Interface IFilterClause

public interface IFilterClause

Interface to add Filter Statements and Clauses to an existing IFilterClause. Filter Clauses are created from the ISearchFactory interface.

Method Summary
 void addClause(IFilterClause clause)
          Adds an IFilterClause subclause to this clause.
 void addStatement(Field field, Operator op, boolean value)
          Adds a boolean constraint to this clause.
 void addStatement(Field field, Operator op, java.util.Date value)
          Adds a Date constraint to this clause.
 void addStatement(Field field, Operator op, float value)
          Adds a float constraint to this clause.
 void addStatement(Field field, Operator op, int value)
          Adds an int constraint to this clause.
 void addStatement(Field field, Operator op, java.lang.String value)
          Adds a String constraint to this clause.

Method Detail


public void addStatement(Field field,
                         Operator op,
                         java.lang.String value)
Adds a String constraint to this clause. The field must be searchable.

field - the Field to search. The field must return String values, for example PlumtreeField.NAME. Adding a field of the wrong type may cause an exception on the search server.
op - the constraint operator, for example Operator.Equals or Operator.Contains
value - the String value to evaluate
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not searchable


public void addStatement(Field field,
                         Operator op,
                         int value)
Adds an int constraint to this clause. The field must be searchable.

field - the Field to search. The field must return int values, for example PortalField.OBJECT_ID. Adding a field of the wrong type may cause an exception on the search server.
op - the constraint operator, for example Operator.Equals or Operator.GreaterThan
value - the int value to evaluate
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not searchable


public void addStatement(Field field,
                         Operator op,
                         float value)
Adds a float constraint to this clause. The field must be searchable.

field - the Field to search. The field must return float values. Note that properties stored in the portal as doubles are returned as floats by the search server. Adding a field of the wrong type may cause an exception on the search server.
op - the constraint operator, for example Operator.Equals or Operator.GreaterThan
value - the float value to evaluate
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not searchable


public void addStatement(Field field,
                         Operator op,
                         java.util.Date value)
Adds a Date constraint to this clause. The field must be searchable.

field - the Field to search. The field must return Date values, for example PlumtreeField.LAST_MODIFIED. Adding a field of the wrong type may cause an exception on the search server.
op - the constraint operator, for example Operator.Equals or Operator.GreaterThan
value - the Date value to evaluate. Note that Dates in the search server are only accurate to within four minutes, so Operator.Equals is discouraged. Using GreaterThan/LessThan or a date range is the recommended usage. Dates in the search server should remain sequential as they are indexed, although roundoff may result in two dates that were sequential on input being the same in the search server.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not searchable


public void addStatement(Field field,
                         Operator op,
                         boolean value)
Adds a boolean constraint to this clause. The field must be searchable.

field - the Field to search. The field must return boolean values. Adding a field of the wrong type may cause an exception on the search server.
op - the constraint operator, for example Operator.Equals or Operator.GreaterThan
value - the boolean value to evaluate
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not searchable


public void addClause(IFilterClause clause)
Adds an IFilterClause subclause to this clause. The added clause will be AND'd or OR'd with the existing clause depending on whether the parent clause is an AND IFilterClause or an OR IFilterClause. IFilterClauses are created from ISearchFactory.

clause - the subclause to add. Multiple subclauses can be added.
See Also:

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