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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Administrator's Guide


About This Guide
What’s In This Guide?
How This Guide Is Organized
Part I: Server Basics and Administering Global Settings
Part lV: Managing Multiple Server Instances
Part V: Appendixes
Product Line Overview
Platform Edition
Standard Edition
Enterprise Edition
Using the Documentation
Documentation Conventions
General Conventions
Conventions Referring to Directories
Product Support

Part 1 Server Basics and Administering Global Settings

Chapter 1   Getting Started with Sun ONE Application Server Administration
About Sun ONE Application Server
Configuring the Bundled Solaris Version
Creating an Administrative Domain
Starting the Administration Server
Creating an Application Server Instance
Deploying Applications
Using the Administration Interface
Accessing the Administration Interface
Using Tabs
Using Buttons
Accessing Online Help
Exiting the Administration Interface
Using the Command-line Interface
Accessing the Administration Server
Accessing Application Server Instances
Using Sun ONE Studio
About Configuration Files
Using the License Commands

Chapter 2   Setting Administration Server Preferences
About the Administration Server
Starting the Administration Server
Using the startserv Script
Using the Command-Line Interface
Shutting Down the Administration Server
Shutting Down Using the Administration Interface
Shutting Down Using the stopserv Script
Shutting Down Using the Command-Line Interface
Accessing the Administration Server Settings
Viewing Administration Server Control Settings
Applying Changes to the Administration Server
Editing HTTP Listener Settings for the Administration Server
Setting SNMP, Logging, and Security Preferences

Chapter 3   Configuring Administrative Domains
About Administrative Domains
Implementing Administrative Domains
Directory Structure
Process/Port Structure
Configuring Domains
Creating Domains
Example: creating a domain in the default location
Example: creating a domain somewhere other than the default location
Example: creating a domain for another user (UNIX only)
User Permissions on UNIX Platforms
Deleting Domains
Example: deleting a domain
Listing Domains
Example: listing the domains on a local machine
Example: listing the domains on the local machine using the remote option:
Starting Domains
Example: starting the only domain on a machine:
Stopping Domains
Example: Stopping all instances in a domain except for the admin server instance.
Recreating the Domain Registry

Part 2 Managing an Individual Server Instance

Chapter 4   Using Application Server Instances
About Application Server Instances
Starting and Stopping an Application Server Instance
Using the Start and Stop Buttons in the Administration Interface
Using the start-instance and stop-instance Commands
Using the startserv and stopserv Scripts
Starting the Application Server Instance in Debug Mode
Setting the Termination Timeout
Restarting an Application Server Instance Automatically (UNIX)
About Restarting Automatically
Restarting Automatically with /etc/inittab (UNIX)
Restarting Automatically with the System RC Scripts (UNIX)
Restarting an Application Server Instance Manually (UNIX)
Restarting the Server Instance Using the Restart Button (UNIX)
Restarting the Server Instance Using the restart-instance Command (UNIX)
Restarting the Server Instance Using the restartserv Script (UNIX)
About the Watchdog
Adding an Application Server Instance
Deleting an Application Server Instance
Applying Changes to an Application Server Instance
Viewing Application Server Instance Status
Configuring JVM Settings
Configuring General Settings
Configuring Path Settings
Configuring JVM Options
Configuring the JVM Profiler
Configuring JVM Settings Using the Command-Line Interface
Configuring Logging Setting and Monitoring Settings
Changing Application Server Instance Advanced Settings

Chapter 5   Using Logging
About Logging
Logging on the UNIX Platform
Default Logging in server.log
Example of server.log
Changing Default Log File Location
Logging Using syslog
Configuring syslog
To configure syslog:
Example of syslog messages
Using Log Levels
About Log Levels
Log Levels Used for syslog Configuration
About Virtual Servers and Logging
About Loggers
About Client Side Logging
Redirecting Application and Server Log Output
Log File Management
Internal-daemon Log Rotation
Scheduler Based Log Rotation
Rotation Using Solaris logadm Utility
Rotation Using Solaris “cron” Utility
About the crontab Entry Format
Using the Solaris cron Utility to Schedule Execution of logadm
Configuring Logging Through the Command-line Interface
Configuring Logging Through the Administration Interface
Configuring the Log Service
Configuring Logging for Application Server Components and Subsystems
To Specify a Log Level
To Specify a Log File: (Virtual Server)
To Specify a Transaction Log Location: (Java Transaction Service)
Configuring the Directives for Error Logging
Viewing the Access Log File
Viewing the Event Log File
Setting Log Preferences
Running the Log Analyzer

Chapter 6   Monitoring Sun ONE Application Server
About Monitoring Sun ONE Application Server
HTTP Server Monitoring
Application Components and Subsystems Monitoring
Monitoring for Container Subsystems
Monitoring for the ORB Service
Monitoring for the Transaction Service
Quality of Service (QOS)
Extracting Monitoring Data Using the CLI
The list --monitor Command
The get --monitor Command
CLI Name Mapping
Petstore Example
Monitorable Object Types
Monitorable Attribute Names
HTTP Server Monitorable Objects
Monitorable HTTP Server Elements
Monitorable HTTP Server Attributes
Administering the Transaction Service Using the CLI
Using HTTP Quality of Service
Quality of Service Example
Configuring Quality of Service (QOS)
Required Changes to the obj.conf File
Known Limitations to Quality of Service
About SNMP
Network Management Station (NMS)
Management Information Base (MIB) Objects
SNMP Messages
SNMP Trap Destinations
SNMP Agent Community
Setting Up SNMP
Using a Proxy SNMP Agent
Installing the Proxy SNMP Agent
Starting the Proxy SNMP Agent
Restarting the Native SNMP Daemon
Installing the SNMP Master Agent
Enabling and Starting the SNMP Master Agent
Starting the Master Agent on Another Port
Manually Configuring the SNMP Master Agent
Editing the Master Agent CONFIG File
Defining sysContact and sysLocation Variables
Configuring the SNMP Subagent
Starting the SNMP Master Agent
Manually Starting the SNMP Master Agent
Starting the SNMP Master Agent Using the Admin Server
Enabling the Subagent

Chapter 7   Configuring J2EE Containers
About the Web Container
Understanding the Web Container’s Role
Web Application Configuration
Virtual Server Attributes
Web-module Attributes
Web Application Deployment
Dynamic Re-deployment and Hot Deployment
Single Sign-on Facility
Logging the Web Container
About the EJB Container
Understanding the EJB Container’s Role
Types of Enterprise Java Beans
About Message-driven Beans
Configuring the EJB Container
Performing General Configuration
Configuring EJB Settings
Configuring MDB Pool Settings

Chapter 8   Using Transaction Services
What Is a Transaction?
Transactions in J2EE
Transactional Resource Managers
JMS Providers
J2EE Connectors
Local and Distributed Transactions
Container-Managed Transactions
Transaction Attributes
Attribute Summary
Setting Transaction Attributes
Rolling Back a Container-Managed Transaction
Synchronizing a Session Bean’s Instance Variables
Methods Not Allowed in Container-Managed Transactions
Bean-Managed Transactions
Transaction Service Administration
Administering Transactions Using the Administration Interface
Administering Transactions Using the Command-Line Interface
Listing In-Flight Transactions
Managing Transactions
Freezing the Transaction Service
Monitoring Transactions

Chapter 9   Configuring Naming and Resources
About J2EE Naming Services and Resources
JDBC Datasources
Java Mail Sessions
JMS Destinations
About Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
JNDI Architecture
J2EE Naming Services
Naming References and Binding Information
Naming References in J2EE Standard Deployment Descriptor
Application Environment Entries
EJB References
References to Resource Manager Connection Factories
Resource Environment References
UserTransaction References
Initial Naming Context
COSNaming Service
JNDI Connection Factories
To Create a Custom Resource
To Create an External JNDI Resource
Accessing External JNDI Repositories
Mapping Application Resource References
About URL Connection Factory Resources
Mapping Application Resource Environment References
Mapping EJB References
About Persistence Manager Resources
What is Persistence?
The Role of the Persistence Manager
Pre-Deployment Bean Configuration
Creating a New Persistence Manager
About JDBC Resources
About the JDBC API
What Does The JDBC API Do?
About Database Access Models
About JDBC Datasources
Properties Of a DataSource Object
Registering a JDBC Resource
About JDBC Connections
Configuring JDBC Connection Pools
About Connection Pooling
Monitoring JDBC Connection Pooling
About Connection Sharing
About JDBC Transactions
About Java Mail Resources
About the JavaMail Message-handling Process
About the Architectural Components of JavaMail
The Message Class
Message Storage and Retrieval
Message Composition and Transport
About JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)
About JavaMail Configuration Parameters
J2EE Deployment Descriptor for JavaMail Session References
Entries in Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition Deployment Descriptor
Creating a New JavaMail Session
Configuring Advanced Resource Properties

Chapter 10   Using the JMS Service
About JMS
Basic Messaging System Concepts
Message Service Architecture
Message Delivery Models
The JMS Specification
JMS Message Structure
JMS Programming Model
Administered Objects: Provider Independence
Message-driven Beans
The Built-in JMS Service
About Sun ONE Message Queue (MQ)
Components of an MQ Messaging System
MQ Message Server
MQ Client Runtime
MQ Administered Objects
MQ Administration Tools
Integration of MQ with Sun ONE Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition
Architecture of the Built-in JMS Service
Disabling the Built-in JMS Service
Administration of the Built-in JMS Service
Configuring the JMS Service
Managing Physical Destinations
Create a Queue or Topic Destination
List Physical Destinations
Delete a Physical Destination
Managing Administered Object Resources
Administered Object Attributes
Administered Object Resource Management Tasks
Administering the Built-in JMS Service Using the Command-Line Interface

Chapter 11   Configuring the Server For Corba/IIOP Clients
About Support for CORBA/IIOP Clients
About Interoperabillity
About the ORB
About the RMI/IIOP Functionality
About the Authentication Process
Configuring the ORB
To Perform General ORB Configuration
To Configure IIOP Listener For the ORB

Chapter 12   Deploying Applications
About J2EE Modules
About J2EE Applications
J2EE Standard Descriptors
Sun ONE Application Server Descriptors
Naming Standards
Deployment Directory Structure
Runtime Environments
Module Runtime Environment
Application Runtime Environment
About Classloaders
Deploying Modules and Applications
Deployment Names and Errors
The Deployment Life Cycle
Dynamic Deployment
Disabling a Deployed Application or Module
Dynamic Reloading
Tools for Deployment
The asadmin Utility
The Administration Interface
Sun ONE Studio
Deployment of Module or Application
Deploying a WAR Module
Deploying an EJB JAR Module
Deploying a Lifecycle Module
The asadmin Utility
The Administration Interface
Deploying an RMI/IIOP Client
Deploying a J2EE CA Resource Adapter
Deploying Static Content
Access to Shared Frameworks
The Application Deployment Descriptor Files

Part 3 Managing HTTP Server Features and Virtual Servers

Chapter 13   Configuring HTTP Features
About the HTTP Features
Configuring the File Cache
Tuning Your Server for Performance
Configuring HTTP Quality of Service
Adding and Using Thread Pools
Editing Advanced Settings
Configuring MIME Types

Chapter 14   Using Virtual Servers
Virtual Servers Overview
HTTP Listeners
Virtual Servers
Types of Virtual Servers
IP-Address-Based Virtual Servers
URL-Host-Based Virtual Servers
Default Virtual Server
The obj.conf File
Virtual Server Selection for Request Processing
Document Root
Using Sun ONE Application Server Features with Virtual Servers
Using SSL with Virtual Servers
Using Access Log Files and Server Log Files
Using Access Control with Virtual Servers
Using CGIs with Virtual Servers
Creating and Configuring HTTP Listeners
Creating an HTTP Listener
Editing HTTP Listener Settings
Deleting an HTTP Listener
Creating and Configuring Virtual Servers
Creating a Virtual Server
Required Settings
Optional General Settings
Web Application Settings
CGI Settings
HTTP Quality of Service Settings
Editing Virtual Server Settings
Editing General Settings Using the Administration Interface
Editing General Settings Using the Command-Line Interface
Editing CGI Settings
Editing Document Handling Settings, Document Directories Settings, and HTTP/HTML Settings
Deleting a Virtual Server
Deploying Virtual Servers
Example 1: Default Configuration
Example 2: Secure Server
Example 3: Intranet Hosting
Example 4: Mass Hosting

Chapter 15   Managing Virtual Server Content
Changing the Document Root
Setting Additional Document Directories
Enabling Remote File Manipulation
Using htaccess
Restricting Symbolic Links (UNIX)
Customizing User Public Information Directories (UNIX)
Configuring Public Information Directories
Restricting Content Publication
Loading the Entire Password File on Startup
Setting the Document Preferences
Entering an Index Filename
Selecting Directory Indexing
Specifying a Server Home Page
Specifying a Default MIME Type
Customizing Error Responses
Changing the International Character Set
Setting the Document Footer
Configuring URL Forwarding
Setting up Server-Parsed HTML
Setting Cache Control Directives
Using Stronger Ciphers

Part 4 Configuring Multiple Server Instances

Chapter 16   Configuring Load Balancing
About Load Balancing
Load Balancing Algorithm
About Sticky Round Robin Load Balancing Algorithm
Requirements for Load Balancing
Configuring Load Balancer Plug-in
Configuration Changes to Web Server
Modifications to Sun ONE Web Server Configuration
Modifications to Apache Web Server
Creating the Load Balancer Configuration File
Configuring Multiple Web Server Instances
Configuring Multiple Sun ONE Web Server Instances
Configuring Multiple Apache Web Server Instances
Configuring Response Timeout
Configuring HTTPS Routing
About HTTPS Routing
Configuring HTTPS Routing
Configuring the Health-Checker
Configuring Quiescence
Quiescing an Instance
Quiescing an Application
About Dynamic Reconfiguration
Monitoring the Load Balancer Plug-in
Configuring Log Messages
Configuring Monitoring
Understanding Monitoring Messages
Load Balancer Configuration File
The sun-loadbalancer_1_0.dtd File
Elements in the loadbalancer.xml File
Known Issues in Load Balancing Requests

Chapter 17   Managing Clusters
About Clusters
Important Facts About Clusters in Sun ONE Application Server
Understanding Assigned Requests and Unassigned Requests
Defining a Cluster
About Adding Application Server Instances to a Cluster
Difference Between Enabling and Starting an Application Server Instance
Requirements for Adding an Application Server Instance to a Cluster
Adding Application Server Instances to a Cluster
Setting up Multiple Clusters
Deploying a Web Application on a Cluster
Sample Cluster Configuration in a loadbalancer.xml File
Starting a Cluster
Understanding Quiescing
Disabling and Quiescing an Application Server Instance in a Cluster
Disabling and Quiescing a Web Application in a Cluster
Modifying the Quiescing Period While Quiescing is On
Using Multiple Clusters for Online Upgrades Without Loss of Service
Reconfiguring an Application Server Instance in a Running Cluster
Undeploying a Web Application from a Cluster
Redeploying an Existing Web Application on a Cluster
Stopping an Application Server Instance in a Cluster
Stopping a Cluster
Removing an Application Server Instance from a Cluster
Removing a Cluster
Using Multiple Load Balancers

Chapter 18   Configuring Session Persistence
About Session Persistence
Understanding Persistence Types
Configuring Session Persistence for Application Server Instances and Applications
Failover of J2EE Object References Stored in HTTP Sessions
Basic Session Persistence Configuration Steps
Creating a Session Store
About Creating a Session Store
Creating Session Stores for Multiple Clusters
Using the asadmin create-session-store Command to Create a Session Store
Configuring JDBC Parameters for the HADB Database
Enabling Availability for an Application Server Instance
Availability of Single Sign-on Session State
Session Availability for Applications Belonging to a Single Sign-On Group
Disabling Availability for an Application Server Instance
Configuring Session Persistence Options
About the configure-session-persistence Command
Using cladmin Command to Configure Session Persistence
Setting the Persistence Type
Setting the Persistence Type to ha
Setting the Persistence Type to memory
Setting the Persistence Type to file
Comparison of Persistence Type Options
Setting the Persistence Frequency
Setting the Persistence Frequency to web-method
Setting the Persistence Frequency to time-based
Comparison of Persistence Frequency Options
Setting the Persistence Scope
Setting the Persistence Scope to modified-session
Setting the Persistence Scope to session
Setting the Persistence Scope to modified-attribute
Comparison of Persistence Scope Options
Configuring Other Session Persistence Properties
Specifying JNDI Name of the JDBC Resource for HADB Database
Specifying a Cluster Name for Application Server Instance
Making an Application Distributable
Default Values for Session Persistence
Clearing the Session Store
Before You Clear the Session Store
Using the asadmin clear-session-store Command
After You Clear the Session Store

Chapter 19   Using the cladmin Command
About the cladmin Command
asadmin Commands Supported by the cladmin Command
Requirements and Limitations
Input Files for the cladmin Command
The clinstance.conf File
The clpassword.conf File
Running the cladmin Command
Log file for the cladmin Command
Using the cladmin Command While Running Multiple Clusters

Chapter 20   Administering the High-Availability Database
About the High-Availability Database
HADB Architecture
HADB Nodes
The hadbm Command
Configuring the HADB
Setting the Management Protocol
Creating a Database
Additional Steps for inetd
Setting Up the JDBC Connection Pool
Getting the JDBC URL
Creating a Connection Pool
Connection Pool Example
Creating a JDBC Resource
Managing the HADB
Starting a Node
Stopping a Node
Restarting a Node
Starting the HADB
Stopping the HADB
Restarting the HADB
Listing Databases
Clearing the HADB
Removing a Database
Expanding the HADB
Adding Storage Space to Existing Nodes
Adding Machines
Adding Nodes to the HADB
Refragmenting the HADB
Adding Nodes Without Refragmenting
Monitoring the HADB
Getting the Status of the HADB
Database Status
Node Status
Getting Device Information
Viewing and Modifying Configuration Attributes
Getting the Values of Configuration Attributes
Setting the Values of Configuration Attributes
Configuration Attributes
Clearing and Archiving History Files
Recovering from Session Data Corruption
Using Sun Customer Support for the HADB
Environment Variables

Part 5 Appendixes

Appendix A   Using the Command Line Interface
About the Command Line Interface
About the asadmin Utility
About Ant Tasks
About Other Command Line Utilities
Using asadmin
Understanding the Command Syntax
Boolean Options
Syntax Example
Using Singlemode and Multimode
Multiple Multimode
Using Interactive and Non-Interactive Options
Using the Environment Commands
Using the Password File Option
Running asadmin Locally or Remotely
Using Command Line Invocations
Using asadmin from the Command Line
Using asadmin with Input from a File (Script)
Using asadmin with Standard Input (Pipe)
Using Escape Characters
Escape Characters on UNIX in Singlemode
Escape Characters on All Platforms in Singlemode
Escape Characters on All Platforms in Multimode
Using get and set Commands
get and set Command Examples
Getting and Setting Multiple Values Examples
Monitoring Using get and set Commands
Using Help
Viewing Output and Errors
Viewing the Exit Status
Viewing Usage
Security Considerations
Concurrent Access Considerations
Command Reference
List of Commands
List of Dotted Names and Attributes
Dotted Names Used in asadmin
Service Names
Resource Names
Application Names
Other Names
orb or iiop-service
orblistener or iiop-listener
http-listener or http-server.http-listener
server configuration (name of server instance)
Long and Short Option Formats, Default Values, and Environment Variable Equivalents

Appendix B   Failover Scenarios
Assumptions and Requirements
Persistence Type Set to memory for Application Server Instances in Cluster
Persistence Type Set to memory for an Application Server Instance
Persistence Type Set to file for an Application Server Instance
Persistence Type Set to ha for Application Server Instances in a Cluster
Persistence Type Set to memory for a Web Application
Persistence Type Set to file for a Web Application
Persistence Type Set to ha for a Web Application

Appendix C   Compiling and Configuring Apache Web Server
Minimum Requirements
Installing SSL-aware Apache
Compiling and Building Open SSL
Configuring Apache with mod SSL
Compiling and Building Apache
Starting and Stopping Apache

Appendix D   Running Sun ONE Message Queue Broker with Trial Enterprise License
About MQ
Running MQ Broker with Trial License of Enterprise Edition of MQ
Purchasing the Enterprise Edition License of MQ

Appendix E   Third Party Copyright Notices


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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.