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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index     Java CAPS Documentation
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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Related Topics

About the Enterprise Data Manager

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

About Master Index Applications (Repository)

Features of Master Index Applications (Repository)

Functions of the Enterprise Data Manager

Learning about EDM Object Profiles

EDM Object Profile Components

System Records

Single Best Record

Survivor Calculator

Object Profile Indicators on the EDM

System Record and SBR Components in a Master Index (Repository)

Identification Numbers for each Entity in the Master Index (Repository)


Local ID

Working with the Enterprise Data Manager

Logging in to the Enterprise Data Manager

To Log in to the EDM

Enterprise Data Manager Security Permissions

Enterprise Data Manager Navigation Tips

Navigating the EDM Functions

Navigating the EDM Search Pages

Navigating the EDM Detail Pages

Logging Out of the EDM

Learning About Object Queries on the EDM

About the EDM Search Function

The Lookup Page

The Search Page

The Comparison Lookup Page

The Search Result Page

Types of EDM Searches

EUID Lookup

Local ID Lookup

Advanced Search

Comparison Lookup

Searching by Ranges on the EDM

Required Fields on the EDM

Searching for Object Profiles on the EDM

Performing an EUID Lookup on the EDM

To Perform an EUID Lookup

Performing a Local ID Lookup on the EDM

To Perform a Local ID Lookup

Performing an Alphanumeric Search on the EDM

To Perform an Alphanumeric Search

Performing a Phonetic Search on the EDM

To Perform a Phonetic Search

Performing a Blocker Search on the EDM

To Perform a Blocker Search

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup on the EDM

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

Working with Search Results on the EDM

Viewing the Results of a Search

Sorting the Results of Your Search

Selecting a Profile from the Results List

Creating and Printing a Search Result Report

Learning About Object Profile Views on the EDM

Object Profile Details on the EDM

The Tree View

Information Fields

Object Profile Comparisons on the EDM

Object Profile Transaction Histories on the EDM

Object Profile Merge Histories on the EDM

The EDM Audit Log

Viewing Object Profile Information on the EDM

Viewing Object Profiles on the EDM

To View Object Information

Comparing Object Information on the EDM

Comparing two Object Profiles

Comparing Records in one Object Profile

Viewing a Profile's Transaction History on the EDM

To View a Transaction History

About Transaction History Search Fields on the EDM

About Transaction History Results Fields on the EDM

Transaction History Transaction Types on the EDM

Viewing a Profile's Merge History on the EDM

Viewing a Merge History Tree

Viewing an Object Profile From a Merge History Tree

Viewing the EDM Audit Log

To View the Audit Log

About Audit Log Search Fields on the EDM

About Audit Log Results Fields on the EDM

Audit Log Functions on the EDM

Adding an Object Profile on the EDM

Step 1: Obtain Information about the Object

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

To Specify a System and Local ID

Step 3: Specify Parent Object Information

To Specify Parent Object Information

Step 4: Specify Child Object Information

To Specify Child Object Information

Step 5: Save the Object Profile

To Save the Object Profile

Learning About EDM Maintenance Tasks

Matching Probability Weights

Merging Profiles on the EDM

Surviving and Non-surviving Profiles

System Record Merges

Undoing a Merge

Assumed Matches

Potential Duplicates

Handling Potential Duplicates on the EDM



Update Tips for the EDM

Concurrent Users

Updating the SBR versus System Records

Modifying Profile Information on the EDM

Modifying Parent Object Information

To Modify Parent Object Information

Adding a Child Object on the EDM

To Add a Child Object

Modifying a Child Object on the EDM

To Modify a Child Object

Deleting a Child Object on the EDM

To Delete a Child Object

Updating the Single Best Record Directly on the EDM

Locking an SBR Field

Unlocking an SBR Field

Adding a System Record to an Object Profile on the EDM

To Add a System Record to an Object Profile

Deactivating a Profile or System Record on the EDM

Deactivating an Object Profile

Deactivating a System Record

Reactivating a Profile or System Record on the EDM

Reactivating an Object Profile

Reactivating a System Record

Working with Potential Duplicate Profiles on the EDM

Finding Potential Duplicate Profiles on the EDM

To Find Potential Duplicates

About Matching Review Search Fields on the EDM

About Potential Duplicate Results Fields on the EDM

Merging Potential Duplicate Profiles on the EDM

To Combine Object Profiles

To Combine System Records

Resolving Potential Duplicate Profiles on the EDM

To Resolve two Potential Duplicate Profiles

Working with Assumed Matches on the EDM

Finding Assumed Matches on the EDM

To Find Assumed Matches

About Assumed Match Results Fields on the EDM

Reversing an Assumed Match on the EDM

To Reverse an Assumed Match

Combining Object Information on the EDM

Merging Object Profiles on the EDM

To Merge Object Profiles

Merging System Records on the EDM

To Merge System Records

Unmerging Object Information on the EDM

Unmerging Object Profiles on the EDM

To Unmerge two Merged Object Profiles

Unmerging System Records on the EDM

To Unmerge two Merged System Records

Learning About EDM Reports

EDM Production Reports

EDM Activity Reports

EDM Search Result Reports

Configuring EDM Reports

Masked Data and EDM Reports

Running EDM Reports

To Run Reports From the EDM

About Report Search Fields on the EDM

About the Enterprise Data Manager

The Enterprise Data Manager (EDM) is a web-based interface that allows you to access, monitor, and maintain the data stored by the master index applications you create using Oracle Java CAPS Master Index. The EDM provides the ability to search for, add, update, deactivate, merge, unmerge, and compare object profiles. You can also view and correct potential duplicate profiles, view transaction histories, view an audit log, and print reports.

The EDM is your primary tool to view and maintain the data stored in the master index database and cross-referenced by a master index application.