

/etc/hostname file, 1

/etc/hosts file, 1

/etc/remote file, 1

modifying, 1

/var/adm/messages file, 1


1+1 redundancy, power supplies, 1


Activity (disk drive LED), 1

Activity (system status LED), 1

Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM)

about, 1, 2

commands, See sc>prompt

configuration rules, 1

escape sequence (#.), 1

features, 1

invoking xir command from, 1

multiple connections to, 1

ports, 1

remote power-off, 1, 2

remote power-on, 1

agency compliance specifications, 1

agents, Sun Management Center, 1

ALOM (Advanced Lights Out Manager)

accessing system console, 1

use in troubleshooting, 1

ALOM, See Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM)

alphanumeric terminal

accessing system console from, 1, 2

remote power-off, 1, 2

remote power-on, 1

setting baud rate, 1

asr-disable (OpenBoot command), 1

auto-boot (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1, 2

Automatic System Recovery (ASR)

use in troubleshooting, 1

automatic system recovery (ASR)

about, 1

commands, 1

enabling, 1

Automatic System Restoration (ASR)

enabling, OpenBoot configuration variables for, 1

automatic system restoration (ASR)

about, 1


Big Admin

troubleshooting resource, 1

Web site, 1

BIST, See built-in self-test

BMC Patrol, See third-party monitoring tools

boot-device (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1

bootmode diag (sc> command), 1

bootmode reset_nvram (sc> command), 1

bounds file, 1

break (sc> command), 1

Break key (alphanumeric terminal), 1

built-in self-test

test-args variable and, 1


cables, keyboard and mouse, 1

central processing unit, See CPU

cfgadm (Solaris command), 1

cfgadm install_device (Solaris command), cautions against using, 1

cfgadm remove_device (Solaris command), cautions against using, 1

Cisco L2511 Terminal Server, connecting, 1

clearance specifications, 1

clock speed (CPU), 1

command prompts, 1, undef2

communicating with the system

about, 1

options, table, 1

concatenation of disks, 1

console (sc> command), 1

console configuration, 1, undef2

console -f (sc> command), 1

core dump

enabling for troubleshooting, 1

testing, 1


displaying information about, 1

CPU, about, 1

See also UltraSPARC IIIi processor

CPU/memory modules, about, 1


DB-9 connector (for ttyb port), 1

default system console configuration, 1

device paths, hardware, 1, 2

device reconfiguration, 1, undef2

device tree

defined, 1

Solaris, displaying, 1

device trees, rebuilding, 1

device unconfiguration, 1, undef2

df -k command (Solaris), 1

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 1

diag-level variable, 1

diagnostic tools

summary of (table), 1


obdiag, 1


probe-ide, 1

probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all, 1

SunVTS, 1

watch-net and watch-net-all, 1

DIMMs (dual inline memory modules)

about, 1

configuration rules, 1

error correcting, 1

groups, 1, undef2

interleaving, 1

parity checking, 1

disk configuration

concatenation, 1

hot-plug, 1

hot-spares, 1, 2

mirroring, 1, 2, 3

RAID 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

RAID 1, 1, 2, 3, 4

RAID 5, 1

striping, 1, 2, 3, 4

disk drives

about, 1, 2, 3

caution, 1, 2

configuration rules, 1

hot-plug, 1


Activity, 1

OK-to-Remove, 1, 2, 3

locating drive bays, 1

logical device names, table, 1

disk hot-plug

mirrored disk, 1

non-mirrored disk, 1

disk mirror (RAID 0), See hardware disk mirror

disk slot number, reference, 1

disk volumes

deleting, 1

DMP (Dynamic Multipathing), 1

double-bit errors, 1

dtterm (Solaris utility), 1

dual inline memory modules (DIMMs), See DIMMs

dumpadm command (Solaris), 1

dumpadm -s command (Solaris), 1

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client on network management port, 1, 2

Dynamic Multipathing (DMP), 1


ECC (error-correcting code), 1

electrical specifications, 1

environmental monitoring and control, 1

environmental monitoring subsystem, 1

environmental specifications, 1

error messages

correctable ECC error, 1

log file, 1

OpenBoot Diagnostics, interpreting, 1

power-related, 1

error-correcting code (ECC), 1

error-reset-recovery (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1

error-reset-recovery variable, setting for troubleshooting, 1

escape sequence (#.), ALOM system controller, 1


cable, attaching, 1

configuring interface, 1

interfaces, 1

link integrity test, 1, 2

using multiple interfaces, 1

Ethernet ports

about, 1, 2

configuring redundant interfaces, 1

outbound load balancing, 1

exercising the system

with Hardware Diagnostic Suite, 1

with SunVTS, 1

externally initiated reset (XIR)

invoking from sc> prompt, 1

invoking through network management port, 1

manual command, 1

use in troubleshooting, 1


fan trays

configuration rules, 1

illustration, 1

fans, 1, undef2

firmware patch management, 1

front panel

illustration, 1

LEDs, 1


hardware revision level, 1

hierarchical list of, 1

manufacturer, 1

part number, 1

FRU data

contents of IDPROM, 1

fsck (Solaris command), 1


go (OpenBoot command), 1

graceful system halt, 1, 2

graphics card, See graphics monitor; PCI graphics card

graphics monitor

accessing system console from, 1

configuring, 1

connecting to PCI graphics card, 1

restrictions against using for initial setup, 1

restrictions against using to view POST output, 1


halt, gracefully, advantages of, 1, 2

hardware device paths, 1, 2

Hardware Diagnostic Suite, 1

about exercising the system with, 1

hardware disk mirror

about, 1, 2, 3

checking the status of, 1

creating, 1

hot-plug operation, 1

removing, 1

hardware disk striped volume

checking the status of, 1

hardware revision, displaying with showrev, 1

hardware watchdog mechanism, 1

hardware watchdog mechanism, use in troubleshooting, 1

host adapter (probe-scsi), 1

hot-plug operation

non-mirrored disk drive, 1

on hardware disk mirror, 1

hot-pluggable components, about, 1

hot-spares (disk drives), 1

See also disk configuration

HP Openview, See third-party monitoring tools


I2C bus, 1

IDE bus, 1

ifconfig (Solaris command), 1

independent memory subsystems, 1

init (Solaris command), 1, 2

input-device (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1, 2, 3

Integrated Drive Electronics, See IDE bus

intermittent problem, 1

internal disk drive bays, locating, 1

Internet Protocol (IP) network multipathing, 1

interpreting error messages

OpenBoot Diagnostics tests, 1



attaching, 1

Sun Type-6 USB, 1

keyboard sequences

L1-A, 1, 2, 3, 4


L1-A keyboard sequence, 1, 2, 3, 4


Activity (disk drive LED), 1

Activity (system status LED), 1

front panel, 1

OK-to-Remove (disk drive LED), 1, 2, 3

Power OK (power supply LED), 1

Service Required (power supply LED), 1

light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

back panel LEDs

system status LEDs, 1

link integrity test, 1, 2

local graphics monitor

remote power-off, 1, 2

remote power-on, 1

Locator (system status LED)

controlling from sc> prompt, 1, 2

controlling from Solaris, 1, 2

log files, 1, 2

logical device name (disk drive), reference, 1

logical unit number (probe-scsi), 1

logical view (Sun Management Center), 1

loop ID (probe-scsi), 1


manual device reconfiguration, 1

manual device unconfiguration, 1

manual system reset, 1, 2

memory interleaving

about, 1

See also DIMMs (dual inline memory modules)

memory modules, See DIMMs (dual inline memory modules)

memory subsystems, 1



mirrored disk, 1, 2, 3

monitor, attaching, 1

monitored hardware, 1

monitored software properties, 1


attaching, 1

USB device, 1, 2

moving the system, cautions, 1, 2

multiple ALOM sessions, 1

multiple-bit errors, 1

Multiplexed I/O (MPxIO), 1



name server, 1

primary interface, 1

network interfaces

about, 1

configuring additional, 1

redundant, 1

network management port (NET MGT)

about, 1

activating, 1

advantages over serial management port, 1

configuration rules, 1

configuring IP address, 1

configuring using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 1

issuing an externally initiated reset (XIR) from, 1

non-mirrored disk hot-plug operation, 1


ok prompt

about, 1

accessing via ALOM break command, 1, 2

accessing via Break key, 1, 2

accessing via externally initiated reset (XIR), 1

accessing via graceful system shutdown, 1

accessing via L1-A (Stop-A) keys, 1, 2, 3

accessing via manual system reset, 1, 2

risks in using, 1

ways to access, 1, 2

OK-to-Remove (disk drive LED), 1, 2, 3

on-board storage, 1

See also disk drives; disk volumes; internal drive bays, locating

OpenBoot commands

asr-disable, 1

go, 1

power-off, 1, 2, 3

probe-ide, 1, 2, 3

probe-scsi, 1

probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all, 1

probe-scsi-all, 1, 2

reset-all, 1, 2, 3

set-defaults, 1

setenv, 1, 2

show-devs, 1, 2, 3, 4

showenv, 1

OpenBoot configuration variables

auto-boot, 1, 2

boot-device, 1

enabling ASR, 1

error-reset-recovery, 1

input-device, 1, 2, 3

output-device, 1, 2, 3

ttyb-mode, 1

OpenBoot diagnostics, 1

OpenBoot Diagnostics tests

error messages, interpreting, 1

hardware device paths in, 1

running from the ok prompt, 1

test command, 1

test-all command, 1

OpenBoot emergency procedures

performing, 1

OpenBoot firmware

scenarios for control, 1

selecting a boot device, 1

operating environment software, suspending, 1

output message

watch-net all diagnostic, 1

watch-net diagnostic, 1

output-device (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1, 2, 3

overtemperature condition

determining with prtdiag, 1


parity, 1, 2

parity protection

PCI buses, 1

UltraSCSI bus, 1

UltraSPARC IIIi CPU internal cache, 1

patch management

firmware, 1

software, 1

patch panel, terminal server connection, 1

patches, installed

determining with showrev, 1

PCI buses

about, 1

characteristics, table, 1

parity protection, 1

PCI cards

about, 1

configuration rules, 1

device names, 1, 2

frame buffers, 1

slots for, 1

PCI graphics card

configuring to access system console, 1

connecting graphics monitor to, 1

physical device name (disk drive), 1

physical specifications, 1

physical view (Sun Management Center), 1

port settings, verifying on ttyb, 1

ports, 1, undef2

See also serial management port (SERIAL MGT); network management port (NET MGT);ttybport; UltraSCSI port; USB ports


messages, 1

POST, See power-on self-test (POST)


specifications, 1

turning off, 1

Power button, 1

Power OK (power supply LED), 1, 2

power supplies

1+1 redundancy, 1

about, 1, 2

as hot-pluggable components, 1

configuration rules, 1

fault monitoring, 1

output capacity, 1

presence required for system cooling, 1

redundancy, 1, 2

power-off (OpenBoot command), 1, 2, 3

poweroff (sc> command), 1

poweron (sc> command), 1

power-on self-test (POST)

default port for messages, 1

output messages, 1

probe-ide (OpenBoot command), 1, 2

probe-ide command (OpenBoot), 1

probe-scsi (OpenBoot command), 1

probe-scsi-all (OpenBoot command), 1, 2

processor speed, displaying, 1

prtconf command (Solaris), 1

prtdiag command (Solaris), 1

prtfru command (Solaris), 1

psrinfo command (Solaris), 1


RAID (redundant array of independent disks)

disk concatenation, 1

hardware mirror, See hardware disk mirror

storage configurations, 1

striping, 1, 2

RAID 0 (striping), 1, 2

RAID 1 (mirroring), 1, 2

reconfiguration boot, 1

redundant array of independent disks, See RAID (redundant array of independent disks)

redundant network interfaces, 1

reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS), 1 - 2


manual system, 1, 2

scenarios, 1

reset (sc> command), 1

reset -x (sc> command), 1

reset-all (OpenBoot command), 1, 2, 3

revision, hardware and software

displaying with showrev, 1

RJ-45 serial communication, 1

RJ-45 twisted-pair Ethernet (TPE) connector, 1

run levels

explained, 1

ok prompt and, 1


safety agency compliance, 1

savecore directory, 1

sc> commands

bootmode diag, 1

bootmode reset_nvram, 1

break, 1

console, 1, 2

console -f, 1

poweroff, 1

poweron, 1

reset, 1, 2

reset -x, 1

setlocator, 1, 2

setsc, 1

showlocator, 1

shownetwork, 1

sc> prompt

about, 1

accessing from network management port, 1

accessing from serial management port, 1

multiple sessions, 1

system console escape sequence (#.), 1

system console, switching between, 1

ways to access, 1

scadm (Solaris utility), 1

SEAM (Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism), 1

serial management port (SERIAL MGT)

about, 1, 2

acceptable console device connections, 1

as default communication port on initial startup, 1

as default console connection, 1

baud rate, 1

configuration rules, 1

default system console configuration, 1

using, 1

SERIAL MGT, See serial management port

service access specifications, 1

Service Required (power supply LED), 1

set-defaults (OpenBoot command), 1

setenv (OpenBoot command), 1, 2

setlocator (sc> command), 1

setlocator (Solaris command), 1

setsc (sc> command), 1

show-devs (OpenBoot command), 1, 2, 3

show-devs command (OpenBoot), 1

showenv (OpenBoot command), 1

shownetwork (sc> command), 1

showrev command (Solaris), 1

shutdown (Solaris command), 1, 2

single-bit errors, 1

software patch management, 1

software properties monitored by Sun Management Center software, 1

software revision, displaying with showrev, 1

Solaris commands

cfgadm, 1

cfgadm install_device, cautions against using, 1

cfgadm remove_device, cautions against using, 1

df -k, 1

dumpadm, 1

dumpadm -s, 1

fsck, 1

ifconfig, 1

init, 1, 2

prtconf, 1

prtdiag, 1

prtfru, 1

psrinfo, 1

scadm, 1

setlocator, 1

showlocator, 1

showrev, 1

shutdown, 1, 2

swap -l, 1

sync, 1

tip, 1, 2

uadmin, 1

uname, 1

uname -r, 1

Solaris Volume Manager, 1, 2, 3

Solstice DiskSuite, 1, 2

specifications, 1 - 2

agency compliance, 1

clearance, 1

electrical, 1

environmental, 1

physical, 1

service access, 1

SRS Net Connect, 1

Stop-A (USB keyboard functionality), 1

Stop-D (USB keyboard functionality), 1

Stop-F (USB keyboard functionality), 1

Stop-N (USB keyboard functionality), 1

storage, 1, undef2

See also stress testing,exercising the system, 214

striping of disks, 1, 2, 3, 4

Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism, See SEAM

Sun Install Check tool, 1

Sun Management Center

tracking systems informally with, 1

Sun Management Center software, 1, 2

Sun Remote Services Net Connect, 1

Sun StorEdge 3310, 1

Sun StorEdge A5x00, 1

Sun StorEdge T3, 1

Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software (TMS), 1, 2

Sun Type-6 USB keyboard, 1

SunSolve Online

troubleshooting resources, 1

web site, 1


exercising the system with, 1

suspending the operating environment software, 1

swap device, saving core dump, 1

swap -l command (Solaris), 1

swap space, calculating, 1

sync (Solaris command), 1

sync command (Solaris)

testing core dump setup, 1

system configuration card, 1

system console

about, 1

accessing via alphanumeric terminal, 1

accessing via graphics monitor, 1

accessing via terminal server, 1, 2

accessing via tip connection, 1

alphanumeric terminal connection, 1, 2

alternate configurations, 1

alternative connections (illustration), 1

connection using graphics monitor, 1

default configuration explained, 1, 2

default connections, 1

defined, 1

devices used for connection to, 1

Ethernet attachment through network management port, 1

graphics monitor connection, 1, 2

logging error messages, 1

multiple view sessions, 1

network management port connection, 1

sc> prompt, switching between, 1

system memory

determining amount of, 1

system reset scenarios, 1

system specifications, See specifications

system status LEDs

Activity, 1

as environmental fault indicators, 1

Locator, 1, 2

See also LEDs


temperature sensors, 1

terminal server

accessing system console from, 1, 2

connection through patch panel, 1

connection through serial management port, 1

pinouts for crossover cable, 1

test command (OpenBoot Diagnostics tests), 1

test-all command (OpenBoot Diagnostics tests), 1

test-args variable, 1

keywords for (table), 1

thermistors, 1

third-party monitoring tools, 1

tip (Solaris command), 1

tip connection

accessing system console, 1, 2, 3, 4

accessing terminal server, 1

Tivoli Enterprise Console, See third-party monitoring tools

tree, device, 1


error logging, 1

using configuration variables for, 1

ttyb port

about, 1, 2

baud rates, 1

verifying baud rate, 1, 2

verifying settings on, 1

ttyb-mode (OpenBoot configuration variable), 1


uadmin (Solaris command), 1

Ultra-4 SCSI backplane

configuration rules, 1

Ultra-4 SCSI controller, 1

UltraSCSI bus parity protection, 1

UltraSCSI disk drives supported, 1

UltraSPARC IIIi processor

about, 1

internal cache parity protection, 1

uname (Solaris command), 1

uname -r (Solaris command), 1

Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices

running OpenBoot Diagnostics self-tests on, 1

USB ports

about, 1

configuration rules, 1

connecting to, 1


VERITAS Volume Manager, 1, 2, 3


watchdog, hardware, See hardware watchdog mechanism

watch-net all diagnostic

output message, 1

watch-net diagnostic

output message, 1

World Wide Name (probe-scsi), 1


XIR, See externally initiated reset

XIR, See externally initiated reset (XIR)