34 Extracting and Reviewing Data for SPED Accounting

This chapter contains the following topics:

34.1 Setting Up and Running Jobs to Extract Data

This section provides overviews of job setup and the execution process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for SPED Job Administrator (P76B940).

    Note (Release 9.1 Update):

    If you used the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software for Brazil prior to the implementation of the SPED Accounting 2013 Update, you should note that the name of the P76B940 program is changed from SPED Execution to SPED Job Administrator.

  • Set up a job to extract data.

  • Run a job to extract data.

  • Reprocess a block.

34.1.1 Understanding Job Setup

After you set up the blocks and registers in the Block Setup program (P76B0730), you use the SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940) to set up and run jobs to process the data for SPED accounting. You set up a separate job for each book number. Books numbers are associated with book types. You set up the associations between book numbers and book types in the Book Type Definition program (P76B935). Each job generally includes all of the blocks required for SPED accounting for a specified book number, but you can set up a job to generate the records for only selected blocks.

When you click OK to add a job, the system:

  1. Writes data to the SPED Jobs (F76B940) and SPED Job Header Blocks (F76B941) tables using the values that you entered in the SPED Job Administrator program and values that you set up in the Block Setup program (P76B0730).

  2. Writes one record for each period processed to the SPED Job Batches table (F76B944).

    If you use the Annual Execution option, the system processes the information as one single batch.

    The system does not assign a batch number until you run the job.

  3. Writes records to the SPED Job Signatories table (F76B945) for the signatories that you set up for the legal company in the Legal Company Constants program (P76B010).

    You can modify the signatories information before you run the job.

  4. After you set up the job, you can access the SPED Job Related Book form to enter or confirm information about related books. Modifying Records Before Running a Job

You can modify certain data for jobs before you run the job:

  • Job description

    To revise the job description, select Header Revision from the Row menu on the SPED Job Inquiry form.

  • Signatories

    When you add a job, the system writes data for the signatories that you set up in the address book record to the F76B945 table. Select Signatories Revision from the Row menu on the SPED Job Inquiry form to modify the signatories.

  • Hash code

    To add the hash code for related books, select Hash Code Revision from the Form menu on the SPED Job Revision form.

    You add a hash code for each month.

    If you select the Annual Execution when creating the job, you only add one hash code.

  • Related books

    When you add a job, the system writes data for the related books that you set up in the Book Type Definition program (P76B935) to the SPED Job Related Books table (F76B946).


The system enables you to make changes to the signatories, hash codes, and related books after you run a job. However, the system does not update the output files unless you reprocess the blocks in a job. Deleting Records

If you attempt to delete a job for which records exist in the F76B943 table, the system displays a confirmation message. You can confirm the action to delete the job. If you attempt to delete a job for which no records exist in the F76B943 table, the system deletes the job without asking for a confirmation. When the system deletes a job, it deletes records for the job from all of the related tables (F76B940–F76B947 and F76B995).

34.1.2 Understanding the Execution Process

You run the jobs that you set up from the SPED Job Revision form in the SPED Job Administrator program. When you run a job, the system completes these tasks for each block in the job:

  1. Reads the job information that is stored in the SPED Jobs table (F76B940) for the block.

    The system stores information in the F76B940 table when you set up the jobs.

  2. Checks the values in the SPED Record Rules table (F76B930) to determine which registers to generate.

    If the SPED Job Output Detail table (F76B943) is already generated for the job and registers, the system deletes all records from the table for the register, then repopulates the table with the new records.

  3. Reads the periods to process from the SPED Job Batches table (F76B944) and generates the registers for each period.

    The system writes the output records by month or in one single summarized record if you use the annual execution option. You can view the most significant details for the completed job in the SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940). The system assigns the same job number to all of the UBEs for all of the blocks selected.

  4. Populates the SPED Job Output Detail table (F76B943) with the information for the block, period, and registers.

    The F76B943 table also includes the text string for the flat file.

  5. Uses a status code to indicate whether the records are queued for processing.

    Status codes are: W (waiting), P (in process), D (done), and E (error). These status codes appear in the SPED Job Detail Blocks-UBE table (F76B942) for each UBE in the job that you run. You can view the statuses on the SPED Job Revision form in the SPED Job Administrator program.

    A status code of D (done) appears in the SPED Job Header Blocks table (F76B941) when all of the UBEs in the job have run without error. You can view the status for a job on the SPED Job Inquiry form in the SPED Job Administrator program.

The system includes all records for a job number in the flat file.


The system assigns the batch number to the records when you run the Block 9 Generation program (R76B995), so this field is not populated until you run that program. The Block 9 Generation program also writes the text strings to the Text Processor Header table (F007101) and Text Process Detail Table (F007111). You use the batch number to locate the records that the system writes to the text file processor tables, and use the Text File Processor program (P007101) to copy the text files to the media that you use to submit the files to the government.

You must run each block in a job separately. Generally, you will review the output for one block before processing the next block because data from a block with a higher sequence is used for processing data in a subsequent block. The system generates a batch for each period in the job. For example, if you run a job that includes three periods, the system generates three batches.

34.1.3 Prerequisites

Before you set up and run jobs to generate the electronic file to submit for SPED accounting:

34.1.4 Forms Used to Add Jobs and Extract Data

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage
SPED Job Inquiry W76B940A SPED (G76B0920), SPED Execution Review and select existing jobs.
SPED Job Header Revision W76B940B Click Add on the SPED Job Inquiry form. Add a job for a book by period and legal company.
SPED Job Revision W76B940I Select a job on the SPED Job Inquiry form and click Select. Select the blocks and UBEs to run; modify the version to run; choose if want to execute an annual report and specify whether to show account detail in the output reports for each UBE.
SPED Job Related Book W76B940H Select Related Books from the Form menu on the SPED Job Revision form. Add or modify related book information for main books with a book type of B or R.
SPED Jobs Hash Codes Revision W76B940G Select Hash Code Revision from the Form menu on the SPED Job Revision form. Add the hash code for each auxiliary book. You must enter a hash code for each period for each book.
SPED Job Revision W76B940I Select a job on the SPED Job Inquiry form and click Select. Select the blocks and UBEs to run.

34.1.5 Setting Processing Options for SPED Job Administrator (P76B940)

Processing options enable you to set default processing values. General

Electronic Reporting Version

Enter a value from the 76B/VC UDC table to specify the type of reporting you are processing. To process SPED accounting records, enter SD (Accounting SPED).

34.1.6 Setting Up a Job to Extract Data

Access the SPED Job Header Revision form.

Figure 34-1 SPD Job Header Revision

Description of Figure 34-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 34-1 SPD Job Header Revision''

  1. Complete these fields, and then click OK.

    • Job Number

    • Job Description

    • Legal Company

    • Annual Execution option

    • SPED Book Number

    • Century

    • Fiscal Year

    • Period From

    • Period To

  2. On the SPED Job Inquiry form, select the job you created in Step 1, and click Select.

    The system displays the block setup from the Block Setup program (P76B0730).

  3. Modify the UBE versions and whether the system shows the details of the output files or only records with errors, if necessary.

  4. Select Related Books from the Form menu.

    The system displays the SPED Job Related Book form with the records that you set up in the Book Type Definition program (P76B935).

  5. Review and revise related book information, then click OK.

  6. Select Hash Code Revisions from the Form menu.

    The system displays the SPED Jobs Hash Codes Revision form.

  7. Add hash codes for each period for each auxiliary (related) book, and then click OK.

  8. Click OK on the SPED Job Revision form.

    The system displays the SPED Job Inquiry form.

  9. Select Signatories Revision from the Row menu.

    The system displays the SPED Job Signatories Revision form.

  10. Add or revise signatory information, and then click OK. SPED Job Header Revision Form

Job Number

The system populates this field with the next number. You can change this number. This field must contain a value.

Job Description

(Optional) Enter a description of the job.

Legal Company

Specify the company for which you generate the blocks and registers. The company must be set up in the Legal Company Constants program (P76B010).

Annual Execution (Release 9.1 Update)

Select this option if you want to generate an annual SPED Accounting file.

  • If the option is selected, the system generates a single SPED Accounting text file with information for all periods included in the Period From and Period To fields.

  • If the option is not selected, the system generates a SPED Accounting text file by each period.

You can only determine if you want to use this option when creating a new job.

SPED Book Number

Enter the book number for which you create the job. The book number must be set up in the Book Type Definition program (P76B935).


Specify the century for which you will generate the records.

Fiscal Year

Specify the year for which you will generate the records. For example, to specify the year 2009, enter 09.

Period From

Enter the first period for which you want to generate records. If you leave this field and the Period To field blank, the system uses a range of period 1 through period 12. If you leave this field blank and complete the Period To field, the system uses the same value for the first period as you entered in the Period To field.

Period To

Enter the last period for which you generate records. If you leave this field and the Period From field blank, the system uses a range of period 1 through period 12. If you leave this field blank and complete the Period From field, the system uses the same value for the last period as you entered in the Period From field.

Statement Identification

The system completes this field with a value of 1. You cannot change this value. SPED Job Related Book Form

Related Book Number

Select a record that exists in the SPED Book Type Relation table (F76B936).

Related Book Purpose and SPED Book Type

The system completes these fields with the values associated to the book number that you entered in the Related Book Number field. SPED Job Signatories Revision Form

Signatory Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person who is authorized to sign the SPED accounting electronic file.

Signatory Code

Enter a value from the Signatory qualification Codes (76B/SG) UDC table to specify the title of the person who is signing the SPED accounting electronic file.

34.1.7 Running a Job to Extract Data

You process each block for a job separately.

  1. Access the SPED Job Revision form.

  2. Select Block 0 and then click Select/Unselect Block from the Row menu.

    The system places check marks next to Block 0 and the UBE for block 0.


    The system enables you to use the Select/Unselect UBE option only when you reprocess a job.

  3. From the Form menu, select Process.

    The system runs the UBE for block 0 and updates the tables associated with the job.

  4. (Optional) Review the output for Block 0.

    1. Click Cancel or OK to return to the SPED Job Inquiry form.

    2. On the SPED Job Inquiry form, select the job that you processed and select Output Revision from the Row menu.

      The system displays the SPED Job Output Revision form. You cannot change the data on this form; you can only review it. Use the View Output Text check box to display or hide the text file data.

    3. Click Close to return to the SPED Job Inquiry form.

    4. Correct data in your source tables if necessary.

      If you make changes to the source data, reprocess the block before continuing.

  5. Repeat Steps 1–4 for blocks I, J, and 9.

34.1.8 Reprocessing a Block

Access the SPED Job Revision form.

You can reprocess a block only if the block status is D (done).


If you run the Block I - Open Chart of Accounts & Cost Center program (R76B955) again, you must also run these programs because they use the data in the chart of accounts:

Block I - Balances / PL Account Balances (R76B960)

Block I - Accounting Journal (R76B965)

Block I - Daily Balances (R76B970)

Block J - Opening Balance Sheet and Income Statement program (R76B985)

  1. Select the block to reprocess, and select Select/Unselect Block from the Row menu.

    The system places a check mark next to the block and the UBEs for the block.

  2. (Optional) To run only one UBE for the block, select the UBE to run and select Select/Unselect UBE from the Row menu.

    The system deselects the UBEs that you did not select. You can run either all of the UBEs for a block or a single UBE when you reprocess a block. You cannot select multiple UBEs to run unless you select all UBEs for a block.

  3. From the Form menu, select Process.

    The system reprocesses the selected block or UBE.


If you reprocess a block (selected the block) or a portion of a block (selected a UBE), you must also reprocess subsequent blocks that use the data that you regenerated. For example, the Block 9 Generation program (R76B995) reads data from blocks 0, I, and J. If you reprocess UBEs for block 0, I, or J, you must also reprocess block 9.