C H A P T E R  2

Using the ILOM Preboot Menu

The ILOM preboot menu is a utility that can be used to fix problems with the ILOM that cannot be fixed while it is running. It allows you to interrupt the ILOM boot process, configure settings, then continue booting the ILOM. Among other things, it allows you to reset the ILOM root password to factory defaults, restore access to the serial port, and update the SP firmware.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Accessing the Preboot Menu

To access the preboot menu, you must boot the SP and interrupt the boot process.

There are two ways to interrupt the ILOM boot process: manually using the Locate button, or by typing xyzzy during a pause in the bootstrap process.

The first method requires you to have physical access to the server module. The second method can be done remotely. However:

Because the settings must be configured before you can access the preboot menu remotely, the first time you access the preboot menu, you must use the locate button to access the preboot menu, and configure the settings. This is described inUsing the edit Command and Configuring the Preboot Menu For Remote Access.

procedure icon  To Access the Preboot Menu

1. Connect a terminal or a computer running terminal emulation software to the dongle.

2. Reboot the ILOM using one of these methods:

-> reset /SP

-> reset /CH/BLx/SP

where x is the slot number of the node.

Note - If you are unable to access the ILOM, you can reboot the ILOM by using the CMM ILOM or by removing power from the server module.

The ILOM reboots, and messages begin scrolling on the screen.

3. Interrupt the ILOM boot process using one of these methods:

Booting linux in n seconds...

Note - You cannot interrupt the ILOM boot process by typing xyzzy until you have configured the settings as described in Using the edit Command and Configuring the Preboot Menu For Remote Access.

One of these settings sets the value of n, which is the amount of time in seconds that the system waits for your input.

The ILOM preboot menu appears as shown here.

Booting linux in 10 seconds... 
                        ILOM Pre-boot Menu 
Type "h" and [Enter] for a list of commands, or "?" [Enter] for 
command-line key bindings.  Type "h cmd" for summary of 'cmd' command. 
Warning: SP will warm-reset after 300 seconds of idle time. 
  Set 'bootretry' to -1 to disable the time-out. 

4. When you are done, type boot to exit the preboot menu and start the ILOM.

Using the edit Command and Configuring the Preboot Menu For Remote Access

This section shows how to use the edit command to change preboot menu settings. As an example, it also shows how to set the bootdelay and check_physical_presence settings so that you can interrupt the ILOM boot process using the xyzzy command.

Until the bootdelay and check_physical_presence settings are set to the values shown in this procedure, the only way to interrupt the ILOM boot process is to hold the Locate button down while the ILOM is booting.

TABLE 2-1 shows the settings that can be configured using the edit command.

procedure icon  To Use the edit Command and To Configure The Preboot Menu for Remote Access

1. Access the preboot menu as described in Accessing the Preboot Menu.

2. Type edit.

The preboot menu enters edit mode.

In edit mode, the preboot menu displays its selections one-by-one, offering you a chance to change each one.

3. Press Enter to move through the settings until the bootdelay setting appears.

4. To change the bootdelay setting, type 3, 10, or 30, and press Enter.

This specifies the number of seconds the SP boot process waits for your input.

The preboot menu redisplays the bootdelay setting with the new value.

5. Press Enter.

The next setting appears.

6. Press Enter to move through the settings until the check_physical_presence setting appears.

To change the check_physical_presence setting, type no, and then press Enter.

The preboot menu redisplays the check_physical_presence setting with the new value.

7. Press Enter.

The preboot menu ask you to confirm your changes.

Enter ‘y[es]’ to commit changes: [no]

8. Type y to exit the edit session and save your changes.

If you want to exit without saving your changes, type n.

The following display shows an edit session where the bootdelay and check_physical_presence settings are changed. See TABLE 2-1 for edit command settings:

Preboot> edit
Press Enter by itself to reach the next question.
  Press control-C to discard changes and quit.
 Values for baudrate are {[ 9600 ]| 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200 }.
  Set baudrate?                [9600]
 Values for serial_is_host are {[ 0 ]| 1 }.
  Set serial_is_host?          [0]
 Values for bootdelay are { -1 | 3 | 10 | 30 }.
  Set bootdelay?               [30] 10
  Set bootdelay?               [10]
 Values for bootretry are { -1 | 30 | 300 | 3000 }.
  Set bootretry?               [<not set>]
 Values for preferred are {[ 0 ]| 1 }.
  Set preferred?               [<not set>]
 Values for preserve_conf are {[ yes ]| no }.
  Set preserve_conf?           [yes]
 Values for preserve_users are {[ yes ]| no }.
  Set preserve_users?          [no]
 Values for preserve_password are {[ yes ]| no }.
  Set preserve_password?       [yes]
 Values for check_physical_presence are {[ yes ]| no }.
  Set check_physical_presence? [no] no
  Set check_physical_presence? [no]
 Enter 'y[es]' to commit changes: [no] y
Summary: Changed 2 settings.


TABLE 2-1 edit Command Settings




Sets the baud rate of the serial port. Selections include 9600,19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.


If this is set to 0, the serial port connects to the ILOM. If this is set to 1, the serial port connects to the host. For more details, see Restoring ILOM Access to the Serial Console.


The number of seconds the bootstrap process waits for the user to enter xyzzy before booting the SP.


The number of seconds the preboot menu waits for user input before timing out and starting the SP. Set to -1 to disable the timeout.




Setting this to no duplicates the function of the unconfig ilom_conf command, which resets many ILOM configuration settings, but preserves SP network, baudrate, and check_physical_presence the next time the SP is booted.


Setting this to no duplicates the function of the unconfig users command, which resets user information to the default value next time the SP is booted.


Setting this to no duplicates the function of the unconfig password command, which resets the root password to the default next time the SP is booted.


If this is set to Yes, you must press and hold the Locate button to interrupt the SP boot process. If it is set to No, the boot process prompts you to interrupt it. See Using the edit Command and Configuring the Preboot Menu For Remote Access for details.

Resetting the Root Password to the Factory Default

If you forget the root password, you can use the preboot menu to reset it to the factory default, changeme.

procedure icon  To Reset the Root Password to the Factory Default

1. Access the preboot menu as described in Accessing the Preboot Menu.

2. Type the command:

Preboot> unconfig password

Setting ‘preserve_password’ to ‘no’ for the next boot of ILOM.

3. Reboot the SP. Type the command:

Preboot> boot

The preboot menu exits and the SP boots. The root password is set to changeme when the SP is finished booting.

Restoring ILOM Access to the Serial Console

This section describes how to use the preboot menu to restore access to the ILOM serial console. This is necessary if the serial console is configured to connect to the host, and a network connection to the ILOM is unavailable.

The serial port can be configured to connect to the ILOM or to the host. The ILOM is the default.

You can change this setting using the ILOM or the preboot menu

procedure icon  To Use the Preboot Menu to Restore Access to the Serial Console

1. Access the preboot menu as described in Accessing the Preboot Menu.

2. Type edit.

The preboot menu enters edit mode.

In edit mode, the preboot menu displays its selections one-by-one, offering you a chance to change each one.

3. Press Enter to move through the settings until the serial_is_host setting appears.

To change the serial_is_host setting, type 0, and then press Enter.

The preboot menu redisplays the serial_is_host setting with the new value.

4. Press Enter.

The next setting appears.

5. Press Enter to scroll through the settings until the preboot menu asks you to confirm your changes.

Enter ‘y[es]’ to commit changes: [no]

6. Type y to confirm your change.

The preboot menu displays this message:

Summary: Changed 1 settings.

Recovering the SP Firmware Image

The preboot menu provides the ability to recover the ILOM firmware image by updating (flashing) the SP firmware.

Normally, you can update the SP using the ILOM CLI or the web interface. See the Addendum to the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide or the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide for details.

If you are unable to access the ILOM to update the firmware, you can use this procedure to update it using the preboot menu.


You must have a valid .flash firmware image file on a tftp server. This file is available on the tools and drivers DVD, and on the Sun download site:


Note - Updating the SP firmware using the preboot menu requires a .flash file instead of the .pkg file used to update the SP from the ILOM.

procedure icon  To Recover the SP Firmware Image

1. Access the preboot menu as described in Accessing the Preboot Menu.

2. Enter the command:

net flash IPaddress path/name.flash


IPaddress is the IP address of a tftp server

path is the path to the file relative to /tftpboot

name is the first part of the .flash file filename

For example:

Preboot> net flash images/system-rom.flash

After a series of messages, the preboot prompt appears.


3. Use the reset command to restart the SP.

Preboot> reset

The preboot menu exits and the ILOM boots.

Preboot Menu Command Summary

The preboot menu includes the following commands.

TABLE 2-2 Preboot Menu Commands




Boots the ILOM. The preboot menu exits and the ILOM boots.

Note - This command executes a modified boot sequence that does not offer the choice to select the diagnostic level, or to interrupt the boot sequence and return to the preboot menu. To execute the normal boot sequence, use the reset warm command instead.


Displays version information including the hardware type, board rev, ILOM rev, revisions of PBSW and recovery U-Boot. Shows the checksum integrity of the images, and the preference between redundant images.


Displays a list of commands and parameters.


Displays a list of SP settings.


Starts an interactive dialog that prompts and changes settings one-by-one. See Using the edit Command and Configuring the Preboot Menu For Remote Access for details.


Runs the U-boot diagnostic tests in manual mode. See the Sun Blade X6275 Diagnostics Guide for more on U-boot diagnostic tests.


Initiates various activities related to the host.

  • clearcmos - Clears CMOS and BIOS passwords.
  • console - Connects SP console to host serial console.

Note - Type Ctrl \ q to quit.

  • show - Shows information about the host state.
  • enable-on - Enables the front-panel power button, which is usually disabled unless the ILOM is running.

Caution - If you start the host when the ILOM is off, the BIOS does not send error events, or power messages to the SP. This can cause all server modules to lose power.

  • hard-off - Turns the host off.


{ config | dhcp | ping | flash }

  • config - Starts a dialog that allows you to change the ILOM’s network settings.
  • dhcp - Changes the network addressing from static to dhcp.

Note - You must set ipdiscovery = dhcp using the net config command first.

Type help net command for more details on these commands.


{[ warm ]| cold }. Resets the SP and the host.

  • warm - Resets the SP without affecting a running host.
  • cold - Resets the SP and the host. It has the effect of powering off the server module.


{ users | ilom_conf | most | all }

Causes the ILOM to erase any configuration information and return the values to defaults the next time it boots.

  • users - Resets all configured user information.
  • password - Resets the ILOM root password to the default. See Resetting the Root Password to the Factory Default for more details.
  • ilom_conf - Resets configuration settings but preserves SP network and baudrate, preferred, and check_physical_presence.
  • most resets the SP data storage, but preserves network and baudrate, preferred, and check_physical_presence settings.
  • all - Resets all SP data storage and settings.

Booting the ILOM restores other defaults.

Note - None of these options erases the dynamic FRU PROMs.