Common Tags

This library provides a common set of tags that provide key functionality across many different types of tag engine deployments.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
wcibaseurlOutputs the imageserver url for the current page. If the page is in secured mode the secure application base url is returned.
errorcodeThis tag stores a collection of the current error codes in memory. If the error has been displayed, no error codes will be available. These error codes can be accessed using the logic.foreach tag.
errorThis tag displays errors on the page so that they can be placed and formatted as desired. If the errortext tag is included inside this tag, the contents of this tag will only be processed if there is an error. If the child tag is not present, then the error messages will be formatted and displayed from this tag in the standard style. If this tag is displayed on a page, errors will no longer be displayed in the normal error location or available after this tag has been displayed.
errortextThis tag displays the current error text on the page so that it can be placed and formatted as desired. Only the first error message will be displayed. Other errors, as well as exception stack traces and extended error messages will be ignored. If this tag is displayed on a page, errors will no longer be displayed in the normal error location.

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:common.errortext/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

headincludesThis tag allows JavaScript and Style Sheet include information to be added to a specific point in the Head element of an HTML page, as required by the XHTML specification. If a .js or .css file is marked for inclusion multiple times, it will only be included once in the Head element. JavaScript generated by tags will also be included here. If no headincludes tag is present, it will be included at the bottom of the Head element, or a Head element will be inserted if there is none.
imageserverurlOutputs the imageserver url for the current page. If the page is in secured mode the secure imageserver url is returned.
includeinheadThis marks JavaScript and CSS information to be included in the Head element of the HTML page by the headincludes tag. If no headincludes tag is present, it will be included at the bottom of the Head element, or a Head element will be inserted if there is none. If a .js or .css file is marked for inclusion multiple times, possibly in multiple files, it will only be included once. This tag will be ignored during automatic in-place refresh requests. Custom in-place refresh solutions will need to ensure that their JavaScript gets included correctly.
jstransformThis tag is used to specify the desired location of the CSAPI constructors in the head of the main page. This tag cannot be used in non-main pages (i.e. portlets), and is optional.
userinfoThis tag retrieves the specified user info data and displays it.

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:common.userinfo/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

namespaceThis tag allows you to define your own token (in the pt:token attribute), which is replaced with the portlet ID. Note: Valid values for the token must be in the ASCII range 0x21 to 0x7E, excluding "<". The scope of the token runs from the tag defining it to the end of the file; you cannot use a token prior to defining it. A second pt:common.namespace tag with a different token redefines it; two tokens cannot be defined at the same time.
transformerThis tag turns off transformation on a gatewayed page. To disable transformation, set the pt:fixurl attribute to "off" as shown below. The transformer will not insert calls to the "FixURLForPlumtree" function for the rest of the file, unless you switch the feature back on in a subsequent directive with a pt:fixurl attribute of "on".
urlThis tag transforms URLs that should be gatewayed. If the URL in the pt:href attribute is outside the gateway, it will be transformed to an absolute URL.
Note: This feature does not draw a link in HTML; it obtains the URL as a string and passes it to a client-side function, as shown in the following example.

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