

-access archiver directive, 1

ACSAPI interface, 1

ACSLS-attached library, 1

ADIC/Grau automated library

operations, 1

age_priority preview.cmd directive, 1

allsets archive set, 1, 2

archive logs

backing up, 1

archive request file, 1

archive requests, 1

scheduling, 1

archive set

copy number, 1

file attributes, 1

name, 1

path, 1

search criteria, 1

archivemeta archiver directive, 1


allsets archive set, 1

archive age definition, 1

archive interval definition, 1

archive media definition, 1, 2

archive priority, 1

archive requests, 1

archive set membership, 1

archive set membership conflicts, 1

archive set parameters, 1

archive set processing directives, 1

archive sets, 1

archiving an archive request, 1

-archmax parameter, 1

associative archiving, 1

continuous archiving, 1, 2

controlling archive scans, 1

controlling file size, 1

controlling the number of drives used, 1

controlling the size of archive files, 1

controlling unarchiving, 1

controlling volume overflow, 1

copy definition directives, 1

daemons, 1

defaults, 1

defined, 1

delaying archiver startup, 1

determining the archive age, 1

directives, 1, 2

disk archiving, 1

disk archiving configuration, 1

disk archiving directives, 1

-drivemin parameter, 1

-drives parameter, 1

enabling disk archiving, 1

enforcing archive requests, 1

examples, 1

-fillvsns parameter, 1

guidelines, 1

identifying files to archive, 1

-join parameter, 1

log file example, 1

log files, 1

operations overview, 1

overview, 1

-ovflmin parameter, 1

preventing archiving, 1

preview queue, 1, 2

renaming the event notification script, 1

-reserve parameter, 1

reserved VSNs, 1

reserving volumes, 1

role in staging, 1

scanned archiving, 1

scheduling archive requests, 1

scheduling archiving, 1

segmented files, 1

setting automatic unarchiving, 1

setting priorities, 1

setting the archive age, 1

setting the archiver buffer size, 1, 2

-sort and -rsort parameters, 1

specifying a file system in archiver.cmd, 1

specifying an archive interval, 1

specifying an archive log file, 1

specifying archive buffer locks, 1

specifying copies of file system data, 1

specifying the number of drives for an archive request, 1

theory of operations, 1

using regular expressions, 1

VSN association directives, 1

VSN pools, 1

archiver(1M) command, 1, 2

example, 1

sample output, 1

archiver.cmd file, 1, 2

-access and -nftv directives, 1

archive age, 1

archive set assignment, 1

archivemeta directive, 1

archmax directive, 1, 2

bufsize directive, 1, 2

configuring recycling with SAM-Remote, 1

configuring the recycler, 1

copy number directives, 1

creating, 1

directives, 1, 2

drivemax, drivemin, and drives archive request directives, 1

drives directive, 1

editing for SAM-Remote, 1

endparams directive, 1

examine directive, 1

example, 1

file system directives, 1

fillvsns archive request parameter, 1

fs directive, 1

global directives, 1

ignore directive, 1

interval directive, 1

join path parameter, 1

lock archive request parameter, 1

logfile directive, 1

minsize and maxsize directives, 1

multiple metadata copies, 1

name directive, 1

norelease directive, 1

notify directive, 1

offline_copy parameter, 1

overview, 1

ovflmin directive, 1

params directive, 1

priority parameter, 1

-recycle_dataquantity directive, 1

-recycle_hwm directive, 1

-recycle_ignore directive, 1, 2

-recycle_mailaddr directive, 1

-recycle_mingain directive, 1

-recycle_vsncount directive, 1

recycling directives, 1, 2

release and stage directives, 1

release directive, 1

reserve parameter, 1

role in releasing, 1

role in staging, 1

SAM-Remote example, 1

startage, startcount, and startsize parameters, 1

striping segmented files, 1

tapenonstop parameter, 1

unarchiving automatically, 1

user and group directives, 1

vsn association directives, 1

vsnpools parameter, 1

vsns and endvsns parameters, 1

wait directive, 1 script, 1

archiving with SAM-Remote, 1, 2

archmax archiver directive, 1, 2

associative archiving, 1

attended directive, 1


automated library, 1

volume, 1

auditslot(1M) command, 1, 2

auto-cleaning, 1

automated library

ADIC/Grau, 1

auditing, 1

catalog, 1

cleaning, 1

daemons, 1

defined, 1

direct attached, 1

Fujitsu LMF, 1

historian, 1

IBM 3494, 1

IBM 3584, 1

importing and exporting, 1

network attached, 1

operation, 1


Sony 8400 PetaSite, 1

Sony network attached, 1

specifying recycling parameters, 1

StorageTek ACSLS-attached, 1

turning off, 1

turning on, 1

vendor-specific procedures, 1



for a cleaning cartridge, 1

bufsize archiver directive, 1, 2

bufsize stager directive, 1


capacity, 1, 2


cleaning, 1

exporting, 1, 2

importing, 1, 2

importing and exporting, 1

labeling, 1

loading, 1, 2

removing, 1

unloading, 1, 2

catalog, overview, 1

chmed(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

cleandrive(1M) command, 1

cleaning cartridges, 1

cleaning cycles, resetting, 1

cleaning tape drives, 1

continuous archiving, 1

crontab entry, recycler, 1

current data, 1, 2



automated library daemons, 1

sam-amld, 1

sam-archiverd, 1

samarchiverd, 1

sam-genericd, 1

sam-ibm3494d, 1

sam-robotsd, 1

sam-serverd, 1

sam-sonyd, 1

sam-stkd, 1


archiver, 1

defaults.conf file

attended directive, 1, 2

enabling the device log, 1

exported_media directive, 1, 2

device logging, 1

enabling, 1

events, 1

when to use, 1

devlog directive, 1

devlog file, 1


archiving, 1

disk archiving, 1

configuration, 1

directives, 1

enabling, 1

examples, 1

disk cache

release priority, 1

diskvols.conf file, 1

display_all_candidates releaser directive, 1

documentation, 1

-drivemax archiver directive, 1

-drivemin archiver directive, 1

drives archiver directive, 1

-drives archiver set parameter directive, 1

drives stager directive, 1

drives, cleaning, 1

DZC-8000S interface, 1


endparams archiver directive, 1

endvsnpools archiver directive, 1

error messages, for recycler, 1

error processing of stage requests, 1

examine archiver directive, 1

expired data, 1, 2

export(1M) command, 1

exported_media directive, 1

exporting media, overview, 1


file system

overview, 1

File System Manager

creating accounts, 1

managing remote servers, 1

overview, 1

files, setting attributes, 1

-fillvsns archive request parameter, 1

free space, 1, 2

fs archiver directive, 1

fs releaser directive, 1

Fujitsu LMF automated library operations, 1


-group archiver directive, 1


high water mark, 1

preview.cmd file directives, 1

with recycler, 1

historian, 1

hlwm_priority preview.cmd file directive, 1

-hwm recycler directive, 1

hwm_archive mount option, 1

hwm_priority preview.cmd file directive, 1


IBM 3494 automated library

operation, 1

IBM 3584 automated library

cleaning, 1

operation, 1

partitioning, 1

idle command, 1

ignore recycler directive, 1, 2

import(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

importing media, overview, 1

interval archiver directive, 1


-join path archiver directive, 1


labeling a cartridge, 1

lhwm_priority preview.cmd file directive, 1

library catalog

overview, 1

viewing, 1

library historian, 1

library recycler directive, 1


general information, 1

list_size releaser directive, 1

lmcpd interface, 1

load notification, enabling, 1 script, 1

loading media, 1

manually loaded drive, 1

-lock archiver directive, 1

log files

archiver, 1, 2

backing up, 1, 2

device logging, 1

enabling device logging, 1

managing the SEF log file, 1

recycler, 1, 2, 3

recycler error messages, 1

releaser, 1

SEF log file, 1

stager, 1

log sense pages, 1 script, 1

logfile archiver directive, 1

logfile recycler directive, 1

logfile releaser directive, 1

logfile stager directive, 1

low water mark

preview.cmd file directive, 1

lwm_priority preview.cmd file directive, 1



-mail recycler directive, 1

mailbox, 1

maxactive stager directive, 1

-maxsize archiver directive, 1

mcf file, 1

library historian, 1

SAM-Remote configuration, 1


errors, 1


loading, 1

moving, 1

unloading, 1

messages file, 1

metadata copies, 1

min_residence_age releaser directive, 1

-mingain recycler directive, 1

-minsize archiver directive, 1

mount(1M) command

partial release and stage options, 1

move(1M) command, 1, 2


-name archiver directive, 1

NFS file sharing, 1

-nftv archiver directive, 1

no_archive archive set, 1, 2

no_recycle recycler directive, 1, 2

no_release releaser directive, 1

no-data VSNs, 1

-norelease archiver directive, 1

notify archiver directive, 1


-o maxpartial mount option, 1

-o partial mount option, 1

-o partial_stage mount option, 1

odlabel(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

-offline_copy archiver directive, 1

ovflmin archiver directive, 1


params archiver directive, 1

partial release, 1

overview, 1

user options, 1

partially full VSNs, 1

pkginfo(1M) command, 1

-pool archiver directive, 1

preview queue, 1

preview requests

calculating priority, 1

configuration examples, 1

determining priority by age, 1

determining priority by the high and low water mark, 1

determining priority by VSN, 1

planning, 1

prioritizing, 1

water mark directives, 1

preview.cmd file, 1

age_priority directive, 1

directives, 1

hlwm_ priority directive, 1

hwm_ priority directive, 1

lhwm_ priority directive, 1

lwm_ priority directive, 1

setting priority, 1

vsn_priority directive, 1

-priority archiver directive, 1


rearch_no_release releaser directive, 1

rearchiving, 1, 2

-recycle_dataquantity archiver directive, 1

-recycle_hwm archiver directive, 1, 2

-recycle_ignore archiver directive, 1, 2, 3

-recycle_mailaddr archiver directive, 1

-recycle_mingain archiver directive, 1, 2

recycle_minopbs percent recycler directive, 1

-recycle_vsncount archiver directive, 1, 2


configuration, 1

crontab entry, 1

directives, 1

disk archive copies, 1

editing the archiver.cmd file, 1

forcing with the chmed(1M) command, 1

high water mark directive, 1

ignoring a library, 1

mail notification option, 1

methods, 1

minimum VSN gain directive, 1

overview, 1, 2

preventing recycling, 1

rearchiving disk archives, 1

recycler.cmd file example, 1 script, 1

specifying a log file, 1

specifying recycling for an automated library, 1

theory of operation, 1

recycler log file, 1, 2, 3

no-data VSNs, 1

partially full VSNs, 1

recycler.cmd file

configuring for SAM-Remote, 1, 2

creating, 1

example, 1

-hwm directive, 1

ignore directive, 1, 2

library directive, 1

logfile directive, 1

-mail directive, 1

-mingain directive, 1

no_recycle directive, 1

with SAM-Remote, 1 script, 1, 2

recycling directives, 1

recycling with Sun SAM-Remote, 1

regular expressions, 1

release and norelease directives, using together, 1

-release archiver directive, 1, 2

release(1) command, 1

partial release, 1


archiver.cmd file role, 1

candidate definition, 1

command file, 1

configuration, 1

directives, 1

file age, 1

fs directive, 1

log file, 1

manual operation, 1

overview, 1, 2

partial release, 1, 2

partial release options, 1

partial release, user options, 1

priority, 1

release priority directives, 1

theory of operation, 1

weight, 1

releaser.cmd file, 1, 2

display_all_candidates directive, 1

file age directives, 1

fs directive, 1

list_size directive, 1

logfile directive, 1

min_residence_age directive, 1

no_release directive, 1

rearch_no_release directive, 1

weight_age directive, 1

weight_age_access directive, 1

weight_age_modify directive, 1

weight_age_residence directive, 1

weight_size directive, 1

removable media

files, 1

starting, 1

stopping, 1


request(1) command, 1, 2

arguments, 1

-reserve archiver directive, 1



sam_release(3) library routines, 1

sam-amld daemon, 1

sam-archiverd daemon, 1, 2 - 3

sam-arcopy process, 1

log file, 1

sam-arfind process, 1, 2

log file, 1

samcmd(1M) command, 1

audit option, 1

idle option, 1, 2

load option, 1

off option, 1

on option, 1

unload option, 1, 2

samd(1M) command, 1

start option, 1, 2

stop option, 1

samexport(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

samfsdump(1M) command, 1

sam-genericd daemon, 1

sam-ibm3494d daemon, 1

sam-recycler(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


archiving, 1

catalog, 1

client and server interaction, 1

client configuration file, 1

client configuration overview, 1

configuration, 1

configuring recycling, 1

configuring recycling (method 2), 1

directives for recycling, 1

editing the archiver.cmd file to configure recycling, 1

editing the mcf file, 1 - ??

editing the recycler.cmd file, 1

enabling archiving, 1

example configuration, 1

installation, 1

library catalog, 1

limitations, 1

overview, 1

pseudo-device, 1

recycler client configuration, 1

recycler server configuration, 1

recycling, 1

requirements, 1

samu(1M) R display, 1

scheduling the recycler, 1

server configuration file, 1

server configuration overview, 1

technical overview, 1

sam-robotsd daemon, 1

sam-serverd daemon, 1

samset(1M) command

enabling the device log, 1

sam-sonyd daemon, 1

sam-stkd daemon, 1


arrun command, 1

R display, 1

s display, 1

v display, 1

SEF, 1

log file, 1

report output, 1

sysevent handler, 1

sefdata file, 1

sefreport(1M) command, 1

options, 1

segment(1) command, 1

segmented files, 1

archiving, 1

showqueue(1M) command, 1

showrev(1M) command, 1


documentation, 1

Sony 8400 PetaSite automated library

operation, 1

Sony network attached automated library

operations, 1

-stage archiver directive, 1


archive role in staging, 1

defined, 1

directives, 1

enforcing stager requests, 1

error processing, 1

log file fields, 1

logging activities, 1

overview, 1, 2

partial stage, 1

preview queue, 1

setting the number of stage requests, 1

setting the stage buffer size, 1

specifying the number of drives, 1

stager.cmd file, 1

bufsize directive, 1

creating, 1

drives directive, 1

example, 1

logfile directive, 1

maxactive directive, 1

standalone drive

loading media, 1

-startage archiver directive, 1

-startcount archiver directive, 1

-startsize archiver directive, 1

StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library

operations, 1

sysevent feature, 1

syseventadm(1M) command, 1

syseventd(1M) file, 1





with SEF, 1

tapeclean setting, 1

-tapenonstop archiver directive, 1

technical support, 1

tplabel(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


unarchiving, 1, 2

unloading media, 1

-user archiver directive, 1


volume overflow

examples, 1

file, 1

ovflmin archiver directive, 1


association directives, 1

minimum recycling gain, 1

pool directives, 1

pools, example, 1

using regular expressions, 1

VSN priority for preview requests, 1

vsn_priority preview.cmd directive, 1

vsnpools archiver directive, 1


wait archiver directive, 1

water mark preview request directives, 1

weight_age releaser directive, 1

weight_age_access releaser directive, 1

weight_age_modify releaser directive, 1

weight_age_residence releaser directive, 1

weight_size releaser directive, 1

wm_priority preview.cmd file directive, 1