Pathways Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Pathways tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are available on any Adaptive Layout pages.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
configdataGenerates Pathways configuration data and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • isenabled - Whether Pathways is currently enabled or disabled.
  • apiwebserviceurl - The base URL to the Pathways REST API webservice used to make api calls. Returns empty string if Pathways is disabled.
  • nongatewayedapiwebserviceurl - The non-gatewayed base URL to the Pathways REST API webservice used to make api calls. Returns empty string if Pathways is disabled.
  • searchurlprefix - The search URL prefix for tag search click-throughs used for generated tag links.
Use tags from the Logic library to iterate over the list and display results.
tagclouddataGenerates a data collection needed to show a tag cloud, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. By default the tag cloud retrieved will use the Everyone View ("ev"). The view can be specified using the tagview attribute. The tagcount attribute specifies the maximum number of tags to return. By default it will return 20 tags.Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • name - The name of the result.
  • count - The number of times this tag has been applied on items.
  • normalizedcount - The weight of the result.
Use tags from the Logic library to iterate over the list and display results.
viewsdataGenerates the data collection needed to show a list of views defined in Pathways, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • name - The name of the view.
  • viewid - The id of the view.
  • lastmodified - The date and time of when the view was last modified.
Use tags from the Logic library to iterate over the list and display results.

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