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Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for Batch User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for Batch User's Guide

About the Adapter for Batch

Batch Adapter OTDs

Additional Licensing Considerations

Installing the Batch Adapter

Batch Adapter System Requirements

Installing the Batch Adapter

Monitoring and Alerts

Using the Enterprise Manager

Installing Adapter Enterprise Manager plug-ins

Batch Adapter Alert Codes

Configuring the Batch Adapter

Creating and Configuring Batch Adapters

Selecting a Batch External Application

Modifying the Adapter Properties

Using the Properties Editor

Batch Adapter Properties

BatchFTP Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Pre Transfer (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

SOCKS (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

FTP (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

FTP Raw Commands (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

Sequence Numbering (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

Post Transfer (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

Target Location (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

SSH Tunneling (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

Additional SSH-supporting Software

Port-forwarding Configuration

General Settings (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

BatchFTP Adapter Environment Properties

SOCKS (BatchFTP Environment)

FTP (BatchFTP Environment)

General Settings (BatchFTP Environment)

SSH Tunneling (BatchFTP Environment)

Connection Pool Settings (BatchFTP Environment)

Connection Retry Settings (BatchFTP Environment)

BatchFTPOverSSL Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Pre Transfer (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

FTP and SSL Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

Post Transfer (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

Firewall Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

Synchronization (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

BatchFTPOverSSL Adapter Environment Properties

FTP and SSL Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Environment)

Firewall Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Environment)

General Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Environment)

Connection Pool Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Environment)

Connection Retry Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Environment)

BatchSCP Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

SCP Settings (BatchSCP Connectivity Map)

Firewall Settings (BatchSCP Connectivity Map)

Synchronization (BatchSCP Connectivity Map)

BatchSCP Adapter Environment Properties

SSH Settings (BatchSCP Environment)

Firewall Settings (BatchSCP Environment)

General Settings (BatchSCP Environment)

Connection Pool Settings (BatchSCP Environment)

Connection Retry Settings (BatchSCP Environment)

BatchSFTP Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

Pre Transfer (BatchSFTP Connectivity Map)

SFTP Settings (BatchSFTP Connectivity Map)

Post Transfer (BatchSFTP Connectivity Map)

Firewall Settings (BatchSFTP Connectivity Map)

Synchronization (BatchSFTP Connectivity Map)

BatchSFTP Adapter Environment Properties

SFTP Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

Firewall Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

General Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

Connection Pool Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

Connection Retry Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map Properties

Pre Transfer (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

Sequence Numbering (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

Post Transfer (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

General Settings (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

Target Location (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

BatchLocalFile Environment Properties

General Settings (BatchLocalFile Environment)

Connection Pool Settings (BatchLocalFile Environment)

BatchRecord Connectivity Map Properties

General Settings (BatchRecord Connectivity Map)

Record (BatchRecord Connectivity Map)

BatchRecord Environment Properties

Connection Pool Settings (BatchRecord Environment)

BatchInbound Connectivity Map Properties

Settings (BatchInbound Connectivity Map)

BatchInbound Environment Properties

MDB Settings (BatchInbound Environment)

Using FTP Heuristics

FTP Heuristics

Platform Selection

IBM IP Stack Required for MVS Sequential, MVS GDG, and MVS PD

Creating User Defined Heuristic Directory Listing Styles


Heuristics Configuration File Format

FTP Heuristics Configuration Parameters

Commands Supported by FTP Server

Header Lines To Skip

Header Indication Regex Expression

Trailer Lines To Skip

Trailer Indication Regex Expression

Directory Indication Regex Expression

File Link Real Data Available

File Link Indication Regex Expression

File Link Symbol Regex Expression

List Line Format

Valid File Line Minimum Position

File Name Is Last Entity

File Name Position

File Name Length

File Extension Position

File Extension Length

File Size Verifiable

File Size Position

File Size Length

Special Envelope For Absolute Path Name

Listing Directory Yields Absolute Path Names

Absolute Path Name Delimiter Set

Change Directory Before Listing

Directory Name Requires Terminator

FTP Configuration Requirements for AS400 UNIX (UFS)

Dynamic Configuration

Dynamic Configuration Sample

Dynamic Configurable Parameters for Secure FTP OTDs

Configuration Parameters that Accept Integer Values

Understanding Batch Adapter OTDs

Overview of the Batch OTDs

Types of Batch Adapter OTDs

OTD Functions


BatchFTP OTD Structure

Configuration Node

Client and Provider Nodes

BatchFTP OTD Node Functions

Using the BatchFTP OTD

Handling Type Conversions

Code Conversion and Generation

Type Conversion Troubleshooting

Essential BatchFTP OTD Methods

Sequence Numbering

Additional FTP File Transfer Commands


BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Structure

BatchFTPOverSSL OTD Node Functions

Configuration Node

BatchFTPOverSSL Client Node


BatchSFTP OTD Structure

BatchSFTP OTD Node Functions

Configuration Node

BatchSFTP Client Node


BatchSCP OTD Structure

BatchSCP OTD Node Functions

Configuration Node

BatchSCP Client Node

BatchLocalFile OTD

BatchLocalFile OTD Structure

Configuration Node

Client Node

BatchLocalFile OTD Node Functions

Using the BatchLocalFile OTD

BatchLocalFile Specific Features

Pre/Post File Transfer Commands

Pre Commands

Post Commands

Essential BatchLocalFile OTD Methods

Resume Reading Feature

General Operation

Step-by-step Operation

Operation Without Resume Reading Enabled

To Avoid Storing a Resume Reading State

Data Stream-Adapter Provider

Sequence Numbering

Generating Multiple Files with Sequence Numbering

Handling Type Conversions

Recommended Practice

Example 1: Parsing a Large File

Example 2: Slow, Complex Query

OTD Limitations

BatchRecord OTD

BatchRecord OTD Structure

OTD Structure and Operation

Record-processing OTD Node Functions

Using the Record-processing OTD

Using get() and put()

Choosing the Parse or Create Mode

Creating a Payload

Parsing a Payload

Fully Consuming a Payload

Using Record Processing with Data Streaming

BatchInbound OTD

BatchInbound OTD Structure

Using Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions: Overview

Entering Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions and the Adapter

Rules for Directory Regular Expressions

Restrictions for Using Regular Expressions as Directory Names

Regular Expression Directory Name Examples

Using Name Patterns

Types of Name Patterns

Resolving Names

Date/time Format Syntax

Additional Batch Adapter Features

What's in This Chapter

Streaming Data Between Components

Introduction to Data Streaming

Overcoming Large-file Limitations

Using Data Streaming

Data-streaming Operation

Data Streaming Versus Payload Data Transfer

Data Streaming Scenarios

Consuming-stream Adapters

Stream-adapter Interfaces

Inbound Transfers

Outbound Transfers



SOCKS: Overview

SOCKS Proxy Server

SOCKS and the Batch Adapter

Negotiation Methods

SOCKS Configuration Properties

SSH Tunneling Support

SSH Tunneling: Overview

Additional Software Requirements

SSH Tunneling and the Batch Adapter

Enabling SSH Tunneling

Using an Existing Channel

Using an Internal Channel

Port-forwarding Configuration

SSH Tunneling Configuration Parameters

Installing the Batch Adapter

This topic contains installation information for the Batch Adapter. It includes the following sections:

Batch Adapter System Requirements

System requirements, supported operating systems, and specific issues that affect the Batch Adapter can be found in the following documents:

Installing the Batch Adapter

The Oracle Java Adapter for Batch is installed by default with the Java Composite Application Platform Suite. For more information about installing this component or other components, see the following documents:

Monitoring and Alerts

The Enterprise Manageris a Web-based interface that allows you to monitor and manage your Oracle Java Composite Application Platform Suite applications.

Using the Enterprise Manager

The following links provide information on how to use the Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage Java CAPS

The Enterprise Manager requires an adapter specific “plug-in” for each of your installed adapters. These plug-ins enable the Enterprise Manager to target specific alert codes for each adapter type, as well as to start and stop the inbound adapters.

Installing Adapter Enterprise Manager plug-ins

The Adapter Enterprise Manager plug-ins are available Enterprise Manager's Web Application Manager.

To Install Enterprise Manager Plug-Ins

  1. From the Enterprise Manager’s Explorer toolbar, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Click the Web Applications Manager tab, click the Auto-Install from Repository tab, and connect to your Repository.
  3. Select the application plug-ins you require, and click Install.

    The application plug-ins are installed and deployed.

Batch Adapter Alert Codes

You can view and delete alerts using the Enterprise Manager. An alert is triggered when a specified condition occurs in a Project component. The purpose of the alert is to warn the administrator or user that a condition has occurred.

To View the Adapter Alert Codes

  1. Add the Adapter Enterprise Manager plug-in for this Adapter.
  2. From the Enterprise Manager’s Explorer toolbar, click the Configuration icon.
  3. Click the Web Applications Manager tab and go to the Manage Alert Codes tab.

    Your installed alert codes appear under the Results section. If your adapter alert codes are not displayed under Results, do the following

    1. From the Install New Alert Codes section, browse to and select the adapter alert properties file for the application plug-in that you added. The alert properties files are located in the alertcodes folder of your Java CAPS home directory.
    2. Click Deploy. The available alert codes for your application are displayed under Results. A listing of available this adapter’s alert codes is displayed in the following table.
      Alert Code
      Batch FTP Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Adapter error when acquiring connection from pool, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when looking up a connection from the connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Adapter connection initialization failed, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when initializing a connection. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Adapter connection failed, method=[{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when connecting to remote. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Batch FTP Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Adapter error when doing data transfer operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing a data operation, such as put/get, etc.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Check IS log for details.

      Batch Inbound Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Inbound Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      RUNNING Batch Inbound Adapter is running.
      Inbound adapter is running. Check IS log for details.
      Batch Inbound Adapter started.
      Inbound adapter started. Check IS log for details.
      STOPPED Batch Inbound Adapter is stopped.
      Batch Inbound Adapter is stopped. Check IS log for details, or restart the Batch Inbound Adapter.
      STOPPING Batch Inbound Adapter is being stopped.
      Batch Inbound Adapter is stopping. Check IS log for details, or restart the Batch Inbound Adapter.
      SUSPENDED Batch Inbound Adapter is suspended.
      Batch Inbound Adapter is suspended. Check IS log for details, or restart the Batch Inbound Adapter.
      SUSPENDING Batch Inbound Adapter is suspending.
      Batch Inbound Adapter is suspending. Check IS log for details, or restart the Batch Inbound Adapter.
      Batch Local File Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Local File Adapter error when acquiring connection from pool, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when looking up a connection from connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Local File Adapter connection initialization failed, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when initializing connection. Check IS log for details.

      Note: A connection object for local file is only an object pooled in the connection pool. It does not physically connect to any host.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Local File Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      A general error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Local File Adapter error when doing file operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing local file operations, such as put/get. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Batch Record Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Record Adapter error when acquiring connection from pool, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when looking up a connection from connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Record Adapter connection initialization failed, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when initializing connection. Check IS log for details.

      Note, a connection object for batch record is only an object pooled in the connection pool, it does not physically connect to any host.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Record Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      A general error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch Record Adapter error when doing record operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing a record operation, such as put/get, etc.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Check IS log for details.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter error when acquiring connection from connection pool, message=[{0}].
      Error when looking up a connection from connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter connection initialization error, message=[{0}].
      Error when initializing a connection. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter connection failed, method=[{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when connecting to remote. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      General error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch FTP Over SSL Adapter error when doing data transfer operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing a data operation, such as put/get, etc.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Check IS log for details.

      Batch SCP Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      Error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SCP Adapter error when acquiring connection from connection pool, message=[{0}].
      Error when looking up a connection from connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SCP Adapter connection initialization error, message=[{0}].
      Error when initializing a connection. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SCP Adapter connection failed, method=[{0}], message=[{1}].
      Error when connecting to remote. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Batch SCP Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      General error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SCP Adapter error when doing data transfer operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing a data operation, such as put/get, etc.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Check IS log for details.

      Batch SFTP Adapter configuration error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred related to configuration. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SFTP Adapter error when acquiring connection from connection pool, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when looking up a connection from connection pool. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SFTP Adapter connection initialization error, message=[{0}].
      An error occurred when initializing a connection. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SFTP Adapter connection failed, method=[{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when connecting to remote. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Batch SFTP Adapter error, message=[{0}].
      A general error occurred. Check IS log for details.

      Parameter 0– the error message.

      Batch SFTP Adapter error when doing data transfer operation in [{0}], message=[{1}].
      An error occurred when doing a data operation, such as put/get, etc.

      Parameter 0– the method in which the error occurred.

      Parameter 1– the error message.

      Check IS log for details.

      An alert code is a warning that an error has occurred. It is not a diagnostic. The user actions noted above are just some possible corrective measures you may take. Refer to the log files for more information. For information on managing and monitoring alert codes and logs, see the Alert Codes for Java CAPS Adapters.