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Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Supplement for Sun Blade T6340 Server Modules

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Understanding ILOM for the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module

ILOM Overview

Chassis Monitoring Module Features

Updating the System Firmware

Resetting the Password to the Factory Default

Managing the Host

Resetting the Host

Managing Host Boot Mode

Viewing and Configuring Host Control Information

Managing Host Diagnostics and POST

Managing System User Interactions

Managing the Service Processor

Storing Customer Information

Changing Service Processor Settings to Factory Defaults

Display Console History (CLI)

Change Console Escape Characters (CLI)

Changing Configuration Policy Settings

Managing Power Usage and Monitoring Power Consumption

Managing Network Access

Managing SSH Server Settings

Monitoring Active System Faults

Managing Devices

Managing Virtual Keyswitch Settings

Using the Remote Console

Hardware Connection Options

Configuring the Host for Using Remote Console With OpenBoot

Configuring the Host for Using Remote Console With Solaris OS

IPMI Sensor Reference

Sensors on the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module

Indicators on the Sun Blade T6340 Server Module

ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell

Limits to Backward Compatibility

Adding a Commit Step to Procedures That Configure ILOM Network Configuration Properties

Commit a Change to a Network Configuration Property

Commit a Change to a Serial Port Configuration Property

Create an ALOM CMT Compatibility Shell

Switch Between the ALOM CMT Shell and the Host Console

Return to the ILOM From the ILOM CMT Shell

Comparing ILOM and ALOM CMT Commands

ALOM CMT Variables

ALOM CMT Variable Comparison

Event Messages Available Through the ALOM Compatibility Shell

Event Message Overview

Event Severity Levels

Service Processor Usage Event Messages

Environmental Monitoring Event Messages

Host Monitoring Event Messages

SCC Backup and Restore

Information Stored on the SCC


Commit a Change to a Network Configuration Property

  1. Change the value of the target network configuration property.

  2. Commit the change.

    For example, set a static IP address using the ALOM compatibility CLI:

    sc> setsc netsc_ipaddr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    sc> setsc netsc_commit true

    To set the same property using the ILOM CLI:

    -> set /SP/network pendingipaddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Set ’pendingipaddress’ to ’xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’
    -> set /SP/network commitpending=true
    Set ’commitpending’ to ’true’