Advanced Search Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Advanced Search tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are available on any Adaptive Layout pages.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
advsearchbuttonThis tag outputs the advanced search button that executes the advanced search. This tag can only be usedfor an advanced search layout.
folderfilterThis tag creates the administration and knowledge directory filter for the advanced search. This tag can only be used for an advanced search layout.
languagefilterThis tag creates the language filter for the advanced search. This tag can only be used in the advancedsearch layout. This tag is not supported to work with a Pathways enabled advanced search.
resultcountThis tag creates the result count selector for the advanced search. This tag can only be used foran advanced search layout
resulttypesThis tag creates the result types filter for the advanced search, which limits the search to specificportal object types. This tag can only be used for an advanced search layout.
clearbuttonThis tag outputs the clear button on the advanced search page. This tag can only be used for an advancedsearch layout.
searchhelpThis tag creates the sample search help text for advanced search.
searchcriteriaGenerates the search criteria data, which includes the properties that a user has access to search against, the operators associated to each property, and property value text. This tag can only be used for anadvanced search layout.

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