
Provides classes and interfaces for searching for portal objects.


Interface Summary
IFilterClause Interface to add Filter Statements and Clauses to an existing IFilterClause.
IPortalSearchRequest Interface to add restrictions to an ISearchRequest.
IPortalSearchResult Subinterface of ISearchResult that provides convenience methods to retrieve the values of default fields.
ISearchFactory Factory interface to generate IPortalSearchRequest and IFilterClause.
ISearchRequest Superinterface of IPortalSearchRequest and possibly other search requests, such as Collaboration.
ISearchResponse Interface for search results.
ISearchResult Interface to return information about individual search results.
ISearchResultSet Interface to return an enumeration of IPortalSearchResults.

Class Summary
Field Superclass of PlumtreeField and PortalField.
PlumtreeField PlumtreeField contains fields common to all AquaLogic User Interaction (formerly Plumtree) applications.
PortalField PortalField extends PlumtreeField to add fields defined by the portal, including OBJECT_ID, CLASS_ID, and FOLDER_PATH.
SearchWarning Represents warnings defined by the search server.

Exception Summary
SearchException Thrown when a remote invocation results in an error on the portal side, usually due to invalid parameters.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces for searching for portal objects.

Three key features of this API allow it to provide a generic interface to search operations within the portal. The first is provision of consistently named request and response objects that disguise the modal nature of search within the portal. The second is the use of a hierarchical naming convention to describe the various named properties, numeric property IDs, and bits of metadata maintained by the portal and its layered applications. The third leverages off the naming scheme to create a "document model" for describing search constraints as well as search results, independently of implementation details within the portal.

IDK 5.0

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