SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

sptest Error Messages

Table 34-6 sptest Error Messages


Error Message 

Probable Cause(s) 

Recommended Action 


data miscompare, cnt = number, exp = value, obs = value, receive device = name, source device = name, baud rate = value

System load too heavy for selected baud rate. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection defective. 

Lower the baud rate. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

Check loopback connection. 

System software error. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: packet read failed, error = error_message, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: packet write failed, error = error_message, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Device 'device_name' not responding. No data detected after number seconds. Received number bytes out of number sent. Baud rate = number

System load too heavy for selected baud rate. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Lower the baud rate. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

Check the loopback connection. 

System software error. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: expected text got text




Incomplete write on Port name, len number should be number, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


Incomplete read on Port name, len number should be number, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for writing after number seconds, speed = number

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


packet data miscompare, cnt = number exp = value, obs = value, device = name, speed = number

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for reading after number seconds, no data available, speed = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error. 


name: port not ready for writing after number seconds, wrote number bytes out of number. Baud rate = number

System load too heavy. 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective. 

Check loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware. 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Test Type a_to_b is not allowed on Quick Test!




name: open() failed, error = error_message




Invalid Data Type: I=text




name: poll() error, (revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) = value




Siemens serial device (se) does not support synchronous internal loopback test




Invalid port parameter: name




Invalid device name 'name', must specify either zsX or seX, where X is the first instance number of a device pair (ex., zs0)




Failed ioctl name, device = name, error = error_message




name: Not able to push Tty compatibility STREAMS module




Invalid Test Type: T=name




Invalid Mode: M=name




name device does not exist




Invalid baud_rate: number




write() to name failed: error_message, baud rate = number




read() to name failed: error_message, baud rate = number




Invalid size, requested = number bytes, min = number, max number




Could not open name after waiting number seconds

Another process is using the port 

Stop other process using the port. 

Port is hung 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

Bad serial port hardware 

System software error 


name: No valid packets returned after number attempts, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Timeout too short 

Increase Sync_Poll_Count from pop menu.

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Check the loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


printdlprim: unsupported primitive type value




stringtoaddr: invalid input string: text




dlinfoack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlinfoack: DL_INFO_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlokack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlokack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlerrorack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlerrorack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




dlbindack: response ctl.len too short: number




dlbindack: DL_OK_ACK was not M_PCPROTO




sigalrm: TIMEOUT




invalid packet length: number




name: poll() failed, error = error_message

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error 


Failed I_STR ioctl, cmd = name, device = name, error = error_message




name: No packets sent, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

No transmit clock present 

Reduce the system load. 

System load too heavy 

Increase Sync_Poll_Count from the pop menu.

Timeout too short 

Check the loopback connection. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

Bad serial port hardware 

System software error 


Sporadic packets detected on name. The port must be quiescent before running test

Another process is generating activity on the port 

Stop other process using the port. 

Bad serial port hardware 

Stop other process using the port. 

System software error 


syncinit: name missing minor device number




Test requires local or remote modem loopback (external data loop, external clocking)




name loopback type not allowed on Connection test




name loopback type not allowed on online mode




Invalid baud rate for device name, select between number and number




name internal loopback test not allowed on name device




Thread creation failed, error_message




name: At least number packets dropped (tolerance = number), last error = error_message. Wrote number packets, read number packets. Device statistics shows number packets sent and number packets received. number packets dropped in outbound queueing, number packets dropped in inbound queueing

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Increase the drop tolerance option. 

Bad serial port hardware 

Check the loopback connection. 

System software error 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 


name: number bad packets received, last error = error_message, wrote number packets, read number packets, device accounting shows number packets sent and number packets received

System load too heavy 

Reduce the system load. 

Loopback connection missing or defective 

Check the loopback connection. 

Bad serial port hardware 

If the problem persists, contact your authorized Sun service provider. 

System software error