addSessionListener(HttpSessionListener) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.SessionManager
TODO Do we need a WS SessionListner instead of Http one?
addSubcode() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.soap.FaultCode12
Adds FaultSubcode12 element to the internal structure of the FaultCode12 element and returns it to the caller
ALL_OPERATIONS_ONE_WAY - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used by Stubs to determine if all the operations in a port are one-way
APP_NAME_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ProviderPlatformAdapter
APPNAME_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.portability.WSILPlatformAdapter
ArrayNode - Interface in oracle.webservices.mdds.adt
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ArrayPrototype - Interface in oracle.webservices.mdds
ASYNC_RESPONSE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ServerConstants
This property can be used by an async service implementation to set response context properties to be used when the response is sent over a new connection.
AsyncConfig - Interface in oracle.webservices.async
This interface provides convenient API to setup the AddressingProperties, and configuration of asynchronous messaging.
AsyncConfig.WireStyle - Enum in oracle.webservices.async
AsyncWebService - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
The AsyncService annotation indicates that the annotated class is to be explosed as an asynchronous web service.
AsyncWebServiceQueue - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
The AsyncWebServiceQueue annotation describes the JMS queue that will be used to store the asynchronous requests for later processing.
AsyncWebServiceResponseQueue - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
AtomicPrototype - Interface in oracle.webservices.mdds
ATTACH_BUFSIZ - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property specifying the buffer size to use for streaming attachments.
ATTACH_MEMORY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property specifying the threshold in bytes above which attachments will be cached in a temporary file on disk.
ATTACH_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
The name of the properties file containing the above property values.
ATTACH_PROPERTIES_FILE_LOC - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
The property denoting the location in the file system of the properties file.
ATTACH_STREAM_INPUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property to override the default semantics of getInputStream() to stream directly from the source, with read-once semantics, i.e.
ATTACH_STREAMING_INCOMING - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property specifying whether the incoming attachments are intended to be read in streaming fashion.
ATTACH_STREAMING_OUTGOING - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property specifying whether the outgoing attachments are intended to be written in streaming fashion.
ATTACH_TEMPDIR - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Property specifying the directory in which to place temporary files that exceed the memory threshold.
Attachment - Interface in oracle.webservices.attachments
An Attachment represents a streamed attachment.
AttachmentFactory - Class in oracle.webservices.attachments
AttachmentFactory is used to create Attachment and Attachments objects for streaming attachments.
AttachmentFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFactory
AttachmentFault - Interface in oracle.webservices.attachments
This class is used to manage MIME attachments in a SOAP Fault
Attachments - Interface in oracle.webservices.attachments
The Attachments object collects the incoming and outgoing streaming attachments for a request.
attribute(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
attribute(String, String, QName) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
AttributeMap - Class in oracle.webservices.databinding
This class represents the anyAttribute wildcard elements of a schema.
AttributeMap() - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.databinding.AttributeMap
Creates a new AttributeMap object.
authorize(Invocation) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ProviderPlatformAdapter

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