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Sun Blade Storage Module M2 Installation Guide
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Overview of the Sun Blade Storage Module M2

Terminology Used In This Document

Storage Module Features

Storage Module Components

Storage Module Operation Within the Blade Chassis

System Requirements

Storage Module Hardware Compatibility

Storage Module Software Compatibility

Installing the Storage Module Into the Chassis

How to Install the Storage Module

Storage Module Indicators

Storage Module Front Panel LEDs

Assigning and Managing Storage

Overview of Assigning Storage to Hosts

Overview of Storage Management Options


Storage Module Front Panel LEDs

The front panel of the storage module is shown below.

image:Figure showing a front view of the storage module with its LEDs
Figure Number
LED Name
Combined Locate button and LED (white)
This LED helps identify which module you are working on in a chassis full of servers.
  • Push and release this button to make the Locate LED blink for 30 minutes.

  • When the Locate LED is blinking, push and release this button to make the Locate LED stop blinking.

  • Hold down the button for 5 seconds to initiate a “push-to-test” mode that illuminates all other LEDs for 15 seconds.

  • This LED can also be made to blink from a remote system using the CMM ILOM. Refer to the Storage Module Sensors and Indicators in Sun Blade Storage Module M2 Administration Guide for details.

Indicator not applicable
  • Not used.
Module Fault LED (amber)
This LED has two states:
  • On: An event has been acknowledged, and service action is required. This could indicate a problem with the module.

  • Off: Normal operation.

Module Status LED (green)
This LED has three states:
  • On: Module is configured and online.

  • Off: Module is not configured or is offline.

  • Blinking: Module is configuring or a firmware flash update is in progress.

Disk Drive Activity LED (green)
This LED has three states:
  • On: Power is on and disk is online.

  • Off: Disk is offline.

  • Blinking: Irregular blinking means normal disk activity; steady, slow blink means RAID activity (such as a rebuild).

Disk Drive Fault/Locate LED (amber)
This LED has four states:
  • On: Disk fault. Service action required.

  • Off: Normal operation.

  • Slow blink: Disk failure predicted.

  • Fast blink: Locate function activated.

Disk Drive Ready-to-Remove LED (blue)
This LED has two states:
  • On: Read to remove.

  • Off: Normal operation.