A P P E N D I X  A

Basic Operations for Libraries With Vendor-Specific Operational Procedures

You can include libraries from many different manufacturers in a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment. For most libraries, you should use the operational procedures described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives. Some libraries, however, have vendor-specific operational procedures, and these are described in this chapter.

Note - The Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software is compatible with automated libraries from many manufacturers. Consult your Sun sales representative or your authorized service provider for information pertinent to library model numbers, firmware levels, and other compatibility information.

This chapter describes the following automated libraries:

ADIC/Grau Automated Libraries

If you have an ADIC/Grau automated library, use the procedures in this section for importing and exporting cartridges. These procedures differ from those described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

Because you use vendor-supplied utilities to physically add and remove cartridges in the ADIC/Grau automated library, the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS interface (import(1M), samexport(1M), and File System Manager) affects only the library catalog.

Note - ADIC/Grau network attached libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

procedure icon  To Import a Cartridge

To import a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use ADIC/Grau commands to physically move the cartridge into the library.

2. Use the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS import(1M) command to update the library catalog.

Use this command in the following format:

import -v volser eq

TABLE A-1 Arguments for the import (1M) Command




The volser to be added. The grauaci interface verifies that the ADIC/Grau automated library has the volser information before updating the library catalog with the new entry.


The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


procedure icon  To Export a Cartridge

To export a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS samexport(1M) command to remove the entry from the library catalog.

Use this command in one of the following formats:

samexport eq:slot
samexport media-type.vsn

TABLE A-2 Arguments for the samexport (1M) Command




The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The number of a storage slot in an automated library as recognized in the library catalog.


The media type. For a list of valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.


The volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.


The samexport(1M) command updates the library catalog as each VSN is exported, and it moves the library catalog entry for each VSN from the library catalog to the historian.

2. Use ADIC/Grau commands to physically move the cartridge out of the library.

Fujitsu LMF Automated Libraries

If you have a Fujitsu LMF automated library, use the procedures in this section for importing and exporting cartridges. These procedures differ from those described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

Because you use vendor-supplied utilities to physically add or remove cartridges in the Fujitsu LMF automated library, the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS interface (import(1M), samexport(1M), and File System Manager) affects only the library catalog.

Note - Fujitsu LMF network attached libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

procedure icon  To Import a Cartridge

To import a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use Fujitsu commands to physically move the cartridge into the library.

2. Use the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS import(1M) command to update the library catalog.

Use this command in the following format:

import -v volser eq

TABLE A-3 Arguments for the import (1M) Command




The volser to be added. The fujitsulmf interface verifies that the LMF automated library has the volser information before updating the library catalog with the new entry.


The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


procedure icon  To Export a Cartridge

To export a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS samexport(1M) command to remove the entry from the library catalog.

Use this command in one of the following formats:

samexport eq:slot
samexport media-type.vsn

TABLE A-4 Arguments for the samexport (1M) Command




The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The number of a storage slot in an automated library as recognized in the library catalog.


The media type. For a list of valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.


The volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.


The samexport(1M) command updates the library catalog as each VSN is exported, and it moves the library catalog entry for each VSN from the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS library catalog to the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS historian.

2. Use Fujitsu commands to physically move the cartridge out of the library.

IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Libraries

The IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Libraries are supported in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environments. The following sections describe aspects of this library's operations that differ from the procedures described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

Note - IBM 3584 UltraScalable libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

Importing Cartridges

When the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software is started, cartridges that are in the mailbox are not automatically imported.

Cleaning Drives

To use this library in a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment, disable automatic cleaning and enable hosted cleaning. This process is described in the IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library Planning and Operator Guide, IBM publication GA32-0408-01. This is also described in the ibm3584(7) man page.


This library accommodates several tape drives. If you are using multiple drives, it is possible to divide this one physical library into two, three, or four logical libraries. If you have divided your library into two or more logical libraries, be sure that these logical libraries are operating properly before you add the IBM 3584 library to the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

When a cartridge is exported from a partitioned library, only the logical library from which it was exported can access that drawer slot. If the cartridge is removed and reinserted manually, it is accessible to any and all logical partitions.

procedure icon  To Remove a Cartridge

The following steps describe the act of removal as used in this situation.

1. Open the door.

2. Remove the cartridges.

3. Close the door.

4. Wait for the door to lock and then unlock.

5. Open the door.

6. Replace the cartridges.

7. Close the door.

For more information on using this library as a logically partitioned library in a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment, see your IBM documentation or the ibm3584(7) man page.

IBM 3494 Libraries

The IBM 3494 libraries are supported in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environments. The following sections describe aspects of this library's operations that differ from the procedures described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

Note - IBM 3494 network attached libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

procedure icon  To Import a Cartridge

To import a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Place the new media into the I/O slots.

2. Close the door.

The library locks the door and moves the media into the storage area. You can import only 100 volumes at one time.

If the library is configured with access=private, this is the last step you need to perform. The library informs the daemon as the media is moved, and the media is added to the catalog.

3. If the library is configured with access=shared, issue the import(1M) command to add the media to the catalog.

procedure icon  To Export a Cartridge

1. Use the export(1M) command to export cartridges.

This command moves the media to the I/O area and turns on the output mode light. on the operator panel.

2. Physically remove the media from the I/O area.

Sony Direct Attached 8400 PetaSite Automated Libraries

The Sony 8400 PetaSite Series automated library is different from other Sony models because it has an eight-slot import and export mailbox (slots 400-407). For this reason, the import and export operations are more straightforward for this system. This automated library uses a barcode reader.

Because the mailbox slots can be used as storage slots, the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS library catalog keeps track of the mailbox slots.

Note - Sony 8400 PetaSite libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

Note - The information in this section applies only to Sony direct attached 8400 PetaSite automated libraries. This information does not pertain to the Sony direct- attached B9 and B35 automated libraries, nor does it pertain to the Sony Network Attached Automated Libraries.

procedure icon  To Import Tapes

To import tapes, follow these steps.

1. Open the door of the automated library by pushing the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library.

2. Load the cartridges into the mailbox slots.

3. Push the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library and manually close the door to the mailbox.

The automated library checks the mailbox slots for the cartridge barcodes after the door is closed. If there is a problem with the barcodes, both the in and out lights flash for that slot.

4. Use the import(1M) command to enable the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS system to recognize the imported cartridges.

Use this command in the following format:

import eq

For eq, specify the equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.

You can also perform this step by using File System Manager. For more information, see the File System Manager online help.

Exporting Tapes

The procedure for exporting tape cartridges differs depending on whether or not you are using the mailbox slots as storage slots.

procedure icon  To Export a Tape Without Using the Mailbox Slots As Storage Slots

Use the following procedure to export a cartridge when you are not using the mailbox slots as storage slots.

1. Issue the move(1M) command to move the cartridge to a mailbox slot (slots 400-407).

Use this command in the following format:

move source-slot destination-slot eq

TABLE A-5 Arguments for the move (1M) Command




The number of the slot in which the cartridge currently resides.


The number of the slot into which the cartridge should be moved.


The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


2. Push the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library.

The door opens.

3. Remove the cartridge from the mailbox slot.

4. Push the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library and manually close the door to the mailbox.

5. Issue the samexport(1M) command to enable the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS system to recognize the exported cartridge.

Use this command in the following format:

samexport eq

For eq, specify the equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.

You can also perform this step by using File System Manager. For more information, see File System Manager online help.

procedure icon  To Export a Tape Using Mailbox Slots As Storage Slots

Use the following procedure to export a cartridge when you are using the mailbox slots as storage slots and the cartridge you want to export is in one of the mailbox slots.

1. Push the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library.

The door opens.

2. Remove the cartridge from the mailbox slot.

3. Push the open/close button on the front panel of the automated library and manually close the mailbox door.

4. Issue the samexport(1M) command to enable the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS system to recognize the exported cartridge.

Use this command in the following format:

samexport eq

For eq, specify the equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.

You can also perform this step by using File System Manager. For more information, see File System Manager online help.

procedure icon  How to Move a Cartridge to a Different Slot

To move a cartridge to a different slot, follow these steps.

1. Make sure that the source slot is occupied and that the destination slot is empty.

2. Issue the move(1M) command.

Use this command in the following format:

move eq:source-slot destination-slot

TABLE A-6 Arguments for the move (1M) Command




The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The number of the slot in which the cartridge currently resides.


The number of the slot into which the cartridge should be moved.


You can also perform this step by using File System Manager. For more information, see File System Manager online help.

Sony Network Attached Automated Libraries

If you have a Sony network attached automated library, use the procedures in this section for importing and exporting cartridges. These procedures differ from those described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

Because you use vendor-supplied utilities to physically add and remove cartridges in the Sony automated library, the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS interfaces (import(1M), samexport(1M), and File System Manager) affect only the library catalog.

Note - Sony network attached libraries are not supported by Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software on an x64 hardware platform.

procedure icon  To Import a Cartridge

To import a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use Sony commands to physically move the cartridge into the library.

2. Use the import(1M) command to update the library catalog.

Use this command in the following format:

import -v [" ] volser [ " ] eq

TABLE A-7 Arguments for the import (1M) Command



" "

Quotation marks. The volser value must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains spaces.


The volser to be added. The PSC API interface verifies that the Sony automated library has the volser information before updating the library catalog with the new entry. If the cartridge does not physically exist in the library, the entry is placed in the historian catalog.


The equipment ordinal of the library being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


procedure icon  To Export a Cartridge

To export a cartridge, perform the following steps.

1. Use the samexport(1M) command to remove the entry from the library catalog.

Use this command in one of the following formats:

samexport eq:slot
samexport media-type.vsn

TABLE A-8 Arguments for the samexport (1M) Command




The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The number of a storage slot in an automated library as recognized in the library catalog.


The media type. For a list of valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.


The volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.


The samexport(1M) command updates the library catalog as each VSN is exported, and it moves the library catalog entry for each VSN from the library catalog to the historian.

2. Use Sony commands to physically move the cartridge out of the library.

StorageTek ACSLS-Attached Automated Libraries

If you have a StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library, use the procedures in this section for importing and exporting cartridges. These procedures differ from those described in Using Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives.

A mailbox is an area used for putting cartridges into and removing cartridges from the automated library. Some StorageTek automated libraries import and export only one cartridge at a time. Examples of StorageTek automated libraries with a mailbox that are supported within the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment include the StorageTek 9714 and the StorageTek 9710. The StorageTek 9730 uses a mailslot. In StorageTek documentation, the mailbox and mailbox slot are often referred to as the cartridge access port (CAP).

When importing and exporting cartridges from an ACSLS-attached automated library, be aware of the following:

It is your responsibility to keep the ACSLS inventory and the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS catalog in agreement.

You can also perform the import and export procedures by using samu(1M) or File System Manager. For more information, see File System Manager online help.

procedure icon  To Import Tapes

single-step bulletUse the import(1M) command in the following format:

import -v vsn eq

TABLE A-9 Arguments for the import (1M) Command




The volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.


The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The import(1M) command causes the new VSN to appear in the library catalog. If the VSN was in the historian, the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software moves the VSN information from the historian to the library catalog.

procedure icon  To Export Tapes Using a Mailbox

You can export tape cartridges by slot or by VSN.

single-step bulletUse the samexport(1M) command in one of the following formats:

samexport [-f] eq:slot
samexport [-f] media-type.vsn

TABLE A-10 Arguments for the samexport (1M) Command




Specification for the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS system to put the volume in the cartridge access port (CAP) and to update the catalog accordingly.


The equipment ordinal of the device being addressed as defined in the mcf file.


The number of a storage slot in an automated library as recognized in the library catalog.


The media type. For a list of valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.


The volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.


The samexport(1M) command updates the library catalog as each VSN is exported, and it moves the library catalog entry for each VSN from the library catalog to the historian.