Complete Contents
Getting Started
Chapter 1 Understanding Server Plug-Ins
Chapter 2 Writing and Compiling Plug-Ins
Chapter 3 Calling the Front-End API Functions
Chapter 4 Quick Start
Chapter 5 Writing Database Plug-Ins
Chapter 6 Writing Pre/Post-Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 7 Defining Functions for LDAP Operations
Chapter 8 Defining Functions for Database Operations
Chapter 9 Defining Functions for Authentication
Chapter 10 Writing Entry Store/Fetch Plug-Ins
Chapter 11 Writing Extended Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 12 Writing Matching Rule Plug-Ins
Chapter 13 Data Type and Structure Reference
Chapter 14 Function Reference
Chapter 15 Parameter Reference
Previous Next Contents Bookshelf

Chapter 3 Calling the Front-End API Functions

This chapter explains how to use the Netscape Directory Server's front-end API functions to accomplish various tasks. You can call these functions in your plug-in to interact with the client (for example, send results or result codes), log messages, and work with entries, attributes, and filters.

In general, the Directory Server includes front-end API functions that allow you to do the following:

The front-end functions are declared in the slapi-plugin.h header file.

Logging Messages
To write an error message to the error log, call the slapi_log_error() function (for details, see "slapi_log_error()" on page  308). For example, the following function call generates a message in the error log:

slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, "searchdn_preop_search",

This function generates a message similar to the following:

[01/Oct/1997:02:24:18 -0700] searchdn_preop_search - *** PREOPERATION SEARCH PLUGIN ***

Make sure that the Directory Server is configured to log messages that have the severity that you specify (for example, SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN). For more information, see "Setting the Log Level of the Server" on page  48.

Adding Notes to Access Log Entries
This feature is available in the Netscape Directory Server 4.0 release and is not available in earlier releases.

When the default back-end database processes a search operation, it attempts to use indexes to narrow down the list of candidates matching the search criteria. If the back-end is unable to use indexes to narrow down the list, it appends the following string to the access log entry for the search:


If you are writing your own back-end database search function, you can append this note to access log entries by setting the SLAPI_OPERATION_NOTES parameter to the flag SLAPI_OP_NOTE_UNINDEXED.

This parameter identifies any notes that need to be appended to access log entries. At the current time, SLAPI_OP_NOTE_UNINDEXED is the only value that you can set for this parameter. In future releases, additional flags will be defined. You will be able to bitwise OR combinations of flags to specify different combinations of notes.

The server appends these notes and writes out the access log entries whenever sending a result or search entry back to the client.

Sending Data to the Client
When writing the back-end database functions, you may want to communicate some information directly back to the client:

For example, the following section of code sends an LDAP_SUCCESS status code back to the client.

slapi_send_ldap_result( pb, LDAP_SUCCESS, NULL, "The operation was processed successfully.\n", 0, NULL );

Determining if an Operation Was Abandoned
At any point in time, the client can choose to abandon an LDAP operation. When you write your database functions, keep in mind that you should periodically check if the operation has been abandoned.

To determine if an operation has been abandoned, call the slapi_op_abandoned() function (see "slapi_op_abandoned()" on page  325 for details). For example:

if ( slapi_op_abandoned( pb ) ) {

slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, "my_function", "The operation was abandoned.\n" );

return 1;


Working with Entries and Attributes
In certain situations, you will exchange directory entries with the front-end or the client. For example, when the front-end calls your add function, the front-end passes it an entry in the parameter block. When you perform a search operation, you return each matching search entry to the client.

If you need to manipulate these entries, you can call the following front-end routines:

Table 3.1 Front-end functions for manipulating entries and attributes

To do this:
Call this function
Allocate memory for a new entry

Copy an entry

Free an unused entry from memory

Convert an entry to a string representation (in LDIF format) and vice versa
slapi_entry2str(), slapi_str2entry()

Get or set the DN for an entry
slapi_entry_get_dn(), slapi_entry_set_dn()

Verify that an entry complies with the schema

Get the attributes of an entry
slapi_entry_first_attr(), slapi_entry_next_attr()

Find the values for a specified attribute

Merge an attribute and its values into an entry

Add values to an attribute in an entry

Delete values from an attribute in an entry

These functions are described in more detail in the next sections.

Creating a New Entry

In some situations, you may want to create a new entry.

When you are no longer using the entry, you should free it from memory by calling the slapi_entry_free() function (see "slapi_entry_free()" on page  284 for details).

Converting Between Entries and Strings

Entries can be stored in LDIF files. When stored in these files, entries are converted into a string representation. The following format is the LDIF string representation for a directory entry:

dn:[:] <dn>\n

[<attr>:[:] <value>\n]

[<attr>:[:] <value>\n]



If you want to continue the specification of a value on additional lines (in other words, if the value wraps around to another line), use a single space (the ASCII 32 character) at the beginning of subsequent lines. For example:

dn: cn=Jake Lup

 inski, ou=Accoun

 ting, o=air

If a double-colon is used after a type, it means the value after the double-colon is encoded as a base 64 string. Data is sometimes encoded as a base 64 string if (for example) the value contains a non-printing character or newline.

To get the string representation of an entry (and vice versa), call the following functions:

Note. Calling slapi_str2entry() modifies the value of the string argument passed into the function. If you still want to use the string representation of the entry, make a copy of the string before calling this function.

Getting and Setting the DN of an Entry

You can call the following two front-end routines to get and set the DN for an entry:

Verifying Compliance with the Schema

Before you add or modify an entry in the database, you may want to verify that the new or changed entry still complies with the schema.

To see if an entry complies with the schema, call the slapi_entry_schema_check() function (see "slapi_entry_schema_check()" on page  288 for details).

Getting the Attributes and Values of an Entry

To get the attributes and values of an entry, call the following functions:

Adding and Removing Values

You can also call some of the front-end routines to add or remove values in an entry:

Working with Search Filters
When a client requests an LDAP search operation, the front-end passes the search filter to the back-end as part of the parameter block. (The filter is passed through the SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER parameter. A string representation of the filter is also available in the SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER parameter.)

If you need to manipulate these search filters, you can call the following front-end routines:

Table 3.2 Front-end functions for manipulating filters

To do this:
Call this function
Determine if an entry matches a filter's criteria

Get the filter type

Get the attribute type and value used for comparison in an attribute-value assertion filter (only applicable to LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY, LDAP_FILTER_GE, LDAP_FILTER_LE, and LDAP_FILTER_APPROX searches)

Get the type of attribute that the filter is searching for (only applicable to LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT searches)

Get the substring pattern used for the filter (applicable only to LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRING searches)

Convert a string representation of a filter to a filter of the datatype Slapi_Filter

Construct a new LDAP_FILTER_AND, LDAP_FILTER_OR, or LDAP_FILTER_NOT filter from other filters

Get the components of a filter (only applicable to LDAP_FILTER_AND, LDAP_FILTER_OR, and LDAP_FILTER_NOT searches)
slapi_filter_list_first(), slapi_filter_list_next()

Free a filter from memory

Determining if an Entry Matches a Filter

After retrieving a filter from the SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER parameter of the parameter block, you can call the slapi_filter_test() function to determine if entries in your database match the filter (see "slapi_filter_test()" on page  299 for details).

Getting the Filter Type

To determine the type of filter you are using, call the slapi_filter_get_choice() function (see "slapi_filter_get_choice()" on page  292 for details). This function returns the filter type. The filter type can be one of the following values:

Table 3.3 Types of filters

Filter Type

The search should find entries matching all filters that are specified in this complex filter.

The search should find entries matching any filter specified in this complex filter.

The search should find entries not matching the specified filter.

The search should find entries that contain a value equal to the specified attribute value.

The search should find entries that contain a value matching the specified substrings.

The search should find entries that contain a value greater than or equal to the specified attribute value.

The search should find entries that contain a value less than or equal to the specified attribute value.

The search should find entries that contain the specified attribute.

The search should find entries that contain a value approximately matching the specified attribute value.

Getting the Search Criteria

To get the search critieria specified by a search filter, call one of the following functions:

Note. Do not free the values returned by the slapi_filter_get_ava(), slapi_filter_get_type(), and slapi_filter_get_subfilt() functions.

Converting a String to a Filter

Search filters can be represented by the datatype Slapi_Filter or as strings. (In a parameter block for a search operation, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER is a filter of the datatype Slapi_Filter, and SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER is the string representation of that filter.) In general, it is easier to specify a filter as a string than to construct a filter of the type Slapi_Filter.

To convert a string representation of a filter into a filter of the datatype Slapi_Filter, call the slapi_str2filter() function (see "slapi_str2filter()" on page  347 for details).

When you are done working with the filter, you should free it by calling the slapi_filter_free() function (see "slapi_filter_free()" on page  290 for details).

Combining Filters

You can use AND, OR and NOT to combine different filters into a complex filter. To do this, call the slapi_filter_join() function (see "slapi_filter_join()" on page  296 for details).

Note that filters of the type LDAP_FILTER_NOT only have one component. If ftype is LDAP_FILTER_NOT, pass NULL for the second filter.

The function returns the complex filter you've created. When you are done using the complex filter, you should free it by calling slapi_filter_free() function (see "slapi_filter_free()" on page  290 for details).

Working with Distinguished Names
In certain situations, the front-end passes DNs to the back-end through the parameter block. For example, when calling the add function, the parameter block includes a parameter that specifies the new DN of the entry to be added.

If you need to manipulate these DNs, you can call the following front-end routines:

Table 3.4 Front-end functions for manipulating DNs

To do this:
Call this function
Determine if a DN is the root DN (the DN of the privileged superuser)

Get a copy of the parent DN
slapi_dn_parent(), slapi_dn_beparent()

Determine if a DN is the child of another DN

Determine if a DN is a suffix served by one of the server's back-ends

Normalize a DN

Convert all characters in a DN to lowercase

Normalize a DN and convert all characters to lowercase

Determining if a DN is the Root DN

To determine if a DN is the root DN, call the slapi_dn_isroot() function (see "slapi_dn_isroot()" on page  263 for details).

Working with DN Suffixes

A suffix of a DN identifies a subtree in the directory tree where the DN is located. For example, for the following DN:

cn=Babs Jensen, ou=Product Development, o=Ace Industries, c=US

one of the suffixes is:

o=Ace Industry, c=US

which indicates that the Babs Jensen entry is located in the Ace Industry subtree in the directory tree.

The suffix directive in the slapd.conf configuration file determines which DNs are served by a particular back-end. For example, if the suffix directive is:

suffix "o=Ace Industry, c=US"

the entries within the "o=Ace Industry, c=US" subtree are served by this back-end.

To determine if a value is a suffix for a DN, call the slapi_dn_issuffix() function (see "slapi_dn_issuffix()" on page  264 for details).

To determine if a DN is one of the suffixes served by the back-end, call the slapi_dn_isbesuffix() function (see "slapi_dn_isbesuffix()" on page  261 for details).

Getting the Parent DN of a DN

To get a copy of the parent DN for a DN, call the slapi_dn_parent() function or the slapi_dn_beparent() function (see "slapi_dn_isparent()" on page  262 and "slapi_dn_beparent()" on page  259 for details).

These functions return the parent DN of dn. If dn is a suffix served by the back-end, slapi_dn_beparent() returns NULL.

When you are done working with the parent DN, you should free it from memory by calling free().

Normalizing a DN

If you need to compare DNs (for example, if you are searching your database for a particular DN), you may want to normalize the DNs and make sure that the DNs use the same case.

To normalize and convert the case of a DN, you can call the following functions. Note that these functions operate on the actual DN specified in the argument, not a copy of the DN. If you want to modify a copy of the DN, call the slapi_ch_strdup() function to make a copy of the DN first (see "slapi_ch_strdup()" on page  253 for details).

Checking Passwords
When the Netscape Directory Server stores the password for an entry in the userpassword attribute, it encrypts the password using the scheme specified in the passwdhash directive of the slapd.conf configuration file. The scheme can be crypt or sha or "" (for cleartext).

If you need to determine if a given password is one of the values of the userpassword attribute, you can call the slapi_pw_find() function (see "slapi_pw_find()" on page  330 for details). This function determines which password scheme was used to store the password and uses the appropriate comparison function to compare a given value against the encrypted values of the userpassword attribute.


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