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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator's Guide

Chapter 12
Deploying Applications

This chapter describes how to deploy various Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition modules and applications.

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition modules and applications include J2EE standard elements and Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition specific elements. Only Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition specific elements are described in detail in this chapter.

To know about packaging and assembling modules and applications for deployment, see the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

This chapter includes the following topics:

About J2EE Modules

A J2EE module is a collection of one or more J2EE components of the same container type with deployment descriptors of that type. One descriptor is J2EE standard, the other is Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition specific. Types of J2EE modules are as follows:

Package definitions must be used in the source code of all modules so the classloader can properly locate the classes after the modules have been deployed.

Because the information in a deployment descriptor is declarative, it can be changed without requiring modifications to source code. At run time, the J2EE server reads this information and acts accordingly.

EJB JAR and Web modules can also be assembled as separate .jar or .war files and deployed separately, outside of any application, as in the following figure.

About J2EE Applications

A J2EE application is a logical collection of one or more J2EE modules tied together by application deployment descriptors. Components can be assembled at either the module or the application level. Components can also be deployed at either the module or the application level.

Components are assembled into modules and then assembled into a Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition application .ear file ready for deployment.

Each module has a Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition deployment descriptor and a J2EE deployment descriptor. The Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administration interface uses the deployment descriptors to deploy the application components and to register the resources with the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition.

An application consists of one or more modules, an optional Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition deployment descriptor, and a required J2EE application deployment descriptor. All items are assembled, using the Java ARchive (.jar) file format, into one file with an extension of .ear.

J2EE Standard Descriptors

The J2EE platform provides assembly and deployment facilities. These facilities use JAR files as the standard package for components and applications, and XML-based deployment descriptors for customizing parameters. For more information on the J2EE assembly and deployment process, see Developing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE, v 1.0, Chapter 7.

The J2EE standard deployment descriptors are described in the J2EE specification, v1.3.

To check the correctness of these deployment descriptors prior to deployment, see the information on the deployment descriptor verifier in the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

The following table, "J2EE Standard Descriptors," shows where to find more information about J2EE standard deployment descriptors. The left column lists the deployment descriptors, and the right column lists where to find more information about those descriptors.

Table 12-1  J2EE Standard Descriptors

Deployment Descriptor

Where to Find More Information


Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Specification, v1.3, Chapter 8, “Application Assembly and Deployment - J2EE:application XML DTD”


Java Servlet Specification, v2.3 Chapter 13, “Deployment Descriptor,” and JavaServer Pages Specification, v1.2, Chapter 7, “JSP Pages as XML Documents,” and Chapter 5, “Tag Extensions”


Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.0, Chapter 16, “Deployment Descriptor”


Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Specification, v1.3, Chapter 9, “Application Clients - J2EE:application-client XML DTD”


Java 2 Enterprise Edition, J2EE Connector Architecture Specification, v1.0, Chapter 10, “Packaging and Deployment.”

You can find specifications here:

Sun ONE Application Server Descriptors

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition uses additional deployment descriptors for configuring features specific to the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition. These are optional except for the sun-ra.xml file, which is required for a connector module.

To check the correctness of these deployment descriptors prior to deployment, see the information on the deployment descriptor verifier in the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

The following table, "Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Descriptors," shows where to find more information about Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition deployment descriptors. The left column lists the deployment descriptors, and the right column lists where to find more information about those descriptors.

Table 12-2  Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Descriptors

Deployment Descriptor

Where to Find More Information


"The Application Deployment Descriptor Files".


Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide to Web Applications

sun-ejb-jar.xml and sun-cmp-mapping.xml

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide to Enterprise Java Beans

sun-application-client.xml and sun-acc.xml

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide to Clients


Sun ONE J2EE CA Service Provider Implementation Administrator’s Guide


The Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition deployment descriptors must have 600 level access privileges on UNIX systems.

The DTD schema files for all the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition deployment descriptors are located in the install_dir/appserv/lib/dtds directory.

Naming Standards

Names of applications and individually deployed EJB JAR, WAR, and connector RAR modules (as specified by the name attributes in the server.xml file) must be unique in the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition. If you do not explicitly specify a name, the default name is the first portion of the file name (without the .war or .jar extension). For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Modules of different types can have the same name within an application, because when the application is deployed, the directories holding the individual modules are named with _jar, _war and _rar suffixes. Modules of the same type within an application must have unique names. In addition, database schema file names must be unique within an application.

Using a Java package-like naming scheme is recommended for module filenames, EAR filenames, module names as found in the <module-name> portion of the ejb-jar.xml files, and EJB names as found in the <ejb-name> portion of the ejb-jar.xml files. The use of this package-like naming scheme ensures that name collisions do not occur. The benefits of this naming practice apply not only to the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition, but to other J2EE application servers as well.

JNDI lookup names for EJBs must also be unique. Here too, establishing a consistent naming convention may help. For example, appending the application name and the module name to the EJB name would be one way to guarantee unique names. In this case, mycompany.pkging.pkgingEJB.MyEJB would be the JNDI name for an EJB in the module pkgingEJB.jar, which is packaged in the application pkging.ear.

Make sure your package and file names do not contain spaces or characters that are illegal for your operating system.

Deployment Directory Structure

When you deploy an application, the directories holding the individual modules are named with _jar, _war and _rar suffixes. If you use the asadmin deploydir command to deploy a directory instead of an EAR file, your directory structure must follow this convention.

Module and application directory structures follow the structure outlined in the J2EE specification.

Here is an example directory structure of a simple application containing a web module, an EJB module, and a client module.

+ converter_1/

|--- converterClient.jar

|--+ META-INF/


|  |--- application.xml

|  '--- sun-application.xml

|--+ war-ic_war/

|  |--- index.jsp

|  |--+ META-INF/

|  |  |--- MANIFEST.MF

|  '--+ WEB-INF/

|     |--- web.xml

|     '--- sun-web.xml

|--+ ejb-jar-ic_jar/

|  |--- Converter.class

|  |--- ConverterBean.class

|  |--- ConverterHome.class

|  '--+ META-INF/

|     |--- MANIFEST.MF

|     |--- ejb-jar.xml

|     '--- sun-ejb-jar.xml

'--+ app-client-ic_jar/

   |--- ConverterClient.class

   '--+ META-INF/

      |--- MANIFEST.MF

      |--- application-client.xml

      '--- sun-application-client.xml

Here is an example directory structure of an individually deployed connector module.

+ MyConnector/

|--- readme.html

|--- ra.jar

|--- client.jar

|--- win.dll


'--+ META-INF/


   |--- ra.xml

   '--- sun-ra.xml

Runtime Environments

Whether you deploy a component as an individually deployed module or as an application, deployment affects both the file system and the server configuration. See the "Module Runtime Environment" and "Application Runtime Environment" figures.

Module Runtime Environment

The following figure,"Module Runtime Environment," illustrates the environment for individually deployed module-based deployment.

Figure 12-1  Module Runtime Environment

Figure shows the module runtime environment.

For file system entries, modules are extracted as follows:


The generated/ejb directory contains stubs and ties; the generated/jsp directory contains compiled JSPs.

Lifecycle modules are extracted as follows:


Configuration entries are added in server.xml as follows:

      ...module configuration...

The type of the module in server.xml can be lifecycle, ejb, web, or connector. For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Application Runtime Environment

The following figure, "Application Runtime Environment," illustrates the environment for application-based deployment.

Figure 12-2  Application Runtime Environment

Figure shows the application runtime environment.

For file system entries, applications are extracted as follows:


The generated/ejb directory contains stubs and ties; the generated/jsp directory contains compiled JSPs.

Configuration entries are added in server.xml as follows:

      ...application configuration...

For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

About Classloaders

Understanding Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition classloaders can help you determine where and how you can position supporting JAR and resource files for your modules and applications.

In a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the classloaders dynamically load a specific java class file needed for resolving a dependency. For example, when an instance of java.util.Enumeration needs to be created, one of the classloaders loads the relevant class into the environment. For a more detailed discussion on Classloaders, see the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

Deploying Modules and Applications

This section describes the different ways to deploy J2EE applications and modules to the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition. It covers the following topics:

Deployment Names and Errors

A unique name is generated in the server.xml file when you deploy an application or module. Do not change this name. During deployment, the server detects any name collisions and does not load an application or module having a non-unique name. Messages are sent to the server log when this happens. For more about naming, see "Naming Standards".

If an error occurs during deployment, the application or module is not deployed. If a module within an application contains an error, the entire application is not deployed.

For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

The Deployment Life Cycle

After an application is initially deployed, it may be modified and reloaded, redeployed, disabled, reenabled, and finally undeployed (removed from the server). This section covers the following topics related to the deployment life cycle:

Dynamic Deployment

You can deploy, redeploy, and undeploy an application or module without restarting the server. This is called dynamic deployment.

Although primarily for developers, dynamic deployment can be used in operational environments to bring new applications and modules online without requiring a server restart. Whenever a redeployment is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid. The client must restart the session.

Disabling a Deployed Application or Module

You can disable a deployed application or module without removing it from the server. Each application and module has an enabled attribute in the server.xml file and a corresponding option in the Administration interface, which you can change. For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Dynamic Reloading

If dynamic reloading is enabled, you do not have to redeploy an application or module when you change its code. All you have to do is copy the changed class files into the deployment directory for the application or module. The server checks for changes periodically and redeploys the application, automatically and dynamically, with the changes.

This is useful in a development environment, because it allows code changes to be tested quickly. Dynamic reloading is not recommended for a production environment, however, because it may degrade performance. In addition, whenever a reload is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid. The client must restart the session.

To enable dynamic reloading, you can do one of the following:

In addition, to load new servlet files, reload EJB related changes, or reload deployment descriptor changes, you must do the following:

  1. Create an empty file named .reload at the root of the deployed application:
  2. instance_dir/applications/j2ee-apps/app_name/.reload

  1. Explicitly update the .reload file’s timestamp (touch .reload in UNIX) each time you make the above changes.

For JSPs, changes are reloaded automatically at a frequency set in the reload-interval property of the jsp-config element in the sun-web.xml file. To disable dynamic reloading of JSPs, set reload-interval="-1".

Tools for Deployment

This section discusses the various tools that can be used to deploy modules and applications. The deployment tools include:

The asadmin Utility

You can use the asadmin utility to deploy or undeploy applications and individually deployed modules on local servers. Concurrent deployment on multiple machines is not supported. This section describes the asadmin utility only briefly.

To deploy a lifecycle module, see "Deploying a Lifecycle Module".

asadmin deploy

The asadmin deploy command deploys a WAR, JAR, RAR, or EAR file. To deploy an application, specify --type application in the command. To deploy an individual module, specify --type ejb, web, connector. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin deploy --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] [--secure | -s] [--virtualservers virtual_servers] [--type application|ejb|web|connector] [--contextroot contextroot] [--force=true] [--precompilejsp=false] [--name component_name] [--upload=true] [--retrieve local_dirpath] [--instance instance_name] filepath

For example, the following command deploys an individual EJB module:

asadmin deploy --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 --type ejb --instance server1 packagingEJB.jar

asadmin deploydir

The asadmin deploydir command deploys an application or module in an open directory structure. The structure must be as specified in "Deployment Directory Structure". The location of the dirpath under instance_dir/applications/j2ee-apps or instance_dir/applications/j2ee-modules determines whether it is an application or individually deployed module. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin deploydir --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] [--secure | -s] [--virtualservers virtual_servers] [--type application|ejb|web|connector] [--contextroot contextroot] [--force=true] [--precompilejsp=false] [--name component_name] [--instance instance_name] dirpath

For example, the following command deploys an individual EJB module:

asadmin deploydir --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 --type ejb --instance server1 packagingEJB

asadmin undeploy

The asadmin undeploy command undeploys an application or module. To undeploy an application, specify --type app in the command. To undeploy a module, specify --type ejb, web, or connector. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin undeploy --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] [--secure | -s] [--type application|ejb|web|connector] [--instance instance_name] component_name

For example, the following command undeploys an individual EJB module:

asadmin undeploy --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 --type ejb --instance server1 packagingEJB

The Administration Interface

You can use the Administration interface to deploy modules and applications to both local and remote Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition sites. To use this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Applications component under your server instance.
  2. Go to the Enterprise Applications, Web Applications, Connector Modules, or EJB Modules page.
  3. Click on the Deploy button.
  4. Enter the full path to the module or application (or click on Browse to find it), then click on the OK button.
  5. Enter the module or application name.
  6. You can also redeploy the module or application if it already exists by checking the appropriate box. This is optional.

  7. Assign the application or module to one or more virtual servers by checking the boxes next to the virtual server names.
  8. Click on the OK button.

To deploy a lifecycle module, see "Deploying a Lifecycle Module".

Sun ONE Studio

You can use Sun ONE Studio 4 to deploy J2EE applications and modules. For more information about using Sun ONE Studio, see the Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition Tutorial.


In Sun ONE Studio, deploying a module or application is referred to as executing it. Execution also includes making sure the server is running and displaying the correct URL to activate the module or application.

Deployment of Module or Application

You can deploy applications or individual modules that are independent of applications. The runtime and file system implications of application-based or individual module-based deployment are described in "Runtime Environments".

Individual module-based deployment is preferable when components need to be accessed by:

Modules can be combined into an EAR file and then deployed as a single module. This is similar to deploying the modules of the EAR independently.

Deploying a WAR Module

You deploy a WAR module in one of the ways described in "Tools for Deployment".

You can keep the generated source for JSPs by adding the -keepgenerated property to the jsp-config element in sun-web.xml. If you include this property when you deploy the WAR module, the generated source is kept in instance_dir/generated/jsp/j2ee-apps/app_name/module_name if it is in an application or instance_dir/generated/jsp/j2ee-modules/module_name if it is in an individually deployed web module. For more information about the -keepgenerated property, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide to Web Applications.

Deploying an EJB JAR Module

You deploy an EJB JAR module in one of the ways described in "Tools for Deployment".

You can keep the generated source for stubs and ties by adding the -keepgenerated flag to the rmic-options attribute of the java-config element in server.xml. If you include this flag when you deploy the EJB JAR module, the generated source is kept in instance_dir/generated/ejb/j2ee-apps/app_name/module_name if it is in an application or instance_dir/generated/ejb/j2ee-modules/module_name if it is in an individually deployed EJB JAR module. For more information about the -keepgenerated flag, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Deploying a Lifecycle Module

For general information about lifecycle modules, see the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

You can deploy a lifecycle module using the following tools:

The asadmin Utility

To deploy a lifecycle module, use the asadmin create-lifecycle-module command. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin create-lifecycle-module --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] [--secure | -s] [--instance instance_name] --classname classname [--classpath classpath] [--loadorder load_order_number] [--failurefatal=false] [--enabled=true] [--description text_description] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] modulename

For example:

asadmin create-lifecycle-module --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 --instance server1 --classname RMIServer MyRMIServer

To undeploy a lifecycle module, use the asadmin delete-lifecycle-module command. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin delete-lifecycle-module --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] [--secure | -s] [--instance instance_name] module_name

For example:

asadmin delete-lifecycle-module --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 --instance server1 MyRMIServer

To list the lifecycle modules that are deployed on a server instance, use the asadmin list-lifecycle-modules command. The syntax is as follows, with defaults shown for optional parameters that have them:

asadmin list-lifecycle-modules --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [-port 4848] instance_name

For example:

asadmin list-lifecycle-module --user jadams --password secret --host localhost --port 4848 server1

The Administration Interface

You can also use the Administration interface to deploy a lifecycle module. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Applications component under your server instance.
  2. Go to the Life Cycle Modules page.
  3. Click on the Deploy button.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Name (required) - The name of the life cycle module.
    • Class Name (required) - The fully qualified name of the life cycle module’s class file.
    • Classpath (optional) - The classpath for the life cycle module. Specifies where the module is located. The default location is under the application root directory.
    • Load Order (optional) - Determines the order in which life cycle modules are loaded at startup. Modules with smaller integer values are loaded sooner. Values can range from 101 to the operating system’s MAXINT. Values from 1 to 100 are reserved.
    • Failure Fatal (optional) - Determines whether the server is shut down if the life cycle module fails. The default is false.
    • Enable (optional) - Determines whether the life cycle module is enabled. The default is true.
  5. Click on the OK button.

Deploying an RMI/IIOP Client

Deployment is only necessary for clients that communicate with EJBs. Deploying an RMI/IIOP client is a three-step process:

  1. Deploy the EAR or EJB JAR to be accessed by the RMI/IIOP client.
  2. Assemble the necessary client files and deploy the client.
  3. After deployment, a client JAR file is created in the following location for an application:
  4. instance_dir/applications/j2ee-apps/app_name/app_nameClient.jar

    or in the following location for an individually deployed module:


    The client JAR contains the ties and necessary classes for the RMI/IIOP client. Copy this file to the client machine, and set the APPCPATH environment variable on the client to point to this JAR.

You are now ready to run the client. For more information, see the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide to Clients.

Deploying a J2EE CA Resource Adapter

You deploy a connector module in one of the ways described in "Tools for Deployment".

Deploying Static Content

Static content (HTML, images, etc.) can be hosted both on the web server and on the Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition. However, when a WAR is registered, the static content gets deployed on the application server. All of the samples shipped with Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition host the static content on the application server.

For example, to access a static file index.html on the application server, use:


Access to Shared Frameworks

When J2EE applications and modules use shared framework classes (such as components and libraries) the classes can be put in the path for the System Classloader or the Common Classloader rather than in an application or module. If you assemble a large, shared library into every module that uses it, the result is a huge file that takes too long to register with the server. In addition, several versions of the same class could exist in different classloaders, which is a waste of resources.

For more information about the system classloader, see "About Classloaders".

The Application Deployment Descriptor Files

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition applications include two deployment descriptor files:

For more information on application deployment descriptor files, see the Sun ONE Application Server Developer’s Guide.

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