
Class Summary
AbsoluteDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Absolute" operation.
AddCollectionDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "AddCollection" operation.
AddConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "AddConst" operation.
AddConstToCollectionDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "AddConstToCollection" operation.
AddDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Add" operation.
AffineDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Affine" operation.
AndConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "AndConst" operation.
AndDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "And" operation.
AWTImageDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "AWTImage" operation.
BandCombineDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "BandCombine" operation.
BandMergeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "BandMerge" operation.
BandSelectDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "BandSelect" operation.
BinarizeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Binarize" operation.
BMPDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "BMP" operation.
BorderDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Border" operation.
BoxFilterDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "BoxFilter" operation.
ClampDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Clamp" operation.
ColorConvertDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "ColorConvert" operation.
ColorQuantizerDescriptor This OperationDescriptor defines the "ColorQuantizer" operation.
ColorQuantizerType Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "quantizationAlgorithm" parameter of the "ColorQuantizer" operation.
CompositeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Composite" operation.
CompositeDestAlpha Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "destAlpha" parameter of the "Composite" operation.
ConjugateDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Conjugate" operation.
ConstantDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Constant" operation.
ConvolveDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Convolve" operation.
CropDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Crop" operation.
DCTDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "DCT" operation.
DFTDataNature Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "dataNature" parameter of the "DFT" and "IDFT" operations.
DFTDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "DFT" operation.
DFTScalingType Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "scalingType" parameter of the "DFT" and "IDFT" operations.
DilateDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Dilate" operation.
DivideByConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "DivideByConst" operation.
DivideComplexDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "DivideComplex" operation.
DivideDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Divide" operation.
DivideIntoConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "DivideIntoConst" operation.
EncodeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Encode" operation.
ErodeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Erode" operation.
ErrorDiffusionDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "ErrorDiffusion" operation.
ExpDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Exp" operation.
ExtremaDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Extrema" operation.
FileLoadDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "FileLoad" operation.
FileStoreDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "FileStore" operation.
FilteredSubsampleDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "FilteredSubsample" operation.
FormatDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Format" operation.
FPXDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "FPX" operation.
GIFDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "GIF" operation.
GradientMagnitudeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "GradientMagnitude" operation.
HistogramDescriptor This OperationDescriptor defines the "Histogram" operation.
IDCTDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "IDCT" operation.
IDFTDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "IDFT" operation.
IIPDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "IIP" operation.
IIPResolutionDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "IIPResolution" operation.
ImageFunctionDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "ImageFunction" operation.
InvertDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Invert" operation.
JPEGDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "JPEG" operation.
LogDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Log" operation.
LookupDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Lookup" operation.
MagnitudeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Magnitude" operation.
MagnitudeSquaredDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MagnitudeSquared" operation.
MatchCDFDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MatchCDF" operation.
MaxDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Max" operation.
MaxFilterDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MaxFilter" operation.
MaxFilterShape Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "maskShape" parameter of the "MaxFilter" operation.
MeanDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Mean" operation.
MedianFilterDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MedianFilter" operation.
MedianFilterShape Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "maskShape" parameter of the "MedianFilter" operation.
MinDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Min" operation.
MinFilterDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MinFilter" operation.
MinFilterShape Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "maskShape" parameter of the "MinFilter" operation.
MosaicDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Mosaic" operation in the rendered mode.
MultiplyComplexDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MultiplyComplex" operation.
MultiplyConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "MultiplyConst" operation.
MultiplyDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Multiply" operation.
NotDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Not" operation.
NullDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Null" operation.
OrConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "OrConst" operation.
OrderedDitherDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "OrderedDither" operation.
OrDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Or" operation.
OverlayDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Overlay" operation.
PatternDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Pattern" operation.
PeriodicShiftDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "PeriodicShift" operation.
PhaseDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Phase" operation.
PiecewiseDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Piecewise" operation.
PNGDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "PNG" operation.
PNMDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "PNM" operation.
PolarToComplexDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "PolarToComplex" operation.
RenderableDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Renderable" operation.
RescaleDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Rescale" operation.
RotateDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Rotate" operation.
ScaleDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Scale" operation.
ShearDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Shear" operation.
ShearDir Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "shearDir" parameter of the "Shear" operation.
StreamDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Stream" operation.
SubsampleAverageDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "SubsampleAverage" operation.
SubsampleBinaryToGrayDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "SubsampleBinaryToGray" operation.
SubtractConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "SubtractConst" operation.
SubtractDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Subtract" operation.
SubtractFromConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "SubtractFromConst" operation.
ThresholdDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Threshold" operation.
TIFFDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "TIFF" operation.
TranslateDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Translate" operation.
TransposeDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Transpose" operation.
TransposeType Class used to represent the acceptable values of the "type" parameter of the "Transpose" operation.
UnsharpMaskDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "UnsharpMask" operation.
URLDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "URL" operation.
WarpDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Warp" operation.
XorConstDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "XorConst" operation.
XorDescriptor An OperationDescriptor describing the "Xor" operation.