C H A P T E R  1


This manual describes ILOM as implemented for the Sun Blade X6275 server module.

This chapter consists of the following sections.

Additional information is provided in the following chapters:

Overview of the ILOM on the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module

The Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) is system management firmware that allows you to manage your Sun server when the host system is powered down. This is possible because the ILOM runs on a separate Service Processor (SP) that is powered by the host system’s standby power.

The following interfaces provide network access to the ILOM:

Note - In order to establish a serial connection to the ILOM, you must connect a dongle to a management connector on the front of the module. Refer to the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module Service Manual (820-6849) for more information.

The ILOM also supports remote access to the host’s system console through a remote keyboard video and mouse (RKVM). Real and virtual optical and floppy drives can be redirected on the network. This allows a remote user to perform most maintenance operations, including installing an operating system.

The server module’s ILOM can also be accessed through the chassis ILOM, which is called the Chassis Management Module (CMM).

Note - The Sun Blade Chassis CMM (Chassis Management Module) must be upgraded to ILOM to work properly with this release. Supported CMM ILOM versions are:

CMM ILOM only for ILOM 2.0 This version supports the Sun Blade 6048 Modular System.
CMM ILOM or later for ILOM 3.0 This version supports both the Sun Blade 6000 Modular System and the Sun Blade 6048 Modular System.

ILOM Features Not Supported

Not all common ILOM features are supported on every platform. On the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module, the following features are not supported:

All other features are supported. However, some features have been enhanced, and others have been added. These are described in Platform-Specific ILOM Features.

Platform-Specific ILOM Features

The Sun Blade X6275 server module has some unique features, and the ILOM has been modified to support them.

The following sections and chapters describe the features that are modified or added to the ILOM for the Sun Blade X6275 server module:

Dual-Node Identification

Note - Some of the features described in this section require that the chassis’s CMM be running ILOM or later. Supported CMM ILOM versions are:

CMM ILOM only for ILOM 2.0 This version supports the Sun Blade 6048 Modular System.
CMM ILOM or later for ILOM 3.0 This version supports both the Sun Blade 6500 Modular System and the Sun Blade 6048 Modular System.

A single Sun Blade X6275 server module contains two complete systems, each referred to as a node. Each node is individually represented beneath the blade, where the blade is addressed by the slot number.

To handle this, the CMM ILOM displays each node as if there are two separate server modules.

For example, the server modules in slot number 6 are displayed as follows:

Note - The slot addressing for each node described above is used by the CMM ILOM only. The server module ILOM displays the actual slot number in all instances, for both nodes.

Web Interface

You can access the web interface for either ILOM by entering the Service Processor’s network address in a browser address bar. Alternately, you can use the CMM network address to access the CMM ILOM, which also provides access to individual blade ILOM web interfaces.

FIGURE 1-1 shows the web interface of a CMM ILOM provisioned with Sun Blade X6275 server modules.

To access the ILOM web interface for an individual server module, click on the server module name in the left-hand frame, or click on the graphic representing the server module in the right-hand frame. In the case of a Sun Blade X6275 server module, click on the upper half of the graphic to access node 0, and click on the lower half of the graphic to access node 1.

FIGURE 1-1 CMM ILOM Web Interface Showing 2-Node Blades

Picture showing CMM ILOM Chassis View with Sun Blade X6275 server modules.

Clearing Server Faults

Information about clearing faults after the replacement of a faulted component appears in the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module Diagnostics Guide, (820-6850) and the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Feature Updates and Release Notes (820-7239).

Power Management Metrics

This section describes the differences between power management metrics in the common ILOM and in the Sun Blade X6275 server module ILOM.

For additional information about the common power management metrics provided for all Sun servers, see The ILOM 3.0 Documentation Collection at:


Power Management Metrics in the Common ILOM Version

The power management function in ILOM 3.0 enables you to monitor power consumption metrics from the command-line interface (CLI) or web interface. The following power management metrics are common to all Sun servers:

For examples of these common power management metrics provided in ILOM 3.0, see the web interface example shown in FIGURE 1-2 Power Allocation Metrics - ILOM Web Interface.

FIGURE 1-2 Power Allocation Metrics - ILOM Web Interface

Power allocation metrics for the ILOM Web Interface


Switching Serial Port Output Between SP and Host Console

You can switch the serial port output of the server module between the SP console and the host console. By default, the SP console is connected to the system serial port. This feature allows you to view non-ASCII character traffic from the host console.

You can switch serial port output using either the web interface or the CLI. For instructions, see the following sections:

caution icon Caution - Set up the network on the SP before attempting to switch the serial port owner to the host server. If a network is not set up, and you switch the serial port owner to the host server, you will be unable to connect via the CLI interface or web interface to change the serial port owner back to the SP. To change the serial port owner back to the SP, you must perform the procedures in Restoring ILOM Access to the Serial Console.

procedure icon  To Switch Serial Port Output Using the Web Interface

1. Open a browser and enter the IP address of the server.

The ILOM web interface login page appears.

2. Log in to ILOM using the root account.

The default password for the root account is changeme.

The ILOM web interface appears.

3. Select Configuration right arrow Serial Port.

The Serial Port Settings page appears.

FIGURE 1-3 Serial Port Settings Page

Screenshot of the serial port settings page

4. To select a serial port owner, click the Owner drop-down list and select the desired serial port owner.

The drop-down list allows you to select either Service Processor or Host Server.

By default, Service Processor is selected.

5. Click Save.

procedure icon  To Switch Serial Port Output Using the CLI

1. Log in to ILOM. Open a terminal window and type:

$ ssh root@serveripaddress

Password: password

The default password for the root account is changeme.

The ILOM CLI prompt appears (->).

2. To set the serial port owner, type:

-> set /SP/serial/portsharing/owner=selection

where selection is:

host for the host server

SP for the service processor

By default, owner=SP.

Enabling and Disabling the Sun Cooling Door

A policy has been added to the CMM to support the Sun Cooling Door that might be used with your chassis.

Sun supports two types of cooling doors, Sun Cooling Door 5200, and Sun Cooling Door 5600. This section applies to both.

To configure the Sun Cooling Door policy using the web interface, see To Configure the Sun Cooling Door Policy Using the Web Interface.

To configure the Sun Cooling Door policy using the CLI, see To Configure the Sun Cooling Door Policy Using the CLI.

procedure icon  To Configure the Sun Cooling Door Policy Using the Web Interface

1. Open a browser and enter the IP address of the server.

The ILOM web interface login page appears.

2. Log in to ILOM using the root account.

The default password for the root account is changeme.

The ILOM web interface appears.

3. Select Configuration right arrow Policy.

The Policy Configuration page appears.

FIGURE 1-4 Policy Configuration Page

Screenshot of the policy configuration page

4. Click the radio button next to Sun Cooling Door Installed.

The status changes to indicate your selection.

procedure icon  To Configure the Sun Cooling Door Policy Using the CLI

1. Log in to ILOM. Open a terminal window and type:

$ ssh root@serveripaddress

Password: password

The default password for the root account is changeme.

The ILOM CLI prompt appears (->).

2. Enter the command:

-> set /CMM/policy/COOLING_DOOR_INSTALLED=selection

where selection:

enabled if your chassis has a cooling door

disabled if your chassis does not have a cooling door

The following display shows the policy settings with the cooling door disabled:

-> cd /CMM/policy
-> show
        COOLING_DOOR_INSTALLED = disabled
        MONITOR_PS0_SIDE0 = enabled
        MONITOR_PS0_SIDE1 = enabled
        MONITOR_PS0_SIDE2 = enabled
        MONITOR_PS1_SIDE0 = enabled
        MONITOR_PS1_SIDE1 = enabled
        MONITOR_PS1_SIDE2 = enabled