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Tag Libraries
Advanced Search Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Advanced Search tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are available on any Adaptive Layout pages.
Base Page Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Base Page tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework. These tags are only available on the Base Page Adaptive Layout, which applies to standard banner pages (i.e., pages that extend PlumtreeDP, include a banner, etc.).
Common TagsThis library provides a common set of tags that provide key functionality across many different types of tag engine deployments.
Core TagsThis library provides a basic set of tags that provide some of the core tag functionality, like errors and debug mode.
Join Community Page Editor Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Join Community Page Editor tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework. These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection Adaptive Layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
KD Page Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Knowledge Directory page tags for the Adaptive Page Layout Framework. The tags in this library will only work with the Knowledge Directory Adaptive Layout.
Logic TagsThis library provides a basic set of logic tags.

Many of these tags have a scope argument. The valid values for the scope argument are "tag", "portlet request", "http request", "session", "persistent session", "application". NOTE: These values are not case-sensitive, but it is considered a best practice to use all lower case.

Various tags also set editable shared variables as part of their execution. If a variable with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten. If the pre-existing variable is not editable, then the tag will fail. Variable names cannot contain the reserved character '.'.

Pathways Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Pathways tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are available on any Adaptive Layout pages.
Navigation TagsThis library provides display tags for navigation use.

Display tags need data tags to provide them with content to display since they only contain the logic for formatting and generating HTML. The actual content is provided with data tags.

Every display tag has a mechanism to consume data tags. The most straight-forward way is via an attribute that takes an identifier (ID) that every Data Tag needs to declare.

Some of these tags have a scope argument. The valid values for the scope argument are "tag", "portlet request", "http request", "session", "persistent session", "application". These values are not case-sensitive, although it is considered a best practice to use all lower case.

The display tags in the Navigation tag library (plugnav) require PTURL DO data found in the Data Tag library (ptdata).

See the Data tag library (ptdata) for definitions of the different types of data.

Portlet Page Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Portlet Page tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are only available on the Portlet Page Adaptive Layout.
Portlet Page Editor Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Portlet Page Editor tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework. These tags are only available on the Portlet Selection Adaptive Layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
PTConditionals TagsThis tag library contains tags that displays content based if certain conditions are met much like the logic.if tag. But, unlike the generic logic.if tag the tags in this library are used to check common WCI conditions, such as checking for the current page being a Community page or being on a specific WCI Page. These tags only cover common conditional checks,but in these cases they are easier to use and result in cleaner and clearer tag code than the logic.if tag.
WCI Data TagsThis library provides data tags that retrieve WebCenter Interation (WCI) related data for use in creating links or finding out information about the current WCI page.

Data tags provide content for display tags, which format and display the content. The purpose of data tags is to retrieve various WCI data and set it in tag variables where the data is accessible for display tags. Display tags, such as the value tag in logic library or any of the tags in plugnav tag library, formats the data and generate HTML or javascript from it. For example, the plugnav:ptddmenutab tag generates HTML for a DHTML dropdown menu. It needs data from a data tag to populate the menu. Data tags are defined with a tag variable id. This id is passed to the plugnav:ptddmenutab through an attribute to tell the display tag where to find the data.

Data in tag variables is accessible from tag XML in portlets and layouts. The value of this is used to pass in Tag variable references as Tag attribute values, which allow portlet and layout developers to create portlets and layouts with dynamic data with XHTML in HTML files. It is no longer necessary to use IDK to retrieve WCI data.

<pt:ptdata.mandatorylinknamedata pt:key="title" />
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$title"/> // Outputs name of the current Page

The syntax for tag variable reference is the '$' character followed by the Tag variable name.

The mandatorylinknamedata tag sets a String value in the Tag variable. Most data tags set a data collections, bags of properties where each property is name/value pair. Properties in data collections are referenced in Tag attributes by appending '.' and the property name after the Tag variable name. The available properties on each data collection is described in the TagDocs for each data tag. The example below shows how to access the pageid property of the data collection that ptdata.currpagedata tag sets in the 'currpage' Tag variable.

<pt:ptdata.currpagedata pt:id="currpage" pt:noarray="true" />
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$currpage.pageid"/> // Outputs the value of the pageid property in data collection in 'currpage' Tag variable

Note that referencing Tag variables with the '$' notation only works inside Adaptive Tag attributes. Using a Tag variable reference within an HTML elements willnot work. Use the core.html tag to insert values in Tag variables to HTML elements.

<pt:ptdata.currpagedata pt:id="currpage" pt:noarray="true" />
<a href="$currpage.url">$currpage.title</a> // this does not work
<pt:core.html pt:tag="a" url="$currpage.url" /><pt:logic.value pt:value="#currpage.title"/></pt:core.html> // correct way

It is possible to aggregate data collections from multiple data tags into a single Tag variable. This is useful for creating a list of entries to use in for example a menu. By default, if a Tag variable contains one or more data collections (a list of collections), adding additional data collections to the Tag variable appends it to the existing collection list. The example below shows how data collections from three data tags are added to a single Tag variable. The result is one list of data collections containint data collections from all three data tags.

<pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata pt:id="menu1" />
<pt:ptdata.communityactionsdata pt:id="menu1" />
<pt:ptdata.administrationdata pt:id="menu1" />

Data collections in lists are accessed from Tag expression language by iterating over the list using the logic.foreach tag. Tags in the plugnav tag library also expect Tag variables with list of data collections.

<pt:logic.foreach pt:data="menu1" pt:var="curr" />
 <pt:logic.value pt:value="" />

Note that by default data tags will create a list in a Tag variable even if the data tag only returns a single data collection. To avoid having to use a logic.foreach tag to iterate over a single data collection, use the 'noarray' attribute. Passing 'true' as value will tell the data tag to set the data collection directly in the Tag attribute without the list. This only works for data tags that always sets a single data collection. This attribute does not do anything for data tags returning multiple data collections. See TagDocs for each tag to find out whether a tag returns a single or multiple data collections.

WebCenter Interation (WCI) UI TagsThis library provides WCI specific UI tags.
Search Page Tags for Adaptive LayoutThis library contains the Search Results Page tags for the Adaptive Page Layout Framework.The tags in this library will only work with the Search Results Adaptive Layout, and can only by used on the search results page.
Standard TagsThis library contains the standard PT Transformer Tags from the 5.0 portal. It contains two versions of each tag: one that uses the original camelCase naming convention, and one that uses all lower case names for tag names and attributes. Certain Standard Tags, while not included in this library, are still supported.
Transformer TagsThis library contains legacy PT Transformer Tags from the 5.0 portal that are not in the standard library. These tags are not used with the standard <pt:library.tag/> format. They are either used as URLs, or as 5.x style tags without the library (<pt:tag/>).

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