2 Understanding Localizations for Peru

This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 How to Validate Tax IDs in Latin American Countries

The logic for validating tax IDs for customers and suppliers for Latin American users in countries for which localized solutions are available is different from the logic for users in other countries. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software supports localized software for these Latin American countries:

  • Argentina

  • Brazil

  • Chile

  • Colombia

  • Ecuador

  • Mexico

  • Peru

  • Venezuela

The standard logic for validating tax IDs uses the country code of the customer or supplier, along with values in the Tax Id Validation (70/TI) user-defined code (UDC) table. For the Latin American countries, the logic uses the user's country code as set up in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) when:

  • The user's country code is different from the supplier or customer country code, and

  • The user's country code is for a supported Latin American country.

For example, if the user's country code is AR (Argentina) and the supplier's country code is IT (Italy), the system:

  1. Verifies that the IT value exists in the 70/TI UDC table.

  2. Uses the validation routine for Argentina instead of the validation routine for Italy.


If both the user country code and the supplier or customer country code are in supported Latin American countries, do not set up the 70/TI UDC table with values for the supplier or customer country codes. For example, if the user is in Brazil, and the supplier is in Argentina, do not set up a value of AR in the 70/TI UDC table. Because the AR value does not exist in the 70/TI UDC table, the system will use the tax ID validation for the supplier's country (Argentina).

2.2 Nonreimbursable VAT Processing for Peru

According to VAT law provisions, fiscal credit can be taken only within the four tax periods following the invoice issue date, provided that VAT reimbursability validation is defined in the Company Constants by months or days.

You must set up:

  • Legal Company Constants.

    Set up the quantity of days and months for the VAT reimbursability and the date to be used to verify days and months.

  • Tax area equivalence.

    Specify which is the tax area with equivalent nonreimbursable fiscal credit for each fiscal credit of tax area.

  • Tax rate/area.

    Set up the tax area to use to enter the fiscal credit.

If the difference of days or months in a voucher is greater than the date specified in the Company Constants (nonreimbursable VAT), the system automatically modifies the tax area and the tax explanation code so that they are recorded as nonreimbursable taxes.

For each voucher line, the entered tax area is replaced by its correlative area stated in the tax area constants when these conditions apply:

  • Invoice date exceeding the legal time.

  • Tax type equal to VAT.

  • Tax percentage in the tax area different from 0.

Typically, you should use an explanation code S for the nonreimbursable VAT because this code does not discriminate tax. You can also enter vouchers with a tax explanation code and a nonreimbursable tax area code without the automatic system change option.

2.3 Peru-Specific Setup and Processes

This table lists the country-specific setup and functionality for Peru:

Setup or Process Description
User-defined codes (UDCs) In addition to the standard UDC setup, for Peru you must set up UDCs to process:
  • Legal documents

  • Legal companies

  • Fixed assets

  • Address book validations

  • Inventory management

  • Supplier withholding

See Setting Up UDCs for Peru.

You also set up UDCs to work with accounts receivable draft processing.

See Understanding UDCs for Accounts Receivable Drafts.

Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) In addition to the standard AAI setup, verify that these AAIs are set up to process transactions for Peru:
Next numbers In addition to the standard setup for next numbers, for Peru, set up next numbers for:

You can void individual next numbers and sequences of next numbers.

See Voiding Legal Numbers for Peru.

Address book records In addition to the standard setup for address book records, for Peru:

In addition to the standard process for entering address book records, for Peru you must enter:

  • Tax ID information.

  • Supplier withholding information.

  • Value-added tax (VAT) status information.

  • Address book category codes to process sales orders and invoices.

See Understanding Address Book Information for Peru.

In addition to the standard process for using batch processing for address book records:

  • Set the processing options for the PO - Address Book Batch Upload program (R76P101Z1).

  • Set up corresponding versions of the PO - Address Book Batch Upload program (R76P101Z1) and the Address Book Batch Upload program (R01010Z).

  • Provide proper data to the additional address book fields required for Peru in the F76P101T table.

    See Mapping Fields for Address Book Batch Processing in Peru.

The logic for validating tax IDs for customers and suppliers was changed in the Address Book Revisions program (P01012) for users in the Latin American countries supported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software.

See How to Validate Tax IDs in Latin American Countries.

Companies In addition to the standard setup for companies, in Peru:
  • Set up legal companies.

  • Associate transactional companies with legal companies.

  • Set up company constants.

See Setting Up Legal Companies for Peru.

Suppliers In addition to the standard setup for suppliers, to work with supplier withholding in Peru you must specify whether the supplier is an individual and complete other relevant information.

See Setting Up Suppliers for Peru.

Customers Set up customer activity codes (line of business) for customers so that the line of business appears on legal vouchers.

See Setting Up Lines of Business for Peru.

Supplier withholding In addition to the standard setup for supplier withholding, in Peru:

Functionality exists for Peru to:

  • Generate a report of the transactions for which IGV tax was withheld using the IGV Withholding Ledger (R76P4040) program.

  • Generate the certificates that show the professional fees and withholding amounts withheld from suppliers using the Profit Withholding Certificate (R76P4050) program.

  • Generate a flat file for IGV withholding using the IGV PDT (R76P4510) program.

  • View information related to SPOT vouchers, including the bank deposit number and deposit date for the original vouchers from which the SPOT vouchers are generated using the IGV Withholding Report (R76P4600) program.

See Understanding Additional Reports for Peru.

Voucher processing In addition to the standard setup for voucher processing, in Peru:

To work with vouchers for Peru:

Invoice processing In addition to the standard setup for invoice processing, in Peru:

In addition to the standard invoice processing, in Peru:

  • Associate credit notes to invoices in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

    See Processing Invoices for Peru.

  • Create print batches when working in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

  • Assign legal numbers to invoices in print batches.

  • Print legal documents in print batches.

See Numbering and Printing Legal Documents for Peru.

To process batch invoices for Peru, run the standard processes for batch invoice processing, and then copy data to country-specific tables.

See Working with Batch Invoices for Peru.

Accounts receivable draft processing In Peru, you can use the Drafts Entry program (P76A8000) to enter multiple payments (drafts) for a receipt.

In addition to the standard setup for draft processing, for Peru, set up UDCs for draft processing.

See Understanding UDCs for Accounts Receivable Drafts.

To work with accounts receivable draft processing for Peru:

  • Enter massive drafts.

  • Applying draft receipts to invoices.

  • Create draft registers.

  • Remit drafts.

  • Collect drafts.

  • Delete or void drafts.

  • Print, review, and revise drafts.

  • Create credit or debit notes for exchange rate differences.

See Processing Accounts Receivable Drafts for Peru.

Tax processing In addition to the standard setup for tax processing, for Peru:

Functionality for Peru exists to:

Payment processing In addition to the standard payment processing setup, in Peru, set up corresponding versions of PO - PCG process - PER (P76P470) and Work With Payment Groups (P04571).

To work with payment processing in Peru, note that the system enables the Work With Payment Groups (P04571) program differently for Peruvian transactions to calculate IGV withholding and account for SPOT vouchers.

See Understanding Payment Groups for Peru.

See Understanding IGV Withholding Calculations for Peru.

Fixed assets In addition to the standard setup for fixed assets, in Peru:

In addition to the standard fixed asset functionality, in Peru:

Sales order processing In addition to the standard setup for sales order processing, in Peru:

In addition to the standard sales order processing, in Peru:

Inventory management In addition to the standard setup for managing inventory, in Peru you set up the system for actual costs.

See Setting Up the System for Actual Costs for Peru.

To calculate inventory adjustments and actual costs in Peru:

  • Enter indirect costs, bill of material information, and actual costs.

  • Update the localized cardex.

  • Inquire on localized cardexes.

  • Print the inventory ledger.

  • Set up the system for inflation adjustments for raw materials and resale goods.

  • Calculate inventory adjustments for raw materials and resale goods.

See Calculating Inventory Adjustment and Actual Cost for Peru.

General ledger reporting In addition to the standard general ledger reporting, for Peru you can:
  • Review the ledger by legal number.

  • Review account balances by account and category code.

  • Review debit and credit balances by month.

  • Repost the Account Ledger Tag file.

See Working With General Ledger Functionality for Peru.

Financial reports Functionality exists for Peru to:
  • List all accumulated balances for a fiscal period by object account using the Account Balance by Object Account (R76H9001) program.

  • List all journal entries for a specific period and assigns the legal number to each entry using the General Journal (R76P9003) program.

  • Print legal company information, report heading titles, and page numbers, based on processing option settings using the Print Number (folio) Blank Pages (R76H9005) program.

  • List all transactions for a specific period by object account using the Account Ledger by Object Account (R76P9421) program.

  • List all transactions for a specific period by category code using the Account Ledger by Category Code (R76P9470) program.

See Understanding Additional Reports for Peru.