
TABLE 1-1 small spaceAutomated Library Daemons

TABLE 1-2 small spaceFile System Manager Permission Levels

TABLE 2-1 small spaceArguments for samcmd(1M) load

TABLE 2-2 small spaceArguments for tplabel(1M)

TABLE 2-4 small spaceArguments for auditslot(1M)

TABLE 2-3 small spaceArguments for odlabel(1M)

TABLE 2-5 small spaceArguments for chmed(1M)

TABLE 2-7 small spaceArguments for auditslot(1M)

TABLE 2-6 small spaceArguments for chmed(1M)

TABLE 2-8 small spaceArguments for chmed(1M)

TABLE 2-9 small spaceArguments for samexport(1M)

TABLE 3-1 small spaceArchiver Log File Fields

TABLE 3-2 small spacearchiver.cmd File Directive Units

TABLE 3-3 small spaceArguments for the archmax Directive

TABLE 3-4 small spaceArguments for the bufsize Directive

TABLE 3-5 small spaceArguments for the drives Directive

TABLE 3-6 small spaceValues for the examine Directive's method Argument

TABLE 3-7 small spaceArguments for the ovflmin Directive

TABLE 3-8 small spaceArguments for the Archive Set Assignment Directive

TABLE 3-9 small space-access age Suffixes

TABLE 3-10 small space-minsize and -maxsize size Suffixes

TABLE 3-11 small spaceThe -release Directive Attributes

TABLE 3-12 small spaceThe -stage Directive's Attributes

TABLE 3-13 small spaceArguments for the Archive Set Copy Parameters

TABLE 3-14 small spaceArguments for the -drivemax, -drivemin, and -drives Directives

TABLE 3-15 small spaceArchive Set Example Split

TABLE 3-16 small spaceValues for the -offline_copy Directive's method Argument

TABLE 3-17 small spaceArchive Set Form Examples

TABLE 3-18 small spaceOwner Set Form Examples

TABLE 3-19 small spaceFile System Form Examples

TABLE 3-20 small spaceArchive Priorities

TABLE 3-21 small space Formats for the -startage, -startcount, and -startsize Directives

TABLE 3-22 small spaceArguments for the VSN Association Directive

TABLE 3-23 small spaceArguments for the VSN Pools Directive

TABLE 4-1 small spaceMount Options for Partial Release

TABLE 4-2 small spaceUser Release Options

TABLE 4-3 small spaceArchive Set Assignment Values for Releasing

TABLE 5-2 small spaceArguments for the bufsize Directive

TABLE 5-1 small spaceArguments for the drives Directive

TABLE 5-3 small spaceValues for the event Argument

TABLE 5-4 small spaceStager Log File Fields

TABLE 5-5 small spaceStaging Directives That can Appear archiver.cmd File

TABLE 5-6 small spaceWater Mark Priority Directives

TABLE 5-7 small spaceRequest Priority Example

TABLE 6-1 small spaceRecycling Methods and Media Types

TABLE 6-2 small spaceArguments for the no_recycle Directive

TABLE 6-3 small spaceLibrary Directive parameter Values

TABLE 6-4 small spaceArchive Set Recycling Directives

TABLE 7-1 small spaceThe samu(1M) R Display Flags

TABLE 8-1 small spaceArguments for the request(1) Command

TABLE A-1 small spaceArguments for the import(1M) Command

TABLE A-2 small spaceArguments for the samexport(1M) Command

TABLE A-3 small spaceArguments for the import(1M) Command

TABLE A-4 small spaceArguments for the samexport(1M) Command

TABLE A-5 small space Arguments for the move(1M) Command

TABLE A-6 small spaceArguments for the move(1M) Command

TABLE A-7 small spaceArguments for the import(1M) Command

TABLE A-8 small spaceArguments for the samexport(1M) Command

TABLE A-9 small spaceArguments for the import(1M) Command

TABLE A-10 small spaceArguments for the samexport(1M) Command