

#. escape sequence for system console, 1

^] escape character for telnet, 1


AC power cables and standby mode, 1

accessing ALOM CMT command line, 1

adapters for serial cables, 1

address, IP, 1

addresses, web, See web sites

admin command for firmware update, 1

admin login, setting password for, 1

Advanced Lights Out Management, See ALOM CMT


60 second timeout if not logged in, 1

command line access, 1

management guide, 1

passwords, 1

See also system controller

alternate command for Telnet session, 1


baud rate for serial terminal, 1

bits setting for serial terminal, 1


booting the Solaris OS, 1

booting the system, 1

OpenBoot PROM boot command, 1

buttons, See "slide rail assembly locks"


cable clip, using, 1 - 2

cable management assembly, 1 - 2


adapters for serial data cables, 1

CMA, See cable management assembly

command line access, ALOM CMT, 1

configuration information needed, 1

configuring the network management port, 1

connecting to the system console, 1

connectors illustrated, 1

console command, 1, 2


DB-9 TTY connector, 1, 2

definitions, See terms, 11

diagnostics, when run, 1


electrical mode, AC standby, 1

enabling the network management port, 1

escape character ^]for telnet, 1

escape sequence #. for system console, 1

Ethernet connection transfer rates, 1


feedback comments and suggestions, 1

first time AC power, 1

flashupdate command, 1


gateway IP address, 1


handshaking for serial terminal, no, 1

hot-plugging USB ports, 1, 1, 1, 1


initializing the system, 1

installation instructions, optional components, reference, 1

installing optional components, 1

inventory list, 1

IP address, 1


LEDs, ports, 1, 2, 3

left and right sides defined, 1

levers, locking, See "slide rail assembly locks"

list of optional components online, 1

locations of ports, slots, and LEDs, 1

locations of ports, slots, and LEDs (illustration), 1

locator LED button location illustrated, 1

locks, See "slide rail assembly locks"

logging into system controller

using network management port, 1, 2

using serial management port, 1


map of OpenBoot PROM devices, 1

minimum cable connections, 1

mode, AC standby, 1

modem not for use with the sc serial management port, 1

mounting screws for rack, 1


NET0-NET3 ports illustrated, 1, 2

netmask, 1

network management port

configuring and enabling, 1

not operational until configured, 1, 2

RJ-45 connector, 1

null modem cable adapters, 1

null modem cable for TTY serial port, 1


online list of optional components, 1

OpenBoot PROM device map, 1

optional components listed online, 1

optional components, 1, 2


parity for serial terminal, no, 1

password command, 1

passwords, ALOM CMT, 1

path names, 1

PCI-E, 1, 2

ports illustrated, 1

ports, slots, 1, 2, 3

power cycling the system, 1

power supply locations illustrated, 1

powering on the system for the first time, 1

poweroff command, 1

poweron command, 1, 2



resetting the system controller with resetsc, 1

resetting the system with uadmin, 1

resetsc command, 1, 2


system controller, 1

right and left sides defined, 1

right side defined, 1

RJ-45 cable, 1


SC, See system controller

screws for rack mounting, 1

serial management port RJ-45 connector, 1

serial port (TTY) DB-9 connector, 1

serial terminal

required before powering on, 1

settings, 1

setsc command, 1

show-disks command, 1

showsc command, 1, 2

slide rail assembly locks illustrated

front slide rail locks, 1

middle section lever, 1

mounting bracket locating pin lock, 1

mounting bracket release button, 1

slide rail release button, 1

slide rail spacing tool, 1

slots, ports, 1, 2, 3

Solaris media kit contents, 1

Solaris Operating System documentation online, 1

spacing tool for slide rails, 1

standby mode, AC, 1

standby voltage causes system controller to power on, 1

standby voltage, 1, 2

stop bit, 1

system console escape sequence #., 1

system controller

access via network management port, 1

access via serial management port, 1

connecting the network management port, 1

connecting the serial management port, 1

connecting to the system console, 1

network management port not operational until configured, 1

port locations illustrated, 1

powering on for the first time, 1

powering on the system, 1

resetting, 1, 2

See also ALOM CMT

setsc command, 1

showsc command, 1


telnet escape character ^], 1

Telnet session, 1

telnet session, opening, 1


left and right sides, 1

slide rail assembly, 1

TTYA serial port, 1


uadmin command, 1

USB ports illustrated, 1, 2


web sites, 1, 1, 1