Class TIFFTagSet

Direct Known Subclasses:
BaselineTIFFTagSet, EXIFParentTIFFTagSet, EXIFTIFFTagSet, FaxTIFFTagSet, GeoTIFFTagSet

public class TIFFTagSet
extends Object

A class representing a set of TIFF tags. Each tag in the set must have a unique number (this is a limitation of the TIFF specification itself).

This class and its subclasses are responsible for mapping between raw tag numbers and TIFFTag objects, which contain additional information about each tag, such as the tag's name, legal data types, and mnemonic names for some or all of ts data values.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
TIFFTagSet(List tags)
          Constructs a TIFFTagSet, given a List of TIFFTag objects.
Method Summary
 TIFFTag getTag(int tagNumber)
          Returns the TIFFTag from this set that is associated with the given tag number, or null if no tag exists for that number.
 TIFFTag getTag(String tagName)
          Returns the TIFFTag having the given tag name, or null if the named tag does not belong to this tag set.
 SortedSet getTagNames()
          Retrieves an unmodifiable lexicographically increasing set of tag names.
 SortedSet getTagNumbers()
          Retrieves an unmodifiable numerically increasing set of tag numbers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TIFFTagSet(List tags)
Constructs a TIFFTagSet, given a List of TIFFTag objects.

tags - a List object containing TIFFTag objects to be added to this tag set.
IllegalArgumentException - if tags is null, or contains objects that are not instances of the TIFFTag class.
Method Detail


public TIFFTag getTag(int tagNumber)
Returns the TIFFTag from this set that is associated with the given tag number, or null if no tag exists for that number.

tagNumber - the number of the tag to be retrieved.
the numbered TIFFTag, or null.


public TIFFTag getTag(String tagName)
Returns the TIFFTag having the given tag name, or null if the named tag does not belong to this tag set.

tagName - the name of the tag to be retrieved, as a String.
the named TIFFTag, or null.
IllegalArgumentException - if tagName is null.


public SortedSet getTagNumbers()
Retrieves an unmodifiable numerically increasing set of tag numbers.

The returned object is unmodifiable and contains the tag numbers of all TIFFTags in this TIFFTagSet sorted into ascending order according to Integer#compareTo(Object).

All tag numbers in this set.


public SortedSet getTagNames()
Retrieves an unmodifiable lexicographically increasing set of tag names.

The returned object is unmodifiable and contains the tag names of all TIFFTags in this TIFFTagSet sorted into ascending order according to String#compareTo(Object).

All tag names in this set.