4 Working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management for Apparel Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Understanding Item Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system defines discrete inventory items, which enable you to manipulate inventory throughout the supply chain. The term item refers to all components, raw materials, assemblies, and finished goods that are in inventory, as well as supplies that are purchased but not included in inventory. Before you can work with inventory, you must provide the information about the items that you stock. You can specify information such as item information, sales and purchasing costs, and available quantities by location to help track and process each item through the supply chain.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system supports style items that are more complex than standard inventory items. Style items may have many attributes, such as size, length, width, and color. To handle these variations easily, you define the variations within the product as different levels of a hierarchy. When you define these levels for a style item, the system creates item numbers for each item variation. Unlike style items, standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items do not have multiple levels.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system integrates with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system to define and manage style items. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management programs that contain functionality specific to style items are:

  • Item Master (P4101)

  • Style Item Master (PCW51)

  • Item Branch/Plant (P41026)

  • Matrix Grid (PCW03)

  • Size Weight Entry (PCW32)

  • Automatic Splitting by Size Definition (PCW33)

  • Item Level Type (PCW011)

  • Work with Item Structures (PCW01)

  • Composition Entry (PCW44)

  • Additional Style Item Information (PCW45)

You must enter details that correspond to a style item in the Style Item Master program. The style item master information includes:

  • Item number.

  • Item name.

  • Description.

  • General information about the item.

When you create a style item, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system stores the style item details in the Item Structure Definition (FCW02), and Item Master (F4101) tables and it stores additional information in the Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61).

The system uses the column position to organize records in the FCW02 table for that level. For example, if the column position of the level Color is 4 as defined in the Item Level Type program (PCW011) and Color is the first level in the JE51 style item structure, then the FCW02 records for JE51 store all the JE51.Colors (for example, JE51.BLUE and JE51.RED) at level number one based on the structure definition from the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01). However, the system stores the colors (for example, blue and red) in the level 4 column based on the column position defined in the Item Level Type program. So, the system stores the color values in the level 4 column in the FCW02 table for any style item structure that uses Color as one of its levels.

This section discusses:

  • Product structure

  • Exception management

  • Item creation process

4.1.1 Product Structure

Style items have a unique product structure which consists of the style item root level 0 as the parent and its associated child items.

In the apparel industry, not only are a variety of products available; also, the customer base is spread across different age groups and genders. This diagram shows examples of different products and customers in the apparel industry:

Figure 4-1 Customer base of apparel products

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Customer base of apparel products"

Each product may have numerous variations. For example, a shirt can have many styles, colors, and sizes. To manage these product variations, you must define the product details using hierarchy levels. This diagram illustrates the hierarchy levels for a style item:

Figure 4-2 Style item product structure

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Style item product structure"

Use the first level of the product hierarchy, style item root level 0, to define general attributes of a product. The details that you specify at the style item root level 0 are inherited by the lower levels in the hierarchy. In addition to the basic attributes that are inherited from style item root level 0, you can specify additional information for the child item. These additional details are specific to the child items.

You define different variation levels in the product hierarchy by defining an item structure. This diagram illustrates the item structure definition:

Figure 4-3 Style item structure for style item jacket

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of "Figure 4-3 Style item structure for style item jacket" Levels

You can define variations within a product as multiple levels in the product hierarchy. You can define color, size, style, and other variations as different levels in the hierarchy. You may have up to 10 levels in the product hierarchy. The first level is style item root level 0, which defines the basic attributes, such as style and other generic information. Lower levels in the product hierarchy inherit the basic attributes from the style item root level 0. You can attach the levels to a specific structure or structures by using the Item Level Type program (PCW011). The system stores the level types in the Item Level Type table (FCW011).

You can control levels in the product hierarchy using other attributes. The level that describes color gets its attributes from a user-defined code (UDC), and you control the level at which you define size with a size matrix grid.

See Defining Level Types. Structures

Structures are the location used to attach different variations or levels of a product. For example, you need to define variations of the product jeans. You define the variations as different levels using the Item Level Type program. Then you attach the variations that are defined at the level types with a UDC to define the structure applicable to a product.

You use the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01) to define structures. The system stores structure details in the Item Structure Detail table (FCW01).

See Defining Item Structures. Style Item Characteristics

The basic characteristics of a style item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system are:

  • Multi-level structure.

    You define the style item details in a hierarchical structure. You can define up to 10 levels, such as style, wash, color, width, and length.

  • Flexible.

    You can manage a huge number of child-level style items by managing level structure definitions. For example, color, size, multi-attribute, and length.

  • Ability to work with groups of style items.

    Ability to enter, modify, and view groups of style items.

  • Inheritance.

    Child-level style items inherit characteristics from the root-level style item at the time of both style item creation and style item modification.

  • Size grids.

    You can use size grids to view and update all the style item levels at once.

  • Exception management.

    You can make variations for an inherited attribute in any of the levels in the product hierarchy.

  • Intensive usage of matrixes.

    You can use a matrix when working with style items in sales, purchase, and work orders.

  • Labels and composition.

    You can specify the list of materials in the composition with the corresponding percentages of each material. The label comprises the composition information. Matrix

Products often have a number of variations, although they share the same basic properties. An example is the style item root level 0 jeans. Customers may demand variations in the attributes of jeans, such as skinny, short, straight leg, boot cut, and faded. After you enter the style item root level 0 jeans, you create matrix definitions to handle variations in the product hierarchy. The matrix enables you to easily access all available variations of a style item when you enter just the style item root level 0.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system uses matrixes for:

  • Order management

    • Sales orders

    • Purchase orders

    • Work orders

  • Inventory management

    • Transactions

    • Inventory inquiries

  • Sales order and purchase order reports

4.1.2 Exception Management

Each level in the product structure can have different attributes. The number of child style items available is based on the number of attributes and levels for a product. The attributes that are set at the style item root level 0 of the style item hierarchy are inherited by the lower levels or child style items. However, you can define an exception for the inheritance of an attribute. For example, if you specify a price for a shirt at style item root level 0, then this price is inherited by the child style items. If you change the price for the shirt with a double extra large (XXL) size, then you make the change and any further changes to price at a higher level will not be inherited by the XXL size shirt.

4.1.3 Item Creation Process

You use the Style Item Master program (PCW51) to create a style item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system. When you create an item, you need to specify the following details:

  • Item identifiers.

  • Item description.

  • Item rules.

  • Item costs and prices.

  • Item weights and measures.

When you define a style item, define the basic UDCs and perform the system setup first. Next, define the levels along with the column position details. Finally, attach the UDCs to the item structures. You must have item definitions at every level of the product hierarchy. This diagram illustrates the style item creation process:

Figure 4-4 Style item creation process

Description of Figure 4-4 follows
Description of "Figure 4-4 Style item creation process"

See Also:

4.2 Understanding Inventory Transactions

Companies routinely use inventory transactions to move items within and among their facilities. The three types of inventory transactions are:

  • Issues, which typically record the removal of inventory from locations.

  • Adjustments, which reconcile discrepancies between physical and system counts.

  • Transfers, which record movement between different locations in a branch/plant or between different branch/plants.

Inventory transactions allow users to directly update inventory quantity, location, or lot. All inventory movement updates the item ledger. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system enables you to view, adjust, issue, and transfer groups of child style items based on their multi level hierarchical definitions.

See Issuing Inventory for Style Items.

See Adjusting Inventory for Style Items.

See Transferring Inventory for Style Items.

See Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items.

4.3 Defining Size Matrix Grids

This section provides an overview of size management and discusses how to:

  • Define the grid code.

  • Define the size matrix grid.

  • Define a size split.

  • Define size weight.

  • Verify the setup for the system constants "SPLITC" and SPLITI."

4.3.1 Understanding Size Management

Size is one of the attributes or levels for most style items. A size matrix grid defines all of the sizes that can be used with a particular item type, such as women's shirts, belts, or men's slacks. The grids are based on industry standards for measuring. They also may vary by region or country.

When using size matrix grids, you should consider the countries for which the item is being produced. Sizes might be expressed differently for different countries, as shown in this diagram:

Figure 4-5 Women's wear size comparison by country

Description of Figure 4-5 follows
Description of "Figure 4-5 Women's wear size comparison by country"

Use the Matrix Grid program (PCW03) to define size matrix grids. The system stores size grids in the Matrix Grid table (FCW03).

To associate an item level (such as size, width, or length) with a particular size matrix grid, you must set up grid codes for each grid and attach these grid codes to the item level.

You can set up multiple size matrix grids for a variety of items, countries, and languages. A particular item can use a range of sizes within a size matrix grid. For example, you might have a size matrix grid for women's shirt sizes within the U.S. The grid includes values from size four to thirty. However, a specific women's shirt is produced only for sizes six through eighteen.

Size matrix grids can also be language-specific. For the same size matrix grid code, you can define a set of sizes for the Chinese language and a set of sizes for French.

The system retrieves size definitions from FCW03 using a combination of the localization country code and language preference. It searches for each of the following combinations in the order shown until it finds a match:

  1. Localization country code and language preference, both from the User Profile Revisions program (P0092).

  2. Localization country code from the User Profile Revisions program and a blank or domestic language preference.

  3. A blank country code and the language preference from the User Profile Revisions program.

  4. A blank country code and blank language preference.

After you define your size matrix grids, you can also specify size split and size weight rules in order to allocate inventory for sales orders. The system stores this information in the Automatic Splitting by Size Definition and Specification for Automatic Splitting of Quantities by Size tables (FCW031 and FCW47).

You can define split rules by size for a specific grid code. You can also attach an item category code or a customer category code to the split rules so that they only apply to specific items and customers. The split by size is represented by percentages. These percentages must always add up to 100 percent. These rules are used during sales order and purchase order entry. For example, you might have sizes Small, Medium, and Large. You can set up a rule to split the item quantity as shown:

  • Small - 25 percent

  • Medium - 50 percent

  • Large - 25 percent

In this example, if a customer orders 100 of the item and they are using this split rule, they will receive 25 size Small, 50 size Medium, and 25 size Large items.

Another method for allocating inventory by size is size weight. You can define weight rules by size for a specific grid code. The weight by size is represented by multipliers. These rules are used at the time that allocations are executed. For example, you might define these weights: 1 for size 38, 3 for size 39, and 2 for size 40. In this example, the customer will receive twice as many size 40s as size 38s, and three times as many size 39s.

4.3.2 Forms Used to Define Size Matrix Grids

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Grid Code - Work with User Defined Codes W0004AA Style Item Management (G41F461), Grid Code Define the grid code.
Work with Size Definitions for Matrix Grid WCW03A Style Item Setup (G41F42), Matrix Grid Define, review, update, and delete size matrix grids.
Size Definitions for Matrix Grid Revisions WCW03B Style Item Setup (G41F42), Matrix Grid

Click Add.

Define a size matrix grid.
Work With Automatic Splitting by Size Definition WCW33C Style Item Setup (G41F42), Matrix Grid

Select the grid code for which you want to define split rules and select Size Split from the Row menu.

Define, review, update, and delete a size split.
Automatic Splitting by Size Definition WCW33B Style Item Setup (G41F42), Matrix Grid

Click Add on the Work with Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form.

Define a size split.
Size Weight Revisions WCW32B Style Item Setup (G41F42), Matrix Grid

Select the grid code for which you want to define weight rules and select Size Weight from the Row menu.

Define size weight.
General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes W0004AA Style Item Management (G41F461), General Parameters Verify the setup for the system constants "SPLITC" and "SPLITI."

4.3.3 Defining the Grid Code

Access the Grid Code - Work with User Defined Codes form.

This is the 41F/GD UDC.

  1. Click Add.

  2. On the User Defined Codes form, enter values for the Codes, Description 1, Special Handling, and Hard Coded columns.

    You can define multiple grid codes at the same time.

  3. Click OK to create your new grid codes.


You also need to define your grid codes as valid UDC values for whichever category code in the Item Master will hold the grid code. The category code that is used for the size grid codes is defined when you define the level type. For example, if you use SRP3, then you must add the grid code values to 41/S3.

See Defining Level Types.

4.3.4 Defining the Size Matrix Grid

Access the Size Matrix Grid Revisions form.

  1. Enter a value in the Grid Code field.

  2. Enter the Localization Country Code, if applicable.


    You must enter the Localization Country Code when defining country-specific size definitions for a size grid code. The system uses the Localization Country Code that is set up in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) to retrieve size grid code definitions. If no size grid code definitions exist for the Localization Country Code (set up in the User Profile Revisions program), the system uses the size grid code definition defined with a blank localization country code.

  3. Enter a value in the Language field, if applicable.


    You must enter the Language when defining language-specific size definitions for a size grid code. The system uses the Language Preference that is set up in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) to retrieve the language-specific size grid code definitions from FCW03. For example, if your language preference is set to Chinese, the system uses the size definitions that are defined for the Chinese language. If no size grid code definitions exist for the Language Preference (set up in the User Profile Revisions program), the system uses the size grid code definition defined for the domestic language (blank value).

  4. Enter the size values for the size matrix grid in the Value fields. You can enter up to 30 values.

4.3.5 Defining a Size Split

Access the Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form.

Figure 4-6 Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form

Description of Figure 4-6 follows
Description of "Figure 4-6 Automatic Splitting by Size Definition form"

To define a size split:

  1. Enter a value in the Item Category Code field if you want the size split to apply to specific items.


    The value that you enter in this field must also be attached to the items that use this size split. Use the SPLITI system constant to define the field from the Item Master where you attach this code.

  2. Enter a value in the Customer Category Code field if you want the size split to apply to specific customers.


    The value that you enter in this field must also be attached to the customers that use this size split. Use the SPLITC system constant to define the field from Address Book where you attach this code.

  3. Enter the percentage of the quantity that you want to allocate to each of the values and click OK. The sum of the percentages must equal 100 percent.


    You may want to enter a value for every size so that if you enable a size for a style item at a later date, the size split is available immediately for that newly enabled size.

4.3.6 Defining Size Weight

Access the Size Weight Revisions form.

  1. Enter a multiplier for each of the values.

  2. Click OK.

4.3.7 Verifying the Setup for the System Constants "SPLITC" and "SPLITI"

Access the General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes form.

This is the 41F/00 UDC.

  1. Select the SPLITC code.

    This code is used to attach size split to a specific customer. The constant defines which category code in address book is used to hold the customer category code for the automatic splitting by size definition.

  2. Verify that Split Category Address Book is the description in the Description 01 column.

  3. Verify that AC03 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from the Address Book where you want to store the customer category code for size split. If you want to use a category code other than AC03, you can change this value.

  4. Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.

  5. If you have made any changes, click OK.

  6. Select the SPLITI code.

    This code is used to attach size split to a specific item. The constant defines which category code in the item master is used to hold the item category code for the automatic splitting by size definition.

  7. Verify that Split Category Item is the description in the Description 01 column.

  8. Verify that SRP1 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from the Item Master where you want to store the item category code for size split. If you want to use a category code other than SRP1, you can change this value.

  9. Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.

  10. If you have made any changes, click OK.

4.4 Defining Level Types

This section provides an overview of level types, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to define level types.

4.4.1 Understanding Level Types

Level types refer to the actual levels or attributes associated with a particular style item. You can define up to 10 levels for an item. The first level, style item root level 0, defines the basic style of the item. The levels make up the hierarchy of the style item. Color, wash, width, and length are all examples of level types. Use the Item Level Type program (PCW011) to define level types. The system stores the level type information in the Item Level Type table (FCW011).

This diagram illustrates a style item with multiple levels. The style item root level 0 is Jeans.

Figure 4-7 Levels for style item Jeans

Description of Figure 4-7 follows
Description of "Figure 4-7 Levels for style item Jeans"

When you define a level type, you specify whether the valid values for the level will be provided by a size matrix grid (grid code) or a UDC. For levels that use a grid code (for example, waist size and leg length), you must associate them with a category code field from the Item Master. The category code field holds the grid code value. For levels that use UDCs (for example, type of wash and color), you must define the UDCs appropriately.

All of the level types used for a particular item are grouped together in the item structure. The values for the levels are then used to create the style items. In the previous diagram, the item structure consists of style item root level 0, Jeans, followed by levels for wash, color, width, and length. When you create the style item, the values for each of these levels are included as part of the item name, which would be JE501.SW.BLUE.32.40 in this example. In this item name example, SW indicates that the wash is stone-washed, BLUE is the color of the jeans, 32 is the value for the width, and 40 is the value for the length. You also define how these levels are reflected in the creation and naming of the child style items.

4.4.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

  • You must create any custom UDC codes and values that you will use to define valid values for your level types.

    For example, if you will be creating a level type for color, then you might create UDC 41F/CO with valid values that represent the colors red, black, blue, green, and white.

  • You must decide which category code in the Item Master will hold the item structure code.

4.4.3 Forms Used to Define Level Types

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work with Item Level Type WCW011A Style Item Setup (G41F42), Define Level Types Define, review, update, and delete item level types.
Item Level Type Revisions WCW011B Style Item Setup (G41F42), Define Level Types

Click Add.

Define level types.

4.4.4 Defining Level Types

Access the Item Level Type Revisions form.

Figure 4-8 Item Level Type Revisions form

Description of Figure 4-8 follows
Description of "Figure 4-8 Item Level Type Revisions form"

To define level types:

  1. Specify a code that defines the attribute of a style item in the Level Type Code field. The system uses this code as a level in the definition of the item structure.

  2. Enter a description of the level type code in the Description field.

  3. Specify whether you want to use the 2nd item code or the description to generate the style item by entering C or D, respectively, in the 2nd Item Code or Description field.

    For example, the level type is color and the value code for this level is BLCK with a description of BLACK. If you enter C in this field, then the system uses BLCK. If you enter D in this field, then the system uses BLACK.


    If you are defining a size-related level that will use a size grid, you should enter D in the 2nd Item Code or Description field in order to see the actual size when the style items are created.

  4. Specify a value to determine the length of the code or description for this level in the Code or Description Length field.

  5. Enter the column position for this level in the Column Position field. This value determines the position where a level is placed. The system uses this value in Bill of Material Association, for column level headings in Matrix Entry, and to store the item hierarchy in the FCW02 table.


    The column position of a level defined in the Item Level Type program is not related to the position of a level within a style item structure. Also, you cannot change the column position of a level once the level is used in a structure.

  6. If you want to update a sales category code in the Item Master with the level type code, enter that sales category code in the Category Code Alias-Style field. You might collect this information for reporting purposes.

  7. Specify the UDC table to use for the values of this level in the Product Code and User Defined Codes fields.

    You will need to have previously created any custom UDC codes and values that you want to use for this level type.

  8. If the level is based on a size grid, leave the Define using UDC section blank. Instead, you must specify the category code in the Item Master in which you will define the size grid used for the item. Enter this code in the Grid Category Code Alias-Style field.


    You also need to define the grid code as a valid UDC value for the category code that you select here. For example, if you choose to use SRP3 to hold your grid code, then you must add your grid code values to the 41/S3 UDC table.

  9. Click OK.

4.5 Defining Item Structures

This section provides an overview of item structures and discusses how to:

  • Define the structure code.

  • Define item structures.

  • Verify the setup for the system constant "STRUCTURE."

4.5.1 Understanding Item Structures

After creating level types, you must decide which levels will be used by a particular style item. You can then define an item structure that includes all of these levels in a specific order. You create a new structure code in UDC 41F/IS and then use the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01) to define that item structure. The Item Structure Detail table (FCW01) stores the item structure information from this program. After you define the item structure, you must define the category code in the Item Master that will contain the value of the structure. This category code is used to attach a specific structure to a style item. To define which category code to use, you must enter the value "STRUCTURE" into the 41F/00 UDC.

This diagram shows a variety of item structures that might be set up for different style items:

Figure 4-9 Structure examples for different style items

Description of Figure 4-9 follows
Description of "Figure 4-9 Structure examples for different style items"

4.5.2 Forms Used to Define Item Structures

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Item Structure - Work with User Defined Codes W0004AA Style Item Management (G41F461), Item Structure Define, revise, or delete item structure codes.
Work with Item Structures WCW01D Style Item Setup (G41F42), Define Item Structures Review, revise, or delete item structures.
Define Item Structure WCW01B Style Item Setup (G41F42), Define Item Structures

Select a row and click Select.

Define item structures.
General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes W0004AA Style Item Management (G41F461), General Parameters Verify the setup for the system constant "STRUCTURE."

4.5.3 Defining the Item Structure Code

Access the Item Structure - Work with User Defined Codes form.

This is the 41F/IS UDC.

  1. Click Add.

  2. On the User Defined Codes form, enter values in the grid for the Codes, Description 1, Special Handling, and Hard Coded columns.

    You can define multiple item structure codes at the same time.

  3. Click OK to create your new item structure codes.

4.5.4 Defining Item Structures

Access the Work with Item Structures form.

  1. Enter the item structure that you want to define in the Item Structure field.

  2. Click Add.


    On the Define Item Structure form, the first level (Level 0) will always have a Level Type Code of ROO. You cannot change this value. Level 0 is always the style item root level 0.

  3. For each level that you want to include in the item structure, complete these fields:

    • Level Type Code

      Enter a code that defines the attribute of a style item. The system uses this code as a level in the definition of item structure.

    • Separator (Y/N)

      Enter a value that specifies whether a separator is required or not. Values are:

      Y: Separator is required.

      N: Separator is not required.

    • Separator Code

      Enter a code that determines the concatenation of values for various levels of a style item. The value entered in this field is used only if the value in the Separator (Y/N) field is set to Y. For example, if the style item is a shirt with blue color, XL size, and the separator code selected is /, then the system displays the style item as Shirt/Blue/XL.

    • Matrix Line (Y/N)

      Enter a value that determines whether to display the matrix. Values are Y or N. The value in the first row corresponds to whether or not the system displays the matrix.

      Y: Matrix displays.

      N: Matrix does not display.

      The value in the last row corresponds to whether the matrix appears in a horizontal or vertical orientation.

      Y: Horizontal orientation

      N: Vertical orientation

      If the value in the first row is N, then the value in the last row does not have any effect because the system will not display the matrix.

    You can enter up to nine levels for the item structure, not including the style item root level 0.

4.5.5 Verifying the Setup for the System Constant "STRUCTURE"

Access the General Parameters - Work with User Defined Codes form.

This is the 41F/00 UDC.

  1. Select the STRUCTURE code.

  2. Verify that Alias Storing Item Structure is the description in the Description 1 column.

  3. Verify that SRP1 is in the Special Handling column. This is the category code from the Item Master where you want to store the structure. If you want to use a category code other than SRP1, you can change this value.

  4. Verify that Y is in the Hard Coded column.

  5. If you have made any changes, click OK.


The item structures that you define in the 41F/IS UDC also need to be defined as valid UDC values for whichever category code in the Item Master that you are going to use for item structures. For example, if you define the system constant STRUCTURE to use SRP1, then you must also set up all of your item structure codes as valid values in the 41/S1 UDC table.

4.6 Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry

You must specify the column or field text descriptions that appear within matrix entry, as well as the order in which they appear.

The column headings are directly related to the column positions that you defined for your level types.

This section discusses how to define level column headings for matrix entry.

4.6.1 Forms Used to Define Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Column Heading - Work with User Defined Codes W0004AA Style Item Management (G41F461), Column Heading Define, review, and delete UDCs.
Column Heading - User Defined Codes W0004AI Style Item Management (G41F461), Column Heading

Click Add.

Define level column headings for Matrix Entry.

4.6.2 Defining Level Column Headings for Matrix Entry

Access the Column Heading - Work with User Defined Codes form.

This is the 41F/CH UDC.

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the order in which you want the column headings to appear in the Codes field (for example, 1,2,3).

  3. Enter the text that you want to appear for the column heading in the Description 1 field.

  4. Click OK to save your new column heading values.

4.7 Creating an Item Hierarchy

This section provides an overview of item hierarchy and discusses how to create an item hierarchy.

4.7.1 Understanding Item Hierarchy

A style item can have many variations due to a widespread customer base. To accommodate these variations, you need to define the style item in a multi-level hierarchical structure with the variations as various levels of the hierarchy. The item hierarchy defines the structure of the item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system. You can have up to 10 levels in the item hierarchy to accommodate variations within a product. The following diagram is an example of a style item hierarchy:

Figure 4-10 Item hierarchy for style item Shirt

Description of Figure 4-10 follows
Description of "Figure 4-10 Item hierarchy for style item Shirt"

The item hierarchy defines the levels of variations that are applicable for the style item and the variations within each level. For example, a shirt can have levels such as style, wash, color, and size. The level that defines color consists of the color variations that are applicable for the style item. Most of the basic attributes, such as style, composition of material, and cleaning codes, are defined at the first level, which is also called style item root level 0 of the hierarchy. The common attributes that are defined at style item root level 0 are inherited by the lower levels of the hierarchy. You define each level with the corresponding details using the Item Level Type program (PCW011). Then you must attach the level types to a structure code (UDC 41F/IS) using the Work with Item Structures program (PCW01). You can create the item hierarchy by attaching the structure code to a style item during the item creation or update process.

Attaching a structure code to a style item does not complete the item hierarchy creation process. The item hierarchy creation process also includes the creation of the child style items at various levels of the hierarchy. You can create child item definitions automatically, on demand, or by batch. You set the mode of creating child style item definitions in the hierarchy, in the processing options of the Style Item Master program. You use the Item Structure Definition program (PCW02) to create the child style item definitions manually.

Each style item hierarchy has a style item root level 0 at the parent level and then child style items. After you create the item hierarchy and child style items, you cannot delete the child levels or parent level items. You can, however, enable the deletion of child or parent level items in a hierarchy by using the Delete Complete Levels processing option on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program.

You can configure each level of an item hierarchy through the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A). You can select or deselect the grid or UDC values that are attached to a level. The system creates the child style items based on the variations that are defined at every level of the item hierarchy. For example, a matrix size grid is attached to the structure code, which is applicable to a style item. The grid values are 32, 34, 36, 38, and 40. If you do not want to generate child style items with the size 40, then you can select all values except 40. Then, the system generates an item hierarchy with the selected variations at the child level.


Once you create the child style items, you cannot change the values specified at each level.

4.7.2 Forms Used to Create an Item Hierarchy

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Item Structure Definition WCW02B On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, select style item root level 0 and select Structure Definition from the Row menu. Work with the style item hierarchy.

4.7.3 Creating an Item Hierarchy

Access the Item Structure Definition form.

To create an item hierarchy:

  1. Search and select the style item on the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

  2. On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item and then select Category Codes from the Row menu.

  3. Enter the structure code in the Sales Catalog Section field and enter the matrix grid code for the attached structure in the appropriate field.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

  5. On the Multi Level Item Revision form, click Close.

  6. On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, select style item root level 0 and then select Structure Definition from the Row menu.

  7. On the Item Structure Definition form, select the style item and click Create Child Items.


If you specified the structure code during item creation, then the system displays the Item Structure Definition form as the exit point during style item creation. In that case, you do not need to perform all of the steps listed previously. Instead, you need to click the Create Child Items button when you reach the Item Structure Definition form.

Also, if you set the Item Structure Creation processing option on the Structure tab of the Style Item Master program for the automatic generation of child style items, then the system creates the structure.

4.8 Creating Root Items

This section provides an overview of style item creation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Style Item Master (PCW51).

  • Create style items.

  • Add a structure to style item root level 0.

  • Generate child style items on demand.

  • Copy style items.

4.8.1 Understanding Style Item Creation

Based on customer demands, you may need to have a wide variety of products. Also, a product may have many variations. For example, the product shirt can have many types of styles, colors, and sizes. To manage these variations for each product, you need to define the product details in various levels of a hierarchy by using the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

You set the processing options for the Style Item Master program to specify how the system creates all of the child style items from these variations. Based on the processing option settings of the Style Item Master program, the system creates child style items using one of the following methods:

  • Automatically

    The system automatically creates all of the child style items after you specify the item details and item structure information for the style item root level 0. The automatic creation of child style items occurs when you exit from the style item root level creation process.

  • On demand

    You create the child style items at the end of the item creation process. For this, after you specify the item details and item structure information for the style item root level 0, you need to click the Create Child Items button on the Item Structure Definition form.

  • In batch

    You run the Create and Process Child Style Items program (RCW01) to create the child style items after you specify the item details and item structure information for the style item root level 0.

In the multi-level structure of a style item, the first level (style item root level 0) of an item hierarchy consists of basic details about the item. In addition to the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne item details, you need to specify the following details for a style item at style item root level 0:

  • Item structure.

  • The size matrix grid used by the style item.

  • Additional information, such as additional category codes, item model number, item number main material, and cleaning codes.

  • Composition details.

    The composition details are important for a style item. You can specify the percentage of each material that is used in the style item.

The basic attributes of the item are inherited from the higher level (parent) to the lower level (child). For every style item that you create, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system creates a corresponding record in the Item Structure Definition (FCW02) and Item Master (F4101) tables. The system stores the additional data that you specify for an item in the Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61).

You also can create style items using the Style Items By Collection (PCW54) program.

See Creating Collections.

The Style Item Master program acts as the entry point, and the Item Structure Definition (PCW02) program acts as the exit point in the style item creation. Based on the processing options set for the Item Master (P4101) program, the forms you use to specify the general attributes of a style item root level 0 appear automatically during item creation.


Style items do not work with kits (stocking type K) and configured items (stocking type C). Style items, kits, and configured items support different business models and are thus mutually exclusive.

Child style items can be components in a kit but style items cannot be the parent kit item (stocking type K).

You can create a style item with the Style Item Master program and view and edit the multi-level structure of it using the Item Structure Definition program. According to item level types, which you define in the structure, details of each level appear as either a list or a grid on the Item Structure Definition form. If the processing option of the Style Item Master program is set for the manual creation of child level item definitions, then you can:

  • Configure each level of variations that are applicable for the style item hierarchy. On the Item Structure Definition form, you select the particular level that you need to configure in the item hierarchy and then select Configure Level from the Row menu.

  • Create end level item definitions after configuring each level of the item hierarchy. On the Item Structure Definition form, click Create Child Items.

You can delete the style item records by setting up the Delete Complete Level processing option on the Delete Process tab of Style Item Master program. The system logs the details of the style items that cannot be deleted in the Style Item Master Purge Log table (FCW88). The FCW88 table is a temporary work file. The system clears this file subsequently after completing the delete process. Based on the Detail Log Report processing option set on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program, the system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) to print the style items that cannot be deleted. Also, you can use the Style Item Master Purge report (RCW32) to delete the style item records and call the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) to print the style items that cannot be deleted. You can also manually run these purge reports.


On deleting a style item, the Style Item Master program calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report along with Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34) report. You can specify the version of the Style Item Balance Purge Log report that the system uses to print the item branch records that cannot be purged, using the Style Item Balance Purge (RCW34) processing option on the Versions tab of the Item Branch program (P41026).

See Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Log Report.

4.8.2 Prerequisites

The Style Item Master program acts as the entry point for the style item creation process. When you start creating style items, the Style Item Master program calls the Item Master program (P4101). The Item Master program facilitates the entry of the basic item details and integrates the style item with the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items. For this reason, you need to set up the Item Master program before you start creating a style item. Oracle recommends that you set the processing options for the Item Master program to call forms such as category codes, additional system information, cost revisions, prices revisions, and item branch during initial style item definition.


If you do not access and complete all forms in the Item Master program during initial style item definition, then you must use the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A) to make changes and click the Create Structure button on the Item Structure Definition form in order to trigger the inheritance to all child style items.

See Working with Item Revisions

You must also set up the Additional Style Item Information, Composition, and Structure Definition processing options on the Style tab of the Item Master program to display the following forms when you enter item details during style item creation:

  • Additional Style Item Information (WCW45A) to specify supplemental category codes and cleaning codes that are applicable for the style item.

  • Work With Composition (WCW44A) to define the materials used in the manufacture of the style item and their respective percentages of the composition.

  • Item Structure Definition (WCW02B) to view and create the child level item definitions. If the processing option of the Style Item Master program is set up for the manual creation of items, then you must use the Item Structure Definition form to create the item hierarchy and the end level items.

See "Setting Processing Options for Item Master (P4101)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.8.3 Forms Used to Create Root Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Style Item Master Browse WCW51E Style Item Management (G41F11), Work With Style Items Add and review style items.
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, click Add. Enter details of style item root level 0.
Multi Level Item Revisions WCW02AB On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, search and select the style item. Review and modify the style item structure and end level item definitions.
Work With Composition WCW44A Select the item for which you need to specify the composition details in the Multi Level Item Revision form and select Composition from the Row menu. Specify the composition details of the primary material.
Category Codes W4101B Select the item for which you need to specify the composition details in the Multi Level Item Revision form and select Category Codes from the Row menu. Add structure code, matrix grids applicable for the structure, and classification codes.
Additional Style Item Information WCW45A Select the item for which you need to specify additional information in the Multi Level Item Revision form and select Addl Style Item Info from the Row menu. Specify additional information, such as additional category codes and cleaning codes, for style item root level 0.

4.8.4 Setting Processing Options for Style Item Master (PCW51)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Structure

These processing options specify how to create child style items in a style item hierarchy and how to select size grids applicable for a style item.

1. Item Structure Creation

Specify how the system creates child style items. Values are:

1: Create child items when you click Close in the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

2: Create child items on demand. You must click the Create Child Items button on the Item Structure Definition form.

3: Create child items by batch using the Create and Process Child Style program (RCW01).

2. Size Grid Selection

Specify how the system displays size grids on the Item Structure Definition (WCW02B) form. Values are:

1: Size grids appear as selected. You must deselect the size grids that you do not want to use.

Blank: Size grids appear as deselected. You must select the size grids manually. Bill of Material

1. Bill of Material Creation

Specify how the system creates bills of material for child style items. Values are:

Blank: Create bills of material for child style items on demand. You must select Create from the Form menu on the Work with Bill of Material (WCW12BA) form.

1: Create bills of material for child style items by batch. You run the Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53). Version

These processing options specify the version of different programs that the system uses when you try to access it when you are creating or modifying a style item.

1. Item Master Version (P4101)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Item Master program (P4101).

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0003 as the default version.

2. Supplier/Item Relationships (P43090)

Specify which version the system uses when you access the Supplier/Item Relationships program (P43090).

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

3. Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53) (create bill of material for child style items [RCW53])

Specify the version of the Create BOM for Child Style Items program (RCW53) that the system calls from the Bill of Material for Style Items program (PCW12B).

If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses XJDE0001 as the default version.

4. Bill of Material Revisions (P3002)

Specify the version of the Bill of Material Revision program (P3002) that the system calls from the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

5. Work With Routing Master (P3003)

Specify the version of the Work With Routing Master program (P3003) that the system calls from the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version. Delete Process

1. Delete complete levels

Specify whether to delete items in the multi-level hierarchy of style items. Values are:

Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style items in the hierarchy if the child items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy. Also, you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are eligible for deletion.

1: Delete even if the level still contains items. You can delete any of the levels in the hierarchy even if the child items exist for that particular level.

2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) and prints a detail log report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print a detail log report.

1: Print a detail log report.

4.8.5 Creating Style Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form.

To create style items:

  1. Enter the unique identifier of the style item in the Item Number field.


    The item number of a style item root level 0 item and the child items in the item hierarchy should not have more than 25 characters.

  2. Enter a meaningful description for the style item in the Description field.

  3. Specify the text that can be used to search for the item in the Search Text field.

  4. Enter the required details of the item in the respective fields.

    See "Entering Item Master Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

4.8.6 Adding a Structure to Style Item Root Level 0

Access the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

To add a structure to the style item root level 0 item:

  1. On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, search and select the style item root level 0.

  2. On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item root level 0 and then select Category Codes from the Row menu.

  3. Enter the required structure code in the appropriate field.


    The field where you enter the structure code is dependent on how you set this up previously. You set this up using the STRUCTURE value in the 41F/00 UDC. For example, if you defined SRP1 as the field to hold the structure code, then you would enter the required structure code in the Sales Catalog Section field on this form.

    If you receive an error when entering the structure code, verify that you added your structure code to the appropriate UDC table. For example, if using the Sales Catalog Section field, you need to add your structure codes to UDC 41/S1.

    See Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System.

  4. Enter the matrix grid code for the attached structure code in the appropriate field.


    The field where you enter the matrix grid code is dependent on how you set this up previously. You set up this information in the Item Level Type program while defining the levels. For example, if you defined SRP3 as the field to hold the size grid code, then you would enter the required size grid code in that field on this form.

    If you receive an error when entering the matrix grid code, verify that you added your matrix grid code to the appropriate UDC table. For example, if using the SRP3 field, you need to add your size grid codes to UDC 41/S3. You specify which SRP field to use for the grid code in the Matrix Grid program.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

4.8.7 Generating Child Style Items on Demand

Access the Work With Style Item Master Browse form.

  1. Search and select the style item root level 0 for which you need to generate child style items.

  2. Select Structure Definition from the Row menu.

  3. On the Item Structure Definition form, select the required UDC values that are applicable for a level. You can either select the values individually or use the Select All button to select all values in a single step.

  4. On the Item Structure Definition-Matrix form, select the required size grid values.

  5. On the Item Structure Definition form, click Create Child Items to generate child style items with the selected values, for the style item root level 0.

4.8.8 Copying Style Items

Access the Multi Level Item Revision form.

Figure 4-11 Multi Level Item Revision form

Description of Figure 4-11 follows
Description of "Figure 4-11 Multi Level Item Revision form"


This task outlines the steps to copy the style item root level 0 and child style item information from one branch/plant to another branch/plant.

To copy style items:

  1. On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the style item root level 0 to copy.

  2. Select Item Branch from the Row menu.

  3. Select the row for the item on the Work With Item Branch form and click Copy.

  4. Enter a value in the Branch/Plant field on the Item/Branch Plant Info. form (W41026A) and click OK.

  5. Click Close on the Work With Item Branch form.

    The system creates the branch/plant records for the style item root level 0 and all its child items.


You can also create a style item by copying a style item in the Style Item Master program. When you select a style item in the Style Item Master program and select Copy, the system reuses the applicable structure definition, such as structure code and size grid codes, of the selected style item.


Verify the origination of the item number you are copying.

The initial item number inquiry upon entering the Work With Item Branch form (W41026E) is based on the style item selected on the Multi Level Item Revision form (WCW02AB).

If you change the item number on the Work With Item Branch form, the system creates the branch/plant record for that style item only. The system does not create the branch/plant records for the child style items. Also, the system will not allow future creation of the branch/plant records for the child style items.

To create branch/plant records for the child style items, delete the style item root level 0 and then recreate the style item root level 0 from the beginning of the setup process using Style Item Master and Multi Level Item Revision programs. You must use Style Item Master and Multi Level Item Revision programs and follow the style item creation process to initiate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system logic.

4.9 Defining Composition, Labels, and Additional Information

This section provides an overview of composition and labels, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Work with composition maintenance.

  • Work with additional style item data.

4.9.1 Understanding Composition and Labels

This table describes the items that are required for style item labels:

Item on Label Description
Made In The country where the product was manufactured.
Composition A list of the materials used to make the item along with the respective percentage of each.
User Cleaning Codes Information on how to care for the style item, such as washing and drying instructions.

The "made in" and composition information may also be required on invoices or exportation documents depending on local legislation. You use two programs to capture this information for style items.

Define the composition of an item in the Composition Entry program (PCW44). The Compositions table (FCW60) holds composition information. You can define one or several compositions for one style item. For example, you many need to specify the composition of the main material or fabric and the composition of the lining. Specify all of the materials that make up a style item as well as the percentages of those materials. For example, you may have a style item for which the main material is 90 percent cotton and 10 percent wool, but the lining is 100 percent silk. You would record all of this information in the composition for that item.

Use the Additional Style Item Information program (PCW45) to define additional information, such as cleaning codes. The Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61) holds the additional information. You can specify cleaning codes for a style item, such as Dry Clean Only and Do Not Bleach. You can also set up and use 10 different category codes to hold additional style item information. These additional category codes are not related to the category codes that you set up in the Item Master program and are not used for any processing. You can use these codes for informational or reporting purposes. During the style item creation process, the system uses the category codes from the Item Master program.

When you create a new item, you can call both the Composition Entry and Additional Style Item Information programs automatically from the Style Item Master program (PCW51) during item creation by setting the appropriate processing options for the Item Master (P4101) version you are calling. Cleaning Codes

Cleaning codes provide information for the consumer on how to take care of a style item. The care instructions are found on the label of the style item. For example, the label might instruct the consumer to "Machine wash warm, no bleach, tumble dry low." Standard cleaning codes can be divided into five basic categories: washing, bleaching, ironing, dry cleaning, and drying. Each cleaning code is associated with its own UDC table. Within that UDC table, you can use the existing values or define new values. You use the Additional Style Item Information program to update these cleaning codes as well as other information about the style item.

4.9.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

  • Define the types of material that can be used to make up the composition of the style items in UDC 41F/MT.

  • Define the parts of a style item for which you want to define the composition (for example, sleeve, lining) in UDC 41F/MP.

  • Verify or set up values for the following list of cleaning codes, which you can find in the Style Item Management menu (G41F461):

    • Washing (UDC 41F/C1)

    • Bleaching (UDC 41F/C2)

    • Ironing (UDC 41F/C3)

    • Dry Cleaning (UDC 41F/C4)

    • Drying (UDC 41F/C5)

  • If you plan to use the supplemental category codes, set up values for the following list of category codes, which you can find in the Style Item Management menu (G41F461):

    • Category Code 1 (UDC 41F/S1)

    • Category Code 2 (UDC 41F/S2)

    • Category Code 3 (UDC 41F/S3)

    • Category Code 4 (UDC 41F/S4)

    • Category Code 5 (UDC 41F/S5)

    • Category Code 6 (UDC 41F/S6)

    • Category Code 7 (UDC 41F/S7)

    • Category Code 8 (UDC 41F/S8)

    • Category Code 9 (UDC 41F/S9)

    • Category Code 10 (UDC 41F/S0)

4.9.3 Forms Used to Define Composition and Labels

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work with Composition WCW44A Style Item Management (G41F11), Work with Style Items

On the Work with Style Item Master Browse form, select a row from the grid and click Select. Next, select your item on the Multi Level Item Revision form and select Composition from the Row menu.

This form will automatically appear during item creation if the correct processing option is set.

Review composition information.
Composition WCW44B Style Item Management G41F11), Work with Style Items

On the Work with Composition form, click Add or select a row and click Select.

Add, delete, or update composition information.
Additional Style Item Information WCW45A Style Item Management (G41F11), Work with Style Items

On the Work with Style Item Master Browse form, select a row from the grid and click Select. Next, select your item on the Multi Level Item Revision form and select Addl Style Item Info from the Row menu.

This form will automatically appear during item creation if the processing option is set.

Work with additional style item information.

4.9.4 Working with Composition Maintenance

Access the Composition form.

  1. Enter the part of the style item for which you want to define the composition in the Composition field. For example, you may want to define the composition of the lining. You can use Search and Select to retrieve valid values from UDC 41F/MP.

    If you want to define one composition for the entire item, leave this field blank.

  2. Enter values for the Material % and Material columns in the grid. Use Search and Select to choose the material from UDC 41F/MT.

    The total material percentage appears below the grid and must equal 100 percent. If it does not, you will receive an error.

  3. After you have entered all of the materials that make up the composition of the style item, click OK.

4.9.5 Working with Additional Style Item Information

Access the Additional Style Item Information form.

Figure 4-12 Additional Style Item Information form

Description of Figure 4-12 follows
Description of "Figure 4-12 Additional Style Item Information form"


The graphics are not shipped with the software. The user needs to configure the cleaning code UDCs appropriately.

  1. Enter any supplemental category codes that you want to use to further define the style item. You can enter up to 10 different category codes. These codes are for informational and reporting purposes only.

  2. Enter values for each of the following cleaning codes, if desired:

    • Washing (UDC 41F/C1)

    • Bleaching (UDC 41F/C2)

    • Ironing (UDC 41F/C3)

    • Dry Cleaning (UDC 41F/C4)

    • Drying (UDC 41F/C5)

  3. Click OK.

4.10 Setting Up UCC and EAN13 Generation

This section provides an overview of UCC and EAN13 generation and discusses how to:

  • Access the second description of company UCC codes.

  • Define company UCC codes.

  • Set processing options for the Generate EAN13 report (RCW28).

  • Run the Generate EAN13 report.

4.10.1 Understanding UCC and EAN13 Generation

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the U.S., the Electronic Commerce Council of Canada (ECCC), and the International Article Numbering Association (EAN) have established standard identification and information transmission procedures. These standards, known as UCC 128 compliance, facilitate uniform product identification and the exchange of shipment information between suppliers and customers (retailers). Based on the standards, each company can assign an identification code to each item using 13 digits of information. The 13-digit unique identification code is referred to as a Universal Product Code (UPC). Each UPC code consists of:

  • A seven-digit company or manufacturer ID that the UCC or EAN assigns. You must save the company IDs in UDC 41/UC. For North American companies, the company ID is represented by only six digits because the leading digit is always zero and can be left off the code.

  • A five-digit product ID that the company assigns. The five-digit product ID is system-generated and can be different from the item number.

  • A single-digit check character.

Because the multi-level hierarchy of a style item has a multitude of child items, manually entering the 13–digit UPC for all the child items in a hierarchy is not easy. Use the Generate EAN13 report (RCW28) to generate UCC and EAN-13 codes for a style item or for all of the child-level items of an item hierarchy.

Also, you can enter the UPC code manually by accessing the Storage/Shipping form from the Style Item Master program.

See "Setting Up Item Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Warehouse Management Implementation Guide.

4.10.2 Forms Used to Set Up UCC and EAN13 Generation

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Style Item Master Browse WCW51E Style Item Management (G41F11), Work With Style Items Review style items.
Multi Level Item Revision WCW02AB On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, search and select the style item. Review and modify the style item details.
Storage/Shipping W4101D On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the multi level style item and then select Storage/Shipping from the Row menu. Set up item shipping information.
Work With User Defined Codes W0004AA Type UDC in the Fast Path. Enter company UCC codes.
Work With User Defined Code Types W0004AD On the Work With User Defined Codes form, search for company IDs in UDC 41/UC, select the company UCC code from the grid values, and select Code Types from the Form menu. Enable a second description option.

4.10.3 Accessing the Second Description of Company UCC Codes

You must store the UPC code in the UDC 41/UC table. In the 13-digit UPC code, the first seven digits are used for company UCC code (company ID) and the next five digits are the unique product ID. In every UPC code, the company ID is the same for all child items in a hierarchy, but the product ID differs from item to item. Enter the product ID as the second description in the UDC 41/UC, before you run the Generate EAN13 program to generate UPC codes automatically for a company.

Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.

To access the second description of company UCC codes:

  1. Search for UDC 41/UC.

  2. Select the required company and select Code Types from the Form menu.

  3. On the Work With User Defined Code Types form, search and select UC from the list of values.

  4. On the User Defined Code Types form, select Y in the 2nd Line (Y/N) field.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

  6. Verify that the Description 02 column now appears on the Work With User Defined Codes form.

  7. Select the company for which you need to generate the UPC codes automatically, and then enter the second description as a five-digit numeric code in the Description 2 field.

  8. Click OK to save the changes.

Every time you generate a UCC or EAN code for a style item, the system automatically adds one to the product ID that you enter as the second description for the company UCC code. For example, the second description that you enter for the first item is 12345 for a company. The system will add one to the second description, when you run the Generate EAN13 program (RCW28) to generate UPC code automatically for the next item. Then, the UPC code will be 12346 for the second item, 12347 for the third, and so on. The system resets the product ID when it reaches the maximum value of 99999.


Before you run the Generate EAN13 program, you must specify the company for which you need to generate UPC codes automatically. Enter it in the Company UCC Code field, which is on the Values tab of the processing options of the Generate EAN13 program.

4.10.4 Defining Company UCC Codes

Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.

To define Company UCC codes:

  1. Search for 41/UC UDC.

  2. Click Add.

  3. On the User Defined Codes form, click the Go to end button.

  4. Enter the seven-digit company UCC code in the Codes field.

  5. Enter a meaningful description for the company UCC code in the Description 1 field.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.

4.10.5 Setting Processing Options for the Generate EAN13 Program (RCW28)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Values

1. Company UCC Code

Specify the company UCC code from UDC 41/UC. Process

1. Update - 3rd Item Number

Specify whether the report updates the 3rd Item Number with the EAN code that is generated. Values are:

1: Update the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code.

Blank: Does not update the 3rd Item Number.

2. Transfer Changes

Specify the tables in which the system updates the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code. Values are:

Blank: Updates the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code only in the Item Master file.

1: Updates the 3rd Item Number with the generated EAN code in the Item Branch file.

2: Updates the 3rd Item Number only in selected tables. Use UDC 40/IC to define the list of tables.

4.10.6 Running the Generate EAN13 Report (RCW28)

Select Run Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Generate EAN13.

4.11 Generating Style Items by Batch

This section provides an overview of style item generation by batch, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to run the Create and Process Child Style Items program (RCW01).

4.11.1 Understanding Style Item Generation by Batch

Based on a processing option for the Style Item Master program, you can create child items automatically, on demand, or by batch. When you select on demand or batch creation by specifying 2 or 3, respectively, in the Item Structure Creation processing option on the Structure tab of the Style Item Master program, the system does not create child items when you exit from the Item Structure Definition program after creating the style item root level 0. You run the Create and Process Child Style Items program after creating the root level item to create child style items by batch. After creating child style items, you can edit the child style item details and define exceptions for the inherited attributes.

See Also:

4.11.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:

  • Enter 3 in the Item Structure Creation processing option on the Structure tab of the Style Item Master program.

  • Attach a valid item structure to the style item root level 0 during item creation or modification.

4.11.3 Running the Create and Process Child Style Items Program (RCW01)

Select Periodic Processing (G41F20), Create and Process Child Style Items.

4.12 Working with Item Revisions

This section provides an overview of item revisions and discusses how to work with item revisions.

4.12.1 Understanding Item Revisions

After you create a style item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you may have to review its details and make changes. Unlike standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items, style item details are specified in a multi-level format. You can modify the item definitions at each level of the style item hierarchy by using the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A).

The Multi Level Item Revision program enables you to:

  • View the item hierarchy in a tree structure.

  • Review items that are created in the item hierarchy.

  • Define or modify details about child style items at each level of the item hierarchy.

  • Define variations for an attribute, which are inherited from the parent level style item to the child level style item of the item hierarchy. You can define exceptions for the inherited attributes at any of the child levels in the hierarchy.

  • Attach a media object to a style item root level 0.


You must use Style Item Master and Multi Level Item Revision programs to make changes to the style items. The style item specific features such as inheritance and exceptions will work only if you make changes to the style items using the Style Item Master and Multi Level Item Revision programs.

You may not access and complete all forms in the Item Master program when entering the initial style item records. The processing options may not be set to call all forms or the setup applications may not be accessible during initial style item definition. When you subsequently make changes to the Item Master records using the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A), then you must click the Create Structure button on the Item Structure Definition form in order to trigger the inheritance to all child style items.

4.12.2 Forms Used to Work with Item Revisions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Item Master Browse WCW51E Style Item Management (G41F11), Work with Style Items Define or modify style item root level 0 details.
Multi Level Item Revision WCW02AB On the Work With Style Item Master Browse form, select a record and then select Revision from the Row menu. Review and modify child item details.
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select the child level or style item root level 0 to modify and then select Item Revisions from the Row menu. Review and modify the item definition.
Work With Preference Base Price W4106J On the Multi Level Item Revision form, select an item and then select Price Revisions from the Row menu. Review and provide exception for item price of the child style items.

4.12.3 Working with Item Revisions

You can define or modify the details of an item in the multi level item hierarchy.

Access the Multi Level Item Revision form.

Figure 4-13 Multi Level Item Revision form

Description of Figure 4-13 follows
Description of "Figure 4-13 Multi Level Item Revision form"

To work with item revisions:

  1. On the Multi Level Item Revision form (WCW02AB), select the level that you need to modify or add new information in the item hierarchy.

  2. Make the necessary changes by accessing the required forms through the Row menu.


    You cannot change the second item number when you update the details of a style item.

  3. Select the Create Structure button if the system is set up for the manual creation of child style items.

4.13 Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

This section provides an overview of item availability for style items and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for the Style Item Availability program (PCW05).

  • Review item availability for style items.

4.13.1 Understanding Item Availability for Style Items

Transactions that affect on-hand quantities affect the available quantity. Quantity information is vital in the day-to-day management of inventories. The item availability details help you to understand the current and future needs. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system determines the availability of an item by subtracting outbound quantities from the sum of inbound and on-hand quantities. You must define how you want the system to calculate item availability for each branch/plant by using the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001). Item availability affects how the system calculates back orders, cancellations, and customer delivery times.

You determine style item availability using the Style Item Availability program (PCW05). You can view the style item from the style item root level 0 to the child level item definitions. You can also view the style item availability at each level of the item hierarchy in a matrix or tree view.

See "Defining Item Availability" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide. Prerequisites

Before you perform tasks in this section, you must set up the required processing options for the Item Availability program (P41202).

4.13.2 Forms Used to Review Item Availability for Style Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Style Item Availability WCW05A Inventory Management (G41F12), Style Item Availability Review the style item availability.
Work With Item Availability W41202A On the Style Item Availability form, enter the style item in the Style Item field and branch/plant in the Branch/Plant field, if applicable, and click Find. Select the required child item from the grid value and select Item Availability from the Row menu. View the item availability of both standard items and style items.

4.13.3 Setting Processing Options for Item Availability (PCW05)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

You can specify the various types of style item availability related information to display on the Style Item Availability form. Based on the processing options set on the Process tab, the system displays or hides the corresponding fields that contain these details.

1. Quantity on Hand

Use this processing option to specify whether to display the on-hand quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity on-hand.

1: Display quantity on-hand.

2. Quantity Hard Committed

Specify whether to display the hard committed quantity on sales orders. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the hard committed quantity.

1: Display the hard committed quantity.

3. Quantity Soft Committed

Specify whether to display the soft committed quantity on sales orders and soft committed quantity on work order parts lists. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the soft committed quantity.

1: Display the soft committed quantity.

4. Quantity Committed

Specify whether to display the total committed quantity. The system calculates total committed quantity based on the availability calculation setup in the branch/plant constants. The quantities from hard and soft committed to sales orders, soft committed to work order parts lists, future committed to sales orders, hard committed to work order receipts, other quantity 1 to sales orders, and other quantity 2 to sales orders are included in the total committed quantity if set up to do so in the branch/plant constants. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the total committed quantity.

1: Display the total committed quantity.

5. Quantity Available

Specify whether to display the available quantity. The system calculates available quantity based on the availability calculation set up in the branch/plant constants. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the available quantity.

1: Display the available quantity.

6. Quantity on Purchase Order

Specify whether to display the quantity on purchase orders. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity on purchase orders.

1: Display quantity on purchase orders.

7. Quantity on Work Order Receipts

Specify whether to display the quantity on work orders receipts. Values are:

Blank: Do not display quantity on work orders.

1: Display quantity on work orders.

8. Quantity in Inspection

Specify whether to display the quantity in inspection. Valid values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in inspection.

1: Display the quantity in inspection.

9. Quantity in Transit

Specify whether to display the quantity in transit. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in transit.

1: Display the quantity in transit.

10. Quantity in Operation 1

Specify whether to display the quantity in user-defined operation 1. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in user-defined operation 1.

1: Display the quantity in user-defined operation 1.

11. Quantity in Operation 2

Specify whether to display the quantity in user-defined operation 2. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in user-defined operation 2.

1: Display the quantity in user-defined operation 2.

12. Quantity in Purchase Order - Other 1

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 (quantity on other purchase order) field. Valid values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 field.

1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On P.O Other 1 field.

13. Quantity in Other Quantity 1 Sales Order

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 (quantity on the other sales order) field. Valid values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 field.

1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 1 field.

14. Quantity in Other Quantity 2 Sales Order

Specify whether to display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 (quantity on the other sales order) field. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 field.

1: Display the quantity in the Quantity On S.O Other 2 field.

15. Quantity Available + Soft Committed

Specify whether to display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed on sales orders and work order parts lists. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed.

1: Display the sum of available quantity and quantity soft committed. Versions

1. Item Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the Item Availability program (P41202) that you want the system to use to display item availability.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

2. Supply and Demand (P4021)

Specify the version of the Supply Demand program (P4021) that you want the system to use to display supply and demand information.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

3. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the Item Ledger program (P4111) that you want the system to use to display item ledger information.

If left blank, the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default version.

4.13.4 Reviewing Item Availability for Style Items

Access the Style Item Availability form.

Figure 4-14 Style Item Availability form

Description of Figure 4-14 follows
Description of "Figure 4-14 Style Item Availability form"

To review item availability for style items:

  1. Enter the style item (root/intermediate/lowest-level) in the Style Item field, and the branch/plant in the Branch/Plant field, if applicable, and click Find.

  2. Select either Tree View or Matrix View to specify how the system displays the style item hierarchy.

  3. If you want to review the detailed availability across locations and lots for a child style item, select the child style item in the Level Name field and then select Item Availability from the Row menu.

  4. Review the fields and click Close.

4.14 Purging Style Item Data

This section provides an overview of purge programs for style items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Review the Style Item Master Purge report.

  • Set processing options for the Style Item Master Purge report.

  • Review the Style Item Balance Purge report.

  • Set processing options for the Style Item Balance Purge report.

  • Review the Style Item Balance Purge Log report.

  • Review the Style Item Master Purge Log report.

4.14.1 Understanding Purge Programs for Style Items

The Inventory Management system of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system consists of the following special purge programs:

  • Style Item Master Purge (RCW32), which purges style item records.

  • Style Item Balance Purge (RCW33), which purges style item balance records.

When you purge style item records or style item balance records, the system enables you to print the details of the records that cannot be deleted using the Style Item Master Purge Log (RCW36) and Style Item Balance Purge Log (RCW34) reports respectively.

4.14.2 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:

  • Save copies of the files affected in the purge.

  • Verify that no users are working with the data that you want to purge.

4.14.3 Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Report

Select Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Style Item Master Purge.

Use the Style Item Master Purge report (RCW32) to delete the style item master details stored in the following tables:

  • Item Master (F4101).

  • Item Structure Definition (FCW02).

  • Media Objects Storage (F00165).

  • Supplier Price/Catalog File (F41061).

  • Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors (F41002).

  • Item Cross Reference File (F4104).

  • Collection Detail (FCW07).

  • Price List Detail (FCW34).

  • Collection Templates Detail (FCW56).

  • Additional Style Item Information (FCW61).

  • Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71).

You can define whether style item records are eligible for deletion by setting up the Delete Complete Levels processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item Master Purge report.

When you try to purge a style item master record, the Style Item Master Purge report does the necessary validations to check whether the record is eligible for purging. Before purging style item master records, the system verifies that the records are not associated with these tables:

  • Item Location File (F41021).

  • Item Branch File (F4102).

  • Item Cost File (F4105).

  • Lot Master (F4108).

  • Bill of Material Master File (F3002).

  • Routing Master File (F3003).

If the Detail Log Report processing option is set on the Process tab of the Style Item Master Purge report, then the system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log program (RCW36) to print a detailed log of the style items that cannot be deleted.

The Style Item Master Purge Log report helps you to analyze the reason for not deleting the records.

Also, you can purge the style item master records and print the detailed log report using the Style Item Master program (PCW51).

See Creating Style Items.

4.14.4 Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Master Purge Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Delete Complete Levels

Specify whether to delete items in the multi-level hierarchy of style items. Values are:

Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style items in the hierarchy if the child style items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy. Also, you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are eligible for deletion.

1: Delete even if a level still contains items. You can delete any of the levels in the hierarchy even if child style items exist for that particular level.

2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) and prints a detail log report. Values are:

Blank: Do not print a detail log report.

1: Print a detail log report.

4.14.5 Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Report

Select Apparel Advanced and Technical Ops (G41F31), Style Item Balance Purge.

Use the Style Item Balance Purge report (RCW33) to purge the style item branch records that are stored in the following tables:

  • Item Cost File (F4105).

  • Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors (F41002).

  • Item Location File (F41021).

  • Item Cost Component Add-Ons (F30026).

  • Supplier Price/Catalog File (F41061).

  • Supplier/Item Relationships (F43090).

  • Price List Detail (FCW34).

  • Copy to Outsource Operations for Style Items (FCW93).

  • Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71).

You can define whether to delete the multiple-level style item branch records based on the Delete Complete Levels processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item Master Balance Purge report. In addition to the Delete Complete Levels processing option, the system does the following validations before purging an item balance record:

  • Work orders do not exist in the Work Order Master File (F4801).

  • Parts list does not exist in the Work Order Parts List (F3111).

  • Bill of material does not exist in the Bill of Material Master File (F3002).

  • Any secondary locations do not exist in the Item Location File (F41021).

  • Data is not present in any of the following fields for the item location record:

    • On-hand

    • Hard Commitments

    • Soft Commitments

    • Back Order Quantity

    • On Order Quantity

    • Quantity Outbound (EDI)

    • Quantity Inbound (EDI)

You can opt for printing a detailed log report of the style item balance records that cannot be purged by setting up the Detail Log Report processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item Balance Purge report.


You can delete only style item balance records using the Style Item Balance Purge report. To delete standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items balance records, you must use the Item Balance Purge (F4102) report (R4102P).

See "Running the Item Balance Purge" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.14.6 Setting Processing Options for the Style Item Balance Purge Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Process

1. Delete Complete Levels

Specify whether to delete style item branch records in the multi-level hierarchy of style items. Values are:

Blank: Delete only if all levels can be deleted. You can delete the style item branch records in the hierarchy if the child style items are not created under a parent level in the hierarchy. Also, you can delete the parent levels if all the child items under it are eligible for deletion.

1: Delete even if a level still contains items. You can delete any of the style item branch records in the hierarchy even if child style items exist for that particular level.

2. Detail Log Report

Specify whether the system runs the Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34) and prints a detail log report of the style item balance records that cannot be purged. Values are:

Blank: Do not print a detail log report.

1: Print a detail log report.

4.14.7 Reviewing the Style Item Balance Purge Log Report

Use the Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34) to analyze the details of the style item balance records that cannot be deleted.

You can call the Style Item Master Balance Purge Log report from any of the following programs:

  • Style Item Balance Purge (RCW33).

    When you run the Style Item Balance Purge report, the system calls the Style Item Balance Purge Log report to display the details of the style item balance records that cannot be deleted. The system calls the Style Item Balance Purge Log report only if you set the Detail Log Report processing option on the Process tab of the Style Item Balance Purge report.

  • Style Item Master (PCW51).

    The system calls Style Item Balance Purge Log report along with the Style Item Master Purge Log report when you delete a style item master record. For this, you must set up the Detail Log Report processing option on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program.

  • Item Branch (P41026).

    The system calls Style Item Balance Purge Log report when you delete a style item branch record by accessing the Item Branch program through the Multi Level Item Revision (PCW02A) program. In this case, the system calls the Style Item Balance Purge Log report only if the following conditions are satisfied:

    • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system is activated.

    • The item branch record is for a style item.

    • The Detail Log Report processing option on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program is set.

4.14.8 Reviewing the Style Item Master Purge Log Report

You use the Style Item Master Purge Log report (RCW36) to print the style items that cannot be purged. The system calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report to print the details of style item records that cannot be deleted. You can call the Style Item Master Purge Log report from both the Style Item Master program and the Style Item Master Purge report.

You can define whether to print the detailed log report of style items that cannot be purged based on the processing options set on the Process tab of the Style Item Master Purge report or on the Delete Process tab of the Style Item Master program. If the processing option is set to print the detailed log report, then you have to run the Style Item Master Purge report to call the Style Item Master Purge Log report. If you try to delete a style item record from the Style Item Master program, then the system automatically calls the Style Item Master Purge Log report.


When you call the Style Item Master Purge Log report from the Style Item Master program, the system calls the Style Item Balance Purge Log report (RCW34).

See Setting Processing Options for Style Item Master (PCW51).

4.15 Converting Standard Items to Style Items

This section provides an overview of the style item master conversion and discusses how to run the Style Item Master Conversion (RCW04) program.

4.15.1 Understanding Style Item Master Conversion

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management systems store style items in the Item Structure Definition (FCW02) and Item Master (F4101) tables. The system stores additional style item information in the Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61) and standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne items in the F4101 table. You can convert a standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne item to a style item using the Style Item Master Conversion program (RCW04). When you run the Style Item Master Conversion program, the system copies the standard item details to the FCW02 and FCW61 tables. You can access the converted item details through the Style Item Master program (PCW51).


The system considers an item to be a style item when a style item record exists in the FCW02 table.

4.15.2 Running the Style Item Master Conversion Program

Run Periodic Processing (G41F20), Style Item Master.

4.16 Issuing Inventory for Style Items

This section provides an overview of inventory issues for style items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Matrix Entry (PCW10).

  • Issue inventory for style items.

4.16.1 Understanding Inventory Issues for Style Items

When you issue inventory, you remove it from a location. You can issue inventory using the Inventory Issues program (P4112). The following diagram illustrates the inventory issue process for a style item:

Figure 4-15 Inventory issue process for a style item

Description of Figure 4-15 follows
Description of "Figure 4-15 Inventory issue process for a style item"

You can view the availability of the style item in the matrix display.

(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style Item field of the Style Item Availability form.

See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User's Guide.


The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the primary unit of measure (UOM) when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM entered in the Inventory Issues program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory Issues program or in the matrix entry grid.

See "Issuing Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.16.2 Prerequisites

Before you issue inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you must set up the following processing options for Inventory Issues:

  • Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature, enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.

  • Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry (PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Issues (P4112)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.16.3 Forms Used to Issue Inventory for Style Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Inventory Issues W4112D Inventory Management (G41F12), Inventory Issues Review inventory issues.
Inventory Issues W4112A On the Work With Inventory Issues form, click Add. Issue inventory for style items.
Matrix Entry WCW10B On the Inventory Issues form, enter the style item number in the Item Number field, and the system will display the style items to be issued in a matrix structure on the Matrix Entry form. View the style item and child item availability in a matrix format. Also, you can enter the quantity and location/lot information of the style item to be issued.

4.16.4 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Entry (PCW10)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Defaults

1. Availability (Y/N)

Specify whether the system displays item availability. Values are:

Y: The system displays item availability for locations containing the style item.

N: The system does not display item availability.

Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101), Purchase Order Entry (P4310), Inventory Issues (P4112), Inventory Transfers (P4113) and Inventory Adjustments (P4114).

2. Matrix Code or Description

Specify how the system displays information for the matrix code. Values are:

Blank: The system displays the matrix code.

1: The system displays the description of the matrix code.

2: The system concatenates the matrix code and description and displays it using the format Code/Description, using / as the separator.

Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101), Purchase Order Entry (P4310), Purchase Order Receipts (P4312), Inventory Issues (P4112), Inventory Transfers (P4113), and Inventory Adjustments P4114). Sales/Purchasing

1. Splitting Code

Specify whether the system automatically splits quantities and whether the automatic split can be overridden by a manual entry of the values. Values are:

Blank: Do not automatically split the quantities.

1: Automatically split the quantities and enable the manual override of values.

2: Automatically split the quantities and do not enable the manual override of values.

Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101) and Purchase Order Entry (P4310).

2. Type of Availability

Specify whether the system displays the standard availability or the amounts available for allocation. The value of the Availability processing option must be set to Y before the system uses the value that you specify in this processing option. Values are:

Blank: The system displays the standard availability.

1: The system displays the amounts available for allocation.

Applications using these values are Sales Order Entry (P4210 and P42101).

4.16.5 Issuing Inventory for Style Items

Access the Inventory Issues form.

To issue inventory for style items:

  1. Enter the required value in the Branch/Plant field.

  2. Enter a date in the G/L Date field.

  3. Enter the date on which the transaction is complete in the Transaction Date field.

  4. Enter the unique identifier of the item to be issued in the Item Number field. You can enter any of the child level items or the style item root level 0 in this field.

  5. On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the items to be issued in the matrix grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if desired. Based on the level of the selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and issue applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0 on the Inventory Issues form, then you can enter all the quantity to be issued for all child items in the hierarchy.


    (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability subform.


    (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) as Y.

    If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not display that row.

    If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.

    When you save the changes, the system loads the updated item quantities in the matrix grid to the inventory issues grid. Also, the system loads the location and lot information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.

  7. On the Inventory Issues form, click OK to save the changes.

4.17 Adjusting Inventory for Style Items

This section provides an overview of inventory adjustments for style items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to adjust inventory for style items.

4.17.1 Understanding Inventory Adjustments for Style Items

You use inventory adjustments to reconcile discrepancies between physical item counts and system item counts. You can enter adjustments to increase or decrease the on-hand quantity and the cost of inventory items in a branch/plant without conducting a complete physical inventory. For example, you can adjust inventory when a discrepancy exists between the number of items that is recorded for a location and the actual count.

You can set up processing options to display default values and the availability of the style item in a matrix structure. The following diagram illustrates the inventory adjustment process for a style item:

Figure 4-16 Inventory adjustment process for a style item

Description of Figure 4-16 follows
Description of "Figure 4-16 Inventory adjustment process for a style item"

Use the Inventory Adjustments program (P4114) to enter adjustments in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system. You can view the availability of a style item in the matrix display.

(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style Item field of the Style Item Availability form.

See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User's Guide.


The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the primary UOM when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM entered in the Inventory Adjustments program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory Adjustments program or in the matrix entry grid.

See "Adjusting Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.17.2 Prerequisites

Before you adjust inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you must set up the following processing options for Inventory Adjustments:

  • Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature, enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.

  • Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry (PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Adjustments (P4114)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.17.3 Forms Used to Adjust Inventory for Style Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Inventory Adjustments W4114B Inventory Management (G41F12), Inventory Adjustments Review inventory adjustments.
Inventory Adjustments W4114A On the Work With Inventory Adjustments form, click Add. Adjust inventory for style items.
Matrix Entry WCW10B On the Inventory Adjustments form, enter the style item number in the Item Number field, and the system will display the style items to be adjusted in a matrix structure on the Matrix Entry form. View the style item and child item availability in a matrix format. Also, you can enter the quantity and location/lot information of the style item to be adjusted.

4.17.4 Adjusting Inventory for Style Items

Access the Inventory Adjustments form.

To adjust inventory for style items:

  1. Enter the required value in the Branch/Plant field.

  2. Enter a date in the G/L Date field.

  3. Enter the date on which the transaction is complete in the Transaction Date field.

  4. Enter the item number in the Item Number field.

  5. On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the various items to be adjusted in the matrix grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if desired. Based on the level of selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and adjust the applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0 on the Inventory Adjustments form, then you can enter all the quantity to be adjusted for all child items in the hierarchy.


    (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability subform.


    (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) as Y.

    If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not display that row.

    If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.

    When you save the changes, the system loads the style item quantities in the matrix grid to the inventory adjustments grid. Also, the system loads the location and lot information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.

  7. On the Inventory Adjustments form, click OK to save the changes.

See "Adjusting Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.18 Transferring Inventory for Style Items

This section provides an overview of inventory transfers for style items, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to transfer inventory for style items.

4.18.1 Understanding Inventory Transfers for Style Items

You might want to transfer inventory from one location to another. Inventory transfers follow a similar process as issues and adjustments, except that you must specify the to and from branch/plant and location. These locations can be within the same branch/plant or in different branch/plants.

Availability is not necessarily changed if you are moving inventory within the same branch/plant. If the inventory transfer happens between two different branch/plants, then the on hand quantity of the from branch/plant decreases and the on hand quantity of the to branch/plant increases.

You can transfer style items between two locations. When you want to transfer style items, you can select each style item or all child items in a style item hierarchy. The following diagram illustrates the style items inventory transfer process:

Figure 4-17 Inventory transfer process of a style item

Description of Figure 4-17 follows
Description of "Figure 4-17 Inventory transfer process of a style item"

Use the Inventory Transfers program (P4113) to transfer inventory between two locations. You can view the availability of the style item in the matrix display.

(Release 9.1 Update) You can view the availability of selected style items at the parent level (style item root level 0) or child level (intermediate item level) for a branch/plant or all branch/plants on the Matrix Entry form. To view style item availability on the Matrix Entry form, you must embed the Style Item Availability form on the Matrix Entry form, and map the Selected Style Item field of the Matrix Entry form to the Style Item field of the Style Item Availability form.

See "Creating Embedded EnterpriseOne Form Content" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework User's Guide.


The Matrix Entry program (PCW10) supports only the primary UOM when processing quantities, regardless of the UOM entered in the Inventory Transfers program.

If you enter a transaction UOM other than the primary UOM of the style item root level 0, then the system displays a warning message to notify you that the UOM is different. The system uses the primary UOM to process the quantities you originally entered in the Inventory Transfers program or in the matrix entry grid.

See "Transferring Inventory" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.18.2 Prerequisites

Before you transfer inventory in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management system, you must set the processing options for the Inventory Transfers program:

  • Specify whether to override the standard item number visual assist with the style item number visual assist when you search for an item. To enable this feature, enter 1 in the Item Search and Select processing option on the Defaults tab.

  • Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) in the Matrix Entry (PCW10) processing option on the Versions tab. The system uses the Matrix Entry program to retrieve the style item matrix data.

See "Setting Processing Options for Inventory Transfers (P4113)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide.

4.18.3 Forms Used to Transfer Inventory for Style Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Inventory Transfers W4113A Inventory Management (G41F12), Inventory Transfers Review inventory transfers.
Inventory Transfers W4113B On the Work With Inventory Transfers form, click Add. Transfer inventory for style items.
Matrix Entry WCW10B On the Inventory Transfers form, enter a style item number in the Item Number field, and the system will display the style items to be transferred in a matrix structure on the Matrix Entry form. View the style item and child item availability in a matrix format. Also, you can enter the quantity and location/lot information of the style item to be transferred.

4.18.4 Transferring Inventory for Style Items

Access the Inventory Transfers form.

To transfer inventory for style items:

  1. Enter the date of transaction in the Transaction Date field.

  2. Enter the G/L date in the G/L Date field.

  3. Enter the branch/plant from which and to which the inventory is transferred in the From Branch/Plant and To Branch/Plant fields, respectively.

  4. Enter the unique identifier of the item to be transferred in the Item Number field.

  5. On the Matrix Entry form, enter the quantity of the various items to be transferred in the matrix grids. You may also specify the location and lot information if desired. Based on the level of selected item in the item hierarchy, you can view and transfer the applicable child items. For example, if you select style item root level 0 on the Inventory Transfers form, then you can enter all the quantity to be transferred for all child items in the hierarchy.


    (Release 9.1 Update) If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system is integrated with the Composite Application Framework, you can view the availability of a style item on the Matrix Entry form. To view the style item availability, select the row for the style item and review the item availability information in the Style Item Availability subform.


    (Release 9.1 Update) The system displays the Omit Zero Quantities check box on the Matrix Entry form if you set the Availability processing option of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) as Y.

    If you select the Omit Zero Quantities check box, the system displays the style items with zero on-hand quantity in gray color font and you cannot enter the quantity for those items. Additionally, if the on-hand quantity of all the style items in a row is zero, the system does not display that row.

    If the Splitting Code processing option for the Matrix Entry program is set to automatically split quantities, then the system splits the quantity among the style items with available on-hand quantity.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.

    When you save the changes, the system loads the style item quantities in the matrix grid to the inventory transfers grid. Also, the system loads the location and lot information that you entered in the Matrix Entry form.

  7. On the Inventory Transfers form, enter the from and to locations for the item transfer in the From Location and To Location fields, respectively.


    You can enter From and To locations on the Matrix Entry form. The system overrides the values entered in the Matrix Entry form with the values entered in the Inventory Transfers form.

  8. Click OK to save the changes.