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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (



Provides classes needed to access the 11g Oracle SES Administration Web service


Interface Summary
AdminPortType A client interface to the Administration API Web Service operations.


Class Summary
AdminAPIRuntimeFault Contains the details of an AdminAPIRuntimeFault_Exception, such as the error message and the error code.
AdminKeyPair A name and value pair that identifies a property in a creatable object.
AdminProperty A named property of a supplementary API class, such as ObjectKey and ObjectOutput.
AdminService The service implementation for the Administration API Web Service.
Attachment A binary attachment that is sent and returned separately from the object XML over the Web Service.
CreatableAdminObjectFault Contains the details of a CreatableAdminObjectFault_Exception, such as the error message and the error code.
Credentials Contains the administrator user name and password to use for authentication.
DependentObjectFault Contains the details of a DependentObjectFault_Exception, such as the error message and the error code.
InvalidInputFault Contains the details of an InvalidInputFault_Exception, such as the error message and the error code.
InvalidStateFault Contains the details of an InvalidStateFault_Exception, such as the error message and the error code.
ObjectKey Uniquely identifies a creatable object.
ObjectOutput Contains the configuration or state of one or more objects.
OperationControl Fine-tunes the behavior of the main API operations in AdminPortType.
Status Contains the result of processing a single object.


Exception Summary
AdminAPIRuntimeFault_Exception An exception for unexpected errors.
CreatableAdminObjectFault_Exception An exception for errors that only apply to creatable objects.
DependentObjectFault_Exception An exception for errors relating to dependent objects.
InvalidInputFault_Exception An exception for input errors.
InvalidStateFault_Exception An exception for state errors.


Package Description

Provides classes needed to access the 11g Oracle SES Administration Web service.

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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 2 (


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