Class SubsampleAverageDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
OperationDescriptor, RegistryElementDescriptor, Serializable

public class SubsampleAverageDescriptor
extends OperationDescriptorImpl

An OperationDescriptor describing the "SubsampleAverage" operation. "SubsampleAverage" supports the rendered and renderable modes.

The "SubsampleAverage" operation subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window. The scale factors supplied to the operation are forward mapping coefficients representing the geometric transformation from source to destination image coordinates. For example, if both scale factors were equal to 0.5, the operation would produce an output image of half the size of the input image in both dimensions. Both scale factors must be in the range (0.0, 1.0] or an exception will be thrown when the operation is created. The default value of the vertical scale factor is the value of the horizontal scale factor. If both scale factors equal 1.0, the source image is returned directly.

The size of the moving window or block over which source pixels are averaged varies as a function of the scale factors and is defined as

     int blockX = (int)Math.ceil(1.0/scaleX);
     int blockY = (int)Math.ceil(1.0/scaleY);

For a given destination pixel (dstX, dstY), the upper left corner (srcX, srcY) of the source block over which averaging occurs is defined as

     int srcX = (int)Math.floor((dstX - dstMinX)/scaleX + 0.5) + srcMinX;
     int srcY = (int)Math.floor((dstY - dstMinY)/scaleY + 0.5) + srcMinY;
where (srcMinX, srcMinY) are the image coordinates of the upper left pixel of the source and (dstMinX, dstMinY) are the image coordinates of the upper left pixel of the destination.

The destination image bounds are defined as

    int dstMinX = (int)Math.floor(srcMinX*scaleX);
    int dstMinY = (int)Math.floor(srcMinY*scaleY);
    int dstWidth = (int)(srcWidth*scaleX);
    int dstHeight = (int)(srcHeight*scaleY);
where (srcWidth, srcHeight) and (dstWidth, dstHeight) are the source and destination image dimensions, respectively.

Resource List
Name Value
GlobalName SubsampleAverage
LocalName SubsampleAverage
Description Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window.
Version 1.0
arg0Desc The X scale factor.
arg1Desc The Y scale factor.

Parameter List
Name Class Type Default Value
scaleX java.lang.Double 0.5
scaleY java.lang.Double scaleX

JAI 1.1.2
See Also:
FilteredSubsampleDescriptor, SubsampleBinaryToGrayDescriptor, ScaleDescriptor, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class
resources, sourceNames, supportedModes
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static RenderedOp create(RenderedImage source0, Double scaleX, Double scaleY, RenderingHints hints)
          Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window.
static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderableImage source0, Double scaleX, Double scaleY, RenderingHints hints)
          Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window.
 PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)
          Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing property inheritance for the "SubsampleAverage" operation.
protected  boolean validateParameters(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Validates the input parameters.
Methods inherited from class
arePropertiesSupported, getDefaultSourceClass, getDestClass, getDestClass, getInvalidRegion, getName, getNumParameters, getNumSources, getParamClasses, getParamDefaults, getParamDefaultValue, getParameterListDescriptor, getParamMaxValue, getParamMinValue, getParamNames, getPropertyGenerators, getRenderableDestClass, getRenderableSourceClasses, getResourceBundle, getResources, getSourceClasses, getSourceClasses, getSourceNames, getSupportedModes, isImmediate, isModeSupported, isRenderableSupported, isRenderedSupported, makeDefaultSourceClassList, validateArguments, validateArguments, validateParameters, validateRenderableArguments, validateRenderableSources, validateSources, validateSources
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SubsampleAverageDescriptor()
Method Detail


public PropertyGenerator[] getPropertyGenerators(String modeName)
Returns an array of PropertyGenerators implementing property inheritance for the "SubsampleAverage" operation.
getPropertyGenerators in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
modeName - the registry mode name
An array of PropertyGenerators, or null if this operation does not have any of its own PropertyGenerators.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null or if it is not one of the supported modes.
UnsupportedOperationException - if arePropertiesSupported returns false
See Also:


protected boolean validateParameters(String modeName,
                                     ParameterBlock args,
                                     StringBuffer msg)
Validates the input parameters.

In addition to the standard checks performed by the superclass method, this method sets "scaleX" to "scaleY" if the latter is not provided in args.

validateParameters in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the input parameters are null.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl.validateArguments(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer), ParameterListDescriptorImpl.isParameterValueValid(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public static RenderedOp create(RenderedImage source0,
                                Double scaleX,
                                Double scaleY,
                                RenderingHints hints)
Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window.

Creates a ParameterBlockJAI from all supplied arguments except hints and invokes JAI.create(String,ParameterBlock,RenderingHints).

source0 - RenderedImage source 0.
scaleX - The X scale factor. May be null.
scaleY - The Y scale factor. May be null.
hints - The RenderingHints to use. May be null.
The RenderedOp destination.
IllegalArgumentException - if source0 is null.
See Also:
JAI, ParameterBlockJAI, RenderedOp


public static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderableImage source0,
                                            Double scaleX,
                                            Double scaleY,
                                            RenderingHints hints)
Subsamples an image by averaging over a moving window.

Creates a ParameterBlockJAI from all supplied arguments except hints and invokes JAI.createRenderable(String,ParameterBlock,RenderingHints).

source0 - RenderableImage source 0.
scaleX - The X scale factor. May be null.
scaleY - The Y scale factor. May be null.
hints - The RenderingHints to use. May be null.
The RenderableOp destination.
IllegalArgumentException - if source0 is null.
See Also:
JAI, ParameterBlockJAI, RenderableOp