40 Setting Up Legal Documents for GST Invoices (Release 9.1 Update)

This chapter discusses these topics:

40.1 Setting Up Legal Documents for GST Invoices

To generate tax invoices for GST, you must set up information that the system uses to print the legal documents. The information that you must set up are:

  • Legal document types

    You set up legal document types to specify how the system handles taxes for a legal document, whether the system must print a document on one page, how many copies to print, and so on. When you set up a legal document type, you assign a legal document type group from the UDC table 74/DG.

  • Relationship between the legal document type and the internal document type

    After you set up legal document types, you set up relationships between the legal document types and internal document types (UDC table 00/DT) for a legal company.

  • Issue place

    You set up codes to identify the locations from where legal documents are issued.

  • Print templates

    You set up print templates to define the number of rows and the types of information that the system prints in the detail section of legal documents.

  • Relationship between the legal company, print template, and legal document type

    After you set up the templates, you assign legal companies and legal document types to the templates.

  • Programs and versions to print legal documents

    To generate and print GST invoices, you must first assign the program number and the version of the print program that you set up for invoices.

You can set up default values and generate all of this information in a single instance instead of manually setting up each of them using the different programs that are associated with these functionalities. To generate default values automatically, you enter the default values in the processing options for the Legal Doc Default Setup program (R75I807), and then you run the R75I807 program to update the respective programs and tables.

After you generate the default information in the programs and tables, you can access the individual programs to update the default information.

See Chapter 5, "Setting Up Legal Documents for Tax and Export Invoices" for more information about setting up legal documents using individual programs.

In addition to setting up the information listed above, you must also set up next numbers for GST legal documents by using the GST Legal Document Next Numbers program (P75I818).

See Section 40.2, "Setting Up Next Numbers for GST Legal Documents".

40.1.1 Information Generated by the R75I807 Program

When you run the R75I807 program, the system creates a record with the default data in these programs and associated tables in this order:


The system does not overwrite existing records that already has these default values.

  1. In the Legal Document Types program (P7400002), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Legal Company This is the value selected during data selection.
    Document Type This is the document type that you set up in the processing option.
    Legal Document Type INGST




    INGST and IMGST are the default legal document types hard-coded for GST domestic invoice and modified domestic invoice. EXGST and EMGST are the default legal document type hard-coded for GST export invoice and modified export invoice.

    Legal Document Type Group IN
    Calculate Taxes This option is selected by default.
    Discriminate Taxes 3
    Number of Copies Source L
    Supplier Address Source S
    Generate Contact Information This field is set to blank by default.

  2. In the Legal Doc. Types Relationship program (P7400003), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Legal Company This is the value selected during data selection.
    Document Type This is the document type that you set up in the processing option.
    Legal Document Type INGST




    These values are from the P7400002 program.

  3. In the Issue Place program (P7400004), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Issue Place This is the invoice series that you set up in the Invoice Series processing option.
    Issue Place Description This is the description for the invoice series that you set up in the Invoice Series Description processing option.

  4. In the Print Template Def. Legal Doc. program (P7430021), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Print Template G01
    Description GST Template Definition
    Detail Section Total Number of Rows 1
    Detail Section Total Number of Rows on First Page 0
    Detail Section Total Number of Rows on Middle Pages 40
    Detail Section Total Number of Rows on Last Page 8

  5. In the Print Template Def. Relationship program (P7430023), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Legal Company This is the value selected during data selection.
    Legal Document Type INGST




    These values are from the P7400002 program.

    Print Template G01

    This value is from the P7430021 program.

    Template Definition GST Template Definition

    This value is from the P7430021 program.

  6. In the Legal Document/UBE Relationship program (P7430024), the system creates a record with this data:

    Field Value
    Legal Company This is the value selected during data selection.
    Legal Document Type INGST




    These values are from the P7400002 program.

    Issue Place This value is from the Invoice Series processing option.
    User ID This field is blank for GST, enabling any user to use the information that is set up in this program.

40.1.2 Prerequisite

Before you complete the task in this section, you must set up the processing options for the R75I807 program.

On the General tab of the processing option form, you specify the:

  • Invoice series

    This is of six (6) characters and the system uses the invoice series as the issue place in the Legal Documents Issue Places - COMM - 00 program (P7400004).

  • Invoice series description

On the Domestic Invoice and Export Invoice tabs, you specify the:

  • Document type 1 through 5

    You can enter a specific document type only once in any of these five fields. For example, if you enter the document type RI in the Document Type 1 field, you cannot enter RI again in the Document Type 2 field. The system issues an error if you try to enter the same document type in two or more fields.

    You cannot use the same document type for domestic and export invoices.

  • Report versions for the R75I809 and R75I810 programs

On the Modified Domestic Invoice and Modified Export Invoice tabs, you specify the:

  • Document type 1 through 5

    You can enter a specific document type only once in any of these fields. For example, if you enter the document type RM in the Document Type 1 field, you cannot enter RM again in the Document Type 2 field. The document type must exist in the Modified Documents UDC table 75I/MD.

    You cannot use the same document type for modified domestic and export invoices.

  • Report versions for the R75I809 and R75I810 programs

40.1.3 Running the Legal Doc Default Setup Program (R75I807)

Select GST System Setup (G75IGST4H), Invoice, Set Up Legal Document, Legal Doc Default Setup.

40.2 Setting Up Next Numbers for GST Legal Documents

You use the GST Legal Document Next Numbers program (P75I818) to set up next numbering for GST legal documents. Using the information that you set up in this program, the system assigns a valid next number for GST invoices.

You set up next numbering schemes for the combination of these values: legal company, legal document type, GST unit, legal document issue place, and the expiration date. The legal document issue place must be unique for each combination of the legal company, legal document type, and GST unit. The system concatenates the issue place and the next number that you set up in this program and forms the invoice number that is printed when you print the tax invoice.

You can use the same numbering scheme for different document types if you specify the legal document type in the Legal Document Type Same As field on the Legal Document Next Numbers form. However, you can use the same numbering scheme of an existing record only if the following conditions are met:

  • You must have set up the new record with the same legal company, GST unit, issue place, and a date greater than the current date

  • The next numbering scheme of the existing record must not already be set up for use for a different document type

If these conditions are not met, the system displays an error and you will not able to generate tax invoices.

The system stores the next numbering schemes for GST in the GST Legal Document Next Numbers table (F75I818).

40.2.1 Prerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

  • Define the issue place in the Issue Place program (P7400004).

    See Section 5.3, "Setting Up Issue Places for Legal Documents".

  • Set up the processing options for the P75I818 program.

    In the processing option, you enter the address book search type for the GST unit in the Address Book Revisions program (P01012). If you do not specify a search type, the system uses the search type GTU.

40.2.2 Setting Up Next Numbers for GST Legal Documents

To set up next numbers for GST legal documents:

  1. From the GST Module, click GST System Setup (G75IGST4H), Invoice, Setup Legal Document, and then GST Legal Document Next Numbers.

  2. On the Work With GST Legal Document Next Numbers form, review the legal document types and next legal numbers for GST units.

  3. To set up next numbers for legal documents by company and GST unit, click Add on the Work With GST Legal Document Next Numbers form.

  4. On the GST Legal Document Next Numbers form, complete the following fields:

    • Legal Company

    • GST Unit

      You must enter a valid GST unit that is associated with the GST unit search type that you entered in the processing option.

    • Legal Document Type

      This is the legal document type for which you want to set up the next number series.

    • Issue Place

      This is the location or the place where the legal document was issued, and must be a maximum of 6 (six) characters. Issue place can be used to maintain multiple series of invoice numbers within a GST unit. You must define the issue place in the Issue Place program (P7400004) before you enter the value in this field. An issue place can be associated with only one GST unit.

    • Expiration Date

      This is the expiration date for the legal next number series for the combination of the specified legal company, GST unit, legal document type, and issue place combination.

    • Legal Document Type Same As

      This is the document type of an existing record that has the next numbering sequence you want to use for the next number record you are setting up. However, you can use the same numbering scheme of an existing record only if the following conditions are met:

      • You must have set up the new record with the same legal company, GST unit, issue place, and a date greater than the current date.

      • The Legal Document Type Same As field for the existing record must be blank.

      The value in this field must be different from the value in the Legal Document Type field.

    • Next Legal Number

      This is the starting number for the legal next number series for the combination of specified legal company, GST unit, legal document type, and issue place.

40.3 Setting Up Legal Next Numbers for the Self-Invoice

To set up legal next numbers for the self-invoice, complete the following steps:

  1. From the India Localization module (G75I), click GST Module, GST System Setup, GST Self Invoice Legal Next Numbers (P75I847).

  2. On the Work With GST Self Invoice Legal Next Numbers form, click Add.

  3. On the GST Self Invoice Legal Next Numbers form, complete the following fields, and then click OK:

    • Legal Company

    • GST Unit

    • Document Type


      For purchase transactions, you must specify the same value for the document type as specified in the processing options for the Work With Contracts program (P4314). For advance payment transactions, you must specify the same value as specified for the payment type in the Work With Reverse Charge on Advance Payment P2P program (P75I838).

    • Invoice Series


      The value for the invoice series must be unique for each GST unit, legal document type, legal company, and must not exceed six digits.

    • Expiration Date

    • Next Legal Number