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System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration
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Document Information


1.  Managing Terminals and Modems (Overview)

2.  Setting Up Terminals and Modems (Tasks)

3.  Managing Serial Ports With the Service Access Facility (Tasks)

Managing Serial Ports (Task Map)

Using the Service Access Facility

Overall SAF Administration (sacadm)

Service Access Controller (SAC Program)

SAC Initialization Process

Port Monitor Service Administration (pmadm)

ttymon Port Monitor

Port Initialization Process

Bidirectional Service

TTY Monitor and Network Listener Port Monitors

TTY Port Monitor (ttymon)

ttymon and the Console Port

ttymon-Specific Administrative Command (ttyadm)

Network Listener Service (listen)

Special listen-Specific Administrative Command (nlsadmin)

Administering ttymon Port Monitors

How to Set the ttymon Console Terminal Type

How to Set the Baud Rate Speed on the ttymon Console Terminal

How to Add a ttymon Port Monitor

How to View ttymon Port Monitor Status

How to Stop a ttymon Port Monitor

How to Start a ttymon Port Monitor

How to Disable a ttymon Port Monitor

How to Enable a ttymon Port Monitor

How to Remove a ttymon Port Monitor

Administering ttymon services (Task Map)

Administering ttymon Services

How to Add a Service

How to View the Status of a TTY Port Service

How to Enable a Port Monitor Service

How to Disable a Port Monitor Service

Service Access Facility Administration (Reference)

Files That Are Associated With the SAF

/etc/saf/_sactab File

/etc/saf/pmtab/_pmtab File

Service States

Port Monitor States

Port States

4.  Managing System Resources (Overview)

5.  Displaying and Changing System Information (Tasks)

6.  Managing Disk Use (Tasks)

7.  Managing UFS Quotas (Tasks)

8.  Scheduling System Tasks (Tasks)

9.  Managing System Accounting (Tasks)

10.  System Accounting (Reference)

11.  Managing System Performance (Overview)

12.  Managing System Processes (Tasks)

13.  Monitoring System Performance (Tasks)

14.  Troubleshooting Software Problems (Overview)

15.  Managing System Messages

16.  Managing Core Files (Tasks)

17.  Managing System Crash Information (Tasks)

18.  Troubleshooting Miscellaneous Software Problems (Tasks)

19.  Troubleshooting File Access Problems (Tasks)

20.  Resolving UFS File System Inconsistencies (Tasks)

21.  Troubleshooting Software Package Problems (Tasks)


Administering ttymon Port Monitors

Console administration for ttymon is now managed by SMF. Use the svccfg command to set ttymon system console properties. Continue to use the SAF command, sacadm, to add, list, remove, kill, start, enable, disable, enable, and remove ttymon port monitors.

How to Set the ttymon Console Terminal Type

This procedure shows how to change the console terminal type by using the svccfg command.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Run the svccfg command to set the property for the service instance that you want to change.
    # svccfg -s console-login setprop ttymon/terminal_type = "xterm"

    where xterm is an example of a terminal type that you might want to use.

  3. (Optional) Restart the service instance.
    # svcadm restart svc:/system/console-login:default


    Caution - If you choose to restart the service instance immediately, you are logged out of the console. If you do not restart the service instance immediately, the property changes apply at the next login prompt on the console.

How to Set the Baud Rate Speed on the ttymon Console Terminal

This procedure shows how to set the baud rate speed on the ttymon console terminal. Support for console speeds on x86 based systems are dependent on the specific platform.

The following are supported console speeds for SPARC based systems:

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Use the eeprom command to set a baud rate speed that is appropriate for your system type.
    # eeprom ttya-mode=baud-rate,8,n,1,-

    For example, to change the baud rate on an x86 based system's console to 38400, type:

    # eeprom ttya-mode=38400,8,n,1,-
  3. Change the console line in the /etc/ttydefs file as follows:
    console baud-rate hupcl opost onlcr:baud-rate::console
  4. Make the following additional changes for your system type.

    Note that these changes are platform-dependent.

    • On SPARC based systems: Change the baud rate speed in the /kernel/drv/options.conf file.

      Use the following command to change the baud rate to 9600:

      # 9600 :bd: ttymodes="2502:1805:bd:8a3b:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:0:0:11:13:1a:19:12:f:17:16";

      Use the following command to change the baud rate speed to 19200.

      # 19200 :be: ttymodes="2502:1805:be:8a3b:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:0:0:11:13:1a:19:12:f:17:16";

      Use the following command to change the baud rate speed to 38400:

      # 38400 :bf: ttymodes="2502:1805:bf:8a3b:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:0:0:11:13:1a:19:12:f:17:16";
    • On x86 based systems: Change the console speed if the BIOS serial redirection is enabled. The method that you use to change the console speed is platform-dependent.

How to Add a ttymon Port Monitor

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Add a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -a -p mbmon -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v `ttyadm
    -V` -y "TTY Ports a & b"

    Specifies the add port monitor option.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.


    Specifies the port monitor type as ttymon.


    Defines the command string used to start the port monitor.


    Specifies the version number of the port monitor.


    Defines a comment to describe this instance of the port monitor.

How to View ttymon Port Monitor Status

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. View the status of a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -l -p mbmon

    Specifies the list port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.

Example 3-1 Viewing ttymon Port Monitor Status

This example shows how to view a port monitor named, mbmon.

# sacadm -l -p mbmon
mbmon  ttymon  -    0    STARTING  /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #TTY Ports a & b

Identifies the port monitor name, mbmon.


Identifies the port monitor type, ttymon.


Indicates whether the following flags are set:


Do not enable the new port monitor.


Do not start the new port monitor.

dash (-)

No flags are set.


Indicates the return count value. A return count of 0 indicates that the port monitor is not to be restarted if it fails.


Indicates the current status of the port monitor.


Identifies the command used to start the port monitor.

#TTY Ports a & b

Identifies any comment used to describe the port monitor.

How to Stop a ttymon Port Monitor

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Stop a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -k -p mbmon

    Specifies the kill port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.

How to Start a ttymon Port Monitor

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Start a killed ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -s -p mbmon

    Specifies the start port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.

How to Disable a ttymon Port Monitor

Disabling a port monitor prevents new services from starting, without affecting existing services.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Disable a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -d -p mbmon

    Specifies the disable port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.

How to Enable a ttymon Port Monitor

Enabling a ttymon port monitor allows it to service new requests.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Enable a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -e -p mbmon

    Specifies the enable port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.

How to Remove a ttymon Port Monitor

Removing a port monitor deletes all the configuration files associated with it.

Note - Port monitor configuration files cannot be updated or changed by using the sacadm command. To reconfigure a port monitor, remove it and then add a new one.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Remove a ttymon port monitor.
    # sacadm -r -p mbmon

    Specifies the remove port monitor status flag.


    Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag.