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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.webservices.annotations

Enum Summary
Conversational.AccessMode The access mode of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean instance.
Conversational.Scope The scope of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean instance.
ConversationalOperation.Phase The phase of the conversation.
Schema.ElementForm The Schema.ElementForm annotation defines the element forms that can be used in a Schema annotated Web service.
UDDIPublicationInfo.Compatibility compatibility S | N
UDDIPublicationInfo.Lifecycle lifecycle active | deprecated | obsolete | planned
UDDIPublicationInfo.Scope scope public | private | internal
UDDIPublicationInfo.Synchronicity synchronicity asynch | synch


Annotation Types Summary
CallbackAssociate Deprecated. use CallbackInterface instead This annotation specifies the list of callback interfaces that a class/interface may need to interact with.
CallbackRef Deprecated. use oracle.webservices.annotations.async.CallbackRef instead This is a dependency injection (DI) style marker annotation that applies to a member field or setter method of the service endpoint implementation .
Conversational This annotation is allowed only on a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean.
ConversationalOperation This annotation is to be used on the methods of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean that is annotated as Conversational with the "Session" scope.
Deployment The Deployment annotation provides additional Oracle specific deployment information for an annotated Web service.
EndpointAddress The EndpointAddress annotation provides for a client to override the endpoint address found in the WSDL of a Web service
EndpointIdentifier The EndpointIdentifier annotation provides for an Oracle specific Logical Service Name for a Web service endpoint.
FabricService The FabricService annotation provides configuration for a jaxws service that is registered with Fabric
GeneralKeyedReference This annotation provides the UDDI publication information.
Properties The Properties annotation allows a user to define properties for a j2ee client.
Schema The Schema annotation provides additional Oracle specific annotations for defining the schema properties of a Web service.
SDODatabinding The SDODatabinding annotation provides configuration for a jaxws service that uses SDO databinding
UDDIPublicationInfo This annotation provides the UDDI publication information.
WSIFEJBBinding The WSIFEJBBinding annotation provides additional Oracle specific annotations for creating an annotated WSIF Web service based on an EJB bean.


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