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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OdiInterface.TargetDataStore

  extended by oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.TargetDataStore

All Implemented Interfaces:
oracle.odi.domain.procusage.IProcedureUser, IInterfaceSubComponent, IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>
Enclosing class:

public class OdiInterface.TargetDataStore
extends java.lang.Object
implements oracle.odi.domain.procusage.IProcedureUser, IInterfaceSubComponent, IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>

Represents the target datastore of the interface, which may be either a temporary datastore or an underlying existing OdiDataStore defined in an OdiModel.
It is located on an OdiLogicalSchema, which is either deduced from the underlying OdiDataStore or either shared with the Staging Area for a temporary datastore.
It contains TargetColumns which are either the mirror of existing OdiColumns from the underlying OdiDataStore, or either temporary target columns. Both are represented by the class TargetColumn.
It has an update key, which is either taken from one of the underlying datastore's OdiReferences, either set using a TemporaryTargetUpdateKey.
It references a CKM, which is used at runtime to check the data that is sent to the target.
It references an IKM, which is used to actually integrate the data from the sources into the target datastore.


Method Summary
 void addColumn(TargetColumn pTargetColumn, boolean pSetPosition, java.lang.Number pLastPosition)
          For internal use only Adds a new target column to this target datastore.
 void changeToTemporary()
          For internal use only Switches the datastore to a temporary datastore.
 void clearColumns()
          For internal use only On a temporary datastore only, deletes all target columns of the datastore.
 OdiCKM getCKM()
          Returns the Control Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
 java.util.List<IOptionValue> getCKMOptions()
          Returns the list of options of the Control Knowledge module.
 TargetColumn getColumn(java.lang.String pColumnName)
          Obtains the column matching the given name.
 java.util.List<TargetColumn> getColumns()
          Obtains the columns owned by this data store.
 OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema getDatabaseSchema()
          Returns the DatabaseSchema (user schema, temporary schema, or existing schema) on which this temporary target datastore is located.
 OdiInterface.CheckableFlowConstraint[] getFlowConstraints()
          Returns a list of checkable flow constraints for the target datastore.
 OdiContext getForcedTargetContext()
          Returns the forced target context on the target datastore.
 OdiIKM getIKM()
          Returns the Integration Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
 java.util.List<IOptionValue> getIKMOptions()
          Returns the list of options of the Integration knowledge module.
 java.lang.Number getInstanceId()
          The internal ID of this sub component.
Returning null from this method will indicate the object has never been persisted in the repository.
 java.util.List<TargetColumn> getInternalTargetColumns()
          This is intended for internal use only, DO NOT USE this method.
 java.lang.String getKeyName()
          Returns the name of the update key of the target datastore.
 java.util.Collection<TemporaryTargetUpdateKey> getKeys()
          This method in inherited from IDataStore, but is not relevant in this context, especially if the target datastore is a temporary datastore.
 OdiLogicalSchema getLogicalSchema()
          Returns the logical schema of the target datastore.
 java.lang.Integer getMaxIntegrationErrors()
          Returns the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Obtains the name of this data store.
 OdiInterface getOdiInterface()
          Returns the parent interface owning this target datastore.
 OdiPartition getPartition()
          Returns the selected partition of this target datastore.
 java.lang.String getSubComponentDescription()
          Returns the sub component's description in a human-readable way.
 java.lang.String getSubComponentDescription(java.util.Locale pLocale)
          Returns the sub component's description in a human-readable way for the given Locale.
 OdiDataStore getUnderlyingOdiDataStore()
          Returns the underlying real data store for the target of this interface.
 IKey getUnderlyingUpdateKey()
          Returns the underlying update key.
 boolean isInstanceLevelSecurityNeeded()
          Internal: this method is for internal purpose and must not be considered as part of the public API.
 boolean isMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage()
          Returns whether the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore is defined as a percentage.
 boolean isTemporaryDataStore()
          Returns whether the target datastore is temporary.
 void populatePersistedColumns()
          For internal use only Populates internal persistence objects from target columns.
 void removeColumn(TargetColumn pTargetColumn)
          For internal use only Removes an existing target column from this target datastore.
 void renameColumn(java.lang.String pOldName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          For internal use only Rename a target column.
 void resetLastPosition()
          For internal use only Resets the last position depending on the values of the positions for the columns in the table
 void setCKM(OdiCKM pOdiCKM)
          For internal use only Sets the Control Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
 void setDatabaseSchema(OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema pDatabaseSchema)
          For internal use only Set the DatabaseSchema which this temporary target datastore is located.
 void setForcedTargetContext(OdiContext pForcedTargetContext)
          For internal use only Set the forced target context for this target datastore.
 void setIKM(OdiIKM pOdiIKM)
          For internal use only Sets the Integration Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
 void setMaxIntegrationErrors(java.lang.Integer pMaxIntegrationErrors)
          For internal use only Sets the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore.
 void setMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage(boolean pMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage)
          For internal use only Sets the flag to indicate that maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore is defined as a percentage.
 void setName(java.lang.String pTableName)
          For internal use only Sets the name of the target datastore if it is a temporary datastore.
 void setPartition(OdiPartition pPartition)
          For internal use only Sets the partition of this target datastore.
 void setUnderlyingOdiDataStore(OdiDataStore pRealTarget, java.util.List<TargetColumn> pTargetColumns)
          For internal use only Sets the underlying datastore and resets the list of columns with pTargetColumns.
Resets the key name, sets the correct logical schema on the staging area if it's on the target.
To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
 void setUpdateKey(IKey<? extends IColumn> pKey)
          For internal use only Sets the update key of the target datastore.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public OdiDataStore getUnderlyingOdiDataStore()
Returns the underlying real data store for the target of this interface.
the OdiDataStore that will be used as the target if it is a real datastore, null otherwise
See Also:
setUnderlyingOdiDataStore(OdiDataStore, List)


public void changeToTemporary()
For internal use only Switches the datastore to a temporary datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.


public void setUnderlyingOdiDataStore(OdiDataStore pRealTarget,
                                      java.util.List<TargetColumn> pTargetColumns)
For internal use only Sets the underlying datastore and resets the list of columns with pTargetColumns.
Resets the key name, sets the correct logical schema on the staging area if it's on the target.
To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pRealTarget - the real OdiDataStore which is to replace the current one
pTargetColumns - along with their mappings, and the caller must make sure that the mappings are attached to the right source tables etc.
See Also:


public boolean isInstanceLevelSecurityNeeded()
Internal: this method is for internal purpose and must not be considered as part of the public API.

Defines a method to capture the info on which object needs instance level privilege.

true if instance level security needed, false otherwise


public void renameColumn(java.lang.String pOldName,
                         java.lang.String pNewName)
For internal use only Rename a target column. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pOldName - the column name we want to rename
pNewName - the new name for this column


public boolean isTemporaryDataStore()
Returns whether the target datastore is temporary.
true if the target datastore is a temporary datastore, false otherwise


public OdiContext getForcedTargetContext()
Returns the forced target context on the target datastore.
the forced target context on the target datastore if it is set, null otherwise.
See Also:


public void setForcedTargetContext(OdiContext pForcedTargetContext)
For internal use only Set the forced target context for this target datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pForcedTargetContext - the new forced target context
See Also:


public void setName(java.lang.String pTableName)
For internal use only Sets the name of the target datastore if it is a temporary datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pTableName - the new table name for the target datastore
See Also:


public OdiIKM getIKM()
Returns the Integration Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
The Integration Knowledge module for this target datastore.
See Also:
OdiIKM, setIKM(OdiIKM)


public void setIKM(OdiIKM pOdiIKM)
For internal use only Sets the Integration Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pOdiIKM - the new IKM to be set
See Also:
OdiIKM, getIKM()


public java.util.List<IOptionValue> getIKMOptions()
Returns the list of options of the Integration knowledge module.
The list of IKM options.
See Also:
OdiIKM, IOptionValue


public OdiCKM getCKM()
Returns the Control Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance.
The Control Knowledge module for this target datastore.
See Also:
OdiCKM, setCKM(OdiCKM)


public void setCKM(OdiCKM pOdiCKM)
For internal use only Sets the Control Knowledge module associated to this OdiInterface.TargetDataStore instance. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pOdiCKM - the new CKM to set
See Also:
OdiCKM, getCKM()


public java.util.List<IOptionValue> getCKMOptions()
Returns the list of options of the Control Knowledge module.
The list of CKM options.
See Also:
OdiCKM, IOptionValue


public java.lang.String getKeyName()
Returns the name of the update key of the target datastore.
the update key's name


public void setUpdateKey(IKey<? extends IColumn> pKey)
                  throws ColumnNotFoundException
For internal use only Sets the update key of the target datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pKey - a new update key
ColumnNotFoundException - if pKey refers to a column name for which no column was found in the target datastore


public TargetColumn getColumn(java.lang.String pColumnName)
                       throws ColumnNotFoundException
Obtains the column matching the given name.
Specified by:
getColumn in interface IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>
pColumnName - the name of the column to retrieve
the column for the given name
ColumnNotFoundException - if no column was found for the specified name
See Also:


public java.util.List<TargetColumn> getColumns()
Obtains the columns owned by this data store.
Specified by:
getColumns in interface IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>
a list of columns. The returned list is typically unmodifiable.
See Also:


public void addColumn(TargetColumn pTargetColumn,
                      boolean pSetPosition,
                      java.lang.Number pLastPosition)
For internal use only Adds a new target column to this target datastore. Only valid if target is a temporary datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pTargetColumn - The target column to be added.
pSetPosition - if true the position is set, otherwise it is not
pLastPosition - the desired position, null for auto position


public void removeColumn(TargetColumn pTargetColumn)
For internal use only Removes an existing target column from this target datastore. Only valid if target is a temporary datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pTargetColumn - the target column to be removed


public void populatePersistedColumns()
For internal use only Populates internal persistence objects from target columns.


public java.util.Collection<TemporaryTargetUpdateKey> getKeys()
This method in inherited from IDataStore, but is not relevant in this context, especially if the target datastore is a temporary datastore. Therefore this method always returns null and is not implemented.
Specified by:
getKeys in interface IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: IDataStore
Obtains the name of this data store.
Specified by:
getName in interface IDataStore<TargetColumn,TemporaryTargetUpdateKey>
data store's name
See Also:


public IKey getUnderlyingUpdateKey()
Returns the underlying update key.
The underlying key object for the update key of this target datastore, or null if no such key is defined.


public OdiLogicalSchema getLogicalSchema()
Returns the logical schema of the target datastore.
the logical schema on which the target datastore is located


public OdiInterface getOdiInterface()
Returns the parent interface owning this target datastore.
OdiInterface for which this is the target datastore.


public java.lang.Number getInstanceId()
Specified by:
getInstanceId in interface oracle.odi.domain.procusage.IProcedureUser


public void clearColumns()
For internal use only On a temporary datastore only, deletes all target columns of the datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.


public getInternalId()
Description copied from interface: IInterfaceSubComponent
The internal ID of this sub component.
Returning null from this method will indicate the object has never been persisted in the repository.
Specified by:
getInternalId in interface IInterfaceSubComponent
the persistence identity of this instance
See Also:


public OdiPartition getPartition()
Returns the selected partition of this target datastore.
the partition of the target datastore that was selected
See Also:


public void setPartition(OdiPartition pPartition)
For internal use only Sets the partition of this target datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pPartition - new Partition
See Also:


public OdiInterface.CheckableFlowConstraint[] getFlowConstraints()
Returns a list of checkable flow constraints for the target datastore.
the checkable flow constraints for the target datastore


public java.lang.Integer getMaxIntegrationErrors()
Returns the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore.
the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore.
See Also:


public boolean isMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage()
Returns whether the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore is defined as a percentage.
if true, getMaxIntegrationErrors() returns a percentage rather than an absolute value
See Also:
getMaxIntegrationErrors(), setMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage(boolean)


public void setMaxIntegrationErrors(java.lang.Integer pMaxIntegrationErrors)
For internal use only Sets the maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pMaxIntegrationErrors - new value for MaxIntegrationErrors
See Also:


public void setMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage(boolean pMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage)
For internal use only Sets the flag to indicate that maximum integration errors allowed for this target datastore is defined as a percentage. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pMaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage - new value for MaxIntegrationErrorsAsPercentage
See Also:


public OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema getDatabaseSchema()
Returns the DatabaseSchema (user schema, temporary schema, or existing schema) on which this temporary target datastore is located.
the DatabaseSchema on which the target is located
See Also:
OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema, setDatabaseSchema(oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema)


public void setDatabaseSchema(OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema pDatabaseSchema)
For internal use only Set the DatabaseSchema which this temporary target datastore is located. To modify an OdiInterface object or its children, please refer to the description of the class.
pDatabaseSchema - new value for Database Schema
See Also:


public java.lang.String getSubComponentDescription()
Description copied from interface: IInterfaceSubComponent
Returns the sub component's description in a human-readable way.
Specified by:
getSubComponentDescription in interface IInterfaceSubComponent
a human-readable String giving all necessary information to identify this component


public java.lang.String getSubComponentDescription(java.util.Locale pLocale)
Description copied from interface: IInterfaceSubComponent
Returns the sub component's description in a human-readable way for the given Locale.
Specified by:
getSubComponentDescription in interface IInterfaceSubComponent
pLocale - the Locale for which the description should be returned
a human-readable String giving all necessary information to identify this component in the given Locale


public java.util.List<TargetColumn> getInternalTargetColumns()
This is intended for internal use only, DO NOT USE this method.
the raw list of target columns with no initializations


public void resetLastPosition()
For internal use only Resets the last position depending on the values of the positions for the columns in the table

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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