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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (

Class OperationControl

  extended by

public class OperationControl
extends Object

Fine-tunes the behavior of the main API operations in AdminPortType.

The supported controls are summarized below:   

Name Meaning Operations Values Default
DUPE_METHOD The action to take when an object already exists. createAll error, ignore, overwrite error
IGNORE_INVALID_STATE Whether to skip objects that cannot be processed due to their state. createAll, deleteList, deleteAll, updateAll true, false false
IGNORE_NOT_FOUND Whether to skip objects that are not found. deleteList, exportList, getStateList true, false false
NOT_FOUND_METHOD The action to take when an object does not exist. updateAll error, ignore, create error
UPDATE_METHOD The method that dictates how object properties are updated. update, updateAll add, remove, overwrite none

The DUPE_METHOD control values are:

error: If a duplicate object is encountered, then the operation raises an error. Any changes that have been made in the operation are rolled back.

ignore: If a duplicate object is encountered, then the operation skips the duplicate object without modifying it and moves on to the next object to be processed.

overwrite: If a duplicate object is encountered, then the operation overwrites the duplicate object with the new object description that was specified in the input XML. The overwrite behavior corresponds to the "overwrite" value for the UPDATE_METHOD control.

The NOT_FOUND_METHOD control values are:

error: If a non-existent object is encountered, then the operation raises an error. Any changes that have been made in the operation are rolled back.

ignore: If a non-existent object is encountered, then the operation skips the object and moves on to the next object to be processed.

create: If a non-existent object is encountered, then the operation creates it using the object description that was specified in the input XML.

The UPDATE_METHOD control values are:

add: Only applies to object properties modeled as variable-size lists. For example, add applies to data source attribute mappings but not to crawler settings. Properties specified in the input XML are added to the object definition. Properties that are not specified in input the XML are not modified. If a property being added already exists in the object definition, it is overwritten.

remove: Only applies to properties modeled as variable-size lists. For example, remove applies to data source attribute mappings but not to crawler settings. Properties specified in the input XML are removed from the object definition. Properties that are not specified in the input XML are not modified. If a property does not exist in the object definition, it is ignored.

overwrite: Properties specified in the input XML overwrite the properties in the object definition. If a property is modeled as a variable-size list, the new list from the input XML replaces the old list. If the new list is not specified or the new list is empty, the property is not modified. If a property is modeled as a fixed-size list, only the entries specified in the input XML overwrite the values in the object definition. Entries that are not specified in the input XML are not modified. Finally, if a property is not a list, the new value from the XML overwrites the old value.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected SOAP XML for this class:

 <complexType name="operationControl">
     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         <element name="controlName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="controlValue" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
See Also:

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 String getControlName()
          Returns the control name.
 String getControlValue()
          Returns the control value.
 void setControlName(String value)
          Sets the control name.
 void setControlValue(String value)
          Sets the control value.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public OperationControl()

Method Detail


public String getControlName()
Returns the control name.
The control name.


public void setControlName(String value)
Sets the control name.
value - The control name.


public String getControlValue()
Returns the control value.
The control value.


public void setControlValue(String value)
Sets the control value.
value - The control value.

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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (


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