Class DropDown

  extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended byjavax.faces.component.UIOutput
              extended byjavax.faces.component.UIInput
                  extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.SelectorBase
                      extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Selector
                          extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListSelectorBase
                              extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListSelector
                                  extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.DropDownBase
                                      extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.DropDown
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.faces.component.ActionSource, ComplexComponent, javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder, ListManager, SelectorManager, javax.faces.component.StateHolder, javax.faces.component.ValueHolder

public class DropDown
extends DropDownBase
implements javax.faces.component.ActionSource

Component that represents a drop down menu.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SUBMIT
Fields inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListSelector
LIST_ID, listItems, VALUE_ID
Fields inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Selector
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIInput
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener listener)
          Add a new ActionListener to the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.
 void broadcast(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent event)
          In addition to to the default UIComponent.broadcast(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent) processing, pass the ActionEvent being broadcast to the method referenced by actionListener (if any), and to the default ActionListener registered on the Application.
 javax.faces.el.MethodBinding getAction()
          Method binding representing a method that processes application actions from this component.
 javax.faces.event.ActionListener[] getActionListeners()
          Return the set of registered ActionListeners for this ActionSource instance.
 boolean getMultiple()
          Getter for property multiple
 int getRows()
          Getter for property Rows.
 void processDecodes(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          The DropDown needs to override the standard decoding behaviour since it may also be an action source.
 void queueEvent(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent e)
          Intercept queueEvent and, for ActionEvents, mark the phaseId for the event to be PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES if the immediate flag is true, PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION otherwise.
 void removeActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener listener)
          Remove an existing ActionListener (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.
 void setMultiple(boolean multiple)
          Setter for property multiple
 void setRows(int DisplayRows)
          Setter for property Rows.
 void validate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.DropDownBase
getActionListener, getFamily, isForgetValue, isNavigateToValue, isSubmitForm, restoreState, saveState, setAction, setActionListener, setForgetValue, setNavigateToValue, setSubmitForm
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListSelector
checkSelectionModel, createListItem, getLabelComponent, getListItems, getListItems, getOptions, getPrimaryElementID, getReadOnlyValueComponent, getSeparatorLength, getValueAsReadOnly, getValueAsStringArray, mainListSubmits, markSelectedListItems, processOptions, processSelections
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListSelectorBase
isLabelOnTop, isSeparators, isVisible, setLabelOnTop, setSeparators, setVisible
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Selector
compareValues, getConvertedValue, getLabelLevel, getRendersChildren, getValueAsReadOnly, isMultiple, setSelected, toString
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.SelectorBase
getItems, getLabel, getOnBlur, getOnChange, getOnClick, getOnDblClick, getOnFocus, getOnKeyDown, getOnKeyPress, getOnKeyUp, getOnMouseDown, getOnMouseMove, getOnMouseOut, getOnMouseOver, getOnMouseUp, getOnSelect, getSelected, getStyle, getStyleClass, getTabIndex, getToolTip, getValueBinding, isDisabled, isReadOnly, setDisabled, setItems, setLabel, setLabelLevel, setOnBlur, setOnChange, setOnClick, setOnDblClick, setOnFocus, setOnKeyDown, setOnKeyPress, setOnKeyUp, setOnMouseDown, setOnMouseMove, setOnMouseOut, setOnMouseOver, setOnMouseUp, setOnSelect, setReadOnly, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTabIndex, setToolTip, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIInput
addValidator, addValueChangeListener, decode, getSubmittedValue, getValidator, getValidators, getValueChangeListener, getValueChangeListeners, isImmediate, isLocalValueSet, isRequired, isValid, processUpdates, processValidators, removeValidator, removeValueChangeListener, setImmediate, setLocalValueSet, setRequired, setSubmittedValue, setValid, setValidator, setValue, setValueChangeListener, updateModel, validateValue
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIOutput
getConverter, getLocalValue, getValue, setConverter
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addFacesListener, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, isRendered, isTransient, processRestoreState, processSaveState, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.component.ActionSource
getActionListener, isImmediate, setAction, setActionListener, setImmediate
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.ListManager
getToolTip, isVisible
Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder
addValidator, addValueChangeListener, getSubmittedValue, getValidator, getValidators, getValueChangeListener, getValueChangeListeners, isImmediate, isLocalValueSet, isRequired, isValid, removeValidator, removeValueChangeListener, setImmediate, setLocalValueSet, setRequired, setSubmittedValue, setValid, setValidator, setValueChangeListener
Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.component.ValueHolder
getConverter, getLocalValue, getValue, setConverter, setValue
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.SelectorManager
getClientId, getOnChange, getStyle, getStyleClass, getTabIndex, isDisabled, isMultiple, isReadOnly

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SUBMIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DropDown()
Method Detail


public javax.faces.el.MethodBinding getAction()
Description copied from class: DropDownBase

Method binding representing a method that processes application actions from this component. This attribute is only referenced when submitForm is true.

Specified by:
getAction in interface javax.faces.component.ActionSource
getAction in class DropDownBase


public int getRows()
Getter for property Rows.

Specified by:
getRows in interface ListManager
getRows in class ListSelectorBase
Value of property Rows.


public void setRows(int DisplayRows)
Setter for property Rows.

setRows in class ListSelectorBase
DisplayRows - New value of property DisplayRows.
See Also:


public boolean getMultiple()
Getter for property multiple

Value of property multiple


public void setMultiple(boolean multiple)
Setter for property multiple

setMultiple in class Selector
multiple - New value of property multiple


public void addActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener listener)

Add a new ActionListener to the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

Specified by:
addActionListener in interface javax.faces.component.ActionSource
listener - The ActionListener to be added
java.lang.NullPointerException - if listener is null


public javax.faces.event.ActionListener[] getActionListeners()

Return the set of registered ActionListeners for this ActionSource instance. If there are no registered listeners, a zero-length array is returned.

Specified by:
getActionListeners in interface javax.faces.component.ActionSource


public void removeActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener listener)

Remove an existing ActionListener (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

Specified by:
removeActionListener in interface javax.faces.component.ActionSource
listener - The ActionListener to be removed
java.lang.NullPointerException - if listener is null


public void processDecodes(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)

The DropDown needs to override the standard decoding behaviour since it may also be an action source. We decode the component w.r.t. the value first, and validate it if the component is immediate. Then we fire an action event.



public void broadcast(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent event)
               throws javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException

In addition to to the default UIComponent.broadcast(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent) processing, pass the ActionEvent being broadcast to the method referenced by actionListener (if any), and to the default ActionListener registered on the Application.

event - FacesEvent to be broadcast
javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException - Signal the JavaServer Faces implementation that no further processing on the current event should be performed @exception IllegalArgumentException if the implementation class of this FacesEvent is not supported by this component
java.lang.NullPointerException - if event is null


public void queueEvent(javax.faces.event.FacesEvent e)

Intercept queueEvent and, for ActionEvents, mark the phaseId for the event to be PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES if the immediate flag is true, PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION otherwise.


public void validate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)