37 Setting Up Your System to Work With SPED FCont

This chapter provides an overview of user-defined codes (UDCs) used when generating the FCont report and discusses how to:

37.1 Understanding UDCs for SPED FCont

Before you work with the FCont report for Brazil, you must set up these UDC tables:

37.1.1 Inscription Type (76B/AI)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign an inscription type to address book records. The system uses the inscription type when it generates data for the registration number and signatories for the SPED electronic file.

Values are:

Codes Description
10 Commercial Registration
20 Worker Register Number
30 Accountant Inscription Number
99 Other Inscriptions

37.1.2 Activity Code (76B/AV)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign an activity code to companies when you set up reporting information in the Address Book Additional Information program (P01012BR). The system uses the value for ePIS/COFINS.

Values are:

Codes Description
(blank) No activity code
0 Industrial or Indus. equalized
1 Lender of services
2 Commercial Activity
3 Financial Activity
4 Real Estate Activity
5 Entity subject to PIS/Pasep
9 Others

37.1.3 Company Relation Code (76B/CR)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a company relation code to a company when you complete subsidiary or participant information for the company in its address book record. Examples of values are:

Codes Description
4 Controladora
5 Controlada
7 Controlada em conjunto

37.1.4 Descentralized Bookkeeping Entity (76B/DB)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a decentralized bookkeeping code to companies when you set up legal companies in the Legal Company Constants program (P76B010).

Values are:

Codes Description
0 Legal entity
1 Establishment

37.1.5 FCONT Dummies Registers (76B/DB)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. This table indicates registers to be removed because they must not be considered in the extraction process.

Values are:

Codes Description
I075 Standard Historic Table
I156 Ref map for Total deb and cred
I256 Ref mapping for journal entries
I356 Ref mapping for P/L Accounts

37.1.6 Inscriptions Responsible (76B/ER)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a responsible entity when you set up inscription information for address book records. The system writes information about the responsible entity to block 0.

Example of values are:

Codes Description
01 Banco Central
03 Comissão de Valores Mobiliário (CVM)
BA Secretaria de Fazenda do Bahia

37.1.7 FCont Account Operation (76B/FA)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a code from this UDC table when you define FCont inclusions and exclusions for journal entries in the FCONT Account Ledger Operations program (P76B835).

Values are:

Codes Description
EF Fiscal Close Journal Entries
F Regarded Journal Entries
IF Adjustment Journal Entry (Beginning Balance Fiscal)
IS Adjustment Journal Entry (Beginning Balance Corporate)
TF Fiscal Balance Transfer
TR Difference Transfer Journals
TS Corporate Balance Transfer
X Disregarded Journal Entries

37.1.8 Account/Group type code (76B/GA)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a code from this UDC table when you set up GL accounts with information that is required for SPED Fcont reporting. You use the Brazilian Account Information program (P76B925) to assign accounts of the chart of accounts to these codes. The report reflects this data on register I050 of block I.

Values are:

Codes Description
1 Assets
2 Liabilities
3 Equity
4 Profit and Loss
5 Compensations
9 Others

37.1.9 Juridic Person Qualification (76B/JQ)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a juridic person qualification to companies when you set up reporting information for a company in the Address Book Additional Information program (P01012BR). The system uses tthis value in register M020 of block M for the electronic file for SPED FCont.

Values are:

Codes Description
(blank) No juridic qualification
00 Insurance Co, capitalization
10 Juridic Person in general
20 Financial System Component

37.1.10 Company Nature Indicator (76B/NI)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You define the company nature indicator when you set up reporting information in the Address Book Additional Information program (P01012BR). The system uses the value for ePIS/COFINS.

Values are:

Codes Description
01 Sociedade empresária em geral
02 Sociedade cooperativa
03 Entidade sujeita ao PIS/Pasep

37.1.11 FCONT Period Beginning Indicator (76B/PB)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You define the period beginning indicator the system displays in register 0000 when you set up job header information in the SPED FCONT Job Administrator program (P76B940).

Values are:

Codes Description
0 Beginning at the first day of
1 Opening
2 Division/Fusion Resulting
3 FCONT mandatory deliver begin

37.1.12 Periodicity Detail Level (76B/PL)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You define the periodicity detail level when you set up job header information in the SPED FCONT Job Administrator program (P76B940).

Values are:

Codes Description
Q Quarter
Y Year

37.1.13 FCONT Quarter Taxation Method (76B/PL)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You define the taxation method for each quarter when you set up job header information in the SPED FCONT Job Administrator program (P76B940).

Values are:

Codes Description
0 Outside Bookkeeping Period
1 Real
2 Arbitrated
3 Presumed (Only Quarterly)
4 Inactive (Only Quarterly)

37.1.14 Signatory Qualification Codes (76B/SG)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provideshard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a value from this UDC code when you set up signatories for legal companies, either when you create the jobs or when you modify them by using the FCONT SPED Job Administrator (P76B940) program. The report includes this data on register J930 of block J.

Examples of values are:

Codes Description
205 Administrador
220 Administrador Judicial - Pessoa Física
309 Procurador
999 Outros

37.1.15 Co Special Situation Indicator (76B/SI)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a value from this UDC code when you set up information for legal companies. These codes indicate is a special situation, such as a merger or closure, exists for the company. This information is shown on register 0000 of FCONT SPED Report.

Values are:

Codes Description
(blank) No special situation
0 Opening
1 Handover
2 Fusion
3 Incorporation
4 Extinction

37.1.16 Project Version (76B/VC)

The system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. You assign a value from this UDC code when you set up processing options for the Block Setup program (P76B0730) and the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940). The system uses this code to identify the type of electronic report to generate.

Values are:

Codes Description
09 SPED Fiscal
PC ePisCofins
SD Accounting SPED

37.2 Setting Up Address Book Additional Information

This section provides an overview of address book additional information and discusses how to add specific FCont reporting information to an address book record.

37.2.1 Understanding Address Book Additional Information

You use the Reporting tab of the Address Book Additional Information program (P01012BR) to enter FCont and EPIS/COFINS reporting information. Once updated, the changes are saved to the table Address Book Brazil Reporting Information (F76B026). This table includes reporting information for FCont and EPIS/COFINS legal reports.

37.2.2 Forms Used to Add Additional Information to Address Book Records

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with Addresses W01012B Address Book - Brazil (G76B01), Address Book Revisions Review and select existing records.
Address Book Revisions W01012A Click Add on the Work With Addresses form, or select a record and click Select. Add or revise an address book record.
Address Book Additional Information - Brazil W01012BRA Select Regional Info from the Form menu on the Address Book Revision form.

Select a record and then select Regional Info from the Row menu on the Work with Addresses form.

Add information specific to Brazil for address book records.
Additional Address Book Information - Reporting tab W01012BRA Select the Reporting tab on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form. Add or modify reporting information.

37.2.3 Adding Reporting Information to an Address Book Record

Access the Address Book Regional Information form. Click on the Reporting tab.

For FCont, you must select the FCONT Juridic Person Qualification (UDC 76B/JQ) among the following values:

  • Blank: No juridic qualification

  • 00: Insurance co, capitalization

  • 10: Juridic Person in general

  • 20: Financial System Component

37.3 Adding Inscription Information to Address Book Records

This section provides an overview of inscription information and discusses how to add inscription information to an address book record.

37.3.1 Understanding Inscription Information

You use the Address Book Additional Information program (P01012BR) to add registration or inscription information to address book records. Registration or inscription information includes the type of registration or inscription, the number, issuer, and date. The system saves the inscription information to the Address Book Inscription table (F76B140).

37.3.2 Forms Used to Add Inscription Information to Address Book Records

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with Addresses W01012B Address Book - Brazil (G76B01), Address Book Revisions Review and select existing records.
Address Book Revisions W01012A Click Add on the Work With Addresses form, or select a record and click Select. Add or revise an address book record.
Address Book Additional Information - Brazil W01012BRA Select Regional Info from the Form menu on the Address Book Revision form.

Select a record and then select Regional Info from the Row menu on the Work with Addresses form.

Add tax information specific to Brazil for address book records.
Additional Address Book Registrations W01012BRB Select Address Book Inscn from the Form menu on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form. Add or modify inscription information.

37.3.3 Adding Inscription Information to an Address Book Record

Access the Additional Address Book Registration form.

Address Number Inscription Type

Enter a value from the Inscription Type (76B/AI) UDC table to specify the type of registration or inscription number to associate with the address book record. Values are:

10: Commercial Registration

20: Worker Register Number

30: Accountant Inscription Number

99: Other inscriptions

Address Number Responsible Entity

Enter a value from the Inscriptions responsible (76B/ER) UDC table to specify the code that identifies the issuer of the inscription number. You complete the Address Number Responsible Entity field only if you select 30 as the value for the Address Number Inscription Type field.

Address Number Inscription Nbr (address number inscription number)

Enter the inscription number to associate with the address book number. The inscription number might be assigned to a company or individual by a government entity, professional association, or other regulatory entity.

Issue Date

Enter the date that the inscription number was issued.

37.4 Setting Up Legal Company Constants

This section provides an overview of legal company constants and discusses how to:

  • Set up legal company information.

  • Add company subsidiary information.

  • Add decentralized bookkeeping information to a legal company.

  • Add signatory information to a legal company.

37.4.1 Understanding Legal Company Constants

A legal company is the company for which you report the accounting data. You use the Legal Company Constants program (P76B010) to associate data about decentralized bookkeeping, subsidiaries, and signatories for the reporting company. The system uses the data that you enter to populate fields in the files that you submit for the SPED Fcont report.

The system writes the data that you enter to these tables:

  • Legal Company Constants (F76B010)

  • Legal Company - Subsidiaries (F76B015)

  • Decentralized Accounting Bookkeeping (F76B020)

  • Signatories (F76B025)

37.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Legal Company Constants

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with Legal Company Constants W76B010A General Accounting System Setup (G76B0941), Legal Company Constants Review and select existing records.
Legal Company Constants Revision W76B010B Click Add on the Work with Legal Company Constants form. Associate information about the company situation, such as the creation or conversion date and whether the company operated under special conditions, such as a merger.
Subsidiaries / Participants W76B010C Select a record on the Work with Legal Company Constants form and then select Subsidiaries / Partici from the Row menu. Associate another company to the legal company and specify the relationship between the companies.
Decentralized Bookkeeping W76B010D Select a record on the Work with Legal Company Constants form and then select Decentralized Bookkeeping from the Row menu. Specify the address book number and the code of the company or accountant if some or all accounting activities occur outside of the legal company. You complete this information only when the legal company uses decentralized bookkeeping.
Signatories W76B010E Select a record on the Work with Legal Company Constants form and then select Signatories from the Row menu. Enter the address number and code for the title or responsibility of the signatory.

37.4.3 Setting Up Legal Company Information

Access the Legal Company Constants Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter a value from the Company Constants table (F0010) to specify the company for which you set up the SPED FCont required information.

CO Special Indicator (company special indicator)

Enter a value that exists in the Co Special situation Indicator (76B/SI) UDC table to specify if the company experienced a special event, such as a merger or a change in legal status, during the reporting year. Values are:

Blank: No special situation

0: Opening

1: Handover

2: Fusion (merger)

3: Incorporation

4: Extinction

DesCent Bookeep (decentralized bookkeeping)

Enter a code to specify if the company uses decentralized bookkeeping. Decentralized bookkeeping occurs when some or all of the accounting activities take place with a company or accountant outside of the legal company.

Values are:

0 or N: No

1 or Y: Yes

CO Creation Date (company creation date)

Enter the date that the company started.

CO Conv Date (company conversion date)

Enter the date that the company converted its legal status from a simple association to a company association.

37.4.4 Adding Company Subsidiary Information

Access the Subsidiaries / Participants form.


Enter the company that is the subsidiary of the legal company.

Participant Flag

Specify whether the subsidiary is part of a group of companies. Values are:

1 or Y: Yes.

0 or N: No

A value for the participant code is written to the 0150 and 0180 registers.

CO Relation Code (company relation code)

Enter a value from the Company Relation Code (76B/CR) UDC table to specify the type of relationship between the subsidiary and the legal company. You must complete this field if you entered Y or 1 in the Participant Flag field.

A value for the participant code is written to the 0150 and 0180 registers.

CO Relation From Date

Enter the date that the relationship between the subsidiary and the legal company began.

CO Relation To Date

Enter the date that the relationship between the subsidiary or participant and the legal company ended. If the relationship extends beyond the fiscal year, enter the last day of the reporting period. For example, you might enter December 31, 2008.

Contributor Address Number

Enter the address number for a participant other than a subsidiary who contributed to the accounting data.

37.4.5 Adding Decentralized Bookkeeping Information to a Legal Company

Access the Decentralized Bookkeeping form.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the entity who contributed some or all of the accounting data.

Decentralized Indicator

Enter a value from the Decentralized Bookkeeping Entity (76B/DB) UDC table to specify the type of entity. Values are:

0: Legal entity

1: Establishment

37.4.6 Adding Signatory Information to a Legal Company

Access the Signatories form.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person who is authorized to sign the SPED FCont electronic file.

Signatory Code

Enter a value from the Signatory qualification Codes (76B/SG) UDC table to specify the title of the person who is signing the SPED FCont electronic file.


For FCont, you must set up two signatories: one for signatory code Contador (value 900) and another one using a different signatory code.

Identification of Signatory (Release 9.1 Update)

Enter a value from the Legal Representative of Company (76B/SN) UDC table which validates the signatory code as legal or non-legal representative for the company. Values are:

S (Yes): This signatory represents the legal representative for the company.

N (No): This signatory represents the non-legal representative for the company.

37.5 Setting Up GL Accounts for SPED FCont

This section provides an overview of the setup for general ledger (GL) accounts for SPED FCont; an overview of parent/child relationships and account group codes; and discusses how to:

  • Import the referential chart of accounts.

  • Manually add records for the referential chart of accounts.

  • Import associations between GL accounts and referential accounts.

  • Manually add an association between a GL account and a referential account.

  • Import group type codes for accounts.

  • Globally update group type codes for accounts.

37.5.1 Understanding Setup for GL Accounts for SPED FCont

You must associate your GL accounts with a government recognized chart of accounts. Depending on your business, you might associate you GL accounts to the chart of accounts from the Secretaria da Receita Federal or the Banco Central do Brasil.

To set up your GL accounts with associations between your GL accounts and the government chart of accounts (referential accounts):

  1. Import or manually add the referential accounts.

    You use the Referential Chart of Accounts program (P76B920) to import, manually add, or modify records for the referential chart of accounts. The system saves the referential chart of accounts to the Referential Chart of Account table (F76B920).

  2. Import or manually add associations between your GL accounts and the referential accounts.

    You use the Ref Accounts by Account program (P76B926) to import, manually add, or modify the associations. The system calls the Ref Accounts by Account program from the Brazil Account Information program (P76B925). The system saves the data for the associations to the Ref Accounts by Accounts - BR table (F76B926) and Brazilian Account Information table (F76B925).

  3. Import or use a global update function to group your accounts by type.

    You use the Brazil Account Information program to assign values from the Account/Group type code (76B/GA) UDC table to your GL accounts. The system saves the account group information to the Brazilian Account Information table (F76B925). The system uses the group type codes to determine which accounts are used for assets, liabilities, and so on. Importing the Government Referential Chart of Accounts

Instead of entering each record separately, you can import the government chart of accounts from a spreadsheet. You must set up the spreadsheet with columns for each of the fields on the Multiple Add Referential Chart Accounts form in the order in which the fields appear on the form. The fields are:

  • Chart of Account Responsible

    When you save the imported data, the system validates the value in this field against the values in the Chart of accounts Responsible (76B/RA) UDC table, so the values for this field must exist in the 76B/RA UDC table. The hard-coded values in the UDC table are 10(Secretaria da Receita Federal) and 20(Banco Central do Brasil).

  • Referential Account

  • Referential Account Description Importing Associations Between Your GL Accounts and Referential Accounts

Instead of manually associating each GL account to a referential account, you can import the associations from a spreadsheet. You must set up the spreadsheet with columns for each of the fields on the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account form in the order in which the fields appear on the form. The fields are:

  1. Business Unit

  2. Object Account

  3. Subsidiary

  4. Chart of Account Responsible

    The system validates the value for this field against the values in the Chart of accounts Responsible (76B/RA) UDC table when you import the values, so the value in your spreadsheet must exist in the UDC table.

  5. Referential Account Assigning Group Types to GL Accounts

You assign a group type code to group your GL accounts for reporting. You set up group type codes in the Account/Group type code (76B/GA) UDC table, and then assign the codes to accounts in the Brazilian Account Information program. You can import records with the relationship between GL accounts and group type codes, or you can use a group update function to select GL accounts that exist in the F0901 table and then assign a group type code to all of the selected records.

If you import the values, you must set up the spreadsheet that you use with the fields as they are listed on the Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information from. The fields are:

  1. Business Unit

  2. Object Account

  3. Subsidiary

  4. Account/Group Type Code

    The system validates the value in this field against the 76B/GA UDC table, so the values in the spreadsheet must exist in the 76B/GA UDC table.

  5. Account ID

    The system will populate the Account ID field; you do not need to provide a value. Deleting Records

You can delete the referential accounts only when you have not associated the account with a GL account.


When a GL account is no longer used, you must set up the account as inactive by specifying that the account is inactive (code I) in the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901) instead of deleting the account or giving the account a posting code of N (nonposting).

You do not delete the account because an account might be listed in the I050 register but not show any transactions posted against it in other registers. Registers that appear in register I050 are based on the selected chart of account, not on the transactions.

You do not assign an inactive account the nonposting code because the posting code of N is used by the SPED FCont software to determine the accounts to include.

See Understanding Parent/Child Relationships and Account Group Codes

You can delete the association between a referential account and a GL account by selecting the record on the Work with Referential Accounts by Account form and then selecting Delete selected rec. from the Form menu.

You can delete the group type code for accounts by selecting the accounts on the Work with Brazilian Account Information form and selecting Clear Account Code from the Form menu.

37.5.2 Understanding Parent/Child Relationships and Account Group Codes

When you set up GL accounts in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, you can assign a level of detail for the accounts. You use the levels to specify a parent/child relationship between accounts. The system enables you to skip numerical levels between a parent account and child account. For example, you might set up an account at a level 4 that is the child of an account at a level 2.

The files that you submit for SPED Fcont must show the parent/child relationships between accounts. However, the relationships can contain no gaps in the levels between a parent and child account. For example, an account at a level 4 cannot be a child of a level 2 parent account. Instead, an account at a level 4 must have a parent account at a level 3.

When you set up accounts for reporting, you associate an account group type code to the accounts that you report. You must assign an account group type code to every account to include in the reports. The system uses the highest level account that is assigned a group code as the parent for all other accounts in the group, and uses the OBJ.SUB of the parent account as the agglutination code.


The first level of each account group must be unique. For example, only one account that is assigned an account group code of 01 (assets) can be a first level, or parent, account.

If you have more than one account at the top level in your chart of accounts and assign them the same account group code, the system does not accurately report your data. For example, if you have two accounts that are at a detail level of 1 in your chart of accounts, and you assign both of those accounts the same account group code, your data is not accurately reported.

The system uses the posting edit code to determine which child accounts to include in the totals for each account group type. The system uses the posting edit code of N to determine which accounts to include (summarize). Accounts that have a posting edit code other than N are considered to be analytical accounts and are not included in the SPED reporting.


If you use a posting edit code of N to prevent transactions from posting to an account, you must change the code before you process accounts for SPED reporting or the account will be included for reporting.

37.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up GL and Referential Accounts

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work with Referential Chart of Accounts W76B920A General Accounting System Setup (G76B0941), Referential Chart of account Review and select existing records.
Referential Chart Accounts Revisions W76B920B Select a record on the Work with Referential Chart of Accounts form and click Select. Modify the description of the referential account.
Multiple Referential Chart of Accounts W76B920C Click Add on the Work with Referential Chart of Accounts form. Manually add a record.
Multiple Add Referential Chart Accounts - Import Assistant n/a On the Multiple Referential Chart of Accounts, select Import Grid Data from the Tools menu. Complete information about the referential chart of accounts to import from a spreadsheet.
Work with Brazilian Account Information W76B925A General Accounting System Setup (G76B0941), Brazilian Account Information Review and select existing GL accounts.
Work with Referential Accounts by Account W76B926A On the Work with Brazilian Account Information form, select Referential Accounts from the Form menu. Review and select existing records for associations between GL accounts and referential accounts.
Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account W76B926C Click Add on the Work with Referential Accounts by Account form. Associate a single GL account to a referential account.
Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account - Import Assistant n/a On the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account form, select Import Grid Data from the Tools menu. Complete information about the associations between GL accounts and the referential chart of accounts to import from a spreadsheet.
Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information W76B925C Click Add on the Work with Brazilian Account Information form. Add the group type code for a single account.
Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information - Import Assistant n/a On the Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information from, select Import Grid Data from the Tools menu. Complete information about the Brazilian account information to import from a spreadsheet.
Brazilian Account Information Revisions W76B925E On the Work with Brazilian Account Information form, select a record and click Select. Add or modify the group type code for a single, existing account record.
Referential Accounts by Account Revisions W76B926B On the Work with Referential Accounts by Account form, select a record and then click Select. Modify the relationship between a referential account and a GL account by modifying the referential account number, the responsible entity, or the GL account ID.

37.5.4 Importing the Referential Chart of Accounts

Access the Multiple Add Referential Chart Accounts - Import Assistant form.

  1. Click Import from Excel in the Define Import File area.

  2. Use the Browse button to navigate to the spreadsheet to import.

  3. In the Define Cell Range area, specify the rows and columns to import.

  4. In the Define Import Location in Grid area, specify the target location to import the data. Options are:

    • Insert: The system imports the data column A, row 0 of the grid.

    • Paste: The system imports the data to the location that you specify in the Col and Row fields that appear when you select this option. Use this option to add additional records.

    The data that you specified appears in the grid.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click Continue to add the data to the F76B920 table.

      The system returns you to the Multiple Add Referential Chart Accounts form. When you click OK on the Multiple Add Referential Chart Accounts form, the system saves the data to the F76B920 table if no errors exist, or it displays an error message if one or more records do not pass the validation.

    • Click Reset to delete the records from the grid.

37.5.5 Manually Adding Records for the Referential Chart of Accounts

Access the Setup Multiple Referential Chart of Accounts form.

Chart of Account Responsible

Enter a value from the Chart of accounts Responsible (76B/RA) UDC table to specify the government agency that provides the chart of accounts. Values are:

10: Secretaria da Receita Federal

20:Banco Central do Brasil

Referential Account

Enter the account ID from the government chart of accounts.


Enter the description of the account.

37.5.6 Importing the Associations Between GL and Referential Accounts

Access the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account - Import Assistant form.

  1. Click Import from Excel in the Define Import File area.

  2. Use the Browse button to navigate to the spreadsheet to import.

  3. In the Define Cell Range area, specify the rows and columns to import.

  4. In the Define Import Location in Grid area, specify the target location to import the data. Options are:

    • Insert: The system imports the data column A, row 0 of the grid.

    • Paste: The system imports the data to the location that you specify in the Col and Row fields that appear when you select this option. Use this option to add additional records.

    The data that you specified appears in the grid.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click Continue to add the data to the F76B926 table.

      The system returns you to the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account form. When you click OK on the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account form, the system saves the data to the F76B926 table if no errors exist, or it displays an error message if one or more records do not pass the validation.

    • Click Reset to delete the records from the grid.

37.5.7 Manually Adding an Association Between a GL and Referential Account

Access the Multiple Add Referential Accounts by Account form.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for the GL account.

Object Account

Enter the object portion of the GL account number.


Enter the subsidiary portion of the GL account number.

Chart of Account Responsible

Enter a value from the 76B/GA UDC table to specify the government entity responsible for the referential chart of accounts.

Referential Account

Enter the referential account number to associate with your GL account. You obtain the number from the government chart of accounts.

37.5.8 Importing Group Type Codes for Accounts

Access the Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information - Import Assistant form.

  1. Click Import from Excel in the Define Import File area.

  2. Use the Browse button to navigate to the spreadsheet to import.

  3. In the Define Cell Range area, specify the rows and columns to import.

  4. In the Define Import Location in Grid area, specify the target location to import the data. Options are:

    • Insert: The system imports the data column A, row 0 of the grid.

    • Paste: The system imports the data to the location that you specify in the Col and Row fields that appear when you select this option. Use this option to add additional records.

    The data that you specified appears in the grid.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click Continue to add the data to the F76B925 table.

      The system returns you to the Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information form. When you click OK on the Multiple Add Brazilian Account Information form, the system save the data to the F76B925 table if no errors exist, or it displays an error message if one or more records do not pass the validation.

    • Click Reset to delete the records from the grid.

37.5.9 Globally Update Group Type Codes for Accounts

Access the Work with Brazilian Account Information form.

  1. Select the records to which to add or update the group type code.

    You can use the fields in the QBE (query by example) line to filter records. To select all of the records that appear on the Work with Brazilian Account Information form, click the check box next to the Company field. Or, you can individually select the lines to update.

  2. Select Global Update from the Form menu.

  3. Select Update Account Group/Type.

  4. In the Account/Group Type Code field, enter a value from the 76B/GA UDC table to specify the group type code to assign to the selected records.

  5. Click OK to update the selected records in the F76B925 table.

37.6 Defining the Books for SPED FCont

This section provides an overview of SPED book type definitions and discusses how to define the books for the SPED Fcont report.

37.6.1 Understanding SPED Book Type Definitions

You use the Book Type Definition program (P76B935) to set up information about the SPED books that you must report. You specify the purpose of the book, the order in which it appears in the file, the book type, and other related information. You also specify the ledger type from which the system reads the transaction information for the SPED book.

The system stores the data that you enter in these tables:

  • SPED Book Type Definition (F76B935)

    This table stores information about the main SPED books.

  • SPED Book Type Relation (F76B936)

    This table stores the auxiliary book information.

  • SPED Book Ledger Types (F76B937)

    This table stores the ledger type that you associate with the book type. The system selects transactional information for blocks I and J according the period, company, participant/subsidiary companies and the ledger type corresponding to the book for the job that you run.

You use the data that you set up for SPED books when you set up jobs to generate the electronic files for SPED FCont reporting. You use the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940) to set up and run a job for each book that you set up in the Book Type Definition program.

37.6.2 Forms Used to Define the Books for SPED FCont

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Working with SPED Book Definition W76B935A FCONT SPED Setup (G76B0931), Book Type Definition Review and select existing records.
SPED Book Definition Revisions W76B935B Click Add on the Working with SPED Book Definition form. Define the books for SPED FCont.
SPED Book Ledger Type W76B935E Select a record on the Working with SPED Book Definition form and then select Ledger Types from the Row menu. Associate the book with a ledger type. You must complete this task. The system uses this ledger type to select records from the Account Master (F0901) or Account Balance (F0902) table when you generate the SPED FCont files.

37.6.3 Defining SPED FCont Books

Access the SPED Book Definition Revisions form.

You must complete all of the fields on this form.

Sped Book Order Number

Enter a number for the book. You use the book number when you set up the jobs to extract data for reporting.

Sped Book Purpose

Enter the purpose of the book in this free-form text field. The text that you enter appears in the electronic file.

Account Number

Enter the GL account from which the system will obtain transaction data for the SPED book types A or Z.

You do not associate a GL account number to book types G, R, or B.

Sped Bookkeeping Type

Enter a value from the SPED Bookkeeping Types (76B/SL) UDC table to specify the SPED book type. Values are:

A: Auxiliary daily book with resumed bookkeeping

B: Daily Balance books and Balance sheet

G: Daily books

R: Daily Book with resumed bookkeeping

Z: Auxiliary Major Book

Bookkeeping Type Book Assoc.

Specify whether the data for the SPED book will be included in the submission file. Values are:

Blank or 0: Digital (include in the file)

1: Other (not included in the file)

Bookkeeping External Type

Specify whether the SPED book information is generated by a system other than JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Values are:

N: Generated by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

Y: Generated by a different system.

37.7 Setting Up Account Ledger Operations for FCont

This section provides an overview of account ledger operations for FCont and discusses how to categorize journal entries to be inclusions or exclusions for the FCont report.

37.7.1 Understanding Account Ledger Operations for FCont

You use the FCONT Account Ledger Operations program (P76B835) to define the FCont operation type for each journal entry. According to the operation defined, the system manages the entries differently during the FCont txt file extraction process. The system saves the this information to the FCONT Account Ledger Operation table (F76B835).

37.7.2 Forms Used to Define FCont Operations for Journal Entries

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With FCONT Account Ledger Operations W76B835A SPED FCont Setup menu (G76B0931), FCONT Account Ledger Operations Review and select existing records.
Work With FCONT Journal Entries Details W76B835B Select a record and click Select. Review journal entries grouped by batch type and number.
FCONT Operation Global Update W76B835C Select the Global Update option from the Row menu. Update FCont operations.
FCONT Operation Global Delete W76B835D Select the Global Delete option from the Row menu. Remove records.

37.7.3 Defining FCont Operations for Journal Entries

Access the FCONT Account Ledger Operations form.

Select the records to modify and then select the Global Update option from the Row menu. Select the FCont Account Operation (UDC 76B/FA) among the following values:

  • EF: Fiscal Close Journal Entries.

  • F: Regarded Journal Entries.

  • IF: Adjustment Journal Entry (Beginning Balance Fiscal).

  • IS: Adjustment Journal Entry (Beginning Balance Corporate).

  • TF: Fiscal Balance Transfer.

  • TR: Difference Transfer Journals.

  • TS: Corporate Balance Transfer.

  • X: Disregarded Journal Entries.

Select the Update FCONT Account Ledger Operation checkbox.

37.7.4 Removing FCONT Account Ledger Operations

Access the FCONT Account Ledger Operations form.

Select the records to remove from the FCont report and then select the Global Delete option from the Row menu. The system prompts you to confirm the operation. By confirming, the system removes all selected records from the FCONT Account Ledger Operation table (F76B835).

37.8 Setting Up Account Balances

This section provides an overview of account balances for FCont and discusses how to manually add or update fiscal and corporate balances for the FCont report.

37.8.1 Understanding FCont Account Balances

You use the FCONT Account Balances program (P76B837) to manage the final fiscal and corporate balance amounts considered for the FCont report. The system saves the this information to the FCONT Account Balances table (F76B837).

37.8.2 Forms Used to Manage FCONT Account Balances

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Work With FCONT Account Balances W76B837A SPED FCont Setup menu (G76B0931), FCONT Account Balances Review and select existing records.
Work With FCONT Account Balances Revisions W76B837B Select a record and click Select or click on the Add icon. Add and update records.

37.8.3 Managing FCont Account Balances

Access the FCONT Account Balances form.

Select the records to modify, or click on the Add icon, and then complete the following fields:

  • Century

  • Year

  • Quarter: Select a value from UDC 07/QU.

  • Account Number

  • FCONT Final Fiscal Balance Amount.

  • FCONT Final Corp Balance Amount.

37.9 Specifying Blocks, Versions, and Sequencing

This section provides an overview of blocks, versions, and sequencing and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Blocks Setup program (P76B0730).

  • Specify block information.

37.9.1 Understanding Blocks, Versions, and Sequencing

The Brazilian tax authority determines which registers in each block must be included in the SPED FCONT files for each book type. The mandatory registers vary based on the type of book that you submit.

You use the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program (R76B838) to populate the tables Electronic Reporting Header Blocks (F76B930) and Electronic Reporting Details Blocks (F76B931) with data that contains the definition of each FCONT block, the sequence and their associated UBE to be executed.


In most cases, you will run the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program just once, and then use the Block Setup program to modify records, if necessary. Each time you run the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup batch program, the system overwrites the tables F76B0730 and F76B0731.

You can also use the Block Setup program (P76B0730) to set up the batch programs (UBEs) and versions to run for each block. You set up versions of the programs provided by Oracle, and can also set up versions of the custom programs that you create to generate blocks or populate registers for data that does not reside in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

When you set up the blocks, you must specify the UBE and versions to run for each block, as well as the sequence number in which the system runs the batch programs.

You can access the UBEs for FCont from the SPED FCont Setup menu (G76B0931) to set up versions with data selection. However, you must run the programs from the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940) from the SPED - FCONT menu (G76B0930).

See Extracting and Reviewing Data for FCont.

The Block Setup program saves data to these tables:

  • Electronic Reporting Header Blocks Template (F76B0730)

  • Electronic Reporting Detail Blocks Template (F76B0731)


These are the same tables used in the ATO COTEPE process. Thefield B76ACTC indicates whether the template refers to COTEPE or FCont execution. In the case of FCONT, this field have the hard-code value FC. Block and Report Sequencing

You must run some UBEs in a specific sequence. For example, you must run the UBE for block 0 prior to running UBEs for any other blocks, so the sequence number for the UBE for block 0 must have a lower sequence number than other UBEs. Similarly, you must run the UBE for block 9 after you run the UBEs for all other blocks, including any custom programs that you need to run.


If you ran the Initial Setup - UBEs by Block program to populate the SPED Records Rules table (F76B930), the program also populated the Ato Cotepe Detail Blocks Template table (F76B0731) with the program IDs, versions, and sequence. You only modify this information if you have customer programs to add.

This table shows how the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program populates the F76B731 table for FCont (Ato Cotepe Version is FC).

Block Program ID Version Block Sequence Report Sequence
Block 0 R76B840 ZJDE0001 1 1
Block I R76B841 ZJDE0001 2 1
Block I R76B842 ZJDE0001 2 2
Block I R76B843 ZJDE0001 2 3
Block I R76B842 ZJDE0002 2 4
Block J R76B844 ZJDE0001 3 1
Block M R76B845 ZJDE0001 4 1
Block 9 R76B846 ZJDE0001 5 1

37.9.2 Forms Used to Specify Block Information

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
Block Setup - SPED Project Blocks Template W76B0730A SPED FCont Setup (G76B0931), Block Setup Review and select existing records.
Block Setup - SPED Project Blocks Template Revision W76B0730B Click Add or select a record on the SPED Project Blocks Template. Set up or modify the block sequence and requirement for a version of the program for the block.

37.9.3 Setting Processing Options for Block Setup (P76B0730)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values. General

SPED Project Version

Enter a value that exists in the Version of Ato Cotepe (76B/VC) UDC table to specify the version to use. For FCont reporting, enter FC (FCONT SPED).


The initial configuration includes the version of the program ZJDE0003 that considers the SPED Project Version as FC.

37.9.4 Specifying Block Information

Access the Electronic Reporting Blocks Template Revision form. You can modify the following fields:

Report Sequence

Enter the sequence number of the report.

Some blocks are populated by more than one program. Use this field to specify the order in which the system runs the programs for blocks populated by multiple programs. If only one program exists for the block, enter 1.

Program ID

Enter the program ID of the report that you run to populate the block.


Enter the version of the report that you specify in the Program ID field.