B Fields for Flat Files for SPED Fiscal Requirements (2010)

This appendix contains the following topics:

B.1 Registers and Fields for Block C

This table includes information about notas fiscais for goods:

Register Number Field Number Field Name Description
C001 1 REG Fixed value of C001.
C001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

C100 1 REG Fixed value of C100.
C100 2 IND_OPER Indicator of operation type. Values from F7611B.BNFS are:

0: Input

1: Output

C100 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of fiscal document issue. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Other

C100 4 COD_PART The system populates this field with the address book number from field 2 of register 0150. The system uses the remitter's address book record for inbound documents and the buyer's address book records for outbound documents.
C100 5 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document.

A value from UDC table 76B/CN. Values are:

01: Paper nota fiscal



C100 6 COD_SIT Nota fiscal situation.

A value from UDC table 76B/CI. Values are:

00: Accepted

02: Canceled

04: Denied

C100 7 SER Fiscal document series.

If the nota fiscal is a paper one and the F76B01TE table is empty, then the F7601B.BSER. If the nota fiscal has a legal number in table F76B01TE, then the system uses the series number of the nota fiscal.

If the value is blank, the system completes the field with one space.

C100 8 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number.

If the nota fiscal is a paper one and the F76B01BTE table is empty, then the F7601B.FHBSER. If the nota fiscal has a legal number in table F76B01TE, then the system writes the character at position 9 of the legal number.

C100 9 CHV_NFE Legal NFe key.
C100 10 DT_DOC Issue date from F7601B.ISSU.
C100 11 DT_E_S Input or output date.

If the nota fiscal is outbound, F7610B.BRADEJ. If the nota fiscal is inbound, F76B101.BRADLJ.

C100 12 VL_DOC Total amount from F7601B.FHBVTN.
C100 13 IND_PGTO Indicator of the payment type. Values are:

0: Immediate

1: Installments

9: Without payment

The system completes this field with 1 if the value for the payment terms in the F03B11 and F0401 tables is 1. If the value is not 1, the system leaves this field blank.

C100 14 VL_DESC Discount amount from F7601B.FHBDES.
C100 15 VL_ABAT_NT Free port discount amount from F7601B.FHBDIZ.
C100 16 VL_MERC Nota fiscal item amount from F76101B.BRAVAL.
C100 17 IND_FRT Freight mode.

If the value in F7601B.FRTH is blank, write a value of 9 to the output file.

If the value in F7601B.FRTH is not blank, write the value from the Description 02 field of UDC 76B/FO for the value that exists in F7601B.FRTH.

C100 18 VL_FRT Freight amount from F76101B.BFRT.
C100 19 VL_SEG Insurance amount from F76101B.BSEG.
C100 20 VL_OUT_DA Expense amount from F76101B.BDFN.
C100 21 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount. SUM from F76111B.BBVL.
C100 22 VL_ICMS ICMS amount. SUM from F76111B.BRAVCI.
C100 23 VL_BC_ICM_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount. SUM from F76111B.BBIS.
C100 24 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute amount. SUM from F76111B.BVIS.
C100 25 VL_IPI IPI amount. SUM from F76111B.BIPI.
C100 26 VL_PIS PIS amount

F76B001.THBRTXA where F76B001.THBNNF = F7601B.FHBNNF and F76B001.THBSER = F7601B.FHBSER and F76B001.THN001 = F7601B.FHN001 and F76B001.THDCT = F7601B.FHDCT and F76B001.THBRTX = 05.

C100 27 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

F76B001.THBRTXA where F76B001.THBNNF = F7601B.FHBNNF and F76B001.THBSER = F7601B.FHBSER and F76B001.THN001 = F7601B.FHN001 and F76B001.THDCT = F7601B.FHDCT and F76B001.THBRTX = 06

C100 28 VL_PIS_ST PIS substitute amount

The system leaves the field blank.

C100 29 VL_COFINS_ST COFINS substitute amount

The system leaves the field blank.

C105 1 REG Fixed value of C105.
C105 2 OPER Operation type

The system leaves this field blank.

C105 3 UF UF fiscal unit

The system leaves this field blank.

C110 1 REG Fixed value of C110.
C110 2 COD_INF Reference code (field 2 from register 0450 of block 0).
C110 3 TXT_COMPL Complementary reference code.


C111 1 REG Fixed value of C111.
C111 2 NUM_PROC Process identification

The system leaves this field blank.

C111 3 IND_PROC Process indicator

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 1 REG Fixed value of C112.
C112 2 COD_DA Collection model document code.

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 3 UF State

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 4 NUM_DA Number of the collection documents.

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 5 COD_AUT Bank authorization code

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 6 VL_DA Expenses amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 7 DT_VCTO Collection document due date

The system leaves this field blank.

C112 8 DT_PGTO Collection document payment date

The system leaves this field blank.

C113 1 REG Fixed value of C113.
C113 2 IND_OPER Indicator of operation type. Values from F7611B.FDBNFS are:

0: Input

1: Output

C113 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of fiscal document issue. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Other

C113 4 COD_PART The system populates this field with the address book number from field 2 of register 0150. The system uses the remitter's address book record for inbound documents and the buyer's address book record for outbound documents.
C113 5 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document.

A value from UDC table 76B/CN. Values are:

01: Paper nota fiscal



C113 6 SER Fiscal document series.

If the nota fiscal is a paper one and the F76B01BTE table is empty, then the F7601B.FHBSER. If the nota fiscal has a legal number in table F76B01BTE, then the system uses the series number of the nota fiscal.

C113 7 SUB Fiscal document subseries.

The system leaves this field blank.

C113 8 NUM_DOC Fiscal document number.

If the nota fiscal is a paper one and the F76B01BTE table is empty, then the F7601B.FHBNNFR. If the nota fiscal has a legal number in table F76B01.BTE, then the system writes the character at position 9 of the legal number.

C113 9 DT_DOC Issue date from F7601B.FHISSU.
C114 1 REG Fixed value of C114.
C114 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1

The system leaves this field blank.

C114 3 ECF_FAB ECF serie number

The system leaves this field blank.

C114 4 ECF_CX ECF Caixa number

The system leaves this field blank.

C114 5 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C114 6 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 1 REG Fixed value of C115.
C115 2 IND_CARGA Indicator of carrier type

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 3 CNPJ_COL CNPJ number of the contributor of the issue place.

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 4 IE_COL Remit State Tax ID delivery

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 5 CPF_COL Contributor's CPF of the issue place of the merchandise

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 6 COD_MUN_COL Remit city. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 7 CNPJ_ENTG CNPJ number of the issue place

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 8 IE_ENTG Issue CNPJ number

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 9 CPF_ENTG CPF number of the contributor

The system leaves this field blank.

C115 10 COD_MUN_ENTG Issue city. Must be code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

C116 1 REG Fixed value C116
C116 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document.

If the nota fiscal is classical the system assigns value 01. Otherwise, depending on the Nota Fiscal type (UDC 76B/CN), the system assigns the following special handling code:




C116 3 NR_SAT SAT serial number
C116 4 CHV_CFE Coupon Fiscal Access Key
C116 5 NUM_CFE Coupon Legal Number
C116 6 DT_DOC Issue date
C120 1 REG Fixed value of C120.

his register selects only Classical inbound notas fiscais; it does not select electronic notas fiscais.

C120 2 COD_DOC_IMP Importation document type

If the value in F76B018.B76IDCT is DSI, then write 1 to the output file. If the value is other than DSI, then write 0 to the output file.

C120 3 NUM_DOC__IMP Importation document number

The value from F76B018.B76IDOC.

C120 4 PIS_IMP PIS amount tax

The system leaves this field blank.

C120 5 COFINS_IMP COFINS amount tax

The system leaves this field blank.

C120 6 NUM_ACDRAW Drawback number

The system leaves this field blank.

C130 1 REG Fixed value of C130.
C130 2 VL_SERV_NT Service not taxable ICMS amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

C130 3 VL_BC_ISSQN ISSQN taxable amount.

For inbound transactions, if the value for TXTP in the F76B0401 table is 02, then use F76B0411.BRTXTT. For outbound transactions, F7611B.BBCS.

C130 4 VL_ISSQN ISSQN amount.

For inbound transactions, if the value for TXTP in the F76B0401 table is 02, then use F76B0411.AA For outbound transactions, F7611B.BISS.

C130 5 VL_BC_IRRF IRRF taxable amount.

Access the F76B0411 table for NOTA FISCAL INBOUND and retrieve VBBRTXTT when VBBRTXTP = 01, for NOTA FISCAL OUTBOUND - F7601B.FHBBCS.

C130 6 VL_IRRF IRRF amount.

Inbound transactions: F76B0411.VBAA if the value of BRTXTP is equal to 01 Outbound transactions: F7601B.BIRT.

C130 7 VL_BC_PREV INSS taxable amount.

Inbound nota fiscal: F76B0411.BRTXTT if the value for BRTXTP is 03.

Outbound nota fiscal: Blank.

C130 8 VL_PREV INSS value.

Inbound nota fiscal: F76B0411.AA if the value for BRTXTP is 03.

Outbound nota fiscal: Blank

C140 1 REG Fixed value of C140.
C140 2 IND_EMIT Indicator of invoice issue. Values from F7611B.FDBNFS are:

0: Owner issue

1: Other

C140 3 IND_TIT Indicator of the type of credit. Values are:

00: Duplicate

01: Check

02: Promissory

03: Receipt

99: Other

To relate F7601B FHDCT with the values for this field, enter F7601B FHCT as Code and appropriate Special Handling Code for the type of credit in the 76B/DN UDC table.

C140 4 DESC_TIT Complementary description of the invoice from F03B11.RPRMK.
C140 5 NUM_TIT Invoice number from F7601B.FHBNNF + FHBSER.
C140 6 QTD_PARC Quantity of the installments.

The number of installment records in the F03B11 for accounts receivable installments, and the number of installment records in the F0401 for accounts payable installments.

C140 7 VL_TIT Invoice amount from F7601B.FHBVTN
C141 1 REG Fixed value of C141.
C141 2 NUM_PARC Installment number.

For each record written, increment the record number by 1. (Reads the installments in the F03B11 table.)

C141 3 DT_VCTO Due date from F03B11.RPDDJ.
C141 4 VL_PARC Installment amount from F03B11.RPAG - RPADSA.
C160 1 REG Fixed value of C160.
C160 2 COD_PART Carrier address number.

The value for F7601B.ANCR for the address book number from field 2 in register 0150 in block 0.

C160 3 VEIC_ID Vehicle identification.

The last seven characters of the value at F7601B.LICP.

C160 4 QTD_VOL Volume quantity from F7601B.FHTOQN.
C160 5 PESO_BRT Gross weight from F76B01.FHITWT.
C160 6 PESO_LIQ Net weight from F76B0.FHTOWT.
C160 7 UF_ID Fiscal unit of vehicle

The first two characters of the value at F7601B.LICP.

C165 1 REG Fixed value of C165.
C165 2 COD_PART Carrier address number (field 2 from register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 3 VEIC_ID Vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 4 COD_AUT SEFAZ authorization code

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 5 NR_PASSE Number of the fiscal pass

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 6 HORA Merchandise issue time

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 7 TEMPER Temperature in Celsius degrees used for quantification of the volume of fuel.

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 8 QTD_VOL Quantity of volumes carried.

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 9 PESO_BRT Gross weight of the carried volumes (KG)

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 10 PESO_LIQ Net weight of the carried volumes (KG)

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 11 NOM_MOT Driver's name

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 12 CPF CPF driver's number

The system leaves this field blank.

C165 13 UF_ID Fiscal unit of vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 1 REG Fixed value of C170.
C170 2 NUM_ITEM Item line number from F76111B.LNID.
C170 3 COD_ITEM Item number from F76111B.LITM.
C170 4 DESCR_COMPL Complementary description of item.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 5 QTD Quantity from F76111B.UORG.
C170 6 UNID Unit of measure from F76111B.UOM.
C170 7 VL_ITEM Item amount from F76111B.AEXP.
C170 8 VL_DESC Discount amount from F76111B.BDES.
C170 9 IND_MOV Indicator of movement. Values are:

0: Real

1: Symbolic

C170 10 CST_ICMS State tax situation from F76111B.BST1.
C170 11 CFOP Transaction nature from F76111B.BRNOP.
C170 12 COD_NAT F7611B BNOP concatenated to F7611B BSOP
C170 13 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount from F76111B.BBCL.
C170 14 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate from F76111B.BRAAIC.
C170 15 VL_ICMS ICMS amount from F76111B.BRAVCI.
C170 16 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount from F76111B.BBIS.
C170 17 ALIQ_ST ICMS substitute taxable rate.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 18 VL_ICMS_ST IMCS substitute amount from F76111B.BVIS.
C170 19 IND_APUR IPI index.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 20 CST_IPI IPI tax situation code.

The value at F76B012.B76TSIPI. If no value exists, then write the value from the Special Handling Code field of UDC 76B/CW for the value at F76111B. BRAITP.

C170 21 COD_ENQ IPI legal code.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 22 VL_BC_IPI IPI taxable amount from F76111B.BBTP.
C170 23 ALIQ_IPI IPI rate from F76111B.BRAAIP.
C170 24 VL_IPI IPI amount from F76111B.BRBIPI.
C170 25 CST_PIS PIS tax situation.

The value from F76B012.B76TSPIS. If no value exists, then write 03 to the output file.

C170 26 VL_BC_PIS PIS taxable amount

F76B011.TDBRTXB where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = "05"

C170 27 ALIQ_PIS PIS rate

F76B011.TDBRTXR where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = "05"

C170 28 QUANT_BC_PIS PIS quantity.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 29 ALIQ_PIS PIS rate in money.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 30 VL_PIS F76B011.TDBRTXA where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = "05"
C170 31 CST_COFINS Cofins tax situation.

The value from F76B012.B76TSCOF. If no value exists, then write 03 to the output file.

C170 32 VL_BC_COFINS F76B011.TDBRTXB where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = "06"
C170 33 ALIQ_COFINS F76B011.TDBRTXR where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = ""06""
C170 34 QUANT_BC_COFINS Cofins quantity.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 35 ALIQ_COFINS Cofins rate in money.

The system leaves this field blank.

C170 36 VL_COFINS F76B011.TDBRTXA where F76B011.TDBNNF = F7611B.FDBNNF and F76B011.TDBSER = F7611B.FDBSER and F76B011.TDN001 = F7611B.FDN001 and F76B011.TDDCT = F7611B.FDDCT and F76B011.TDLNID = F7611B.FDLNID and F76B011.TDBRTX = ""06""
C170 37 COD_CTA Account number.

The system leaves this field blank.

C171 1 REG Fixed value of C171.
C171 2 NUM_TANQUE Tanque number

The system leaves this field blank.

C171 3 QTDE Quantity of volumes.

The system leaves this field blank.

C172 1 REG Fixed value of C172.
C172 2 VL_BC_ISSQN ISSQN taxable amount.

For inbound transactions, if the value of TXTP in the F76B0401 table is 02, use F76B0411.BRTXTT. For outbound transactions, F7611B.BBCS.

C172 3 ALIQ_ISSQN ISS tax amount.

For inbound transactions, F76B0411.BRALQ.

For outbound transactions, F7611B.TXR3.

C172 4 VL_ISSQN ISSQN amount.

For inbound transactions, F76B0411.AA.

For outbound transactions, F7611B.BISS.

C173 1 REG Fixed value of C173.
C173 2 LOTE_MED Lot number of the medicine.

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 3 QTD_ITEM Quantity by lot.

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 4 DT_FAB Elaboration date

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 5 DT_VAL Expiration date

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 6 IND_MED ICMS substitution type

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 7 TP_PROD Product type

The system leaves this field blank.

C173 8 VL_TAB_MAX Maximum price

The system leaves this field blank.

C174 1 REG Fixed value of C174.
C174 2 IND_ARM Indicator of the Firearm. Values are:

0: Allowed use

1: Not allowed use

C174 3 NUM_ARM Firearm number

The system leaves this field blank.

C174 4 DESCR_COMPL Description

The system leaves this field blank.

C175 1 REG Fixed value of C175.
C175 2 IND_VEIC_OPER Indicator of vehicle operation type. Values are:

0: Concessionary sale

1: Direct invoice

2: Direct sale

C175 3 CNPJ CNPJ number

The system leaves this field blank.

C175 4 UF State

The system leaves this field blank.

C175 5 CHASSI_VEIC Frame vehicle

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 1 REG Fixed value of C176.
C176 2 COD_MOD_ULT_E Nota fiscal model code

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 3 NUM_DOC_ULT_E Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 4 SER_ULT_E Nota fiscal serial number

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 5 DT_ULT_E Date of the transaction

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 6 COD_PART_ULT_E Address number

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 7 QUANT_ULT_E Item quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 8 VL_UNIT_ULT_E Item unit value

The system leaves this field blank.

C176 9 VL_UNIT_BC_ST Unit taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C177 1 REG Fixed value of C177.
C177 2 COD_SELO_IPI IPI control code.

The system leaves this field blank.

C177 3 QT_SELO_IPI Quantity of control code.

The system leaves this field blank.

C178 1 REG Fixed value of C178.
C178 2 CL_ENQ IPI code.

The system leaves this field blank.

C178 3 VL_UNID Value per unit

The system leaves this field blank.

C178 4 QUANT_PAD Total quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C179 1 REG Fixed value of C179.
C179 2 BC_ST_ORIG_DEST Taxable base for ICMS ST from F7611B.BBIS.
C179 3 ICMS_ST_REP ICMS ST amount from F7611B.BVIS.

The system leaves this field blank.

C179 5 BC_RET Taxable base for ICMS withholding.

The system leaves this field blank.

C179 6 ICMS_RET ICMS ST withholding.

The system leaves this field blank.

C190 1 REG Fixed value of C190.
C190 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation from F76111B.BST1.
C190 3 CFOP Transaction nature from F76111B.BRNOP.
C190 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate from F76111B.BRAAIC.
C190 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount.


C190 6 VL_BC_IMCS ICMS taxable amount from F76111B,BBCL.
C190 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount from F76111B.BRAVCI.
C190 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount form F76111B.BBIS.
C190 9 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax from F76111B.BVIS.
C190 10 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

C190 11 VL_IPI IPI amount from F76111B.BRBIPI.
C190 12 COD_OBS Observation code 0460

The system leaves this field blank.

C195 1 REG Fixed value of C195.
C195 2 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code

The system leaves this field blank.

C195 3 TXT_COMPL Description

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 1 REG Fixed value of C197.
C197 2 COD_AJ Adjust code

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 3 DESCR_COMPL_AJ Description

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 4 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 5 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 6 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 7 VL_ICMS Tax amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C197 8 VL_OUTROS Other values

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 1 REG Fixed value of C300.
C300 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 3 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 4 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 5 NUM_DOC_INI Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 6 NUM_DOC_FIN Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 7 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 8 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 9 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 10 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C300 11 COD_CTA Debit/Credit account

The system leaves this field blank.

C310 1 REG Fixed value of C310.
C310 2 NUM_DOC_CANC Cancel legal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 1 REG Fixed value of C320.
C320 2 CST_ICMS Tributary situation

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 5 VL_OPR Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 6 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 8 VL_RED_BC Reduction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C320 9 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 1 REG Fixed value of C321.
C321 2 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 3 QTD Item quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 4 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 5 VL_ITEM Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 6 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 7 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 8 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 9 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C321 10 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 1 REG Fixed value of C350.
C350 2 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 3 SUB_SER Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 4 NUM_DOC Document number

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 5 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 6 CNPJ_CPF CNPJ or CPF according customer or supplier.

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 7 VL_MERC Merchandise amount of nota fiscal

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 8 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 9 VL_DESC Total discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 10 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 11 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C350 12 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 1 REG Fixed value of C370.
C370 2 NUM_ITEM Sequential item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 3 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 4 QTD Quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 5 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 6 VL_ITEM Total item value

The system leaves this field blank.

C370 7 VL_DESC Total item discount value

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 1 REG Fixed value of C390.
C390 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 5 VL_OPR Operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 6 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 8 VL_RED_BC Taxable reduction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C390 9 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C400 1 REG Fixed value of C400.
C400 2 COD_MOD Nota fiscal type

The system leaves this field blank.

C400 3 ECF_MOD Equipment type

The system leaves this field blank.

C400 4 ECF_FAB Serie number

The system leaves this field blank.

C400 5 ECF_CX Caixa number

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 1 REG Fixed value of C405.
C405 2 DT_DOC Z reduction

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 3 CRO Counter initial position

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 4 CRZ Counter final position

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 5 NUM_COO_FIN Counter number

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 6 GT_FIN Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C405 7 VL_BRT Gross total sales

The system leaves this field blank.

C410 1 REG Fixed value of C410.
C410 2 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C410 3 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C420 1 REG Fixed value of C420.
C420 2 COD_TOT_PAR Totalizator code

The system leaves this field blank.

C420 3 VLR_ACUM_TOT Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C420 4 NR_TOT Totalizator number

The system leaves this field blank.

C420 5 DESCR_NR_TOT Situation description

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 1 REG Fixed value of C425.
C425 2 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 3 QTD Item quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 4 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 5 VL_ITEM Accumulated amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 6 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C425 7 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 1 REG Fixed value of C460.
C460 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 3 COD_SIT Fiscal document situation according to reference table 4.1.2.

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 4 NUM_DOC Fiscal number (CCF or COO)

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 5 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 6 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 7 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 8 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C460 9 CPF_CNPJ The system leaves this field blank.
C460 10 NOM_ADQ The system leaves this field blank.
C470 1 REG Fixed value of C470.
C470 2 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200).

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 3 QTD Quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 4 QTD_CANC Cancelled quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 5 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 6 VL_ITEM Item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 7 CST_ICMS State tax situation, regarding reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 8 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 9 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 10 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C470 11 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 1 REG Fixed value of C490.
C490 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation, according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 5 VL_OPR Operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 6 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C490 8 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 1 REG Fixed value of C495.
C495 2 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 3 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 4 QTD Quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 5 QTD_CANC Cancelled quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 6 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 7 VL_ITEM Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 8 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 9 VL_CANC Cancelled amounts

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 10 VL_ACMO Other values

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 11 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 12 VL_ICMS ICMS tax amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 13 VL_ISEN ICMS exempt amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 14 VL_NT ICMS exempt amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C495 15 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS exempt amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 1 REG Fixed value of C500.
C500 2 IND_OPER Indicator of operation type: Values are:

0: Input

1: Output

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of issue fiscal document. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 4 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150; remittent in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document.

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 5 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 6 COD_SIT Fiscal document situation according to reference table 4.2.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 7 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 8 SUB Fiscal document subseries.

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 9 COD_CONS Consumer class according to reference table 4.5.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 10 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 11 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 12 DT_E_S Input or output date

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 13 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 14 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 15 VL_FORN Total consumption amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 16 VL_SERV_NT Service not taxable ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 17 VL_TERC Third payment amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 18 VL_DA Expenses amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 19 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 20 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 21 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Accumulated taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 22 VL_ICMS_ST Accumulated ICMS withheld

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 23 COD_INF Reference code (field 2 from register 0450)

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 24 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 25 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 26 TP_LIGACAO Connection type

The system leaves this field blank.

C500 27 COD_GRUPO_TENSAO Tension

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 1 REG Fixed value of C510.
C510 2 NUM_ITEM Item line number

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 4 COD_CLASS Item classification of electric power according to reference table 4.4.1

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 5 QTD Quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 6 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 7 VL_ITEM Item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 8 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 9 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 10 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 11 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 12 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 13 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 14 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Substitution base amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 15 ALIQ_ST ICMS substitution tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 16 VL_ICMS_ST Substitution amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 17 IND_REC Indicator of income type. Values are:

0: Owner income

1: Third income

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 18 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150; remittent in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document.

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 19 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 20 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C510 21 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 1 REG Fixed value of C590.
C590 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 5 VL_OPR Operation total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 6 VL_BC_ICMS Operation taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 7 VL_ICMS Operation ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Operation substitution taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 9 VL_ICMS_ST Operation substitution amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 10 VL_RED_BC Operation reduction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C590 11 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 1 REG Fixed value of C600.
C600 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 3 COD_MUN City code must be from city table (www.ibge.gov.br).

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 4 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 5 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 6 COD_CONS Consumer class according to reference table.

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 7 QTD_CONS Quantity of consolidate documents

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 8 QTD_CANC Quantity of cancelled documents

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 9 DT_DOC Consolidate date

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 10 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 11 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 12 CONS Total consumption in KW/h

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 13 VL_FORN Supply amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 14 VL_SERV_NT Service not taxable ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 15 VL_TERC Third payment amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 16 VL_DA Expenses amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 17 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 18 VL_ICMS ICMS amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 19 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Operation substitution taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 20 VL_ICMS_ST Operation substitution amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 21 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C600 22 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C601 1 REG Fixed value of C601.
C601 2 NUM_DOC_CANC Cancelled nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 1 REG Fixed value of C610.
C610 2 COD_CLASS Item classification of electric power according to reference table.

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 4 QTD Quantity accumulated of the item

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 5 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 6 VL_ITEM Item amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 7 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 8 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 9 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 10 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 11 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 12 VL_ICMS ICMS accumulated tax amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 13 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitution taxable amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 14 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS withholding amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 15 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 16 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C610 17 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 1 REG Fixed value of C690.
C690 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 5 VL_OPR Total operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 6 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 7 VL_ICMS ICMS operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 8 VL_RED_BC Taxable reduction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 9 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Substitution tributary amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 10 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS withholding amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C690 11 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 1 REG Fixed value of C700.
C700 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 3 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 4 NRO_ORD_INI Initial order number

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 5 NRO_ORD_FIN Final order number

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 6 DT_DOC_INI Initial issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 7 DT_DOC_FIN Final issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 8 NOM_MEST Volume number

The system leaves this field blank.

C700 9 CHV_COD_DIG Access fiscal key

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 1 REG Fixed value of C790.
C790 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 5 VL_OPR Operation total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 6 VL_BC_ICMS Operation taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 7 VL_ICMS Operation ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST Operation substitution taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 9 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS withholding amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 10 VL_RED_BC Operation reduction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C790 11 COD_OBS Observation

The system leaves this field blank.

C791 1 REG Fixed value of C791.
C791 2 UF State

The system leaves this field blank.

C791 3 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C791 5 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute amount

The system leaves this field blank.

C800 1 REG Fixed value C800
C800 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document.

If the nota fiscal is classical the system assigns value 01. Otherwise, depending on the Nota Fiscal type (UDC 76B/CN), the system assigns the following special handling code:




C800 3 COD_SIT Nota fiscal situation.

A value from UDC table 76B/CI. Values are:

00: Accepted

02: Canceled

04: Denied

C800 4 NUM_CFE Coupon Legal Number
C800 5 DT_DOC Coupon Issue Date
C800 6 VL_CFE Fiscal Coupon amount
C800 7 VL_PIS PIS amount
C800 8 VL_COFINS Cofins amount
C800 9 CNPJ_CPF CNPJ or CPF according customer/supplier
C800 10 NR_SAT SAT serial number
C800 11 CHV_CFE Coupon Fiscal Access Key
C800 12 VL_DESC Discount amount
C800 13 VL_MERC Total amount
C800 14 VL_OUT_DA Expenses amount
C800 15 VL_ICMS ICMS amount
C800 16 VL_PIS_ST Substitution PIS amount
C800 17 VL_COFINS_ST Substitution COFINS amount
C850 1 REG Fixed value C850
C850 2 CST_ICMS Tributary situation
C850 3 CFOP Transaction nature
C850 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate
C850 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C850 6 VL_BC_ICMS Operation taxable amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C850 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C850 8 COD_OBS Fiscal Observation Code
C860 1 REG Fixed value C860
C860 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document.

If the nota fiscal is classical the system assigns value 01. Otherwise, depending on the Nota Fiscal type (UDC 76B/CN), the system assigns the following special handling code:




C860 3 NR_SAT SAT serial number
C860 4 DT_DOC Issue date
C860 5 DOC_INI Initial document number
C860 6 DOC_FIM Final document number
C890 1 REG Fixed value C890
C890 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation from F76111B.BST1
C890 3 CFOP Transaction nature
C890 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate
C890 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C890 6 VL_BC_ICMS Operation taxable amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C890 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount according CST_ICMS and CFOP
C890 8 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code
C990 1 REG Fixed value of C990.
C990 2 QTD_LIN_C Quantity of lines in block C.

B.2 Registers and Fields for Block D (Release 9.1 Update)

Block D includes information about notas fiscais for telephone services. Not all of the information required in this block resides in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. This table lists only the fields that are populated from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.


You must populate the other required fields in block D by running custom programming. Add your custom programs to the sequence that you set up in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program (P76B0730).

Register Field Number Field Name Description
D001 1 REG Fixed value of D001.
D001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

D100 1 REG Fixed value of D100.
D100 2 IND_OPER Indicator of operation type. Values are:

0: Input

1: Output

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of issue fiscal document. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 4 COD_PART The system populates this field with the address number from field 2 of register 0150.

Remittent in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document.

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 5 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 6 COD_SIT Fiscal document situation according to reference table 4.2.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 7 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 8 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 9 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 10 CHV_CTE Electronic transport document

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 11 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 12 DT_A_P Fiscal issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 13 TP_CT-e CT type

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 14 CHV_CTE_REF CT fiscal access key

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 15 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 16 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 17 IND_FRT Freight mode. Values are:

0: Payment by third party

1: Payment by emitter

2: Payment by address book number

9: Without freight

D100 18 VL_SERV Service amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 19 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 20 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 21 VL_NT Nontaxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 22 COD_INF The system populates this field with the reference code from field 2 of register 0450.

The system leaves this field blank.

D100 23 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

D110 1 REG Fixed value of D110.
D110 2 NUM_ITEM Item line number

The system leaves this field blank.

D110 3 COD_ITEM The system populates this field with the item number from field 2 of register 0150.

The system leaves this field blank.

D110 4 VL_SERV Service amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D110 5 VL_OUT Other values

The system leaves this field blank.

D120 1 REG Fixed value of D120.
D120 2 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D120 3 COD_MUN_DEST Destination city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D120 4 VEIC_ID Vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D120 5 UF_ID Fiscal unit of vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 1 REG Fixed value of D130.
D130 2 COD_PART_CONSG The system populates this field with the consignee address number from field 2 of register 0150.

Remittent in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document.

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 3 COD_PART_RED Dispatcher address number (field 2 of the register 0150; remittent in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document)

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 4 IND_FRT_RED Freight mode of the dispatch operation. Values are:

0: Payment by emitter

1: Payment by address number

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 5 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 6 COD_MUN_DEST Destination city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 7 VEIC_ID Vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 8 VL_LIQ_FRT Freight net amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 9 VL_SEC_CAT Sum of the Sec/Cat amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 10 VL_DESP Dispatch amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 11 VL_PEDG Toll amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 12 VL_OUT Other amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 13 VL_FRT Total freight amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D130 14 UF_ID Fiscal unit of vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 1 REG Fixed value of D140.
D140 2 COD_PART_CONSG The system populates this field with the consignee address number from field 2 of register 0150.

Remitter in the case of input document; buyer in the case of output document

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 3 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 4 COD_MUN_DEST Destination city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 5 IND_VEIC Indicator of the type of transporter. Values are:

0: Embarkation

1: Tug

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 6 VEIC_ID Embarkation identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 7 IND_NAV Indicator of navigation type

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 8 VIAGEM Trip number

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 9 VL_FRT_LIQ Freight amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 10 VL_DESP_PORT Port expenses amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 11 VL_DESP_CAR_DESC Expenses amount with load

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 12 VL_OUT Other amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 13 VL_FRT_BRT Gross freight amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D140 14 VL_FRT_MM Additional freight amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 1 REG Fixed value of D150.
D150 2 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 3 COD_MUN_DEST Destination city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 4 VEIC_ID Plane identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 5 VIAGEM Trip number

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 6 IND_TFA Indicator of the applied rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 7 VL_PESO_TX Weight tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 8 VL_TX_TERR Terrestrial tax amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 9 VL_TX_RED Dispatch tax amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 10 VL_OUT Other amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D150 11 VL_TX_ADV Ad valorem rate amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 1 REG Fixed value of D160.
D160 2 DESPACHO Dispatch number

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 3 CNPJ_CPF_REM CNPJ number

Remittent of the goods if addressee is services render; addressee of the goods if remittent is services render.

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 4 IE_REM State tax ID

Remittent of the goods if addressee is services render; addressee of the goods if remittent is services render.

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 5 COD_MUN_ORI Original municipal code

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 6 CNPJ_CPF_DEST CPF number

Remittent of the goods if addressee is services render; addressee of the goods if remittent is services render.

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 7 IE_DEST State tax ID

Remittent of the goods if addressee is services render; addressee of the goods if remittent is services render.

The system leaves this field blank.

D160 8 COD_MUN_DEST From municipal code

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 1 REG Fixed value of D161.
D161 2 IND_CARGA Indicator of carrier type.

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 3 CNPJ_CPF_COL Remit CNPJ number

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 4 IE_COL Remit State Tax ID delivery

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 5 COD_MUN_COL Remit city. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)
D161 6 CNPJ_CPF_ENTG Issue CNPJ number

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 7 IE_ENTG Issue CNPJ number

The system leaves this field blank.

D161 8 COD_MUN_ENTG Issue city. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 1 REG Fixed value of D162.
D162 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 3 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 4 NUM_DOC Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 5 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 6 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 7 VL_MERC Nota fiscal item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 8 QTD_VOL Quantity of volumes

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 9 PESO_BRT Total weight

The system leaves this field blank.

D162 10 PESO_LIQ Net weight

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 1 REG Fixed value of D170.
D170 2 COD_PART_CONSG The system populates this field with the consignee address number from field 2 of register 0150.

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 3 COD_PART_RED The system populates this field with the re-dispatcher address number from field 2 of register 0150.

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 4 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 5 COD_MUN_DEST Destination city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 6 OTM Operator register

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 7 IND_NAT_FRT Indicator freight nature. Values are:

0: Business

1: Not business

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 8 VL_LIQ_FRT Freight amount by weight/volume.

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 9 VL_GRIS Gris amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 10 VL_PDG Toll amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 11 VL_OUT Other amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 12 VL_FRT Freight amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 13 VEIC_ID Vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D170 14 UF_ID Fiscal unit of vehicle identification

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 1 REG Fixed value of D180.
D180 2 NUM_SEQ Modal sequential number

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of issue invoice. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 4 CNPJ_CPF_EMIT CNPJ number model emittent

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 5 UF_EMIT State model emittent

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 6 IE_EMIT State tax ID model emittent

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 7 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin state of the service

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 8 CNPJ_CPF_TOM CNPJ number services render

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 9 UF_TOM State services render

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 10 IE_TOM State tax ID services render

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 11 COD_MUN_DEST Origin city of the service. Must be a code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br).

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 12 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 13 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 14 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 15 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 16 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D180 17 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 1 REG Fixed value of D190.
D190 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 5 VL_OPR Total operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 6 VL_BC_ICMS Taxable operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 7 VL_ICMS ICMS tax operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 8 VL_RED_BC Reduction operation amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D190 9 COD_OBS Observations

The system leaves this field blank.

D195 1 REG Fixed value D195
D195 2 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code
D195 3 TXT_COMPL Description of the supplementary observation code
D197 1 REG Fixed value D197
D197 2 COD_AJ Adjustment code
D197 3 DESCR_COMPL_AJ Description of the additional adjustment of tax document
D197 4 COD_ITEM Item number
D197 5 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount
D197 6 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate
D197 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount
D197 8 VL_OUTROS Other values
D300 1 REG Fixed value of D300.
D300 2 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 3 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 4 SUB Sub fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 5 NUM_DOC_INI Initial number

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 6 NUM_DOC_FIN Final number

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 7 CST_ICMS State tax situation

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 8 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 9 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 10 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 11 VL_OPR Transaction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 12 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 13 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 14 VL_SEG Insurance amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 15 VL_OUT DESP Other values

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 16 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 17 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 18 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 19 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code

The system leaves this field blank.

D300 20 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

D301 1 REG Fixed value of D301.
D301 2 NUM_DOC_CANC Cancelled nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

D310 1 REG Fixed value of D310.
D310 2 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin state of the service

The system leaves this field blank.

D310 3 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D310 4 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D310 5 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D350 1 REG Fixed value of D350.
D350 2 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

D350 3 ECF_MOD Equipment model

The system leaves this field blank.

D350 4 ECF_FAB ECF serial number

The system leaves this field blank.

D350 5 ECF_CX ECF box number

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 1 REG Fixed value of D355.
D355 2 DT_DOC Date of reduction Z

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 3 CRO Counter position at restart operation

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 4 CRZ Counter position of reduction Z

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 5 NUM_COO_FIN Counter number of last operation day

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 6 GT_FIN Total final amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D355 7 VL_BRT Total sales amount without tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D360 1 REG Fixed value of D360.
D360 2 VL_PIS The system leaves this field blank.
D360 3 VL_COFINS The system leaves this field blank.
D365 1 REG Fixed value of D365.
D365 2 COD_TOT_PAR The system leaves this field blank.
D365 3 VLR_ACUM_TOT The system leaves this field blank.
D365 4 NR_TOT The system leaves this field blank.
D365 5 DESCR_NR_TOT The system leaves this field blank.
D370 1 REG Fixed value of D370.
D370 2 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin state of the service

The system leaves this field blank.

D370 3 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D370 4 QTD_BILH Amount of emitted tickets

The system leaves this field blank.

D370 5 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D370 6 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 1 REG Fixed value of D390.
D390 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 6 VL_BC_ISSQN ISSQN taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 7 ALIQ_ISSQN ISS tax rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 8 VL_ISSQN ISSQN amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 9 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 10 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D390 11 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 1 REG Fixed value of D400.
D400 2 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 3 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 4 COD_SIT Nota fiscal situation

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 5 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 6 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 7 NUM_DOC Fiscal note number

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 8 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 9 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 10 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 11 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 12 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 13 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 14 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 15 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D400 16 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 1 REG Fixed value of D410.
D410 2 COD_MOD The system leaves this field blank.
D410 3 SER Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 4 SUB Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 5 NUM_DOC_INI Initial number

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 6 NUM_DOC_FIN Final number

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 7 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 8 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 9 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 10 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 11 VL_OPR Transaction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 12 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 13 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 14 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D410 15 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D411 1 REG Fixed value of D411.
D411 2 NUM_DOC_CANC Cancelled nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

D420 1 REG Fixed value of D420.
D420 2 COD_MUN_ORIG Origin state of the service

The system leaves this field blank.

D420 3 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D420 4 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D420 5 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D500 1 REG Fixed value of D500.
D500 2 IND_OPER Indicator of operation type. Values are:

0: Purchase

1: Sales

Value from F7611B.BNFS

D500 3 IND_EMIT Indicator of fiscal document issue. Values are:

0: Owner issue

1: Other

D500 4 COD_PART Participant code.

The system populates this field with the address book number from field 2 of register 0150. The system uses the remitter's address book record for inbound documents and the buyer's address book records for outbound documents.

D500 5 COD_MOD Model of the fiscal document according to reference table 4.1.1.

The value 22.

D500 6 COD_SIT Nota fiscal situation.

A value from UDC table 76B/CI. Values are:

00: Accepted

02: Canceled

04: Denied

D500 7 SER Nota fiscal series.

If the length of the value in F76B01TE.B76ELN is 13 characters, then this field is blank. If the length is 15 characters, then this field includes characters 14 and 15. If the length is 27 characters, then this field includes the text SERIE UNICA.

D500 8 SUB The system leaves this field blank.
D500 9 NUM_DOC If the nota fiscal sub serie has a legal number in the F76B01TE table, then the system writes the character at position 9 of the legal number.

If the nota fiscal sub serie is a paper one and the F7601BTE is empty, then the system uses F7601B.FHBNNFR. If the nota fiscal has a legal number in the F7601BTE table, then the system uses the series number from it.

D500 10 DT_DOC Issue date from F7601B.FHISSU.
D500 11 DT_A_P Input or output date.

For inbound transactions, the value from F76101B.BRADLJ. For outbound transactions, the value from F76101B.BRADEJ

D500 12 VL_DOC Total amount from F7601B.FHBVTN.
D500 13 VL_DESC Discount amount from F7601B.FHBDES.
D500 14 VL_SERV Total amount F7601B.FHBVTN.
D500 15 VL_SERV_NT Total amount that is non-taxable for ICMS.

The system leaves this field blank.

D500 16 VL_TERC Amount of invoices in the name of others.

The system leaves this field blank.

D500 17 VL_DA Expenses amount from F7601B.BDFN.
D500 18 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount from F7601B.BBCL.
D500 19 VL_ICMS ICMS amount from F7601B.BCIM.
D500 20 COD_INF The system leaves this field blank.
D500 21 VL_PIS PIS amount

For inbound and outbound transactions, the value of F76B011.BRTXA when the value of BRTX is 05.


For inbound and outbound transactions the value of F76B011.BRTXA when the value of BRTX is 06.

D500 23 COD_CTA ICMS amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

D500 24 TP_ASSINANTE Consumer type.

The system leaves this field blank.

Note: The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not store these values, so the system cannot populate this field. However, you must provide the appropriate values in the file that you submit. You must customize the program to populate this field with one of these values:

1: Comercial/Industrial

2: Poder Público

3: Residencial/Pessoa física

4: Público

5: Semi-Público

6: Outros

D510 1 REG Fixed value of D510.
D510 2 NUM_ITEM Item line number

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 4 COD_CLASS Item classification of communication service according to reference table 4.4.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 5 QTD Item quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 6 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 7 VL_ITEM Item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 8 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 9 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 10 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 11 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 12 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 13 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 14 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 15 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 16 IND_REC Indicator of income type

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 17 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 18 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 19 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D510 20 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 1 REG Fixed value of D530.
D530 2 IND_SERV Service indicator type

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 3 DT_INI_SERV Service initial date

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 4 DT_FIN_SERV Service final date

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 5 PER_FISCAL Fiscal period of service presentation

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 6 COD_AREA Terminal invoice area code

The system leaves this field blank.

D530 7 TERMINAL Identification of the terminal invoice

The system leaves this field blank.

D590 1 REG Fixed value of D590.
D590 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation from F76111B.BST1.
D590 3 CFOP Transaction nature from F76111B.BRNOP.
D590 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate from F76111B.BRAAIC.
D590 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount.


D590 6 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount from F7601B.BBCL.
D590 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount from F7601B.BRAVCI.
D590 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount form F76111B.BBIS.
D590 9 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax from F76111B.BVIS.
D590 10 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

D590 11 COD_ODB Description

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 1 REG Fixed value of D600.
D600 2 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 3 COD_MUN Remit city. Must be code from city table (www.ibge.gov.br)

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 4 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 5 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 6 COD_CONS Consumer class

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 7 QTD_CONS Quantity of consolidate documents

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 8 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 9 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 10 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 11 VL_SERV Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 12 VL_SERV_NT Total amount non taxable by ICMS

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 13 VL_TERC Third payment amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 14 VL_DA Expenses amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 15 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 16 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 17 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D600 18 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 1 REG Fixed value of D610.
D610 2 COD_CLASS Item classification of communication service according to reference table 4.4.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 4 QTD Accumulated quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 5 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 6 VL_ITEM Item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 7 VL_DESC Discount amount accumulated

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 8 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 9 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 10 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 11 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 12 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 13 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 14 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 15 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 16 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 17 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D610 18 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 1 REG Fixed value of D690.
D690 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 6 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 9 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 10 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D690 11 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 1 REG Fixed value of D695.
D695 2 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 3 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 4 NRO_ORD_INI Initial order number

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 5 NRO_ORD_FIN Final order number

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 6 DT_DOC_INI Initial issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 7 DT_DOC_FIN Final issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 8 NOM_MEST Volume number

The system leaves this field blank.

D695 9 CHV_COD_DIG Access fiscal key

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 1 REG Fixed value of D696.
D696 2 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 3 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 4 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 5 VL_OPR Transaction amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 6 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 7 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 8 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 9 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 10 VL_RED_BC Reduced taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D696 11 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code

The system leaves this field blank.

D697 1 REG Fixed value of D697.
D697 2 UF State

The system leaves this field blank.

D697 3 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

D697 4 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

D990 1 REG Fixed value of D990.
D990 2 QTD_LIN_D Quantity of lines in block D

B.3 Registers and Fields for Block E

Block E includes information about IPI and ICMS taxes. Not all of the information required in this block resides in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. This section lists only the fields that are populated from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

Register Field Number Field Name Description
E001 1 REG Fixed value of E001.
E001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

E100 1 REG Fixed value of E100.
E100 2 DT_INI Verification start date from a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Administ Process program.
E100 3 DT_FIN Verification end date from a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Administ Process program.
E110 1 REG Fixed value of E110.
E110 2 VL_TOT_DEBITOS Total debit amount.

For output nota fiscal, the sum of F76101B BICM.

E110 3 VL_AJ_DEBITOS Total debit adjustment amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 4 VL_TOT_AJ_DEBITOS Total debit adjustment.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 5 VL_ESTORNOS_CRED Total adjustments for debit reversions.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 6 VL_TOT_CREDITOS Total credit amount.

For inbound nota fiscal, the sum of F76101B BICM.

E110 7 VL_AJ_CREDITOS Total credit adjustment amount.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 8 VL_TOT_AJ_CREDITOS Total credit adjustment.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 9 VL_ESTORNOS_DEB Total adjustments for credit reversions.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 10 VL_SLD_CREDOR_ANT ICMS credit balance to transfer to next period.
E110 11 VL-SLD_APURADO Balance due.

Sum fields: 02+03+04+05−06−07−08−09−10

E110 12 VL_TOT_DED Deduction amounts.

The system leaves this field blank.

E110 13 VL_ICMS_RECOLHER Net amount.

The value in field 11 minus the value in field 12.

E110 14 VL_SLD_CREDOR_TRANSPORT_AR ICMS credit balance to transfer to next period.

The system completes this field when the net amount is in favor to the contributor.

E110 15 DEB_ESP ICMS amount to pay

The system completes this field when the net amount is in favor to the fiscal authority.

E111 1 REG Fixed value of E111.
E111 2 COD_AJ_APUR Verification adjust code

The system leaves this field blank.

E111 3 DESCR_COMPL_AJ Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E111 4 VL_AJ_APUR Verification amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E112 1 REG Fixed value of E112.
E112 2 NUM_DA Document number

The system leaves this field blank.

E112 3 NUM_PROC Process number

The system leaves this field blank.

E112 4 IND_PROC Indicator of process origin. Values are:

0: Sefaz

1: Justiça Federal

2: Justiça Estadual

9: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

E112 5 PROC Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E112 6 TXT_COMPL The system populates this field with the reference code field 2 of register 0450.

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 1 REG Fixed value of E113.
E113 2 COD_PART Address number.

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 3 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 4 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 5 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 6 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 7 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 8 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

E113 9 VL_AJ_ITEM Adjust amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E115 1 REG Fixed value of E115.
E115 2 COD_INF_ADIC Additional information

The system leaves this field blank.

E115 3 VL_INF_ADIC Reference value

The system leaves this field blank.

E115 4 DESCR_COMPL_AJ Additional information

The system leaves this field blank.

E116 1 REG Fixed value of E116.
E116 2 COD_OR To pay code according to reference table 5.4.


E116 3 VL_OR To pay amount = E110, field 13 if field is different than zero.
E116 4 DT_VCTO Due date is the last date of the job.
E116 5 COD_REC Receita code = 0.
E116 6 NUM_PROC Process number

The system leaves this field blank.

E116 7 IND_PROC Indicator of process origin. Values are:

0: Sefaz

1: Justiça Federal

2: Justiça Estadual

9: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

E116 8 PROC Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E116 9 TXT_COMPL Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E116 10 MES_REF Monthly. The system reports the value only if E116 Field 3 is informed.
E200 1 REG Fixed value of E200.
E200 2 UR State from F76101B. BRAUFE.
E200 3 DT_FIN Verification beginning date from a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.
E200 4 DT_FIN Verification end date from a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.
E210 1 REG Fixed value of E210.
E210 2 IND_MOV_ST Movement indicator. Values are:

0: without ICMS ST

1: with ICMS ST

E210 3 VL_SLD_CRED_ANT_ST ICMS substitute tax balance to transfer to next period.
E210 4 VL_DEVOL_ST Total ICMS substitute tax by returned goods.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 5 VL_RESSARC_ST Total ICMS substitute tax by indemnity.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 6 VL_OUT_CRED_ST Total credit substitute tax.

For outbound notas fiscais, F7611B.FDBNFS.

For inbound notas fiscais, F76111B.BVIS.

E210 7 VL_AJ_CREDITOS_ST Total credit ICMS substitute tax by adjustments to the legal documents.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 8 VL_RETENÇAO_ST Total ICMS substitute tax withheld.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 9 VL_OUT_DEB_ST Total debit substitute tax.

For outbound notas fiscais, F7611B.FDBNFS.

For inbound notas fiscais, F76111B.BVIS.

E210 10 VL_AJ_DEBITOS_ST Total debit ICMS substitute tax by adjustments to the legal documents.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 11 VL_SLD_DEV_ANT_ST ICMS substitute tax to pay before deductions.

Sum of fields: [(09+10+11) − (04+05+06+07+08)].

E210 12 VL_DEDUÇÕES_ST ICMS substitute tax deduction.

The system leaves this field blank.

E210 13 VL_ICMS_RECOL_ST Amount to pay.

The value of field 12 minus the value of field 13.

E210 14 VL_SLD_CRED_ST_TRANSFORTAR ICMS substitute tax credit balance to transfer to next period.

Sum of fields: [(04+05+06+07+08) − (09+10+11)].

E210 15 DEB_ESP_ST Extra values

The system leaves this field blank.

E220 1 REG Fixed value of E220.
E220 2 COD_AJ_APUR Adjust code according to table 5.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

E220 3 DESCR_COMPL_AJ Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E220 4 VL_AJ_APUR Adjust amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E230 1 REG Fixed value of E230.
E230 2 NUM_DA Document number

The system leaves this field blank.

E230 3 NUM_PROC Process number

The system leaves this field blank.

E230 4 IND_PROC Indicator of process origin. Values are:

0: Sefaz

1: Justiça Federal

2: Justiça Estadual

9: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

E230 5 PROC Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E230 6 TXT_COMPL The system populates this field with the reference code from field 2 of register 0450.

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 1 REG Fixed value of E240.
E240 2 COD_PART Address number

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 3 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 4 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 5 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 6 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 7 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 8 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

E240 9 VL_AJ_ITEM Adjust amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 1 REG Fixed value of E250.
E250 2 COD_OR To pay code, according to reference table 5.4.

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 3 VL_OR To pay amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 4 DT_VCTO Due date

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 5 COD_REC Receita code

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 6 NUM_PROC Process number

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 7 IND_PROC Indicator of process origin. Values are:

0: Sefaz

1: Justiça Federal

2: Justiça Estadual

9: Others

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 8 PROC Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 9 TXT_COMPL Description

The system leaves this field blank.

E250 10 MES_REF Monthly

The system leaves this field blank.

E500 1 REG Fixed value of E500.
E500 2 IND_APUR Period indicator. Values are:

0: Monthly

1: 10 months

Value is always 0.

E500 3 DT_INI Verification begin date.

From a value that you set up in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.

E500 4 DT_FIN Verification end date.

From a value that you set up in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.

E510 1 REG Fixed value of E510.
E510 2 CFOP Transaction nature from F76111B.BRNOP.
E510 3 CST_IPI IPI tax situation code.

The value from F76B012.B76TSIPI. If no value exists, then write the value from the Special Handling Code field of UDC 76B/CW for the value that exists in F76111B. BRAITP.

E510 4 VL_CONT_IPI Accounting amount by CFOP and CTIPI.

The sum of the values from F76111B.AEXP − F76111B.BDES.

E510 5 VL_BC_IPI IPI taxable amount by CFOP and CTIPI from F76111B.BBTP.
E510 6 VL_IPI IPI amount by CFOP and CTIPI from F76111B.BRBIPI.
E520 1 REG Fixed value of E510.
E520 2 VL_SD_ANT_IPI IPI credit balance before period zero.
E520 3 VL_DEB_IPI Total debit amount "output with debit tax": For output, if (F76111B.BRAITP) = "1,4,5"Sum F76111B.BIPI.
E520 4 VL_CRED_IPI Total amount "input with credit tax": For input, if (F76111B.BRAITP) = "1,4,5"Sum F76111B.BIPI.
E520 5 VL_OD_IPI Total amount "other debit": For output, if (BF76111B.BRAITP = "5"), sum BF76111B.BRABIP. If (BF76111B.BRAITP) = "3", sum F76111B.BIPI.
E520 6 VL_OC_IPI Total amount "other credit": For input, if (BF76111B.BRAITP = "5"), sum BF76111B.BRABIP. If (BF76111B.BRAITP) = "3", sum F76111B.BIPI.
E520 7 VL_SC_IPI IPI credit balance to transfer to next period: TotalCredit = TotalCreditTax + TotalOtherCreditTax + IPI Credit Balance Before Period
E520 8 VL_SD_IPI IPI amount to pay: TotalDebit = TotalDebitTax + TotalOtherDebitTax. if TotalCredit > TotalDebit then IPI credit balance to transfer to next period = TotalCredit - TotalDebit IPI Amount to pay = 0 Else IPI credit balance to transfer to next period = 0 IPI Amount to pay = TotalDebit - TotalCreditEnd
E530 1 REG Fixed value of E530.
E530 2 IND_AJ Indicator of adjust type. Values are:

0: Debit adjust

1: Credit adjust

The system leaves this field blank.

E530 3 VL_AJ Adjust amount

The system leaves this field blank.

E530 4 COD_AJ Adjust code according to table 4.5.4.

The system leaves this field blank.

E530 5 IND_DOC Origin of the document

The system leaves this field blank.

E530 6 NUM_DOC Document number

The system leaves this field blank.

E530 7 DESCR_AJ Adjust description

The system leaves this field blank.

E990 1 REG Fixed value of E990.
E990 2 QTD_LIN_E Quantity of lines in block E.

B.4 Registers and Fields for Block G

Block G includes information about CIAP. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne has not localized this information. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system generates block G and block G registers, but populates only the REG fields of the registers. You must populate the other required fields in block G by running custom programming. Add your custom programs to the sequence that you set up in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.

Register Field Number Field Name Description
G001 1 REG Fixed value of G001.
G001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

G110 1 REG Fixed value of G110.
G110 2 DT_INI Initial date

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 3 DT_FIN Final date

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 4 SALDO_IN_ICMS Begin ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 5 SOM_PARC ICMS quotes amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 6 VL_TRIB_EXP Total output
G110 7 VL_TOTAL Total ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 8 IND_PER_SAI Participation index.

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 9 ICMS_APROP ICMS appropriate

The system leaves this field blank.

G110 10 SOM_ICMS_OC ICMS other credits.

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 1 REG Fixed value of G125
G125 2 COD_IND_BEM Patrimonial code

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 3 DT_MOV Movement date

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 4 TIPO_MOV Movement type

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 5 VL_IMOB_ICMS_OP ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 6 VL_IMOB_ICMS_ST ICMS subs amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 7 VL_IMOB_ICMS_FRT Freight ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 8 VL_IMOB_ICMS_DIF ICMS differential amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 9 NUM_PARC Quote number

The system leaves this field blank.

G125 10 VL_PARC_PASS Quote amount

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 1 REG Fixed value of G126.
G126 2 DT_INI Initial date.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 3 DT_FIM Final date.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 4 NUM_PARC Number of the parcel of the ICMS.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 5 VL_PARC_PASS Value of the parcel of ICMS of appropriation.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 7 VL_TRIB_OC Total value of outputs in the period indicated in this register.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 8 IND_PER_SAI Index of participation of Field 06 divided by field 07.

The system leaves this field blank.

G126 9 VL_PARC_APROP Value of other credits of ICMS (field 05 times or field 08).

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 1 REG Fixed value of G130.
G130 2 IND_EMIT Fiscal note type

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 3 COD_PART Emission type

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 4 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 5 SERIE Serial number

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 6 NUM_DOC Legal number

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 7 CHV_NFE_CTE Fiscal access key

The system leaves this field blank.

G130 8 DT_DOC Emission date

The system leaves this field blank.

G140 1 REG Fixed value of G140.
G140 2 NUM_ITEM Fixed asset number

The system leaves this field blank.

G140 3 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

G990 1 REG Fixed value of G990.
G990 2 QTD_LIN_G Lines quantity

B.5 Registers and Fields for Block H (Release 9.1 Update)

Block H includes information about inventory.

Register Field Number Field Name Description
H001 1 REG Fixed value of H001.
H001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

H005 1 REG Fixed value of H005.
H005 2 DT_INV Inventory date.
H005 3 VL_INV Inventory total amount.

Total stock from the F4111 table.

H005 4 MOT_INV Inventory reason. This value is defined by a processing option. Values are:
  • 01 - At the end of the period (default value).

  • 02 - Changing form of taxation good.

  • 03 - At the request of the cadastra (database).

  • 04 - Change in payment scheme - con.

  • 05 - Determination of tax authority.

H010 1 REG Fixed value of H010.
H010 2 COD_ITEM Item number.

Field 02 of the register 0200 in block 0.

H010 3 UNID Unit value from F4111.LLTRUM.
H010 4 QTD Quantity from F4111.LLTRQT.
H010 5 VL_UNIT Unit value from F4111.LLUNCS.
H010 6 VL_ITEM Item amount from F4111.LLPAID.
H010 7 IND_PROP Indicator of inventory owner from a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program (P76B0715). Values are:

0: Own item in internal stock

1: Own item in external stock

2: Third item in internal stock

H010 8 COD_PART Address number of the inventory owner from field 2 of the register 0150 for block 0.
H010 9 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code.

The system leaves this field blank.

H010 10 COD_CTA Account code

The system retrieves the value for this field by using the value in the Transaction Document Type processing option, the business unit from the Item As Of file (F41112), and the GL Category from the Item Branch/Plant table (F4102) to identify the DMAAI 4122 record from which to obtain the account to write to this field.

H020 1 REG Fixed value H020
H020 2 CST_ICMS Tributary situation
H020 3 BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount
H020 4 VL_ICMS ICMS amount
H990 1 REG Fixed value of H990.
H990 2 QTD_LIN_H Quantity of lines in block H.

B.6 Registers and Fields for Block 1 (Release 9.1 Update)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system generates block 1 and block 1 registers, but populates only the REG fields of the registers. You must populate the other required fields in block 1 by running custom programming. Add your custom programs to the sequence that you set up in the SPED Fiscal Block Setup program.

Register Number Field Number Field Name Description
1001 1 REG Fixed value of 1001.
1001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

1010 1 REG Fixed value "1010"
1010 2 IND_EXP Data for register 1100
1010 3 IND_CCRF Data for register 1200
1010 4 IND_COMB Data for register 1300
1010 5 IND_USINA Data for register 1390
1010 6 IND_VA Data for register 1400
1010 7 IND_EE Data for register 1500
1010 8 IND_CART Data for register 1600
1010 9 IND_FORM Data for register 1700
1010 10 IND_AER Data for register 1800
1100 1 REG Fixed value of 1100.
1100 2 IND_DOC Document type. Values are:

0: Exportation declaration

1: Simplify exportation declaration

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 3 NRO_DE Declaration number

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 4 DT_DE Declaration date

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 5 NAT_EXP Exportation type. Values are:

0: Direct

1: Indirect

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 6 NRO_RE Register number

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 7 DT_RE Register date

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 8 CHC_EMB Shipment number

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 9 DT_CHC Shipment date

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 10 DT_AVB Declaration date

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 11 TP_CHC Document type according to Siscomex

The system leaves this field blank.

1100 12 PAIS Country code

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 1 REG Fixed value of 1105.
1105 2 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 3 SERIE Fiscal note series

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 4 NUM_DOC Nota fiscal number

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 5 CHV_NFE Fiscal access key

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 6 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

1105 7 COD_ITEM Item number

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 1 REG Fixed value of 1110.
1110 2 COD_PART Address number

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 3 COD_MOD Fiscal note type

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 4 SER Fiscal series number

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 5 NUM_DOC Fiscal note number

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 6 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 7 CHV_NFE Fiscal access key

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 8 NR_ MEMO Exportation number

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 9 QTD Quantity exported

The system leaves this field blank.

1110 10 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 1 REG Fixed value of 1200.
1200 2 COD_AJ_APUR Adjustment code according to table 5.1.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 3 SLD_CRED Fiscal credits balance of previous periods

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 4 CRÉD_APR Appropriate total credit in the month

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 5 CRED_RECEB Received total credit against transfers

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 6 CRED_UTIL Total credit of the period

The system leaves this field blank.

1200 7 SLD_CRED_FIM Total fiscal credit accumulated for next period.

The system leaves this field blank.

1210 1 REG Fixed value of 1210.
1210 2 UTILIZAÇÃO DE CRÉDITOS FISCAIS – ICMS – para TIPO_UTIL Credit type of use according to table 5.5.

The system leaves this field blank.

1210 3 NR_DOC Quantity documents used at credit discharge

The system leaves this field blank.

1210 4 VL_CRED_UTIL Total credit used

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 1 REG Fixed value of 1300.
1300 2 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 3 DATA_FECH Date of the locking of the movement

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 4 ESTQ_ABERT Supply at the beginning of the day in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 5 VOL_ENTR Total volume of the Inputs in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 6 VOL_DISP Available volume (04+05) in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 7 VOL_SAIDAS Total volume of the outputs in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 8 ESTQ_ESCR Contractual supply (06-07) in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 9 VAL_AJ_PERDA Value of loss in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 10 VAL_AJ_GANHO Value of gain in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1300 11 FECH_FISICO Supply of locking in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 1 REG Fixed value of 1310.
1310 2 NUM_TANQUE Tank where the fuel was stored

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 3 ESTQ_ABERT Initial daily stock (liters)

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 4 VOL_ENTR Daily received liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 5 VOL_DISP Available volume (03+04) (liters)

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 6 VOL_SAIDAS Total volume of the outputs in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 7 ESTQ_ESCR Contractual stock (06-07) in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 8 VAL_AJ_PERDA Value of loss in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 9 VAL_AJ_GANHO Value of gain in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1310 10 FECH_FISICO Physical volume stock in liter

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 1 REG Fixed value of 1320.
1320 2 NUM_BICO Number of bomb

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 3 NR_INTERV Intervention number

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 4 MOT_INTERV Intervention reason

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 5 NOM_INTERV Intervention name

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 6 CNPJ_INTERV CNPJ of the responsible company for the intervention

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 7 CPF_INTERV CPF of responsible technician for the intervention

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 8 VAL_FECHA Value of the final reading

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 9 VAL_ABERT Value of the initial reading

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 10 VOL_AFERI Gauging bomb, in liters

The system leaves this field blank.

1320 11 VOL_VENDAS Sales in liters (08 - 09 -10)

The system leaves this field blank.

1350 1 REG Fixed value of 1350.
1350 2 SERIE Bomb serie number

The system leaves this field blank.

1350 3 FABRICANTE Bomb manufacturer name

The system leaves this field blank.

1350 4 MODELO Bomb model

The system leaves this field blank.

1350 5 TIPO_MEDICAO Measurement identification

The system leaves this field blank.

1360 1 REG Fixed value of 1360.
1360 2 NUM_LACRE Number of the sealing wax associated in the bomb

The system leaves this field blank.

1360 3 DT_APLICACAO Date of application of the sealing wax

The system leaves this field blank.

1370 1 REG Fixed value of 1370.
1370 2 NUM_BICO Pipe bomb sequential number

The system leaves this field blank.

1370 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

1370 4 NUM_TANQUE Tank that stores the fuel

The system leaves this field blank.

1390 01 REG Fixed value "1390"
1390 02 COD_PROD Product code. Values are:
  • 01 - Alcool Etilico Hidratado Carburante

  • 02 - Alcool Etilico Anidro Carburante

  • 03 - Açúcar

The system leaves this field blank.

1391 01 REG Fixed value "1391"
1391 02 DT_REGISTRO Product date
1391 03 QTD_MOID Quantity of cane crushed (tons)
1391 04 ESTQ_INI Initial stock (liters / kg)
1391 05 QTD_PRODUZ Amount produced (liters / kg)
1391 06 ENT_ANID_HID Entry of anhydrous alcohol from the transformation of hydrated alcohol or entry of hydrated alcohol from the transformation of the anhydrous alcohol (liters).
1391 07 OUTR_ENTR Other entries (liters / Kg)
1391 08 PERDA Evaporation (liters) or break weight (kg)
1391 09 CONS Consumption (liters)
1391 10 SAI_ANI_HID Output processing (liters)
1391 11 SAÍDAS Output (liters / Kg)
1391 12 ESTQ_FIN Ending inventory (liters / Kg)
1391 13 ESTQ_INI_MEL Initial inventory of residual honey (kg)
1391 14 ROD_DIA_MEL Honey production waste (kg)
1391 15 UTIL_MEL Residual honey used (kg)
1391 16 PROD_ALC_MEL Production of ethanol (liters) from the residual honey.
1391 17 OBS Comments
1400 1 REG Fixed value of 1400.
1400 2 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

1400 3 MUN Original municipal code

The system leaves this field blank.

1400 4 VALOR Municipal monthly value

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 1 REG Fixed value of 1500.
1500 2 IND_OPER Operation type

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 3 IND_EMIT Fiscal note emitter

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 4 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 5 COD_MOD Nota fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 6 COD_SIT Nota fiscal situation

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 7 SER Fiscal document series

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 8 SUB Fiscal document subseries

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 9 COD_CONS Consumer class

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 10 NUM_DOC Fiscal note number

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 11 DT_DOC Issue date

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 12 DT_E_S Input/output date

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 13 VL_DOC Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 14 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 15 VL_FORN Supplied total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 16 VL_SERV_NT Total amount non taxable by ICMS

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 17 VL_TERC Third payment amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 18 VL_DA Expenses amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 19 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 20 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 21 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 22 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 23 COD_INF Reference code (field 2 from register 0450)

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 24 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 25 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 26 TP_LIGACAO Connection type

The system leaves this field blank.

1500 27 COD_GRUPO_TENSAO Tension

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 1 REG Fixed value of 1510.
1510 2 NUM_ITEM Item line number

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 3 COD_ITEM Item number (field 2 of the register 0200)

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 4 COD_CLASS Item classification of communication service according to reference table 4.4.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 5 QTD Item quantity

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 6 UNID Unit of measure

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 7 VL_ITEM Item amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 8 VL_DESC Discount amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 9 CST_ICMS State tax situation according to reference table 4.3.1.

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 10 CFOP Transaction nature

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 11 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 12 ALIQ_ICMS ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 13 VL_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 14 VL_BC_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 15 ALIQ_ST ICMS rate

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 16 VL_ICMS_ST ICMS substitute tax

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 17 IND_REC Indicator of income type

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 18 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 19 VL_PIS PIS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 20 VL_COFINS COFINS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1510 21 COD_CTA Account number

The system leaves this field blank.

1600 1 REG Fixed value of 1600.
1600 2 COD_PART Address number (field 2 of the register 0150)

The system leaves this field blank.

1600 3 TOT_CREDITO Transaction with credit card

The system leaves this field blank.

1600 4 TOT_DEBITO Transaction with debit card

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 1 REG Fixed value of 1700.
1700 2 COD_DISP Cod. Disp.authorized

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 3 COD_MOD Fiscal model

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 4 SER Serial number

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 5 SUB Subserial number

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 6 NUM_DOC_INI Initial number

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 7 NUM_DOC_FIN Final number

The system leaves this field blank.

1700 8 NUM_AUT Authorization code

The system leaves this field blank.

1710 1 REG Fixed value of 1710.
1710 2 NUM_DOC_INI Initial number

The system leaves this field blank.

1710 3 NUM_DOC_FIN Final number

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 1 REG Fixed value of 1800.
1800 2 VL_CARGA Services amounts

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 3 VL_PASS Services amounts

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 4 VL_FAT Total amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 5 IND_RAT Tax conversion

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 6 VL_ICMS_ANT ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 7 VL_BC_ICMS ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 8 VL_ICMS_APUR ICMS amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 9 VL_BC_ICMS_APUR Taxable amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1800 10 VL_DIF Calculated amount

The system leaves this field blank.

1900 1 REG Fixed value of 1900.
1900 2 IND_APUR_ICM The system leaves this field blank.
1900 3 DESCR_COMPL_OUT_APUR The system leaves this field blank.
1910 1 REG Fixed value of 1910.
1910 2 DT_INI The system leaves this field blank.
1910 3 DT_FIN The system leaves this field blank.
1920 1 REG Fixed value of 1920.
1920 2 VL_TOT_TRANSF_DEBITOS_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 3 VL_TOT_AJ_DEBITOS_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 4 VL_ESTORNOS_CRED_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 5 VL_TOT_TRANSF_CREDITOS_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 6 VL_TOT_AJ_CREDITOS_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 7 VL_ESTORNOS_DEB_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 8 VL_SLD_CREDOR_ANT_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 9 VL_SLD_APURADO_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 10 VL_TOT_DED The system leaves this field blank.
1920 11 VL_ICMS_RECOLHER_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 12 VL_SLD_CREDOR_TRANSP_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1920 13 DEB_ESP_OA The system leaves this field blank.
1921 1 REG Fixed value of 1921.
1921 2 COD_AJ_APUR The system leaves this field blank.
1921 3 DESCR_COMPL_AJ The system leaves this field blank.
1921 4 VL_AJ_APUR The system leaves this field blank.
1922 1 REG Fixed value of 1922.
1922 2 NUM_DA The system leaves this field blank.
1922 3 NUM_PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1922 4 IND_PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1922 5 PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1922 6 TXT_COMPL The system leaves this field blank.
1923 1 REG Fixed value of 1923.
1923 2 COD_PART The system leaves this field blank.
1923 3 COD_MOD The system leaves this field blank.
1923 4 SER The system leaves this field blank.
1923 5 SIUB The system leaves this field blank.
1923 6 NUM_DOC The system leaves this field blank.
1923 7 DT_DOC The system leaves this field blank.
1923 8 COD_ITEM The system leaves this field blank.
1923 9 VL_AJ_ITEM The system leaves this field blank.
1925 1 REG Fixed value of 1925.
1925 2 COD_INF_ADIC The system leaves this field blank.
1925 3 VL_INF_ADIC The system leaves this field blank.
1925 4 DESCR_COMPL_AJ The system leaves this field blank.
1926 1 REG Fixed value of 1926.
1926 2 COD_OR The system leaves this field blank.
1926 3 VL_OR The system leaves this field blank.
1926 4 DT_VCTO The system leaves this field blank.
1926 5 COD_REC The system leaves this field blank.
1926 6 NUM_PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1926 7 IND_PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1926 8 PROC The system leaves this field blank.
1926 9 TXT_COMPL The system leaves this field blank.
1926 10 MES_REF The system leaves this field blank.

B.7 Registers and Fields for Block 0

Block 0 includes information about the reporting company. If the required value is not in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables, the system leaves the Description field blank.

Register Number Field Number Field Name Description
0000 1 REG Fixed value of 0000.
0000 2 COD_VER Code of layout version, according to reference table 3.1.1
0000 3 COD_FIN File Type. Values are:

0: Original

1: Substitute

0000 4 DT_INI Begin date of the file.
0000 5 DT_FIN End date of the file.
0000 6 NOME Mailing name from F0111.MLNM.
0000 7 CNPJ CNPJ number, if the reporting entity is a legal entity, from F0101.TAX.
0000 8 CPF CPF number, if the reporting entity is a natural person, from F0101.TAX.
0000 9 UF State from F0116.ADDS.
0000 10 IE State tax ID.

If the contributor is an individual entity (1, 4, or P) then the word Isento if not, F0101.ABTX2.

0000 11 COD_MUN City code.

The city code associated with the address number in the Supplemental Database program (P00092).

The code must be from city table (www.ibge.gov.br).

0000 12 IM Municipal tax ID from F76011.BMUN.
0000 13 SUFRAMA SUFRAMA number from F76011.BISC.
0000 14 IND_PERFIL Fiscal presentation type.

This field is completed from a value that you enter in the Fiscal Presentation Type field in SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program (P76B0715).

0000 15 IND_ATIV Activity code. Values are:

0: Other

1: Industry

This field is completed from a value that you enter Activity Code field in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0001 1 REG Fixed value of 0001.
0001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. This field indicates if the block has information in the file. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

0005 1 REG Fixed value of 0005.
0005 2 FANTASIA Mailing name from F0111.MLNM.
0005 3 CEP Zip code from F0116.ADDZ.
0005 4 END Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0005 5 NUM Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0005 6 COMPL Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0005 7 BAIRRO CIF data $N description of UDC 76B/NE
0005 8 FONE Phone number.

The system concatenates F0115. PAR1 and F0115.PH1 when PHTP is blank.

0005 9 FAX Fax number.

(F0115. PAR1 + PH1 when PHTP = FAX)

0005 10 EMAIL Email address.

(F01151.EMAL when AETP = E)

0015 1 REG Fixed value of 0015.
0015 2 UF_ST State from F0116.ADDS.
0015 3 IE_ST State tax ID from F76011.TX2.
0100 1 REG Fixed value of 0100.
0100 2 NOME Mailing name from F0111.MLNM.

The mailing name of the accountant from F0111.MLNM for the address book number specified in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 3 CPF CPF number.

The value from F76011.AIBCPF or F0101.TAX for the address book number specified for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 4 CRC CRC number.

This system retrieves this value from the Address Book Inscriptions table (F76B140) with Inscription Code equal to 30.

0100 5 CNPJ CNPJ number.

The value of F0101.TAX for the address book number specified for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 6 CEP Zip code.

The value of F0116.ADDZ for the address book number specified for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 7 END Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0100 8 NUM Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0100 9 COMPL Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0100 10 BAIRRO CIF data $N description of UDC 76B/NE
0100 11 FONE Phone number.

The value of F0115. PAR1 + PH1 when PHTP is blank for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 12 FAX Fax number.

The value of F0115. PAR1 + PH1 when PHTP equals FAX for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 13 EMAIL Email address.

The value of F01151.EMAL when AETP equals E for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program.

0100 14 COD_MUN City code.

The city code associated with the address book number for the accountant in the SPED Fiscal Constant Setup program as set up in the Supplemental Database program (P0092).

0150 1 REG Fixed value of 0150.
0150 2 COD_PART Address number.
0150 3 NOME Mailing number from F0111.MLNM.
0150 4 COD_PAIS Country from F0116.CTR

A value from the NFe IBGE Country Code (76B/CD) UDC table.

0150 5 CNPJ CNPJ number from F0101.TAX.
0150 6 CPF CPF number from F76011.AIBCPF or F0101.TAX
0150 7 IE State tax ID.

If the contributor is an individual entity (1, 4, or P) then the word Isento, if not, F0101.ABTX2.

0150 8 COD_MUN City code.

The city code associated with the address book number as set up in the Supplemental Database program (P0092).

0150 9 SUFRAMA SUFRAMA number from F76011.BISC.
0150 10 END Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0150 11 NUM Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0150 12 COMPL Mailing address, as defined in a processing option.
0150 13 BAIRRO CIF data $N description of UDC 76B/NE
0175 1 REG Fixed value of 0175.
0175 2 DT_ALT Number of the field in the 0150 register that changed, if the Address by Effective Date constant in the Address Book Constants program (P0000) is enabled; otherwise the field is blank.
0175 3 NR_CAMPO The new value for the name in the F0016 table, if the Address by Effective Date constant in the Address Book Constants program (P0000) is enabled; otherwise the field is blank.
0175 4 CONT_ANT The old value from the F0016 table, if the Address by Effective Date constant in the Address Book Constants program (P0000) is enabled; otherwise the field is blank.
0190 1 REG Fixed value of 0190.
0190 2 UNID Unit measure code from UDC 00/UM.
0190 3 DESCR Unit of measure description from UDC 00/UM.
0200 1 REG Fixed value of 0200.
0200 2 COD_ITEM Item number.

(F4101.ITM / LITM / AITM)

0200 3 DESCR_ITEM Item description from F4101.DSC1.
0200 4 COD_BARRA Bar code.

When the value of AN8 is 0 and XRT is UP in the F4104 table, write the value from the CITM.F7611B.

0200 5 COD_ANT_ITEM Item number.

The system leaves this field blank.

0200 6 UNID_INV Stock unit of measure.

Access the F4101 table (key LITM or ITM) and retrieve the primary unit of measure (IMUOM1).

0200 7 TIPO_ITEM Item type from UDC 70/01 table.
0200 8 COD_NCM Mercosur code from the UDC 70/02 table.
0200 9 EX_IPI Ex code from the UDC 70/03 table.
0200 10 COD_GEN Item generic code from the UDC 70/04 table.
0200 11 COD_LST Service code from the UDC 70/05 table.
0200 12 ALIQ_ICMS Uses the item master number, the company mark up level (AC30 of the company address book) and the state of the company (state field of address book company) to access to the F7608B table then recover the F7608B.TXRL. Uses only state from to access the F7608B, The states always in blanks.
0205 1 REG Fixed value of 0205.
0205 2 DESCR_ANT_ITEM Description from the F4101.DSC1 table.
0205 3 DT_INI Begin date.

View item changes in the F76B0765 table. This field is completed using a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Administ Process program.

0205 4 DT_FIM End date.

View item changes in the F76B0765 table. This field is completed using a value that you enter in the SPED Fiscal Administ Process program.

0205 5 COD_ANT_ITEM Item code of the last item

The system leaves this field blank.

0206 1 REG Fixed value of 0206.
0206 2 COD_COMB Combustible code.

The system leaves this field blank.

0220 1 REG Fixed value of 0220.
0220 2 UNID_CONV Converted unit of measure.

Access the F41003 table and retrieve the converted unit of measure (RUM).

0220 3 FAT_CONV Conversion factor.

Access the F41003 table and retrieve the conversion factor (CONV).

0300 1 REG Fixed value of 0300.
0300 2 COD_IND_BEM Fixed asset number from F1201.FLANUMB
0300 3 IDENT_MERC Fixed asset type. Values are:

1: Fixed asset

2: Component

Retrieve F1201.FANUMB and F1201.FAAAID. If they are equal, it is a fixed asset. If they are different, it is a component.

0300 4 DESCR_ITEM Fixed asset description from F1201.FADL01.
0300 5 COD_PRNC Principal fixed asset number from the F1201.FAAAID when item 3 is equal to 2.
0300 6 COD_CTA GL account for fixed asset from F1201.FAAMCU.FAAOBJ.FAASUB
0300 7 NR_PARC Number of quotes.

The system leaves this field blank.

0305 1 REG Fixed value of 0305.
0305 2 COD_CCUS Cost center from F1201.FALOC.
0305 3 FUNC Asset functionalityfrom the supplermental database.
0305 4 VIDA_UTIL Asset life from F1202.FLADLM. First record found in ledger AA.
0400 1 REG Fixed value of 0400.
0400 2 COD_NAT Transaction nature code from F7615B.tnbnop and tnbsop.
0400 3 DESCR_NAT Transaction nature description from F7615B.tndesc.
0450 1 REG Fixed value of 0450.
0450 2 COD_INF Observation fiscal book code from UDC 40/PM.
0450 3 TXT Description of 0450- COD_INF
0460 1 REG Fixed value of 0460.
0460 2 COD_OBS Fiscal observation code.

The system leaves this field blank.

0460 3 TXT Description

The system leaves this field blank.

0500 1 REG Fixed value of 0500.
0500 2 DT_ALT Inclusion/Change date from the F0901.UPMJ or DT_INI field from record 0000 if F0901.UPMJ is greater than DT_INI.
0500 3 COD_ NAT_CC Account/Group type code from the B76AGTC field (Account/Group Type Code) in the Brazilian Account Information table (F76B925).
0500 4 IND_CTA Account type indicator. Values are:

S: Resumed (Sintetica) (Accounts Group)

A: Analytic (Account)

If F0901.GMPEC equals N, then S else A.

0500 5 NÍVEL Account Level analytic/Accounts group from F0901.GMLDA.
0500 6 COD_CTA Accounting Code analytic/Accounts group from F0901.MCU, F0901.OBJ, and F0901.SUB.
0500 7 NOME_CTA Account Name analytic/Accounts group from F0901.DL01.
600 1 REG Fixed value of 0600.
600 2 DT_ALT Inclusion/Change date from F0006.UPMJ or DT_INI field from record 0000 if F0901.UPMJ is greater than DT_INI.
600 3 COD_CCUS Cost center number.
600 4 CCUS Cost center name from F0006.DL01.
0990 1 REG Fixed value of 0990.
0990 2 QTD_LIN_0 Quantity of lines in block 0.

B.8 Registers and Fields for Block 9

Block 9 controls how the other blocks are joined and includes information about the number of records in the blocks.

Register Field Number Field Name Description
9001 1 REG Fixed value of 9001.
9001 2 IND_MOV Movement indicator. Values are:

0: Block with information

1: Block without information

9900 1 REG Fixed value of 9900.
9900 2 REG_BLC Record code.
9900 3 QTD_REG_BLC Quantity of records in the block described in the previous field.
9990 1 REG Fixed value of 9990.
9990 2 QTD_LIN_9 Quantity of records for block 9.
9999 1 REG Fixed value of 9999.
9999 2 QTD_LIN Quantity of lines in the file.