8 Understanding Not-To-Exceed Calculations

This chapter contains the following topics:

8.1 Example Setup

All of the examples are based on the setup described in this section.

The NTE amount is 10,000.00 in the Contract Master Revisions program (P5201).

These automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) are set up in the Billing AAIs program (P48S95):

AAI Table Key Type and Description Table Key and Description Begin Date End Date Resulting Account
4851 (Not-to- Exceed - Credit) 8 (Company) 00050 (Project Management Company) January 1, 2005 December 31, 2005 Revenue Contra Account
4852 (Not-to- Exceed - Debit) 8 (Company) 00050 (Project Management Company) January 1, 2005 December 31, 2005 Accrued Receivable Contra Account

You have selected the Not To Exceed Control check box in the Billing Constants program (P48091).

8.2 Revenue Generation for One Workfile Transaction

These three examples illustrate the results of the NTE calculation when revenue is generated first and then invoicing is processed. These examples are based on a single workfile transaction in the amount of 15,000.00 with no markup and no taxes.

This section discusses:

  • Example 1 - NTE rule of 2 (subject to invoice and revenue).

  • Example 2 - NTE rule of 3 (subject to revenue).

  • Example 3 - NTE rule of 4 (subject to invoicing).

8.2.1 Example 1 - NTE Rule of 2 (Subject to Invoice and Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Because the workfile amount (15,000.00) exceeds the NTE maximum for the contract (10,000.00), no entries are created for invoicing. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), first produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   5,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 5,000.00 Invoice Processing

Invoice processing runs after revenue recognition is complete and it creates no entries.

8.2.2 Example 2 - NTE Rule of 3 (Subject to Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   5,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 5,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 15,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   15,000.00

8.2.3 Example 3 - NTE Rule of 4 (Subject to Invoicing)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Because the workfile amount (15,000.00) exceeds the NTE maximum for the contract (10,000.00), no entries are created for invoicing. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 15,000.00  
Revenue Account   15,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), creates no entries.

8.3 Invoicing with Revenue Recognition for One Workfile Transaction

These three examples illustrate the results of the NTE calculation when invoicing is processed with revenue. These examples are based on a single workfile transaction in the amount of 15,000.00 with no markup and no taxes.

This section discusses:

  • Example 4 - NTE rule of 2 (subject to invoice and revenue).

  • Example 5 - NTE rule of 3 (subject to revenue).

  • Example 6 - NTE rule of 4 (subject to invoicing).

8.3.1 Example 4 - NTE Rule of 2 (Subject to Invoice and Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Because the workfile amount (15,000.00) exceeds the NTE maximum for the contract (10,000.00), no entries are created for invoicing or revenue. Invoice Processing with G/L Journal Generation

The Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131) creates no accounts receivable or general ledger entries.

8.3.2 Example 5 - NTE Rule of 3 (Subject to Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation (R48132), creates these general ledger entries:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   5,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 5,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), creates these accounts receivable entries:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 15,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   15,000.00

8.3.3 Example 6 - NTE Rule of 4 (Subject to Invoicing)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Because the workfile amount (15,000.00) exceeds the NTE maximum for the contract (10,000.00), no entries are created for invoicing or revenue. Invoice Processing with G/L Journal Generation

The Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131) creates no accounts receivable or general ledger entries.

8.4 Revenue Generation for Two Workfile Transactions

These three examples illustrate the results of the NTE calculation when revenue is generated first and then invoicing is processed. These examples are based on two workfile transactions, one in the amount of 8,000.00 and the other in the amount of 15,000.00. Both transactions have no markup and no taxes.

This section discusses:

  • Example 7 - NTE rule of 2 (subject to invoice and revenue).

  • Example 8 - NTE rule of 3 (subject to revenue).

  • Example 9 - NTE rule of 4 (subject to invoicing).

8.4.1 Example 7 - NTE Rule of 2 (Subject to Invoice and Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Invoice entries are created for the 8,000.00 transaction, but not for the 15,000.00 transaction because it exceeds the NTE maximum (10,000.00). Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   13,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 13,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   8,000.00

8.4.2 Example 8 - NTE Rule of 3 (Subject to Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   13,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 13,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 23,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   23,000.00

8.4.3 Example 9 - NTE Rule of 4 (Subject to Invoicing)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Invoice entries are created for the 8,000.00 transaction, but not for the 15,000.00 transaction because it exceeds the NTE maximum (10,000.00). Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 23,000.00  
Revenue Account   23,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   8,000.00

8.5 Invoicing with Revenue Recognition for Two Workfile Transactions

These three examples illustrate the results of the NTE calculation when invoicing is processed with revenue. These examples are based on two workfile transactions, one in the amount of 8,000.00, and the other in the amount of 15,000.00. Both transactions have no markup and no taxes.

This section discusses:

  • Example 10 - NTE rule of 2 (subject to invoice and revenue).

  • Example 11 - NTE rule of 3 (subject to revenue).

  • Example 12 - NTE rule of 4 (subject to invoicing).

8.5.1 Example 10 - NTE Rule of 2 (Subject to Invoice and Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Invoice and revenue entries are created for the 8,000.00 transaction, but not for the 15,000.00 transaction because it exceeds the NTE maximum (10,000.00). Invoice Processing with G/L Journal Generation

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these entries:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Revenue Account   8,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   8,000.00

8.5.2 Example 11 - NTE Rule of 3 (Subject to Revenue)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 10,000.00  
Revenue Account   10,000.00
Revenue Contra Account   13,000.00
Accrued Receivable Contra Account 13,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 23,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   23,000.00

8.5.3 Example 12 - NTE Rule of 4 (Subject to Invoicing)

In this example, NTE is calculated on the entire amount of the workfile transaction. Revenue and invoice entries are created for the 8,000.00 transaction, but not for the 15,000.00 transaction because it exceeds the NTE maximum (10,000.00). Revenue Recognition

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the G/L Journal Generation program (R48132), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accrued Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Revenue Account   8,000.00 Invoice Processing

The Journal Edit Register program (R48300), when called by the Invoice Journal Generation program (R48131), produces these results:

Account Debit Credit
Accounts Receivable 8,000.00  
Accrued Accounts Receivable   8,000.00