Using Workbench Tabs

Operating in Tabs

Rapid Planning Workbench is organized into multiple views in these main tabs:

As you open each view, there are these areas:

These areas have common features that you work with.

If you want to make a tab disappear, click on its title, then click its icon Close.

This is an example of a workbench view

the picture is described in the document text

Search Area

The search area displays attributes that you can use to limit the display in the search results area. For example, in the Items tab, you can search for Item, Organization, Category, Product Family Item, Planner, Last Update Date, and Changed By.

Fill up the search fields that you want to, then click button Search.

If you search on more then one criteria, the search process treats then as if they are joined by logical operator AND. For example, you search on

The search process finds everywhere in the data that Item Equals AS54888 AND Organization Equals M1

The search area shows Basic search fields. If you want to do a more advanced search, click button Advanced. The search area shows more fields to search on and shows button Basic to return to the basic search criteria.

If the advanced search does not contain all the fields that you want to search on, click button Add Fields and select them from the list.

To clear all the search criteria, click button Reset.

Enhancing Audit Information

Audit information about plans is now displays when a plan was last saved and by whom. To view this information, two fields, Last Saved Date and Last Save By, have been added to the Plan Options screen. These fields are updated every time a Plan is saved.

the picture is described in the document text

In addition, when you save changes to rows, you receive a confirmation message, which indicates the number of rows that have been updated, the number of successful updates, and the number of failed updates.

Enhance Item's List of Values

The List of Values (LOV) for an Item can be searched based on the following criteria:

You can also perform a wildcard search, using the Contains option. For example, you can search for %ITM% or ITM.

All three search criteria apply to all the views where an Item’s LOV is used in Rapid Planning as well as all Plan Inputs tab. The views are given below:

Search Results Area

The search results area shows the data that matches your search.

There are some common functions that appear in many views. See Search Results Area – Displaying Data and Search Results Area – Acting on Data.

Some functions in the search results area are unique for certain tabs. See Rapid Planning Workbench Views

Search Results Area – Displaying Data

You may see some or all of these menu items on the data area menu bar:

In addition, you may see icons and buttons on the search results menu bar.

If you want to see the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Actions > Export to Excel or click button Export to Excel. The export includes the column headings.

If you want to see the data printed out, click Actions > Print Page. A pop-up window opens with the data in a printable page format.

To sort the data by a certain column, mouse over the column title and select either icon Sort Ascending or icon Sort Descending. Also, you can click View > Sort > Ascending or View > Sort > Descending.

To sort on multiple columns, click View > Sort > Advanced… In the advanced sort pop-up window, select up to three column names and whether each should sort by.

To change the order of the columns, click View > Reorder Columns…. A pop-up window shows the available columns. To move a column positions, click the columns’ name in the pop-up window and then click one of these icons:

To change the size of columns, click Format > Resize Columns.

To wrap the data in the columns, click the Wrap icon or select Format > Wrap.

To make a column disappear, click View > Columns and click the columns to disappear.

If you want to add a new column, click View > Columns > Show More Columns. Then click the columns you want to see.

If you want to display all the columns available for the tab, click View > Columns > Show All

To move up in a chain of data, for example, a supply chain bill or pegging tree:

To make the currently selected row the new top level, click Show as top. To return the display to the original top level where used, click on the new top level, then click either icon Go up or icon Go top.

If you want to freeze columns, click in a column, then click icon Freeze or click View > Freeze. The column that you selected and all columns to its left freeze while you can scroll through the columns to its right.

If you want to open the data area in a separate window of its own, click icon Detach. To resume working in the tab, click icon Attach. Use this function if you need to see a large number of data rows.

To search using the query-by-example method:

Generally, you can use query-by-example in all views and all fields except:

In some tabs, Oracle assigns multiple, related columns into column groups. If you want to see the columns arranged by their groupings, select View > Column Groups. For example, in tab Supply & Demand, the column groups are Main, Release, and Other.

If you want to open a tab with data that is related to the data you are viewing, select rows in the data area, then click a button with the name of another tab.

Sometimes, there are more buttons with the names of other tabs that do not fit in the current tab. Click icon double-greater than and select them from the list of buttons.

Search Results Area – Acting on Data

If you want to copy a data to new rows:

If you want to delete a row of data:

The deleted data remains displayed. It is in red with a strikethrough and the change flag is red.

You cannot delete certain entities, for example, items.

To add a row, click icon Add Row

To edit a row, either:

Then, enter or select the new value into the field

To change individual data, click in the field and type in the new data.

To edit multiple rows (mass update), click in them using the Shift and Ctrl keys. To select all rows, click Actions > Select All or click icon Select All

To unselect a selected row, click in it.

To unselect all selected rows, click in an area of the tab that is not a selected row

Mass Updating

To edit one column (mass update):

To edit multiple columns (mass update):

Click icon Mass change or navigate Actions > Update Selected

The tab opens window Update Data. In each row, select a field and an update action, then enter a new value. Each update applies to all the rows you selected.

Saving and Committing

If want to save all your changes, click Actions > Update All.

If you want to save some your changes:

After you change data:

If you want to apply your changes to the database, click button Commit or click Actions > Commit. To reverse the commit, click button Rollback.

If you want to reverse the changes you have made:

Mass Update Capabilities

Mass Update allows currently permits a specific attribute to be updated en-mass to the same value. In the Supplies & Demands and the Resource Availability views, mass update hinges on a separate value of the record. This ensures that each record is updated independently. That is, the records do not all assume the same value.

The number of rows that are updated are displayed at the bottom of the Resource Availability view and the Supplies & Demand View.

The additional option Increment by and Decrement by are also included in the Mass Update FROM TIME.

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 4:00
Resource 2 8:30 4:30
Resource 3 8:00 3:00
Resource 4 9:00 4:00

Using this new feature, if we reset the To Time of Resource 1 by one hour, the new To Time is 5:00. Resources 2, 3, and 4 are then also incremented independently by one hour, as shown below:

Mass Update in the Resource Availability View

Mass updating in the Resource Availability view can be based on a separate value in order to obtain results with separate values. This feature is available in the FROM TIME and TO TIME fields.

Example: The following defines the resources work time:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 4:00
Resource 2 8:30 4:30
Resource 3 8:00 3:00
Resource 4 9:00 4:00

Using this new feature, if we reset the To Time of Resource 1 by one hour, the new To Time is 5:00. Resources 2, 3, and 4 are then also incremented independently by one hour, as shown below:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 5:00
Resource 2 8:30 5:30
Resource 3 8:00 4:00
Resource 4 9:00 5:00

To support this and similar features, the following options are included in the Mass Update TO TIME:

The additional option Increment by and Decrement by are also included in the Mass Update FROM TIME.

Calculating the Value of TO TIME

Using the resources work time from the example above, the sections show how each option behaves.

Using the FROM Time + Option to Calculate To Time

When you select the FROM Time + option, then:

To Time = From Time + Entered Value

If we select 9 as the Entered Value, then To Time = From Time + 9.

The new values of To Time are:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 5:00
Resource 2 8:30 5:30
Resource 3 8:00 5:00
Resource 4 9:00 6:00

Using the Increment by Option to Calculate the Value of To Time

When you select the Increment by option, then:

To Time = To Time + Entered Value

If we select 2 as the Entered Value, then To Time = To Time + 2. The new values of To Time are:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 6:00
Resource 2 8:30 6:30
Resource 3 8:00 5:00
Resource 4 9:00 6:00

Using the Decrement by Option to Calculate To Time

When you select the Decrement by option, then:

To Time = To Time – Entered Value.

If we select 1 as the Entered Value, then To Time = To Time – 1. The new values of To Time are:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 3:00
Resource 2 8:30 3:30
Resource 3 8:00 2:00
Resource 4 9:00 3:00

Calculating the FROM TIME

The options Increment by and Decrement by are included in the Mass Update FROM TIME.

Using the resources work time as shown below, the following examples show how each option behaves.

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 4:00
Resource 2 8:30 4:30
Resource 3 8:00 3:00
Resource 4 9:00 4:00

Using the Increment by Option to Calculate From Time

When you select the Increment by option, then:

From Time = From Time + Entered Value.

If we select 2 as the Entered Value, then From Time = From Time + 2. The new values of From Time are:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 10:00
Resource 2 8:30 10:30
Resource 3 8:00 10:00
Resource 4 9:00 11:00

Using the Decrement by Option to Calculate From Time

When you select the Decrement by option, then:

From Time = From Time – Entered Value.

If we select 1 as the Entered Value, then From Time = From Time – 1. The new values of From Time are:

Resource From Time To Time
Resource 1 8:00 7:00
Resource 2 8:30 7:30
Resource 3 8:00 7:00
Resource 4 9:00 7:00

Validations Rules for From Time and To Time

The following validations are required when editing From Time and To Time values:

Case 1: To Time Is Greater Than (>) From Time

  1. 0 {(ShiftDate + To Time + Increment By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

    For example, if :

    ShiftDate = Sept 13th

    To Time = 4:00

    Increment By = 2

    From Time = 3:00, then

    0 {Sept 13th + 4:00 + 2:00) – (Sept 13th + 3:00)} < 24

    0 Sept 13th 6:00 – Sept 13th 3:00 < 24

    This condition is met because the difference is 3 hours.

  2. 0 {(ShiftDate + To Time + Increment By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

  3. 0 {(ShiftDate + To Time - Decrement By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

  4. 0 {(Shift Date + To Time) – (From Time + ShiftDate + Increment By)} < 24

  5. 0 {(ShiftDate + To Time) – (ShiftDate + From Time – Decrement By)} < 24

Case 2: From Time Is Greater Than (>) To Time

  1. 1. 0 {(ShiftDate_plus1 + To Time + Increment By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

    For example, if :

    ShiftDate = Sept 13th

    To Time = 4:00

    Increment By = 2

    From Time = 8:00, then

    0<= Sept 13th + 1 + 4:00 + 2:00 – (Sept 13th + 8:00) <=24

    0<= Sept 14th 6:00am – Sept 13th 8:00am <=24

    This condition is met because the difference is 22 hours.

  2. 0 {(ShiftDate_plus1 + To Time + Increment By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

  3. 0 {(ShiftDate_plus1 + To Time - Decrement By) – (ShiftDate + From Time)} < 24

  4. 0 {(ShiftDate_plus1 + To Time) – (From Time + ShiftDate + Increment By)} < 24

  5. 0 {(ShiftDate_plus1 + To Time) – (ShiftDate + From Time – Decrement By)} < 24

Case 3: From Time is 00:00

If you need to change a From Time, which is currently 00:00, To Time can take a value of 24:00. Note that when From Time or To Time is modified, the conditions of Case 1 of the Validations Rules for From Time and To Time , apply.


  1. If any of the conditions listed in the above section, Validations Rules for From Time and To Time are violated, do not change either the From Time or the To Time.

  2. If a specific record violates the validation rules, then the update is not applied to that specific record. In the case of records that are not violated, the updates is applied.

A message is displayed, which indicates the number of records that have succeeded and the number of records that have failed. For example, you will see a message such as: Mass Update has failed on 6 out of 76 records. Mass Update has succeeded on 70 our of 76 records.

To Change Both the From Time and To Time

When you need to change both the From Time and the To Time in the Resource Availability view, follow the procedure below:

  1. Make your initial change to the From Time.

  2. Using the new From Time result from Step 1, calculate the new To Time.

  3. If any of the above validation rules are violated when you calculate Step 1 or Step 2, then do not change either the From Time or To Time.

Mass Update in the Supplies and Demand View

Similar to the Resource Availability view, mass update is available in the Mass Update FIRM DATE in the Supplies and Demand view. The options are:

The new options and their behavior are:


  1. Request Date + and Sugg Due Date + can have a positive or negative value.

  2. For all views the mass update feature for the operators Increase by, Decrease By, Increase By %, Decrease By %, Sugg Due Date +, Request Date +, etc. are applied to the value displayed in the UI and not the value saved in the database. For this reason, the operators must be applied to un-saved date changes too.

Managing Simulation Sets

After the collected data arrives, you can use it unchanged to run through a plan.

You can change it as changes in your manufacturing environment occur by individually updating or mass updating a plan or a copy of a plan. You do not have to make the changes in the source system and re-collect them.

You can use these changes to visualize your supply and demand picture:

Use simulation sets with a completed plan to augment collected data with new, changed, and deleted attributes that you want to store. After you store your changes in a simulation set, you can apply it at any time to this plan.

You do not need to store your changes in a simulation set for them to be used by a plan run. If you make individual updates and mass updates to a plan and run it, the planning solver uses your changes. If you save them in a simulation set, you can apply them again later to the plan.

Entities in Simulation Sets

These are the entities that you can change and save in simulation sets:

To change these entities, make changes directly in the data area tabs each time you need to simulate:

Working with Simulation Sets

You can begin to work with simulation sets by navigating to a data area tab, for example, Items. When you arrive there:

To make a new simulation set:

To rename a simulation set:

To make a copy of a simulation set:

You can set a simulation set as a default. Every time you make a mass change, the Update Data window:

When you add or duplicate a row in a tab and want to store it in a simulation set, select the simulation set that you want as the value for column Simulation Set.

You can perform a mass update that includes rows from the simulation set:

You can delete rows from a simulation set just as you can from the collected data.

You may save changes in a simulation set, recollect the data, and then apply the simulation set to the recollected data. There can be changes in the simulation set that changed a row from the previous collection, but that row is not in the current collection. The tab displays these simulation set changes as deleted rows (red text with strikethrough and a red flag.

To delete a new simulation set:

Applying Simulation Sets

You can apply one simulation set to a plan for each run.

When you want to apply a simulation set to a plan, enter its name in plan option Simulation Set.

The planning solver applies all the simulation set changes to the plan data before it begins solving supply and demand.

When the plan finishes, you can see the simulation set entities in the data area tabs as new rows.

Multi-planner Collaboration

Use multi-planner collaboration if:

Saving to Simulation Sets

Each planner can save their changes to a simulation set.

If you don’t select any changed records, all your changes go into the simulation set. If you select changed records, only those changes go into the simulation set.

Use view action Save to Set or menu Plan Actions > Save to Simulation Set:

You can perform all the simulation set actions.

If you can update an entity in the views, you can save the entity to a simulation set.

If you change a field in a record, the save process saves the entire records, not just the field that changed. When the plan runs and applies the simulation set, it applies all fields from the last chronological update of the record.

When two planners update the same record at different times, the second updater’s view may not display the field updates of the first updater. If so, the planning solver loses the first updater’s field changes when it applies the second updater’s record.

Simulation Set Configuration

All planners can save their changes to one simulation set. If multiple planners change the same information, the planning solver uses the last chronological change. Use this method if you want to consolidate all changes to apply to the next run of the plan.

Each planner can save their changes to different simulation sets. Use this method if each planner wants so run independent simulation on their part of the plan.

Planners can save changes from multiple plans to the same simulation set. Use this method if planners are working with copies of the base plan but want to save changes to apply in the next run of the base plans.

Multi-planner Example

This table shows a collected engineering change order cut-over in tab Plan Inputs

Simulation Set End Item Component Effective Start Effective End
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 7
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331New Jan 8 -

The planner does some simulations, decides that a later cut-over is better, and enters that decision in the Bill of Materials view. The planner saves the changes to simulation set MySimSet. The data in tab Plan Inputs changes.

Simulation Set End Item Component Effective Start Effective End Last Updated By Last Updated Date and Time
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 7 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331New Jan 8 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 - Jan 15 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 Jan 16 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 31 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:10
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331New Feb 1 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:10

Another planner can save changes to the same simulation set.

Simulation Set End Item Component Effective Start Effective End Last Updated By Last Updated Date and Time
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 7 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331New Jan 8 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 - Jan 15 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 Jan 16 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 31 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:10
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331New Feb 1 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:10
MySimSet AS66311 CM11222 - Feb 14 Planner 2 09/12/08 00:20
MySimSet AS66311 CM11222New Feb 15 - Planner 2 09/12/08 00:10

However, if the other planner saves changes to the same data that the original planner saved changes to, the simulation set only keeps the changes from the other planner

Simulation Set End Item Component Effective Start Effective End Last Updated By Last Updated Date and Time
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 7 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM66331New Jan 8 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 - Jan 15 Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
Collected Data AS66311 CM11222 Jan 16 - Planner 1 09/12/08 00:00
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331 - Jan 25 Planner 2 09/12/08 00:10
MySimSet AS66311 CM66331New Jan 26 - Planner 2 09/12/08 00:10

Rapid Planning Workbench Views

Use the views to view, analyze, and update the plan information

Access them from the Plan links section in the Plan tab and the Plan input links in the Plan inputs tab.

For each view, this tells you:


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view base metrics. See Rapid Planning Metrics Overview.

You cannot edit data in this view.

To view exception messages for a plan, load it.

Metrics Tab

You can create metrics from the list of available metrics. Specify the

You can:

Order Comparison Tab – Sales Order Comparison

You can compare across sales order demands between two plans. You cannot compare forecast demands.

The comparison type describes the satisfaction status of the demand in the base plan (Was…) and the compared plan (…, now…) For example, Was late, now on time.

Order Comparison Tab – Supply Order Comparison

You can compare across supply orders between two plans. You typically use this while solving issues that arise between Advanced Supply Chain Planning plan runs. You compare a baseline Rapid Planning plan (that you copy from Advanced Supply Chain Planning) with a Rapid Planning plan that shows a proposed solution.

See Simulating Plans from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Comparing Plans.

Bills of Materials

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view bills of material.

You can edit data in this view.

Plan Tab

Search, view, and analyze the bills of material, components, and substitute components used in the plan.

Plan Inputs Tab

Add a bill of material or some of its components or substitutes to a simulation set.

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Duplicate a bill of material, a component, or a substitute and make edits for simulation purposes

Mass edit a set of rows, for example, all assemblies that use a particular component and do a single-row edit to these attributes:

Calendar Association

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view the associations of ship methods and calendars.

You cannot edit data in this view.

Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, and analyze the associations of calendars to organizations, suppliers, customers, and carriers.

Search, view, and analyze the associations of calendars to organizations, suppliers, customers, and carriers.


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view calendars.

You can edit data in this view.

Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, and analyze the working days and non-working days of any calendar.

You can edit attribute Status (working or non-working) for simulation purposes in simulation sets

Constraint Details

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to see constraints for late and unmet demands.

You can access it for single and multiple demands and from:

You can see information in any planning mode, but the information is most relevant in mode Constrained – Enforce capacity constraints.

Information appears here when the planning solver cannot wholly satisfy a demand due to any of these conditions:

Here are some specific field definitions:

Operational Considerations

The planning solver reports only the root constraint and does not also report on the bill of material levels between the constraint and the finished good. For example:

The planning server does not report constraints that result in partially satisfied demands that are on time. For example:

The planning solver can sometimes choose from several ways to satisfy a demand. Sometimes all of the ways have constraints that result in satisfying the demand late. The planning solver uses the way that makes the least lateness and reports that as the constraint. For example:

Sometimes, the report of a lead time material constraint is actually caused by resource unavailability. For example:

Clear to Build Workbench

Use the Clear to Build Workbench to influence the allocation of clear to build on hand inventory. Prioritize and deprioritize make orders and sales orders.

The Clear to Build Workbench would has these regions:

The search area has these searchable attributes:

The Make Orders table has all the searchable fields and also:

Phantom Items

When you evaluate the Clear to Build status of a work order, look through any components of the work order that are phantoms and evaluate the non-phantom sub-components.

Viewing a Single Level Phantom

When evaluating the Clear to Build status of a work order, Oracle Rapid Planning looks through the various phantom levels and displays only the real components. This provides you with clear visibility into the real component availability and requirements during a Clear to Build analysis. For example, in the diagram below, you see the components within the phantom, RealComp1 and RealComp2. You do not see any row for the parent phantom item IN-AA-COMP1.

the picture is described in the document text

Viewing Multi-Level Phantoms

The display of multi-level phantoms is identical to that of single phantoms. The phantoms are flattened so that only real components are displayed on the component allocation workbench.

For example, if there is a two-level phantom structure as shown below:

the picture is described in the document text

The component allocation displays only the real components. Your screen displays the following:

the picture is described in the document text

INSERT msc_rpmulephan2

Integration of the Component Allocation View into the Main Clear to Build Workbench Display

There is a new button on the Clear to Build workbench, View Contentious Orders for Components. The “View Contentious Orders for Components” action is enabled only when a component pegging row against a make order is selected.

All columns associated with the component allocation view , such as Quantity Required, Quantity Pegged to On-Hand, and so on, are available as additional columns when you scroll to the right of the table.

Since the main make order table is now a in a tree format, the icons used for enabling Query by Example are changed slightly. The icons are similar to those in Supply/Demand.

All columns associated with the component allocation view (Quantity Required, Quantity Pegged to On-Hand, Total Components On-Hand, etc) are available as additional columns when scroll to the right of the table. Functionally, all the data in this view is identical to the erstwhile separate component allocation view.

Since the main make order table now changes from a normal table to a “Tree” table, there are slight change to the icons used for enabling Query by Example. The icons used will be similar to the ones in Supply/Demand (which is also a tree table).

Note: The Query by Example Mode button will be replaced by an icon of binoculars.


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view exception messages.

You cannot edit data in this view.

the picture is described in the document text

You can set up the exceptions that you want to see:

To see exception messages, you must load the plan to your workspace.

Each exception message appears in a separate sub-tab. Each sub-tab has its own search area and search results area.

The exception message sub-tabs appear in the order that you set up. Several sub-tabs appear when you first see this tab.

To see another exception message sub-tab, click on the sub-tab related to the exception If the exception you want is not visible, click icon double-greater than and select it exception from the drop down list.

To move around to other exception messages, click icons double-greater than and double-less than and select them.

You can:

The meaning of each exception message is in Exceptions > Rapid Planning Exceptions Overview.

Item Substitution

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view item substitutions.

You can edit data in this tab, including mass update.


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view item attributes.

You can edit data in this tab.

Plan Tab

Search, view, and analyze the items used in the plan

Plan Inputs Tab

Make changes to items and add them to a simulation set

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Mass edit a set of rows, for example, all items of a particular category, or do a single-row edit to update any of these attributes

Component Substitution

Oracle Rapid Planning supports component substitution and allows you to control how the substitution occurs and in which order it occurs. As long as demand can be met on schedule, Rapid Planning follows one of the following behavior:

You can switch between the two behaviors as the need arises.

Oracle Rapid Planning engine searches for component supplies, full or partial, which are capable of meeting the demand on time. If it cannot find any, it discards that search and moves to the next step. It looks for component supplies at every level in the following order:

  1. Existing supplies of primary component (including on hand and schedule receipts, that is Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Firm Work Order, and non-standard jobs)

  2. Existing supplies of substitute

  3. Create new supplies of primary

  4. Create new supplies of substitute

In case the requirement is met by partial quantities of substitute and primary, the make order of the assembly should not be split. It should still be one single order or as needed, based on the order modifiers, but with component requirements spread between primary and substitute.

Note: Normally, non-firm WIP is not considered as part of existing supplies in the search for primary and substitute components.

For example:

Finished good A has a sourcing rule setup of Rank 1 as Transfer and Rank 2 as make, with B and C components. C1 is a substitute for C. The search order is to transfer A to meet demand on time. If this is not feasible, then Rapid Planning uses existing supplies of C first and then existing supplies of C1.

the picture is described in the document text

You can control the order of how the search for supplies upstream is done. That is, using these controls, you can configure the search order to be as follows:

  1. Existing supplies of primary

  2. Existing supplies of substitute

  3. Create new supplies of primary

  4. Create new supplies of substitute

For more information on how to set the controls, see the section User Controls for Component Substitution in this document.

When creating new supplies, the Rapid Planning engine uses the order you prescribe for the primary and every alternate BOM in the priority order. This search order is honored as long as the demand can be met on time. But if there are existing supplies of the substitute (step 2 above), the Rapid Planning engine may choose to create new supplies on primary (step 3 above). This may happen if using the existing supplies on substitute could potentially delay the demand due to constraints or lead-time, and the creation of new supplies on the primary could cause the demand not to be met on time

The Rapid Planning engine evaluates the options of creating supplies on primary versus substitute to minimize lateness. For example, if the demand is due on D20, and if neither the primary nor the substitute's existing supplies are available to meet the demand on time, the engine does not create the new supply on primary if it pushes the demand to D25, if it can create the new supply on substitute that will satisfy the demand earlier, say on D22.

Level by Level Searching

When Rapid Planning searches for existing supplies of a substitute component, it searches the current level as well as all upstream levels, one level at a time. In doing so, it allows you to specify which items qualify for this multiple-level search and which items in the chain qualify for the upstream search.

Using these controls, you are able to refine the search order to be as follows:

  1. Existing supplies of primary

  2. Existing supplies of substitute

  3. Create new supplies of primary with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  4. Create new supplies of substitute with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  5. Create new supplies on primary

  6. Create new supplies on substitute

Lateness Threshold

Component substitution not only ensures that demand is met on the due date, it also allows certain configurable offset so that the demands satisfied within the window from the due date are also considered as on-time.

This is achieved by using a new plan option, Lateness Threshold for Consuming Existing Supplies. You can set this plan option to any positive integer. The default is zero.

For example:

In the following example, the Finished Good (F) is made of 2 primary components (P1, P2) which have substitute components (S1 and S2 respectively). Each of these components is made using the BOM shown below.

the picture is described in the document text

Assuming there is on hand upstream of the substitute component, S1, the configured search path is:

  1. Existing supplies of primary

  2. Existing supplies of substitute

  3. Create new supplies of primary with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  4. Create new supplies of substitute with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  5. Create new supplies on primary

  6. Create new supplies on substitute

If the Demand is due on D10 and creating a planned order for S1 with existing upstream supplies (step 3 above) satisfies the Demand on D11 and creating new supplies on primary (step 5 above) on D10, the logic creates new supplies on Primary as it is the alternative that satisfies the demand on time.

Demand Quantity Due Date Path Satisfied Quantity Date Selected
100 D10 P1, P11, P12 100 D10 Yes
100 D10 S1, S11, S12 100 D11  

However, you can configure a threshold for the lateness calculation. If you specify a lateness threshold of 2 days, the decision changes; Rapid Planning chooses to create supplies on Substitute with existing upstream supplies. This is because the demand satisfaction date is Due Date + Lateness threshold.

Lateness Threshold, by customer, is 2 days

Demand Quantity Due Date Path Satisfied Quantity Date Selected
100 D10 P1, P11, P12 100 D10  
100 D10 S1, S11, S12 100 D11 Yes

Excluding Components from a Multi-Level, Level-byLlevel Search

In some cases, an in-depth multi-level search is not required. Rapid Planning provides you with the ability to exclude some part of the supply chain from this deep search for three reasons:

  1. It is sometimes preferable to leave the existing supplies upstream unused , for example, in the case of a low-cost nature of the upstream components.

  2. There is a performance hit for doing this extensive. Therefore, Oracle does not recommend performing such a search for all components.

  3. Sometimes, the upstream on hand of a primary component is being preserved for other purposes. You may prefer to use other options to satisfy the demand, such as creating new supplies on substitute (as long as the demand can be met on time).

For example:

Consider the case where there is upstream on hand for a component of both the primary components P1 and P2 as well as the substitute S2.

the picture is described in the document text

If the demand is due on D10 and if item attribute on P is set to not participate in this multi-level search, then the solver picks the option to use P1 and S2. It ignores the fact that there is existing supply upstream of P2.

Lateness Threshold = 0 days

Demand Quantity Due Date Path Satisfied Quantity Date Selected
100 D10 P1 and P2 100 D10 No used because the item attribute, Consume Before Making Primary, on $21 is set to No.
100 D10 P1 and S2 100 D10 Yes

Switching Primary and Substitute Components for Existing Supplies

You can specify the order of precedence among the existing supplies of primary and substitute supplies. By setting the order of precedence, products that have short life cycles and substitute that represent older revisions are used before Rapid Planning creates a new order for the primary, which is the newer revision.

A new profile option, MSO: RP - Component Substitution Logic controls this switch. When it is enabled, the search order changes as follows:

  1. Existing supplies of substitute

  2. Existing supplies of primary

  3. Create new supplies of substitute with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  4. Create new supplies of primary with existing supplies of upstream components, level by level

  5. Create new supplies on primary

  6. Create new supplies on substitute

Note: The profile option MSO: RP-Component Substitution Logic is also available as an advanced plan option.

Note: The substitute comes first only in the case of existing supplies at that level, that is 1 and 2 are switched around, or existing supplies upstream, that is, 3 and 4 are switched around). New supplies are still using the Primary first approach.

User Controls for Component Substitution

Component substitution can be set at the primary component level or set to consume before making primary.

Plan Option : MSO:RP - Component Substitution Logic

Plan Option MSO: RP - Component Substitution Logic is a global setting that applies to your entire plan. It is also available as an advanced plan option. You can override these settings at the individual item level, as demonstrated in the following sections. MSO: RP - Component Substitution Logic is set to one of the following options:

  1. Use Primary, existing and new supplies, before using Substitute

  2. Exhaust all existing supplies (Primary first) c. Exhaust all existing supplies (Substitute first)

  3. Exhaust all existing supplies (Substitute first)

The default setting is Use Primary.

Setting Component Substitution at the Primary Component Level

A new item attribute, Component Substitution Logic, is available. Valid values are a, b, or c:

Note: This item at tribute is available only on Value Chain Planning (VCP) instances through simulation sets. It is not available on the source system.

The interplay between the new plan option and item attribute control is as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

Setting Component Substitution to Consume Before Making Primary

This attribute controls whether this item will need to be consumed as part of the process where the engine is trying the exhaust all existing supplies as discussed in the section Switching Primary and Substitute Components for Existing Supplies of this document.

Note: Set for all components at all levels.

There is a new item attribute, Consume before making Primary. Valid values are Yes and No. The default value is No.

Note: This is a planning attribute that is available only on VCP instances through simulation sets, not on the source system.


In the example in the section Switching Primary and Substitute Components for Existing Supplies in this document, this attribute is set to No for item P11 so that it is not included in the search for existing supplies. The behavior excludes this item and all its upstream components from this search for existing supplies.

the picture is described in the document text

Manufacturing Order Operation Networks

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view manufacturing order operation networks.

You can edit data in this tab, including mass update.

Manufacturing Order Resource Requirements

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view manufacturing order resource requirements.

You can edit data in this tab, including mass update.

Material Plan

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view a horizontal picture of the supply and demand. It is a horizontal plan.

You can edit data in this view.

the picture is described in the document text

Plan Tab

To drill down to supply and demand detail, highlight cells, then click button Supplies & Demands

The time bucket dates appear as the first three rows of the display. To:

Click button Setup to see the Search and Layout window where you can:

You can filter on:

You can directly make edits to the following row types:

You can create:

After you save a changed cell, the tab:

For example, you have a material plan row

Organization Category Measure 16 February 23 February 2 March
TST_M1 Hard Drives Forecast 2000 2400 3000

The bucket 23 February quantity 2400 is the sum of these detail forecasts.

Organization Item Order Type Date Quantity Firm Date Firm Quantity
TST:M1 320 GB External Hard drive Forecast 26 February 300 -- --
TST:M1 1 TB Hard drive Forecast 25 February 1500 -- --
TST:M1 3 TB Hard drive Forecast 27 February 600 -- --

You update bucket 23 February to quantity 3000.

Organization Category Measure 16 February 23 February 2 March
TST_M1 Hard Drives Forecast 2000 3000 3000

The tab calculates a 25% quantity increase, passes that increase to all of the detail forecast firm quantities, and sets their firm dates.

Organization Item Order Type Date Quantity Firm Date Firm Quantity
TST:M1 320 GB External Hard drive Forecast 26 February 300 26 February 375
TST:M1 1 TB Hard drive Forecast 25 February 1500 25 February 1875
TST:M1 3 TB Hard drive Forecast 27 February 600 27 February 750-

If you are creating a supply or demand in a week or period bucket, the new supply or demand’s firm date is the last workday of the week or period.


You can view most of these measures as low as the item, organization, and day levels. You can roll up to higher:

If you select global forecast measures, global demand schedules display in a Global Organization section.

These are the demand measures available in the material plan:

These are the supply measures available in the material plan:

These are the other metrics available in the material plan:

For global forecasts, this is how the material plan rolls up:

Enhance Resource's List of Values

The List of Values (LOV) for a Resource can be searched based on the following criteria:

You can also perform a wildcard search, using the Contains option. For example, you can search for %RES% or RES.

All three search criteria apply to all the views where a Resources’s LOV is used in Rapid Planning as well as all Plan Inputs tab. The views are given below:

Material Plan Display Order

The display order for Material Plan depends on your selection in the view from which you navigate to the Material plan. This section provides use cases and discusses how the Material Plan is displayed.

Examples, which demonstrate use cases, are given below. There are a couple notes about the examples:

Material Plan in Plan Links frame: When you click on Material Plan in the Plan links frame, you use the set-up feature in material plan to determine the dimensions that are displayed. There is no change in layout in this case.

Example 1: Material Plan from Supply and Demand View

  1. Select the following list of rows (pegging trees) in the Supplies and Demand view: Items AS66312 at TST:D2, As66312 at TST:M1, and Components CM66327, SB66324, CM66322 at TST:M1, as shown below. Note that not all rows in a given tree are selected.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click Material Plan.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Material Plan view appears.

    Note: Your selection is preserved and only information that you selected appears on Item-Organizations.

    the picture is described in the document text

Example 2: Material Plan from Supply Chain Bill View

  1. Select the following list of Bill-of-Material Items and components in the supply chain bill: AS66312 at TST:D2; AS66312 at TST:M1 and CM66322 at TST:M1.

    Note: Not all Items within a given BOM have been selected.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click Material Plan.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Material Plan appears.

    Note: Your selected Item-Orgs and your order in the Supply Chain Bill is preserved.

    the picture is described in the document text

Example 3: Material Plan from Items/BOM or Other Similar Views

  1. Selects a list of items from the list displayed and clicks on Material Plan. For this example, the Items View is shown.

    Note: The items selected are not in consecutive order.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click on Material Plan.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Material Plan appears.

    Note: Only the selected Item-Orgs are displayed.

    the picture is described in the document text

Resource Availability

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view resource availability.

You can edit data in this view.

Plan Tab

Search, view, analyze, and edit the resource availability used in the plan

Plan Inputs Tab

Add simulation set changes or manual over-rides on resource availability

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Mass edit a set of rows, for example, all dates of a particular resource, or do a single-row edit to update any of the following attributes

Resource Plan

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view a horizontal picture of the resources.

You can edit data in this view.

the picture is described in the document text

Plan Tab

To drill down to resource detail, highlight cells, then click button Resource Requirements.

The time bucket dates appear as the first three rows of the display. To:

Click button Setup to see the Search and Layout window where you can:

You can filter on:


These are the measures available in the resource plan.

Resource Requirements

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view resource requirements.

You cannot edit data in this view.

Plan Tab

You cannot firm or reschedule the resource requirements for simulation purposes

Plan Inputs Tab

You cannot make changes or add simulation changes on the resource requirements

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, and analyze the resource requirements in the plan


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view resource attributes.

You can edit data in this view.

Plan Tab

Search, view, analyze, and edit the resources in the plan

Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, analyze, and edit the resources in the plan and add resource changes to a simulation set

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Mass edit a set of rows or do a single-row edit to update attribute Bottleneck Resource flag.

Routing Operation Networks

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view routing operation networks.

You can edit data in this tab, including mass update.


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view routings.

You can edit data in this tab, including mass update.


Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view supplier attributes--ASL's and supplier capacity.

You can:

You cannot have overlapping dates within the same supplier-supplier site-item-org.

There is no organization field in this view because Rapid Planning ASL information applies the same to all organizations for each item-supplier. For example, if you individual or mass edit information, duplicate a row, or add to a simulation set, the action applies to all organizations with that same item-supplier.

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, and analyze the approved supplier lists and the supplier capacities used in the plan

Supply & Demand

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view supply and demand for an item-organization combination.

You can edit data in this view.

the picture is described in the document text

It displays as a collection of trees with the pegging information collapsed under each supply or demand line. The pegging is based on the assignments that the planning solver made in its last replan.

Since the tab is a combined supply-demand display and a pegging tree, a supply or demand could appear multiple times, due to, for example:

To expand all nodes completely, click Actions > Expand All

This view shows a list of column groups in the search results area.

You can set the display to show:

To change the upstream (supply) or downstream (demand) orientation of the pegging tree, click toggle icon Supply/Demand Pegging or click Actions > Supply Pegging and Actions > Demand Pegging. In

When viewing a demand’s upstream (supply) pegging, if you want to see only the supplies that have exceptions, click Actions > Exceptions. To cancel, click it again.

When viewing a supply’s downstream (demand) pegging, if you want to see only the end demands that a supply pegs to and none of the intermediate levels:

The tab always hides these demand pegging rows:

The pegging tree shows the downstream supply pegged to the upstream supply.

The tab always hides these routing pegging rows:

You can click icon Add Row to add:

To delete a supply or demand that you have entered, click icon Delete Row before you save the row.

The fields that you can edit in each row depend on:

Since different fields apply to each order type, Oracle recommends that you perform mass updates on only one order type at a time. If the tab cannot update all selected records with the change that you want, it pops-up an error page that shows the fields and the rows that it cannot update with the new values.

Plan Tab

Mass edit a set of rows, for example, priority of all orders from a customer, or do a single-row edit to update any of the following attributes for simulation purposes:

Plan Inputs Tab

You cannot edit the supplies and demands and cannot add them to simulation sets

Plan Tab and Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, analyze, and edit the supplies and demands in the plan

Order Types

These are the demand order types that Oracle Rapid Planning works with:

These are the supply order types that Oracle Rapid Planning works with:


You need to firm planned orders before you can process any simulation changes; click the planned orders to firm, then click Actions > Firm. However, you can release planned orders that are not firm.

You can also firm:

Attend to these fields for all firming:

In addition, attend to these additional fields for these specific order types:


You can release order type planned orders in the workbench.

Before you can release them, perform some setup steps; see Deployment > Releasing Planned Orders.

You can instruct the Planning Solver to automatically release some orders, see Planned Order Auto Release.

These are the order types that you can reschedule in the Workbench:

These are the order types that you can cancel in the Workbench:

To mark an order for release, click Actions > Mark for release.

For planned orders, attend to these fields prior to release:

For work orders, attend to these fields prior to release:

For requisitions and purchase orders, attend to these fields prior to release:

For sales orders, attend to these fields prior to release:

For sales orders, attend to these fields prior to release:

For sales orders, the release process:

To monitor the orders during release, use field Release Status of each order. This table shows the values that Release Status displays.

Action Release Status Before Mark for Release Release Status After Mark for Release Release Status After Release
None available Ineligible - -
Release Release Marked for Release Released
Reschedule Reschedule Marked for Reschedule Rescheduled
Cancel Cancel Marked for Cancel Cancelled

If you have marked an order for release, you may be able to unmark it for release. After you do, its Release Status returns to the value it had before you marked it for release (Release, Reschedule, or Cancel). Click Action > Unmark for release

Inventory Reservations

Column Reserved Quantity:

You cannot edit it.

If there is an inventory reservation, demand pegging for on hand displays, for sales orders:

In this example, sales order:

Item Order Type Order Number Quantity Reserved Quantity Pegged Quantity
XYZ On hand - 1000 - -
. XYZ Sales order 12345 49 49 4
. XYZ Sales order 45678 143 143 143

If there is an inventory reservation, supply pegging for on hand displays:

In this example, sales order:

Item Order Type Order Number Quantity Reserved Quantity Pegged Quantity
XYZ Sales order 12345 49 19 -
. XYZ On hand - 1000 - 19
. XYZ <other supply type> - 80 - 30
XYZ Sales order 45678 143 143 -
. XYZ On hand - 1000 - 143

The planning solver:

Supply Chain Bill

Most tabs share common functions, see Operating in Tabs.

Use this tab to view a graphical and tabular supply chain bill.

You cannot edit data in this view.

The supply chain bill is a nested tree of the:

There is not a separate row in the supply chain bill for Make at or Transfer from sourcing. There is a separate row for Buy from sourcing.

The tab shows all alternate bills of material unless you restrict it through search field Alternate BOM.

The tab does not show substitute components.

To add a component to an assembly:

To add a component to an assembly by duplicating another component:

To remove a component from an assembly:

Components Plan Tab

Search, view, and analyze the complete supply chain of specific end assemblies and their bills of material and sourcing.

You cannot make any edits in this view for simulation purposes. You can use the Bill of Materials view to edit bill of material attributes.

Processes Plan Tab and Processes Plan Inputs Tab

Search, view, and analyze the routings, operations, and resources assigned to each operation

You cannot make any edits in this view for simulation.