MySQL Workbench

Appendix B Keyboard Shortcuts

The following tables list keyboard shortcuts for MySQL Workbench commands. Modifier in the tables stands for the platform-specific modifier key. This is Command on macOS, Control on other platforms. On macOS, the Alt key is Option.

There are keyboard shortcuts for the different menus in MySQL Workbench:

File Menu

Table B.1 File menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
New Model Modifier+N All
Open Model Modifier+O All
Open SQL Script Modifier+Shift+O SQL Editor
Close Tab Modifier+W, Modifier+F4 on Windows All
Save Model Modifier+S Model
Save Script Modifier+S SQL Editor
Save Model As Modifier+Shift+S Model
Save Script As Modifier+Shift+S SQL Editor
Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script Modifier+Shift+G Model
Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script Modifier+Alt+Y Model
Synchronize With SQL CREATE Script Modifier+Shift+Y Model
Print Modifier+P EER Diagram mode only
Exit Modifier+Q All

Edit Menu

Table B.2 Edit menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Undo Modifier+Z Model, EER Diagram
Redo Modifier+Y, Modifier+Shift+Z (macOS) Model, EER Diagram
Cut Modifier+X All
Copy Modifier+C All
Paste Modifier+V All
Delete Modifier+Delete, Command+BackSpace (macOS) All
Edit Selected Modifier+E Model, EER Diagram
Edit Selected in New Window Modifier+Shift+E Model, EER Diagram
Select All Modifier+A EER Diagram
Find Modifier+F All
Find Advanced Modifier+Alt+F All
Find Next F3 All
Find Previous Shift+F3 All
Search and Replace Modifier+Shift+F All
Beautify Query Modifier+B SQL Editor
Comment/Uncomment lines of SQL Modifier+/ SQL Editor
Auto-Complete SQL Modifier+Space SQL Editor

View Menu

Table B.3 View menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Output Window Modifier+F2, Modifier+Option+2 (macOS) All
Set Marker n Modifier+Shift+n (n is integer 1..9) EER Diagram
Go to Marker n Modifier+n (n is integer 1..9) EER Diagram

Arrange Menu

Table B.4 Arrange menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Bring to Front Modifier+Shift+F EER Diagram
Send to Back Modifier+Shift+B EER Diagram

Model Menu

Table B.5 Model menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Add Diagram Modifier+T Model, EER Diagram
Validate All Modifier+Alt+V Model, EER Diagram
Validate All (MySQL) Modifier+Alt+B Model, EER Diagram
Model Options Command+Alt+, (Shortcut available only on macOS) Model, EER Diagram

Query Menu

Table B.6 Query menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Execute statement Modifier+Return SQL Editor
Execute statements Modifier+Shift+Return SQL Editor
New Tab Modifier+T SQL Editor

Database Menu

Table B.7 Database menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Query Database Modifier+U All
Reverse Engineer Modifier+R Model, EER Diagram
Forward Engineer Modifier+G Model, EER Diagram
Synchronize Model Modifier+Y Model, EER Diagram

Scripting Menu

Table B.8 Scripting menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Scripting Shell Modifier+F3, Modifier+Option+3 (on macOS) All
Run Workbench Script File Modifier+Shift+R All

Help Menu

Table B.9 Help menu keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut Context
Help Index F1, Command+Option+question (on macOS) All

EER Diagram Mode

In the EER Diagram view, a number of other keyboard shortcuts are available.

Table B.10 EER diagram mode keyboard shortcuts

Function Keyboard Shortcut
Selection tool Escape
Hand tool H
Delete tool D
Layer tool L
Note tool N
Image tool I
Table tool T
View tool V
Routine Group tool G
Non-Identifying Relationship 1:1 1
Non-Identifying Relationship 1:n 2
Identifying Relationship 1:1 3
Identifying Relationship 1:n 4
Identifying Relationship n:m 5
Relationship Using Existing Columns 6

Changes to Keyboard Shortcuts

Table B.11 Keyboard shortcut changes

MySQL Workbench version The Change
5.2.45 The "Modifier+/" shortcut was added to comment/uncomment SQL in the SQL editor
5.2.45 On Microsoft Windows, the "Modifier+W" shortcut was changed to "Control+F4" -- this shortcut closes MySQL Workbench tabs